Erins Alien Abductors pdf

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by Becky Wilde


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Publishers Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination.

  Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental.

  Becky Wilde2010

  Erin's Alien Abductors

  Becky Wilde


  Erin Baker had worked some long and hard hours since her two work colleagues had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Her missing friends’ faces now graced the back of milk cartons; and fliers could be seen on telephone poles, in shop windows and were advertised on the television. No information had been forth coming as to what had happened to her friends Rhiannon Lyons and Honey Potts.

  She was totally exhausted, the deep dark smudges beneath her eyes evident of her long hard days. She was sick and tired of work, even though she loved working with animals, she needed a holiday. Time away to grieve for her missing friends and for her body to recuperate from lack of sleep and hard work was what she needed. She couldn't wait to get home to the apartment she shared with her sister; and collapse on the lounge. She had every intention of sharing a bottle of wine and then sleeping for the next twenty-four hours.

  She walked out the back door of the veterinarian clinic and made her way over to her car at the back of the parking lot.

  She gasped in awe as she saw four bright lights heading towards her at a rapid pace. She made it to her car and leaned her tired aching body against the metal body of her vehicle, as she watched the lights get closer and closer. She closed and opened her eyes a few times, just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating, as watched the dancing lights in disbelief.

  The lights were so close; she could feel warmth emanating from them as they hovered above her head, chest and arms. She moved her arms slowly until they were stretched out in front of her, her palms forming small cups as two of the lights hovered above her skin.

  She felt a tingling awareness from the lights and goose bumps raised up over her body as her pussy clenched with unrequited desire. She felt and saw the lights descend until they were touching her head, hands and chest. Warmth, joy and hope surged through her as her body tingled with electrical pulses and she gave a small cry of alarm and pleasure, as she climaxed out in the open, in a parking lot. Her legs felt like cooked spaghetti noodles and she was having trouble staying upright. She wanted to collapse onto the concrete as pleasure engulfed her body.

  Her eyes couldn't seem to focus properly so she blinked in rapid succession to try to clear the haze from them. It didn't work.

  She felt a strange tugging on her body as she saw the lights begin to ascend into the sky once more. She closed her eyes against the white haze glazing them and slipped into unconsciousness.

  Erin opened her eyes and stretched out her tired aching muscles. She felt as if she had slept for bare minutes but she knew it must have been longer. She couldn't remember arriving home or crawling into bed. She must have been more tired than she realized.

  Erin felt cool air whisper over her bare skin and gave a shriek as she realized she was completely naked. She couldn't remember removing her clothes at all. She usually slept in a big T-shirt. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times as she took in the gray metallic walls and ceiling. She pushed herself up to a sitting position and covered her mouth with shock and fear.

  “Oh, my gawd. Where am I?” she asked herself. The bed she was on was so high off the floor she could barely see it, slight exaggeration, but she always exaggerated things. “I've landed in the land of the giants.”

  Erin turned her head towards a slight swishing sound and stared as the wall moved away creating a doorway. She watched in shock as four of the most giant, handsome, blue, sexy males she had ever seen, walked into the room. Whoa back up Erin, did you just say blue? She asked herself. She felt her mouth drop open as they lined up in front of her, as they looked her over. Her eyes moved from one to another, until she got to the end of the line.

  “Oh Dorothy, I think you've fallen into Alice's rabbit hole,” Erin muttered under her breath.

  “Who the hell are you?” Erin asked in a squeaky voice.

  “We are your life's spirit mates, little Erin Baker; and we have come to take you home,” the tallest blue one stated.

  “Oh good, that means you can just drop me off where you found me and I can make my own way home,” Erin stated, as she thrust out her small pointed chin and nibbled on her full lower lip.

  “Not your home sweet red, our home,” said another blue man.

  “Hmm, well sorry to say, but that is not going to happen so take me the fuck home right now,” Erin snarled. “How do you know my name?”

  “We know a lot of things about you Erin Baker. You are our mate and it is our duty and honor to know about you. We will make you very happy, little one,” said another blue male.

  “What are your names?” Erin asked as she stared at them.

  “You start,” she pointed to the tallest male.

  “I am Jord Xob.”

  “Tiem Xob.”

  “Biel Xob.”

  “And I am Miga Xob. We are pleased to meet you little Erin Baker. We have waited nearly six of your Earth months, to come for you. We are honored to be in your presence. We have learned a lot about you from your Earth friends, Honey Potts and Rhiannon Lyons. We have everything in our dwelling ready for your presence and we cannot wait to join with you.” Miga stated with a smile.

  “Wait, you know Honey and Rhiannon? How is that possible? They have been missing for months,” Erin said with confusion. “Where did you say you were from?”

  “We are from the planet, Calt, and live in the small community of Calton. We will take every care to make you happy with us, little red,” Jord said as he moved towards her.

  “Oh, my, fucking, gawd. I've been abducted by aliens.” Chapter One

  Erin wrapped the blanket she was holding to her chest around her body and slid down off the high bed.

  She backed away from the four large, blue, male aliens until her back was up against the cool, metallic wall. The largest male, Jord, took a step towards her, but came to an abrupt halt when Erin held her hand up in front of her.

  “Don't take another step. I can't believe this shit.

  How come I can understand you and you can understand me?” Erin asked.

  “We placed a universal translator in your ear, little red.

  We have them placed in our ears from the moment we are born.

  That way we can understand any language spoken throughout the universe,” Jord explained.

  “You did what? You placed something in my ear? Did you do anything else to me while I was helpless? You didn't use any probes on me did you?”

  “No, little Erin. You are our mate. We would never do anything to hurt you little one,” Biel stated earnestly.

  “Well how the hell was I supposed to know that? I don't even know you.”

  “Ah, yes you don't and even though we have learned a little about you from your Earth friends, we would like to get to know you a lot more,” Miga stated with a lascivious grin.

  “Oh no you don't. Hold it right there buster. None of you are coming anywhere near me. I don't even know what species you are let alone if our bodies are compatible. How the hell you think I am supposed to be the mate to the four of you I will never understand. That's not even possible,” Erin stated with fury.

  “Would you like to clean up in the cleansing unit, little female? I can give you some clean coverings to put on, Rhiannon sent us with some clothes for you. Then I will get you some refreshments and food to fuel your delectable little body,” Tiem smirked at Erin as she frowned over his last statement.

  Erin answered Tiem, “Yes I would like a shower and some clean clothes and I am so hungry I could eat a horse.”

  “You eat things you ride, little red?” Jord asked with confusion.

  “No. Eew yuck. It was an expression of speech. It means I am very hungry. Why am I even explaining this to you? I don't even like you,” Erin stated, as she crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

  “If you will follow me, little Erin, I will show you how to use the cleansing unit.” Tiem stated and gave her a slight bow.

  “You four leave first,” Erin stated as they exit the room ahead of her, she followed after them. “I'm feeling a little crowded at the moment. By the way I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me little. I know I am small compared to you lot, but where I come from I am normal. So according to me, I'm not so little, you're just bloody giants.”

  “Yes little Red, compared to you we are very large,” Jord goaded. He, Miga and Biel turned right along the corridor. Tiem waited until she watched his brothers disappear down the hallway to the control room.

  “Follow me Erin and I will take you to the cleansing unit,” Tiem stated as led the way down the left of the hallway. He came to a yellow switch on the wall and pressed the button.

  Erin watched in awe as a doorway opened up into the wall with a quiet swishing sound, she followed Tiem into a large bedroom which had a bed, the size of a swimming pool in it.

  Slight exaggeration, but still the bed was huge. Tiem pressed another yellow switch across the other side of the room and revealed another doorway. Erin hurried after him, not wanting to be left behind and get lost. She came to an abrupt halt in the doorway to a bathroom.

  “Come, Erin, I will show you how to use the cleansing unit, then I will leave you to get clean and dressed,” Tiem stated.

  Once he finished showing Erin what to do, he left the room and closed the door behind him. Erin slumped back against the cool metal door. She couldn't believe she was being abducted by aliens and from what they had said; Rhiannon and Honey had been abducted as well. She was going to go along with them and not cause any ripples, for now. When she met up with Rhiannon and Honey, they would all work together to get back home to Earth.

  Erin got into the cleansing unit and watched with awe as a light ran over her body. When it was finished she felt fresh and clean once more. She made her way back into the bedroom and pulled on the rainbow colored skirt and top. She moved her leg and watched the colors shimmer and change on the skirt. It actually felt really nice against her skin, cool, silky and smooth.

  She opened the door to the bedroom by pushing the yellow switch and walked back down the corridor she had seen the other three blue aliens go, before Tiem showed her the cleansing room. As she got closer, she could hear them talking, she pushed the yellow switch and entered the room where the men were. She nearly had a heart attack. Stars flew passed at an amazing speed, making them look like long streaks of light. She swayed on her feet as the view kept moving too fast for her to focus. She felt herself falling and closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable.

  Jord saw his mate's face turn pale as the stars flew passed the window of the control room. He watched her sway her feet; he moved quickly and caught Erin in his arms before she could land on the floor.

  “Keep your eyes closed, little red. I will carry you into the galley, there are no windows there to upset your balance,” Jord stated as he lifted Erin up against his chest. She felt so right in his arms. He felt the awakening warmth of his life's spirit calling to his mates.

  Erin felt warmth permeate her body when Jord picked her up, it traveled throughout her and pooled low in her belly. She felt her pussy clench and release and then she was convulsing in his arms. Oh my gawd. She had just had an orgasm. What was up with these aliens? How the hell had he done that? Erin began to push against Jord's chest demanding to be release. “Put me down, right now. What the hell did you do to me?” Jord grinned as he placed Erin on the sofa in the galley.

  He watched her mouth open in a surprised 'O' and her eyes open wide, as the sofa conformed to the contours of her body.

  “You felt my life's spirit calling to yours little Erin. My life's spirit made you climax when I touched you. The mating fever will be upon you in full force if we do not with our bodies very soon,” Jord stated.

  “What?” Erin squeaked. “What the hell is a life's spirit?

  And I just know I'm gonna love the explanation about this mating fever. Not.”

  “A life's spirit is my soul calling to yours. We are made for each other, red. When you join with my brother's and myself the pleasure you feel, will be a hundred times more than the climax you just had. The mating fever is like an aphrodisiac, which helps the males and their mate want to join their bodies and minds. If we do not join with you very soon, you will feel an excruciating, burning throughout your entire body, as will I and my brother's,” Jord advised.

  “Yep, I see how you would want me to believe that shit.

  No way buster. You and your brother's stay the hell away from me. There is no way I'm having sex with four, blue aliens.”

  “If you do not, little red, you will be in great pain. Do you think I really wish to see you, my mate hurting?” Jord asked with a glare.

  Erin was about to tell Jord to pull the other one, but didn't get to voice her retort as the door to the galley swished open. She watched as Tiem, Miga and Biel entered the galley. Miga walked up close to her and looked down at Erin, “Would you like some refreshment and food, little Erin?”

  “Yes I would, thanks. Would all of you please stop calling me little? I can't help it I'm not as gigantic as you four. It's degrading, I don't like it.”

  “Sorry, Erin we do not say this as an insult. I will get you some Mur and food,” Miga stated as he moved across the room.

  “What, the hell is Mur?”

  “Hm, Honey says Mur is an alco-holic drink. She likes it very much,” Biel stated.

  Erin gave a loud guffaw of laughter. That was Honey, alright. She'd just bet her and Rhiannon were turning the aliens of their planet insane with their antics.

  “So, where is Honey and Rhiannon? Do you keep them locked up in jail?”

  “No, of course not. Honey is mated to Sven, Igor and Cail, she lives with her mates in their abode. Rhiannon is mated to High Chancellor's Adarm, Gram and Thed. She lives with them in the temple,” Tiem advised, looking at her as if she had asked an insulting question.

  “Okay, then. Hey, if you are all in here with me, who is driving this bucket of bolts?” Erin asked, worry evident in her voice.

  “Firstly, my spaceship is not a bucket of bolts. Second, I turned on the automatic pilot after I set the coordinates,” Biel stated, as he glared at Erin. He loved his spaceship; there was no way he was letting anyone get away with insulting his pride and joy. Even his mate.

  “Sorry,” Erin stated and lowered her eyes away from Biel.

  He seemed to be a tad sensitive about an inanimate object. She guessed males were the same the universe over, when it came to their vehicles. Some of the men she knew on Earth treated their cars better than their wives and girlfriends. She just didn't get it. It must be a male thing.

  “Come and have your Mur and food, Erin,” Miga stated, as he set five colored plates and cups on a floating table.

  Biel stepped forward and offered his hand to help Erin from the sofa. She placed her hand in his and felt the familiar warmth travel throughout her body. At least she didn't climax this time. She pulled her hand away quickly, and then made her way over to the floating table and chairs. She eyed the bright red chair, then turned and sat. She gave a squeal as the chair rose up, until she was able to reach the ta
ble. What the hell? Floating chairs, tables and sofas, she was definitely in la la land.

  Erin picked up the purple cup in front of her and sniffed the contents. The smell made her mouth water. She took a tentative sip and moaned as the flavor of the Mur burst over her taste buds. She was drinking ambrosia. She put the cup back to her lips and drank it down all at once with pleasure, her eyes closed as she savored the taste.

  She opened her eyes to see the four blue aliens staring at her. They seemed to be panting for breath as they watched her.

  “What are you staring at?”

  They quickly lowered their eyes and began to eat their food. Erin picked up a fork with two prongs. She studied it through blurry eyes and then skewered a piece of the colorful food. Again flavor exploded on her taste buds, she closed her eyes with a sigh and savored the taste. She was in heaven. She had never tasted anything so delectable. She opened her eyes once more when she heard the sound of four male growls. They were staring at her with fire in their eyes. Erin quickly lowered her eyes and concentrated on eating. She made sure to keep her sounds of appreciation to herself. She felt warmth permeate her body and tried to move surreptitiously, not wanting the males to know she was feeling the effects of their heated stare.


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