Head Over Heels

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Head Over Heels Page 3

by Ford, Brenda

  “No, I think that I might know him from somewhere else. Rosie, do I?” He was so angry that it was hard to listen to. “I think I might have seen him with you. Help me out here. Am I losing my mind?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think so.” It’s instinctively obvious to me that Rosie is lying. I don’t know why, but she isn’t telling her boyfriend the truth, but that isn’t my business. And if he is too stupid to pick up on it, then that’s his problem. “He’s just one of the Smith brothers who live next door.”

  Before this can turn into an argument that I really don’t want to listen, I rise to my feet and start to walk past my family to meet this man. His eyes have intrigue in them and I want to know more. He’s pulling me in like a magnet and I can’t resist saying hi to him. Hey, maybe this really is a fresh start for me. I’m branching out and becoming a much braver version of myself. The person that I always would have been had it not been for the ‘incident’. I liked this surge of confidence, it felt better than being a wall flower.

  “Wait.” Rosie grabbed my arm hard. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Going to say hi.” I furrow my eyebrows at her. “To my new neighbor. I want to know the Smiths.”

  “But why?” Yep, there is a definite desperation in her gaze. There is something weird here.

  “Why not?” I shrug. “I want to get to know everyone here. This is my new home, isn’t it? I’m going to have to make some new friends while I’m here. It’s better to start close to home so I don’t have to go too far to hang out.”

  Rosie continues to stare at me in the same confused way, but she can’t say a thing anymore because Tristan has leaned forward and he’s looking at her like he’s going to demand an explanation at any given moment. While she’s stuck under his eyes, I take the chance to slip away and to get closer to this man. My face stretches into a smile and I extend my hand to him. There is a cool boldness inside of me.

  “Hi. My name is Ellie. I guess I will be living next door to you for a while.”

  “Er, right…” He takes my hand and I shake it. Electricity bolts up my arm and makes everything pulse and throb with a severe intensity as we connect. “Nice to meet you, Ellie. My name is Oliver.”

  “Oliver Smith.” I nod and allow his name to roll over my tongue. “Well, hello there.”

  He takes half a step backwards but soon moves back to me when he realizes that I’m not going anywhere. I haven’t come over here just to say hi, I actually want to talk to him. Maybe Seth is right and it’s time for me to really make some friends here. Starting with the man from next door.

  “I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you,” he says, sounding like he has a thick lump in his throat. “That’s really hard. I know because my parents died when I was young. A car accident.”

  My eyes pop open wide, now it’s even stranger that Rosie didn’t mention her neighbors before. I have already asked about everyone in town and she didn’t say anything. This is someone who I could actually talk to and who might understand me and the numbness that I’m feeling right now.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. But at least I know there is someone who gets it what I’m going through.”

  “Yes. If you or your brother ever want to talk… well, I live next door. You know where to find me.”

  Ooh, I like that idea. The idea of coming to see him whenever I want. There is something a little illicit about it. Something a little naughty which sends a shiver racing up and down my spine.

  “I might take you up on that offer, you know, because it’s weird at the moment. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. I’m just glad that I have Seth around to give me someone else to think about other than me.”

  I’m sure I feel his eyes travel as discretely as they can manage up and down my body, which I suppose could be seen as a bit disrespectful considering our first conversation, but I don’t feel that way at all. Mostly because I’m dragging my eyes all over his body as well, wondering what he looks like underneath those clothes. I bet he’s sexy and masculine, a real man who would appreciate a woman rather than mock her body and make her feel bad about it. I wouldn’t mind showing him more of myself, I actually feel a little tingly all over.

  “Well, that’s good. I’m glad. When our parents died, we all had one another as well.”

  “How many brothers do you have?” I move a little closer to him, enjoying the warmth radiating off of his skin. I enjoyed his smell as well. He was all masculine and sexy. “Because that is a big house.”

  “There are six of us, so yes. We need a big house.” He laughs. “It can get pretty nuts.”

  “I bet. Well, I grew up in a really quiet house. Just me and Seth, so I like the noise.”

  There is something between us, something fizzling, I can feel it. It’s intoxicating, a bit like a drug and I’m an addict. Is this what flirting is like? Real adult flirting? Because it’s nice. It’s awesome, I want more of it. There is nothing like this that feels like the high school bullshit that I suffered. No lewd comments about my body, no nastiness following, nothing about it that makes me feel small and stupid. Around Oliver, my head holds higher, my chest pushes out, my heart beats faster and more vigorously. I just feel so much better. It’s inexplicable. I don’t know how someone I don’t even know really can bring this out of me, but I like it. I want more of it.

  Our eyes lock and I’m pretty sure that he can feel it too. He looks spell bound by me, enthralled by everything that I have to say to him. I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to resist the urge not to rise up on my tip toes to kiss him. I mean, I’m a virgin, I haven’t even been kissed before, not even a peck, I might be about to start a new life where I roll with this confidence, but going that far in front of my family with a man that I have just met, might be a step too much. I need to reel myself in and not do something crazy. I might even be reacting over what happened with my mom, these feelings might just be my grief manifesting, who the hell knows?

  So, I pull myself back and I drag my eyes away, breaking the moment before I can do anything. He looks a little disappointed actually. I can’t help but wonder if he wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to do to him… well, not did but still do. I’m just trying to be smart about things and not act on it, but the urge is still there. It’s so strong that I don’t know how I’m avoiding it, but somehow, I am. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it up though.

  “Ellie!” Rosie suddenly barked loudly, grabbing my attention once more. “Come on.”

  “Come on what?” I watch Tristan storm inside the house, clearly his temper getting the better of him. Whatever Rosie said to him had obviously annoyed the hell out of him. There was something about Oliver, or maybe the Smith’s in general, that he didn’t like. “What’s going on? I’m having a conversation here.”

  “We’re going inside.” Her mom went in and Rosie indicated for me to follow with her. “Come with us.”

  “Hey, me and Oliver are just getting to know one another.”

  The look that Rosie gives me is so intense I can’t stand it. There is definitely a big mystery here involving this man and I want to find out what it is. Does she like Oliver or something? If so, then why is she with Tristan? He is a prick and Oliver seems pretty awesome. He would be my choice for sure.

  Then again, I’m glad that she hasn’t picked Oliver because I definitely want to get to know him myself. I want to get to know myself around him as well because I’m feeling pretty awesome standing with him right now. I would happily stay out here all night to chat to this stranger. At least he isn’t trying to make me open up about how I feel for him.

  “You better go,” Oliver whispers to me, almost as if we’re sharing a secret. Me and him verses everyone else. “She will only get madder. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of that.”

  I let out a little laugh, wondering how accurate that statement is. I don’t remember Rosie ever having a temper before, but then as much as I have changed, I’m sure that she has as well. T
he looks that she’s been giving me are dreadful anyway and she appears like someone who wants to murder me. We shall see anyway. When we go inside, I am going to try and poke around to find out what’s happening with my cousin.

  “I suppose I better go then,” I say regretfully to Oliver. “But I will definitely see you soon.”

  “Mhmm. I will see you soon. I look forward to it.”

  “Me too.” I nod slowly. “Yes, I’m looking forward to it as well.”

  Yep, there is something in his face, an excitable look. He wants to get to know me more as well, I can tell. There’s a rush of lust that threatens to consume me and swallow me up whole. I step backwards, keeping my eyes fixed on his until I walk away far enough to be forced to turn. Then I meet Rosie’s eyes and my blood runs ice cold. Yep, she’s mad. She’s insane. She might tear me limb from limb. But if she’s willing to do that just from me having a conversation with Oliver, then what will she do if something more happens? And why does that make it that much more exciting?

  Chapter Five


  What the hell? I think desperately as I slam the door closed behind me. What just happened?

  My heart is pounding viciously in my chest, I don’t know if I can get enough air into my lungs, I’m all messy and raw and it’s all because of Ellie. Ellie and her beautiful dark blue eyes that just pierced right into my soul. That conversation was something else, it was sexually charged and exciting, it made me feel new. Everything that I thought I felt for Rosie was nothing compared to this. This is… well, it’s overwhelming.

  I rub my fingers, the electricity still bursting through me, thrilling me to the core. I can feel a bounce in my steps now, and I want more. So much more. I want to make an excuse to go over to the Clark’s house, to see her again.

  This is perfect! I tell myself with glee. Now it doesn’t ever have to be awkward with Rosie again.

  Of course, I know that she might have something to say about it, but right now that doesn’t trouble me. Not at all. I’m too buzzing about the idea of just being around her. I lean back against the door and close my eyes, imagining her arms around me, her fingers grazing against my skin, her lips brushing against my throat.

  “You okay?” Brad’s voice drags me out of the day dream, making me jump. “You look all weird.”

  “Oh.” Fuck, how embarrassing. I can feel myself going bright red. “Sorry, I just…”

  “You aren’t sick, are you? I know that there has been a bug going around the office…”

  Yes, I know that too. The sickness bug that has taken everyone out of the office. He would know if I had it because I would be sweating like crazy and barely able to leave the toilet bowl. Brad is just testing me, trying to see how far he can push me and how much I will tell him. If only it was easier to get me to open up. I don’t know why I’m such a closed book, there isn’t anything to cause it, it’s just the way I am.

  “No, I think that I’m good.” I nod and pull myself off the door to head towards the living room. “I’m just…”

  I leave it hanging in the air, the pause speaking volumes for me. I do that a lot actually, I leave things hanging around, allowing the other person to jump to a conclusion for themselves. It probably isn’t the best way of communicating, but it’s all I have ever done. Brad nods knowingly, understanding my silence.

  “So, I wanted to talk to you about the budget for the newest project I’m working on,” he continues, changing the subject completely. “I want to know what your opinion is on that…”

  He begins talking about work, and much as I want to listen to it, I can’t. My mind isn’t in the office right now, and I don’t think he’ll be able to make that happen all night long, not with her next door. How can I focus on the numbers when the blonde bomb shell is just over the road? Looking so alluring and wanting me.

  “Oliver?” Brad demands. “Oliver, what is going on? Why aren’t you listening to me?”

  “Urgh, sorry.” I shake my head. “I think the budget can cover whatever you want.”

  “Are you serious? Because I just proposed a ridiculous deal and you agree? That is not like you, Oliver. You are normally so careful about everything. You never let me spend more money than what is barely necessary.”

  “Sorry, I…” I shake my head. “I just think that it’s a very good idea, that’s all.”

  Brad takes a seat and gives me a look. “Come on, sit with me. Let’s have a chat about things.”

  “What do you want to talk about?” I sit beside him and wait. “Sorry, if it’s the budget plans then give me a report and let me take a proper look through it. I promise I will take it seriously.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that.” He cocks his head to one side and looks at me curiously. “I want to know why you’re being so strange. Something is going on and I want to know what is that.”

  I offer him a one shouldered shrug. I haven’t ever told any of my brothers about my love life issues, even my feelings for Rosie, so I don’t know if starting now is a good idea. I mean, what would I even say? Oh, by the way I thought that I was in love with my best friend, the girl next door, but it turns out that I actually like her cousin more who I met a few moments ago? No, Brad will give me hell for being rash. He will think it weird that I am so willing to just give my heart over when I am so calm in every other area of my life.

  “I’m good, I’m just a little distracted and I don’t know why. Maybe I’m tired.”

  “If you want to talk, you know that I’m here, don’t you? I don’t want you to feel alone.”

  Brad is always like this, a little fatherly. I think it’s because me and the rest of my brothers were all very young when our parents passed away where as he was nineteen years old, so he pretty much raised us alone. He is our father figure and he takes that role very seriously. Even now that we are all grown up.

  “I’m okay, I don’t feel alone,” I half lie. “I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

  “How is Rosie doing?” Brad leans on his elbow and stares at me, not giving up on me spilling my guts just yet. “Is she doing okay with her aunt passing away and everything? That must have been hard.”

  “She’s good. I think it’s going to be hard for a while though, with her cousins moving in…”

  “They are? I didn’t know about that. Are they living there now? We should offer help.”

  “Actually, they just arrived today. A young kid called Seth and his older sister, Ellie.” I can’t stop myself from shivering with excitement at the thought of Ellie, even with Brad looking at me like that.

  “Well, we should invite them all over for dinner. Cook them a nice meal. I know that it’s only me, you, and Alex tonight, but it could be fun, couldn’t it? Save them some cooking and worrying about stuff. Plus, it would give us a chance to get to know them better. If we can help, then we should. Always. If they are going through a hard time after losing their mom… well, we can talk about it openly, can’t we? Most people try to avoid the subject because they don’t know what to say, but that isn’t a problem for us.”

  This idea is absolutely amazing, and not just because I like the idea of welcoming Ellie and Seth properly, but because it satisfies my craving of seeing her again. I need to see her again.

  “I love that idea, Brad.” I jump up from my seat and wave my cell phone at him. “I will call Rosie now and invite them. Should I tell them that we’re having anything in particular?”

  “I’ll make my world famous curry. Rosie and her mom love that. Hopefully the others would as well. I won’t do it spicy to make sure that everyone can eat it without any issues. Even the young boy.”

  My smile stretches from ear to ear, practically breaking my skin. I’m just so thrilled. To make the phone call, I bounce up to my room so I can talk to Rosie in private about this. Just in case I need to convince her because I have only just remembered that she is with Tristan and he might not like her spending time with me…

  Not that it should
matter to him since we are only friends, but whatever. That’s not my issue.

  “Hello?” I am immediately struck by how glum Rosie sounds. That’s not a good sound. “Oliver?”

  “Rosie, are you okay? What happened? You sound really upset. Has something happened?”

  “Oh, just the usual. Tristan being an asshole.” She’s trying to play it off, but I can hear how hurt she is by him. Again. Why the hell doesn’t she just get rid of him already? “But he’s gone now, and he won’t pick up his cell phone, so I guess he doesn’t want to fix things between us. So, whatever.”

  “That sucks, Rosie. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.”

  “There isn’t. But I appreciate it. Instead, I want to talk about anything other than Tristan. I don’t even want to think about him and his ridiculous notions of…” She stops herself suddenly. “Anyway, it really doesn’t matter.”

  “Well, actually, I’m calling because Brad has just announced that he’s making his curry tonight, the one you love, and he wants to know if you and your family want to come over for dinner.” When Rosie doesn’t answer right away, I feel compelled to continue. “He wants to meet Ellie and Seth. Welcome them. You know, get to know them. Check on them, see if there is anything that he can do or say to help them…”

  “Brad does?” she asks doubtfully, which is strange because it isn’t unusual for Brad to be caring. “He’s the one who wants to invite them and get to know them, huh? Well, I don’t see why not.”

  “You don’t have to…” I say a little pathetically, really hoping she does.

  “No, it could be nice. I don’t think that Mom wants to cook tonight anyway.”

  “Okay great.” I don’t want to dig too deep into Rosie’s mood, especially if it’s Tristan related, I can do that later on. “So, we will see you at about seven then? Make sure you’re hungry. Brad always cooks loads.”


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