Erins Alien Abductors pdf

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Erins Alien Abductors pdf Page 5

by Becky Wilde

  Maybe you could help me steal one of their spaceships and help me get home,” Erin stated with a sob.

  Honey pulled Erin into her embrace and let her friend cry on her shoulder. She ran her hand up and down Erin's back in a soothing motion. When Erin calmed down again, Honey pulled away and looked at her friend.

  “If you really want to go back home, I will find a way to help you. I want you to promise me something first. I want you to give your mate's time to get to know you and for you to get to know them, before you make any drastic decisions. I think you have misunderstood Jord's words. Just remember they are not from Earth, Erin and they could have easily mixed up one word with another. Please, think about giving them and yourself sometime together. Now I have to get to work, Rhi's probably hogging all the orgasms. Why don't you come and watch Rhi and I work and you can get to meet some of the other people of this community?” Honey stated as she stood, extending a hand to Erin.

  “Okay,” Erin stated with a laugh and a sniffle. “You know, I am going to feel like such a pervert.” Honey gave Erin a grin and a shrug of her shoulders,

  “When I first took Rhi over to meet your mates, I didn't let them know where I was going. They were terrified something had happened to me, so when they found me, they joined their life's spirits with me straight away out in the middle of the foot path.”

  “They had sex with you outside?” Erin asked, covering her mouth in shock.

  “Well, yes and no. We joined with our life's spirits only, not our physical bodies.”

  “Oh, I didn't know you could do that.”

  “How many times have you joined with your mates, Erin?” asked Honey.


  “Oh, you are so missing out girlfriend.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sorry, that's something you're going to have to find out on your own. Come on before Rhi has a fit.” Erin let Honey lead her to where she and Rhiannon worked. She watched with awe as her friends let one male after another touch them. There was nothing sexual or sleazy in the way the men touched her friends. If they knew the males mate, then Honey and Rhi would tremble and convulse as they climaxed. What astounded Erin more, was the gratitude on the male's faces, when they realized they had a mate.

  Erin's curiosity got the better of her. She waited until there were no men in the house and asked her question. “How do the males know who and where their mate's are?”

  “Hm, good question. As far as we can tell, they actually see flashes of our memories, seeing their mate's as we had seen them. Sometimes we may have passed their mate in the street and not even known them. But somehow, these men are able to pick it out of our brain and their life's spirits will begin calling to their mate's life's spirit, the closer they get to Earth as they search for their mate. We give them hope to hang on and not let the mating fever consume their every waking moment. There are not enough females on this planet Erin, something has happened to the women's fertility. Even though their scientists are working on a cause and solution, none of them have been able to find the actual problem as yet. Therefore, we think their males have evolved to be able to mate with other species so they don't die out. If we can stop the males from going rogue and give them something to hope for, then we will continue to do so. Besides the side benefits are very pleasant,” Honey said with a grin.

  “Only pleasant?” Erin questioned.

  “Erin, the orgasms we have from the touch of these men are nothing like what we get from our mates. If you allowed them to join with you again, you would understand. I am not pushing you into joining with them. I want you to wait until you are ready to accept them. Maybe once you have everything with them sorted out, you'll want to join with them. The choice is yours, girlfriend.”

  “Thanks guys. I think if you two weren't here, I would have gone around the twist by now.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Rhiannon stated with certainty.

  “Do you want to see, if you have come into contact with any of the male's mates, Erin?” asked Honey.

  “Why not,” Erin stated with a shrug and a smile. She couldn't let these men suffer any more than Honey and Rhiannon could. If there was a way for her to give hope then she would do it gladly.

  “Okay, when the next lot of men come in don't freak out. As you saw, they will only touch you on your arms, legs or head. They won't touch anywhere inappropriately. If they don't have any reaction when they touch Honey or I, then they can have a go at you,” Rhi stated quietly.

  She had just finished when five of the handsomest Caltese walked through the door. They made their way over to where Honey and Rhiannon were sitting and looked down at the two women with a smile.

  “Greeting little females, we are the Tolv brothers. My name is Kurt, and this is Evas, Tack, Nep and Orab. The High Chancellors suggested we come and see if you have been in contact with our life's spirit mate. Would you allow us the honor of touching you to see if this is so?” Kurt asked.

  “Sure, you can start with me,” Honey stated.

  Erin watched as the five Tolv Brothers surrounded Honey and each of them placed a hand on her arms, legs, head and back.

  She heard Kurt give a sigh and watched as he shook his head.

  “My turn,” Rhi stated.

  Erin watched as the five brothers repeated the process with Rhiannon with the same results, another shake of Turk's head. “Thank you for the opportunity of trying to find our life's spirit mate. You are doing a good thing by letting our males touch you.”

  Erin watched as the five brothers turned towards the door.

  They were about to leave.

  “Hey wait a minute. You haven't tried it with me yet,” Erin stated, then took a deep breath as the five men stopped in their tracks. They all turned around and saw Erin sitting in the far corner of the room.

  “I am sorry little female, we did not see you there. Are you sure you will allow us to touch you? Who are your mates, little one?” Turk asked.

  “I am mated with Jord, Biel, Tiem and Miga Xob. And yes I will allow you to touch me and see if I have come into contact with your mate.”

  “Ah, so you are the little female giving my friends such a hard time. Don't give into them too easily. The more they have to fight for you, the more they will respect you, little one,” Turk stated with a grin.

  Erin stood up and placed her hands on her hips. She walked over towards the men and looked up at Turk. She had to take a few steps back, to relieve the tension in her neck by straining to look into Turk's face.

  “Why is it that all of you men keep calling me little? I am not so small, you are just big,” Erin stated with fire in her eyes.

  Turk watched the small female as she tried to stand toe to toe with him. She was so tiny she barely reached past his waist.

  “Erin, all the men on Calt call us little. Don't get your panties in a twist that is a term of endearment to these giants.

  Besides you are small,” Rhi stated with a snicker.

  “Please be seated little Erin and we will touch you,” Kurt stated.

  Erin moved over to Honey's seat and sat down as Honey stood up. She watched as the huge blue men moved in closer to her. They surrounded her with their large, warm bodies and slowly reached out to touch her, all at the same time.

  Erin's body convulsed as she felt warm electrical pulses travel throughout her body as she climaxed not once or twice but five times. By the time the Tolv brother's removed their hands from her, she was a quivering mass of Jello and knew she wouldn't be able to stand up.

  “Oh my,” Erin panted out.

  “You go girl. You've just found these men their life's spirit mate,” Rhiannon stated with glee.

  “Oh my.”

  Erin and Honey burst into laughter at the look of total confusion and satiation on their friends face.

  “Just remember Erin, it doesn't compare with your own mates,” Honey reiterated.

  “Oh my.”

  “You have our deepest gratitude
, little Erin. If there is ever anything you need or want, do not hesitate to ask us. We live directly across the path from this abode, but as we have been in space on a mission for the High Chancellors for the last nine months, we did not know until yester eve, there were Earth females on our planet, helping our UN-mated males,” Turk and his brothers all bowed their heads in respect to Erin.

  As they made their way to the exit Erin called out, “So who is your mate?”

  “Your sister,” Turk answered, just before he disappeared.

  “Oh fuck.”

  Chapter Seven

  Erin was walking back to her mates house with Honey and Rhiannon when she heard a shout in front of her. She saw Jord, Biel, Tiem and Miga running towards her with fierce expressions on their faces.

  “Where have you been Erin? We were so worried about you?” Biel stated as he held Erin's upper arms gently in his large hands.

  “I was working with Rhiannon and Honey. I had to do something; I was bored out of my brain staring at the four walls of your house.”

  “Please, come home with us now little Red. We need to talk,” Jord stated and grasped one of her hands in his as Biel released her arms.

  He began walking towards their house and Erin found herself running to keep up with him. She dug her heels in as she used her whole body to try and stop Jord's forward momentum.

  “Hey, slow down you big, blue jerk.”

  “I am sorry Erin, I forget you are so small, but I would appreciate it if you didn't insult me,” Jord stated.

  “You and your brothers insult me all the time, buster. It's about time I got my own back.”

  “We have never once insulted you, Erin. How could you even think we would do such a thing?” Jord asked.

  “You, you all call me little, all the time,” Erin stated with a pout.

  “Is our statement not true? Would you rather we call you big, Erin?” Biel asked from beside her.

  “No. Okay so I'm a bit sensitive about my size,” Erin stated. “Alright a lot sensitive about my size,” she stated when she saw Biel's raised eyebrow. She gave a sigh and walked beside Jord, now that he had slowed his pace to hers.

  Her four mates each took a seat on the sofas and chairs in the living room. The only place left for her to sit was in between Jord and Biel, so of course she remained standing. Besides it was the only they were all nearly at her eye level.

  “Okay shoot,” Erin stated.

  “What? Why would you think we would shoot you?” Miga yelled.

  “Hey, don't get your panties in a twist, buster. It's an expression of speech, it means start talking,” Erin stated, as she glared at Miga. How the hell was she going to deal with such an arrogant dominant male?

  “We are very proud of you, Erin. We know you helped Turk Tolv and his brothers find their mate. We know how hard it must have been for you to let other males touch you,” Tiem stated.

  “Thanks,” Erin replied, knowing her cheeks were turning red, as she was disconcerted with compliments.

  “We are worried about you little one. You haven't asked us anything about our planet, our home. We know something is troubling you, Erin. Please, will you sit and talk with us? We cannot help you, unless you tell us what is wrong,” Biel stated.

  “I don't want to be a burden, to any of you,” Erin stated as she moved and sat on the sofa between Biel and Jord.

  “Why would you think you are a burden to us, sweet Red?” Jord asked with concern.

  “Because, you said that I was your duty to love and protect,” Erin stated in a tremulous voice.

  Jord heard the tears and hurt in their mate’s voice. He scooped her up and planted her on his lap, cuddling her into his chest. He gave a sigh of relief when she snuggled into him further.

  It felt as if she was trying to bury herself in him. He gently placed his large warm hand under her chin and lifted her face to his.

  Seeing the tears tracking down her cheeks and the pain in her eyes broke his heart.

  “Yes, Erin. It is our duty to love and protect you. We are your life's spirit mates. It is the duty of all the males on Calt to love and protect their mates.”

  “Well see. I don't want to be a burden to you,” Erin sobbed.

  “Erin, please explain to us why you think this is a burden,” Miga stated in a quiet, gentle voice.

  Erin had never heard Miga use that tone of voice with her before, so she knew they were all listening, but also hearing what she was saying.

  “I don't want to be a duty to anyone,” Erin sobbed. “I want to be loved for me. I want you to see who I really am and love me for myself, not because you feel you have to.” Erin buried her face in Jord's chest once more and cried her eyes out. Once she started she couldn't seem to stop. She cried because she missed her sister. She cried because deep down she knew she would never get to see Earth again and she cried for herself, unwilling to believe anyone could love a little nobody like her. When she was done, she was hiccuping as she tried to get air into her oxygen starved lungs. Jord was making soothing noises to their heart broken mate as he ran a hand up and down her back.

  Biel had moved closer and was stroking a hand over her head with soothing movements. It was tearing them all apart to see their little mate in so much pain.

  Miga rose from the sofa across from Jord, Biel and Erin.

  He scooped her up into his arms and sat back down onto the other sofa. “Erin, please look at me?”

  Erin took her time, but she finally looked up to meet Miga's gaze.

  “Erin, you are not a burden to us. We love you for who you are, not because we have to. No one could make us love you, if we didn't feel anything for you. You are the light of our lives, the air we breathe. You are so precious to us, little one. When Jord said it was our duty to love and protect you, he didn't mean we had to love you because you are our mate. We love you for who you are. Have loved you from the very first time our life's spirit touched you back on Earth. You are such a shy, loving person, Erin. We want to spend the rest of our lives, protecting and yes, also loving you. You have such a giving nature and you are very brave when you need to be. We couldn't survive without you.”

  “Really? You really are in love with me?”

  “Of course we are, little red. Why do you think we were willing to let you set the pace for our joining? Do you think someone in love with you, would have given you the choice of joining with us?” Jord asked, as he stood up and made his way over to Erin. They all watched her as she processed what they had said to her.

  “You really do love me,” Erin whispered as more tears coursed down her cheeks. “You do, don't you? You really do love me!”

  “Yes Erin, we do love you. If you opened up to us and touched your life's spirit with ours, you would be able to feel our emotions are true,” Tiem stated with a gentle smile.

  Erin felt her heart break wide open, as the truth finally broke down the wall she had kept around it. She felt totally euphoric, when she realized they were actually speaking the truth.

  She opened her eyes as she felt warmth surrounding her, and she felt a floating sensation. She was floating above herself, still within the protective circle of Miga's embrace and watched with awe as her mate's life spirits rose to join hers. She was astounded that such large, handsome men, would love her so much, they had been willing to let her go and die for her. She felt her body convulsing with pure pleasure as her whole body climaxed. Her mate's gently guided her spirit back down into her physical body and watched as another spasm of pleasure rocked through her.

  “Oh my,” Erin panted out, as she looked from one brother, to the other. “I think it's time for bed; don't you?”

  “Does that mean you are willing to join with us, little one?” Biel asked.

  “Hell, yes,” Erin stated emphatically.

  “Would you like to eat first, Erin?” Tiem asked quietly.

  “Hell, no.”

  “Can you say anything else, little red?” Jord asked with a grin, as Erin tried to
push off Miga's lap.

  “Who the hell wants to talk? Let's go to bed,” Erin tugged at Miga's hair when he wouldn't release her.

  They all laughed at their little mate's eagerness to go to bed and followed Miga, as he carried Erin to her large room with the massive bed.

  Chapter Eight

  Erin gave a sigh as Miga placed her on the bed and followed her down. He took her mouth with such a carnal kiss; she wondered why the bed wasn't bursting into flames beneath them. He slid his tongue into her mouth, tasting her essence as she felt hands stroking all over her body. Miga weaned his mouth from Erin's and moved off to the side to give one of his other brother's access to their mate's sweet mouth.

  Tiem turned her head towards him as he lay with his head propped up on his other hand. He stared into her eyes and then slowly leaned it to Erin. Their lips connected in a soft brush as he continued to gaze deeply into her eyes. He slowly brushed his lips over hers until she had to part her lips for a breath of air. Tiem didn't hesitate; he slid his arms around Erin and drew her with him as he lay on his back until she was lying on top of him. He swept his tongue into her mouth and tangled with hers, while he cupped the back of her head. He slanted his mouth one way then the other as he tasted the interior of her mouth. She tasted so sweet, so delicious, like nothing he had ever tasted before.


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