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Erins Alien Abductors pdf Page 3

by Becky Wilde

  We have had upgrades done to our ship which allows us to travel twice as fast as before. We will take things slowly with you little Erin, we would never hurt you. If you don't want to join with all of us at the same time then we will not. If you want to join with only one of us at a time, then so be it. If you want two or more then that is alright as well. We will be guided by you Erin. We will never force you to join with us if you do not want to,” Biel stated.

  “You didn't give me a choice the first time!”

  “We would have if it was possible Red. You were in the beginnings of the mating fever and we could not allow you to feel any more pain than you already were. It is also necessary for all of us to bond with you together the first time, so we can join our life's spirits with yours. This circumvents the effects of the mating fever,” Jord stated.

  “Are you hungry little Erin?” Biel asked.


  “I will get you some sustenance. Would you like more of your coffee?” Biel asked.

  “Yes please.”

  “I do not know how you can drink that shit. Your Honey Potts and Rhiannon Lyons are very partial to our Mur. They always end up in trouble from their mate's, when they have had an afternoon of drinking Mur,” Jord stated with a grin.

  “Yeah, I can well imagine. I have missed those two so much,” Erin stated as tears filled her eyes.

  “Ah, do not fret little one. You will be with your friends very soon,” Biel stated as he placed a plate of colorful food in front of Erin.

  “Where are Tiem and Miga?” Erin asked.

  “They are in the control room keeping an eye on our ship and course. After you have finished eating; would you like to watch the information on our planet, Erin?” Jord asked.

  “Yeah, thanks. The more information I have the better,” Erin muttered to herself.

  Erin was reserving her opinion on whether to believe Honey and Rhiannon were actually happy, living on the planet Calt with more than one partner. Even though her mate's had sounded sincere, she wasn't going to let her guard down totally, until she saw them for herself.

  Biel and Jord led her to the rec room. Biel set up the vid screen and put the documentary of Calt on for Erin to watch. The flora and fauna fascinated her. The colors were out of this world, literally, unlike anything she had ever seen before. She was fascinated over the Quark, which was a feline like creature between the size of a lion and a domestic cat. She watched until her eyes began to get sore, gave a sigh and blinked to moisten her dry eyeballs. That was the last she knew for a while.

  Jord and Biel moved away from their mate as she slept, over to the other sofa so they could talk quietly without waking their mate.

  “She is still holding part of herself back from us Biel. I don't know what else we can do to make her feel comfortable to let go with us,” Jord stated with a sigh.

  “Ah, this seems to be a human female trait. Remember Sven told us the struggle they had with their little Honey; and the High Chancellor's had an even harder time with their little Rhiannon. We need to give her time to get used to us, Jord. Don't push her too hard, too fast, or we will end up alienating our little Erin,” Biel stated wisely.

  “Yes, I agree. But we don't want to give her too much leniency to pull away from us and have her life's spirit cut off from us the way Honey did with her mates. I think we will need to be firm but gentle with our little mate. I think we should take turns being with our mate in pairs, so we do not overwhelm her the way we did with the first joining. This way, she will not become too frightened, and we will still be able to join with her body and life's spirit,” Jord stated.

  “Yes, I think this could work. I will go and speak to Tiem and Miga and let them know what we have decided,” Biel stated from over his shoulder as he made his way to the door. He left the room moments later.

  Jord sat watching his beautiful mate sleeping. She looked so peaceful and innocent. One of her hands was tucked beneath her cheek and her legs were curled up, pulled up close to her body.

  She looked so small and fragile to him and his brothers. She was anything but fragile. She had taken him and his three brothers in the first joining with no problems at all. Thank goodness Earth females were able to take their kind without any pain, thanks to their natural lubricants. They were so different to the few females on Calt. Thanks to the females on Earth, their planet now had a chance of survival and not dying out.

  The scientists were still working on the problem of lack of females being born to their kind, but as yet had not come up with a solution. Now hopefully with a new species to breed with, they would be able to procreate and populate the planet with more females. More and more males on Calt were going into mating fever as their hope of ever finding a female mate waned. They needed to keep the few females they had under a close watch so they would not be harmed by the rogue males suffering the mating fever. Two males had already tried to kidnap Honey and Rhiannon. Jord knew he and his brothers were going to have to be very vigilant over their little Erin to keep her safe.

  Erin woke with a start and felt the warmth emanating from the two male bodies on either side of her. She opened her eyes and looked to see Tiem and Miga sitting on the sofa next to her watching her.

  “What?” Erin asked with a scowl as she sat up, pushing her hair back from her face.

  “We did not mean to startle you little Erin, we just wanted to be here when you woke up, so you wouldn't be alone,” Tiem stated with a gentle smile.

  “What the hell for?” Erin asked with peevishness.

  “We did not want you to be lonely, Erin,” Miga stated in a firm voice, as he looked at his mate.

  “Hm, who cares. I've been alone most of my life, why would now make a difference,” Erin stated, as she stood and gave a stretch, easing her cramped muscles. She made her way to the door and left without a backwards glance.

  Tiem and Miga looked to each other, turned their heads and looked towards the door their mate had just left by.

  “Do you think she did that on purpose?” Tiem asked his brother.

  “What, leave without speaking to us?” Miga asked with a scowl on his face.


  “Of course she did. I think we need to teach our mate a little lesson. What do you say Tiem?” Miga asked with fire in his eyes.

  “Yeah, but you heard what Biel said. He and Jord don't want us pushing her too hard, too fast,” Tiem stated.

  “Yes he did, but we are not to let her withdraw from us too much either. She is already holding part of herself back from us. If we let her get away with too much she will end up treating us like Rhiannon did our High Chancellor's, totally ignoring us.

  And that is just not acceptable,” Miga stated as he rose to his feet.

  He made his way to the door of the rec room, with Tiem close on his heels.

  Chapter Four

  Erin was just walking out of the cleansing unit room after using the facilities, and came to an abrupt halt when she spotted Miga and Tiem, standing in the room waiting for her. Miga had his hugely muscular arms crossed over his chest, and scowl on his face was enough to rival a lion. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “I do not like being ignored, little Erin,” Miga stated, as he moved his arms to hang down at his sides and stalked over to her.

  “What? What the hell are you talking about?” Erin asked, raising her voice in deference to Miga's attitude.

  “We were talking to you and you left us without so much as a backwards glance,” Miga stated angrily.

  “Well, excuse me, your Highness, but when you've gotta go..,” Erin stated vehemently, as she swept her hand towards the facilities. Erin was so mad at Miga's high handedness, she could feel her cheeks beginning to glow red. She was usually such a placid shy person, but something about these four hunky aliens brought out the bitch in her, especially Miga. “Look Miga, I'm sorry for snapping at you, but you need to give me some time to get my head around all this. I don't even know you or your brothers
very well.”

  “I'm sorry too, Erin. I don't know what's wrong with me.

  You seem to bring out the dominant in me. You're such a tiny little thing. You make me feel so masculine. All I want to do when you are near is pick you up and fuck,” Miga stated with a sigh. He gave her one last longing look and left the room.

  “You seem to have the same effect on Jord, Biel and myself, little one. We're sorry; we will try and give you some more time to get to know us now we know the mating fever has been circumvented. If you have any questions about anything, please come and ask one of us,” Tiem stated. He moved towards her, placed a chaste kiss on Erin's lips and left without a backwards glance.

  Erin made her way towards the galley, not sure what she was going to do about being joined with four aliens. She hadn't even known aliens existed until recently; and was not sure how she felt knowing they were all now her mates. She couldn't wait to see Honey and Rhiannon again. Maybe they would be able to help her get her head around the surreal situation she found herself in. Giving another sigh she walked over to the food simulator and pushed buttons randomly. When it gave a beep she opened the door and grabbed the plate of food from the machine.

  She sat down on one of the floating seats and gave a giggle as the chair rose to the perfect height for her to be able to eat comfortably. She didn't think she would ever get comfortable around such strange furnishings.

  She had just finished eating when the door to the galley slid open with a quiet swish. She looked up and saw Jord and Biel enter the galley.

  “Are you alright Red?” Jord asked as he made his way over to the table, Biel on his heels.

  “Yeah I'm fine.”

  “Miga told us he was too forceful with you. He is feeling distraught that he may have upset you,” Biel stated.

  “Well, he can come across as an arrogant ass,” Erin stated.

  Jord and Biel barked with laughter, “That's an understatement little one,” Biel replied.

  Erin just smiled at them, not wanting to be too vacillate against their own brother and one of her mates.

  “Would you like a drink of Mur, little one?” Biel asked.

  “Oh yeah. That would be nice thanks.”

  Biel made his way over to the food simulator and pushed a few buttons, then made his way back to the table with a bottle and three colored glasses in his large hands. He poured some of the delicious Mur into each of the glasses and handed them around.

  “How long before we reach your planet?” Erin asked then took a sip of her Mur.

  “With the speed we have been traveling, probably not much more than a week of your Earth time,” Jord stated as he watched Erin sip at her Mur.

  All four brothers loved watching Erin eat and drink. She looked like she was on the verge of her woman's joy as her eyes rolled back in her head with pleasure. Jord and Biel each gave a groan of pleasure when the pink tip of her tongue slid along her lower lip to catch any remaining drops of liquid.

  “What?” Erin asked with confusion.

  “You look like you are making love to your food and drink when you consume them, little one. It makes us want to lick you all over,” Biel stated with fire in his eyes.

  Erin lowered her head as a blush rose up on her cheeks.

  She wouldn't look them in the eyes as she spoke, “Sorry.”

  “Ah, Red. You have nothing to be sorry for. We love it that you can enjoy the simple pleasures of life,” Jord stated.

  “We would like to join with you again, little one. Are you willing to join your body and your life's spirit with us again?” Biel asked.

  “I don't know,” Erin whispered. She raised her head to look from Jord to Biel. “As much as I enjoyed the first joining to you all, it was more out of necessity to counteract the mating fever.” She held her hand up when she saw Biel open his mouth to speak. “Please, let me finish. I am not saying I didn't love what you all did to me. I mean, my gawd, I've never experienced anything like that in my entire life. But I don't really know you, and you don't know me that well. I would really like the time to get to know each of you better, before we do that again. It scared the hell out of me to realize I was floating above my own body. I think I just, want, need more time. I'm not saying we won't ever do that again but I would like the time to get my head around everything and I want to talk to my friends. They could answer my questions without me becoming too embarrassed. I not really much of an extrovert, in fact, I would have to say I am the complete opposite. And the idea of me having sex with four men is totally foreign to our world.”

  “Alright, we will give you time to get to know us, Red. If you have any questions we will answer them for you. We know how shy you really are. We felt that when our life's spirits floated on the transient plain, when we joined with you. We will never force you to do anything you don't want to. If you wanted to join with us one at a time only, then that is what will happen. If you want two, then we will succumb to your wishes. If you don't want to join with us ever again, then we will also respect that wish. We will never, ever, hurt you, Erin. It is our duty to love and protect you,” Jord stated with sincerity.

  Erin frowned over his choice of words. She didn't want them to want her, out of a need of duty. She wanted them to want her for herself. She needed to feel loved for herself. There was no way she was letting them touch her because they believed it was their duty.

  Jord and Biel saw her frown, but couldn't think of anything they had said which put that expression on her face.

  They watched her closely as a gamut of emotions flitted across her face. Some they could discern, others they couldn't. They watched her fill her lungs with a deep breath as she moved to the edge of the floating chair and watched it sink down far enough that she could gain her feet.

  “I'd like some time alone for a while. I'll be in the rec room,” Erin stated over her shoulder and left the room.

  Miga and Tiem entered the galley not long after Erin had left, they each had scowls on their faces as they approached their brothers.

  “I know I made an ass of myself with my arrogance, but what have you two done to make our mate so upset?” Miga asked as he sat at the table followed by Tiem.

  “I don't honestly know,” Jord stated with a puzzled expression on his face. “I was telling her we would never hurt her and if she didn't want to join with us all together, we would join with her one at a time. I also said if she didn't want to join with us again, then we wouldn't.”

  “Why would you say something like that Jord? We could end up going rogue with the mating fever if we do not join with our mate again. We could all end up dying because of what you said,” Miga scowled at his brother.

  “I think Erin will eventually come around. I was trying to take away the pressure she was feeling by letting her know we would never force her; and if she felt it was her choice to join with us rather than having to, she would feel more comfortable with us.”

  “Okay, I can understand why you said what you did. But did you stop to think about what would happen if she decides she never wants to join with us again?” Tiem asked.

  “No, not really. I just wanted her not to feel too much pressure. The more pressure she feels, the more likely she would baulk,” Jord stated with a sigh. Had he really made it impossible for them to join with their mate ever again? By the divinities he hoped not. Maybe little Honey and little Rhiannon would be able to advise their mate and make her feel comfortable in regards to having four mates. He hoped so, because if not, then they were all doomed.

  Erin spent the rest of the week in the rec room. She slept on the sofa and when she needed food she made her way to the galley. She still talked to her mates when they were near, but didn't make the effort to go to them and ask any questions. She couldn't get over the fact they saw her as a duty. She wanted to be loved for who she was. From a little girl she had dreamed of finding a man who would love her just as she was, without any pressures or duty to sway their relationship. She wanted to have the whole nine yard
s. To have unconditional love, the house with the white picket fence and of course, children were her dreams.

  The thought of those four men taking her body out of duty made her skin crawl. There was no way she was having sex with them again. She gave a huge sigh as tears slipped down her cheeks as she stared at the far wall of the rec room. Tomorrow they would be arriving on Calt. She couldn't wait to see her friends again, but the excitement of the occasion was clouded by her despondency over Jord's word of her being a duty. She wondered if the others felt she was a duty to them as well.

  Chapter Five

  Erin stood impatiently behind Jord and Biel, with Miga and Tiem behind her as they waited for the ramp to slowly lower so they could disembark from the ship. She wanted to see if Honey and Rhiannon would be waiting for her, but it was impossible to see over or around the two large men standing in front of her. She bit her lip and clasped her hands together because she had the urge to yell at her mates to get out of her way or push them. Not that she thought she would be able to move their two hundred plus pound frames, but the urge was so great she gripped her hands harder. She gave a sigh of relief as Jord and Biel began to walk down the ramp and ran to keep up with their long legged strides. She would have come a gutser if Miga hadn't wrapped an arm around her waist to stop her from falling flat on her face as she tripped over her own feet in her enthusiasm. She gave him a weak smile and then turned back to the front just in time to see Jord and Biel move apart.


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