One Chance (Hogan Brother's Book 1)

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One Chance (Hogan Brother's Book 1) Page 16

by KL Donn

  Sophia watched as mother and son interacted while avoiding the elephant in the room and behaved like everything was fine.

  “Let’s go, shall we?” Lorraine said to them both.

  “Did you leave a note?” Sophia had nearly forgotten.

  “Lennox called. He’s going to meet us.” Relief engulfed her at the news.

  Nox hated the prestigious driveway, the tall pillars. Fucking obnoxious door with its creepy gargoyle knocker. He hoped to hell he didn’t have to come here too often after he convinced Soph to marry him.

  The door had opened before he had his car in park, and Anthony was walking down to him. “Good morning, Mr. Hogan.” He sounded a hell of a lot less pained now than on the phone.

  “Mr. Bennett.” He nodded, walking around the front of the car.

  “Thank you for coming. Inside, shall we?”

  Nox followed behind the man, wary of whatever was going on and the news he’d wanted to share. As they stepped through Anthony’s office doors, two other men were there that he didn’t recognize.

  “Mr. Hogan, these are Detectives Vichy and Cassidy. They have been investigating Rebecca and my suspicions.”

  “Mr. Hogan.” They greeted him at the same time. He nodded and looked back to Anthony with a raised brow in question.

  “Some things have come to light, Mr. Hogan.”

  “It’s Nox, Anthony. I’m marrying your daughter, might as well use my name,” he told the man bluntly.

  His shock was quickly masked but not before Nox caught a quick glimpse of it. “Right, then, Nox. Evidence has confirmed that it’s been Rebecca doing all these things to Sophia.”

  Detective Cassidy took over. “There was DNA evidence belonging to Rebecca in the car that crashed into Miss Bennett, as well as the threatening notes. We can also put her cell phone in the same vicinity as the phone used to text Sophia. All evidence points to Rebecca working alone.”

  Satisfied they could put the crazy woman away, he only had one question. “Why?”

  Anthony looked saddened. “I always thought she was vindictive and mean to Sophia because I fell in love with the biological mother and that her jealousy was over any attention I gave to our daughter. I really did. What Sophia doesn’t know is that her real mother had another daughter. A daughter only two years older.” He pauses to look away and clear his throat. “Elianna has been trying to get in touch with Sophia and me for a few months now. Turns out Rebecca has been able to intercept nearly every contact.”

  That was a bombshell Nox hadn’t been expecting.

  “So you think this is because of her then?”

  “Directly, no,” Vichy began to explain. “We believe Rebecca sees her as a threat to her entire life. That she may think Elianna will topple her world.”

  “Then I don’t understand why Sophia is targeted?” He was getting frustrated again.

  Anthony’s sigh had him looking back at the man. “Because if I didn’t want Sophia, Elianna wouldn’t be a problem. Rebecca sees Sophia as the problem, her only problem. To Rebecca, eliminating her is reasonable.”

  His ears rang.


  They couldn’t possibly be saying…

  The looks on their faces spoke the truth.

  “You think she’s going to try and kill Sophia.” Nox didn’t voice it as a question. He knew the answer. “I have to go,” he rushed to say, turning for the door.

  “Lennox, wait!” Anthony called as he was halfway to the door. “Rebecca’s in custody.” His feet stopped. His forward momentum nearly had him face-planting on the floor.

  “You have her?” He looked to the detectives as they followed him.

  “We do.”

  “Will she make bail?”

  “Even if she does, I won’t pay it, and I’ll make damn sure no bail bondsman in the state does either,” Anthony snarled.

  “I thought she had money, too?”

  “All the money is mine.” A sick smile played on his face.

  “I’m going home to Soph. I assume you wanted me here so I could explain this to her?”

  “I think she’ll take it better coming from you than from me,” Anthony said. “I’d like to be there for her, though. Be the father I used to be for her.” Nox could tell he meant it. Nodding to the man, he walked out the door, dialing his mom’s house as he ran to his car.

  She picked up as soon as he’d buckled in. “Hey, sweetheart, how’d things go?” He’d explained in the note who he was meeting just not why.

  “Good, Ma. I’ve got good news for Soph. She up yet?”

  “She’s getting dressed now. Levi’s on his way over, and we’re going down to the Waffle Shack for breakfast.” Her voice was relieved.

  “I’ll meet you there.” He hung up before she could respond.

  The drive back seemed quicker than normal knowing they were finally getting a reprieve from all the drama that had been surrounding them. He could finally have Sophia the way he was meant to.



  She would be his, and nothing would stop them now.

  Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.

  They were just being seated at their table as a rumble washed through Sophia like the rain of a stormy night.


  Her body lit up when she saw his car roll into the parking lot through the huge windows of the restaurant. Needing a minute alone with him, she excused herself and went outside. She knew the exact moment he laid eyes on her. His gaze lit up with excitement and heat as they grazed her body like a whispered caress.

  A smirk played on his lips as he looked from her to his car and back. The blush working up her cheeks was from her mind playing back the scene when he first picked her up, and she mentioned she had a matching dress to his car.

  His steps as he walked towards her were full of purpose as he reached his destination. One hand wrapped tightly around her waist while bringing her flush to his masculine frame. They were quiet a moment as she absorbed his warmth and strength. Tightening his other arm around her back, he buried his head in her neck and hugged her tightly to him, lifting her off the ground. Her own arms wrapped around his neck to cradle his head to her from behind.

  “Soph.” He breathed against her, saying her name like a prayer.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It is now,” he murmured, kissing up her neck and jaw to finally capture her lips in a passionate exchange. She was so lost in him she forgot they were in a parking lot. That’s what he did to her when she was around him. Lennox made it so she got lost in him and him alone.

  His hands on her back kept her steady against his body with her feet floating off the ground. His erection pressed against her core, and all she wanted to do was go home. To feel his body sliding against hers as they made love.

  Pulling back, out of breath, he murmured so only she could hear as others walked by them. “I want to be buried in you, Sophia.”

  “Can we go?” she whispered back.

  Nox looked away from her for a moment to nod towards Levi who was staring out the window she had seen him from before walking her to the passenger side of his car. After buckling her in and striding around the front, they were on their way.

  She had assumed they were going back to his mother’s house. Not the case as she saw a few minutes later when they pulled into the driveway of his home. The garage door rose slow as molasses—or that’s how it felt, at least—while he drove forward to park them in the enclosed space.

  No words were said or needed as she watched him climb from the car, his body practically vibrating with restrained lust. For her. It was all for Sophia. He opened her door, offering a hand to help her out.

  Once she was standing and the door was shut again, she cuddled in his arms. Pelvis to pelvis, heart to heart, lips to lips. He carried her to the front of the car and placed her on the hood. Pushing her body down with his, he moved each foot to sit on the edge so her knees were upright, a
nd she was wide open for him. Not once did he break their kiss.

  Standing up straight, he gazed down at her, her arms splayed out to the side, hair a mess she was sure, and her need for all things Lennox reflected in her stare. His hands roamed freely up and down her chest while he watched her breathing pick up speed. His own nearly matching her. The intensity in his midnight orbs had her lungs stuttering to draw in air. He was a man possessed. The look so feral, powerful, as he gripped his shirt from behind, pulling it over his head and tossing it to the ground.

  His muscles rippled with uncontrolled movements. Almost like he would break free of his skin if he didn’t have her. She’d never seen him so…aggressive. And yet, as he drew the skirt of her dress up to her waist and removed her panties, his touch was gentle, loving, as his fingers drew lines on the insides of her thighs.

  Her eyes closed of their own volition so she could savor every touch, every movement of his strong hands against her cool flesh. The only sound in the room, their combined harsh breathing.

  Turning her head to the side as she heard the quiet snick of his zipper lowering, a salacious smile formed on her lips.

  When he ran a finger through her arousal, she gasped at the unexpected move. His chuckle made her cheeks warm.

  “Just like this, Soph.” He groaned as he placed the head of his cock to her willing pussy. No barriers. Just him and her. “Always like this.”

  She savored the sweet slide of his throbbing member slowly penetrating her channel. Feeling the ridges and veins of his flesh pulse against her inner walls had her back arching and a low moan breaking the quiet spell they were under.

  His pelvis was flush to her own when his hands squeezed the insides of her thighs just above where their bodies met and let out a deep growl of satisfaction. “The sweetest fucking burn, baby.” His grunts made her giggle, which in turn had her tightening around his length and him cursing, again. “Fuuuck.” The word was drawn out and full of desire.

  Lennox made her feel worshipped when she was in his arms.

  Jesus fuck. Sophia was going to kill him. Her shy looks, tight embrace, and heated eyes had Nox on the edge of control. The way she watched his every move as he slowly began pumping in and out of her sweet, silky depths. A place he never wanted to leave. He would happily stay planted inside of her for life.

  Lifting her dress further up her body, he rested it just under her succulent tits. He watched the way she would hold in her breath when he rubbed against her sweet spot. The way her stomach rippled with every exhale when he afforded her a quick second of relief.

  On one such inhale, a picture entered his mind clear as day. A small round bump for him to protect and cherish. A life for him to create. A child for them to love.

  In a flash, he saw it all: the pregnancy, the birth, Sophia glowing with motherhood and growing into the amazing woman he knew she was. His eyes shot to hers when the image was all he could see. His hands slid up her body to cradle her delicate stomach, thumbs smoothing down the skin to her tight little cunt which was currently trying it’s best to suck his seed from the very depths of his soul.

  “I can see him, sweetheart,” he whispered.

  “Who?” She gasps when he buries himself inside of her and doesn’t move.

  “Our son.” His voice steady, her green eyes wide with shock.

  “He’ll have your eyes.” He began pumping his hips again, slow and steady. “My strength.” Her hands cover his. “Everything we are will be inside of him.” Her eyes glazed over as hips moved faster and the seed was planted in her mind.

  He would never force her; the choice had to be hers. But fuck would he love it.

  “Oh, Lennox,” she cried as her walls tightened and pulsed around his slow-moving cock. Her body tensed with her orgasm. The slapping of flesh against flesh, the only sounds in the garage as they came apart.

  Nox’s own release was fast and furious as he followed Sophia over the edge into the abyss. His body tingled with awareness that this could be the time he impregnated her. Their bodies shuddered and vibrated together as they came down from their euphoric high.

  Wrapping her legs firmly around his waist, he brought her body flush to his and carried her inside on wobbly legs. Only making it as far as the couch, they crashed down in a heap of limp limbs.

  The words, “I saw him, too,” followed Nox into blissful slumber.

  Sophia laid on top of Nox as he slept, unable to get his words out of her mind. I saw him. Their son. A child made of love and harmony. How badly she wanted that. More than her next breath. But it couldn’t be, not until her mother was locked away for her crimes against her. She couldn’t live under a cloud of grey trying to bring a child into this world knowing someone was trying to hurt her.

  She wanted children. Heaven and Earth did she ever, but there were so many other things she wanted to do as well. Meeting Lennox opened so many doors for her. Working in his shop, even as entry-level as being the receptionist, she found she enjoyed the work. The idea of going to school wasn’t as out of reach as she always believed it to be.

  Lennox made her believe she could do anything.

  Something she had to ask herself was, was she ready to give it all up for children?

  The answer was complicated.

  The greatest gift out parents gave us, was each other.

  Stretching, Nox’s back cracked and popped from sleeping so awkwardly on the sofa all day. They’d left the Waffle House, made love on his car, and crashed on the couch. It was both the best and worst sleep he’d had in a few days.

  Untangling himself from Soph’s relaxed body, he quietly crawled off the couch intent on making something for them to eat before she woke up. He also had to tell her about Rebecca being locked up and Elianna trying to find her.

  He was more afraid of how she would take the news about having a sister she never knew about. It was a conversation he both dreaded and looked forward to. Foremost, she had to know she was safe.

  Pulling out what he needed for fajitas, he got to work defrosting the chicken and chopping the vegetables. By the time everything was cooking and nearly ready to plate, Soph walked into the kitchen looking perfectly ruffled and satisfied. Her hair was a tangled mess, her eyes looked bright with satisfaction, and she was back to her shy self. Hands twisted in front of her and a light pink blush covered the round apples of her cheeks.

  “Hey, baby.” He greeted her, reaching into the cupboard to grab a glass, filling it with the orange juice she liked. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Good,” she said, unobtrusively watching him move around the kitchen. “What are you making?” Her eyes closed as she smelled the aromas from the spices covering the chicken he was broiling.

  “Fajitas.” Tilting the pan with the vegetables to show her, a thought hit him, and he asked, “You don’t have more allergies, do you?”

  “Just the eggs.”

  “Good to know.” They’re silent again as he finished grating cheese and plating the warm tortillas. Putting one plate in front of her at the table, he went back for the chicken in the oven before sitting down across from her.

  A few minutes more of quietness while they got their meals ready and Sophia broke the silence. “Is everything okay, Lennox?”

  His head shot up at her question, not realizing he’d given away his thoughts. “We need to talk, Soph.” He placed his hands on the table, reaching for hers.

  “Okay.” The simple word was barely audible as fear shone dominantly through her gaze.

  Squeezing her hands in his, he smiled reassuringly. “We’re alright, baby.” She nodded, some of the fear in her eyes alleviating. “Anthony contacted the police about Rebecca.” He refused to call the cold-hearted woman her mother ever again. “They’ve collected enough evidence against her to have her arrested.” Sophia paled at his news. “She’s in jail, Soph, and Anthony has refused to help her out with bail, lawyers, anything.” Tears pooled in her eyes, leaving him confused. “Talk to me, baby.” He pleaded.
r />   She withdrew her hands from his, drawing into herself. Her eyes dimmed. He was taken aback when she pushed her chair back and stood from the table as if to leave. Her hands flexed at her sides, her legs twitched as though she wanted to run. He’d never seen her quite so…enraged. It took him a moment to see it, but plain as day, he saw the way she struggled to control the emotions swamping her, fury the prime contender in her eyes as he saw the fire building within.

  Walking around the table to her, he wrapped her in his arms, hoping to calm the explosion about to break within her. Cradling her head to his chest, he kissed her temple, asking, “Why the anger?”

  Her gaze cleared as she met his eyes. “I don’t…I don’t know,” she responded weakly.

  “She won’t get away with what she’s done.” He tried to comfort her.

  “I know.” Her whispered words were confused. “I want her to pay, but I don’t understand my father. Cutting her off? What if she is mentally ill? What if she needs help? The courts will toss her in some hole-in-the-wall psych facility and never think of her again.” There was that anger again. “I know she’s not the best person, but I wouldn’t wish someone to be lost in the system that way.”

  He understood her anger and confusion then. “Baby,” he pushed her away a little bit to be level with her intense pools of green, “you are too fucking caring.” Her brows drew together, and when she went to say something, he interrupted her again. “Anyone else wouldn’t care about her fate. They’d let her rot. You, however, give a damn. Much as I hate that, we’ll help how we can when it’s time, alright?”

  Sophia mulled over his words before smiling back at him. “Thank you for understanding, Lennox.” She leaned up to kiss his chin.

  His girl, a true altruist, living amongst a jaded damned world.

  He wouldn’t change her for a thing.


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