The Commander

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The Commander Page 5

by Kevin Groh

  Annie nodded slowly: »I know the rumors and I want to be honest with you. There have been some incidents where there was no legal ground. But overall, we want the troops to learn enough to survive and assert themselves in the absence of communication. My personal view is that the best way to motivate your comrades-in-arms is for them to have enough knowledge to form their own opinions. Anything else only leads to resistance.«

  The group was amazed that she was so honest, but she didn’t seem to give much about the protocol. The people were important to her, not the rules.

  »Your bracelets have the curriculum for the next two years. You should always know what to expect. The first knowledge unit deals with the history of Earth. Before you can deal with the future, you must first understand where you come from.«

  A large hologram of Earth appeared above the teacher’s desk. Annie walked around and watched the recruits.

  »Earth is our homeworld and it is located in the Solar-System. This is a long way from Utopia Beta, which lies in the Zelot-System in the Nekon-Traverse. It is largely covered with water and has the largest known biodiversity of all worlds to date. This applies not only to animals and plants but also to humans themselves. The distinct individuality of our species is the reason for the endless number of opinions and the resulting conflicts. Obsolete concepts, such as old religions, monarchy, dictatorship, and the original democracy were triggers for several wars and enormous dissatisfaction. Even today, when there is only one government left for the entire planet, humanity continues to cling to its former borders, national pride and separated groups. This lack of unity of our species was also the reason for the expansion to Utopia Beta almost two hundred years ago. No action could be taken against the overpopulation, so there were many tensions, some of which even escalated. Had it not been for a few clever minds to colonize a new world, Earth could have imploded.«

  The hologram of the Earth disappeared and was replaced by a male and a female human being. While Annie went into the anatomy of the species, one could see the representations naked, muscle fibers and nerve tracts, internal organs and the skeleton. When she listed some basic body characteristics, she specifically addressed the physical weak points, which were sometimes different for men and women. Billy sat there in his underpants staring at the female representation. Annie told them that this week they would dive even deeper into several aspects of the human species.

  First Steps

  The first days consisted of lessons and sports. Banes tortured them as best he could to bring them all to a halfway comparable fitness level. Mostly they should run, do some strength exercises or test themselves on single obstacles. After Billy had to go through this agony in front of the entire staff in his underpants, he was the first one awake in the morning. The mockery Roderick and Jane gave him did the rest. Carter noticed that Leena was mostly around him. She wasn’t always talkative, but each day got better. Roderick, on the other hand, seemed to try harder every day to annoy him. He put his legs up, threw over his drinks and banged at the door in the middle of the night. Carter took it calmly because there was nothing he could do about it anyway. The lessons were the only change from painful training. Already on the fifth day, they could hardly sit upright due to the severe muscle soreness. Especially Henry was hit hard because he had had nothing to do with sports before.

  Annie structured the lessons very well. Being a decorated veteran, she was able to contribute her personal experiences to many of the contents, bringing the subject matter to life. »Today we are talking about the Utopia Expansion. As you know, the overpopulation on Earth was on the verge of causing a war over the habitat. No country was willing to receive refugees or cooperate with neighboring nations. During this time, there was an astrophysicist named Henry Earl Mutten. With the help of a new type of telescope, Mutten had discovered a star system far away by the standards of the time, in which there was a life-friendly planet. If he had found this world ten years earlier, nobody would have noticed. But space research had developed advanced engines and improved shuttles that could reach Pluto within a few weeks. This made Mutten’s discovery much more interesting for the government. The idea of colonizing this new world arose quite quickly, and there have always been many wealthy and eccentric entrepreneurs who have willingly spent their money on such pilot projects. With a few billion in funding, the government was able to form the expansion group. Several massive transport ships that would fly with hundreds of thousands of passengers into the new star system in a few years. Poverty, a thirst for adventure and curiosity drove enough volunteers on board to stabilize the population for the time being.«

  Kelly asked: »How could they have been sure that Utopia would be suitable, accessible and stable?«

  Annie explained: »The vitality of a planet’s atmosphere is impossible to determine visually. The distance from Earth to Sun can be used to calculate how far a world must be in relation to the size of a star to provide suitable living conditions for humans. Of course, this doesn’t say anything about the atmosphere, the pressure or already existing forms of life.«

  Jimbo said: »So it was an optimistic estimation.«

  »Actually, it was. At this point, the government was willing to sacrifice all the hopeful colonists to get the problem under control. But the calculations had all been done by Mutten himself and he was a genius. After three and a half years, the first ship reached the planned waypoint. The world that had been imagined, temporarily called Eden Alpha, was unfortunately little more than a floating boulder without a noteworthy atmosphere. They had landed in the neighboring Kendar-System. The planet was renamed to ›Failure‹. Considering how little our people knew about intergalactic navigation at the time, Mutten’s calculations were absolutely brilliant as they were only one system off. Mutten’s best student noticed the mistake and extrapolated a new course. It took another three months to get here. They landed on this world and since it was very green and full of energy, they called it Utopia Beta. It took a few years to build the first settlements and to cultivate the land.

  The big development came only after we had encountered the other species during our exploratory flights and after the preliminary hostilities, we benefited from their technologies. This enabled us to make tremendous progress, and with the help of the Salvani’s communication technology, we were able to develop the ComNet and contact Earth. Only about fifty years ago, when we learned to understand the engine and spacecraft technology of the T’zun and Krodaa, have we been able to travel to and from Earth in a matter of days.«

  »Is the population there now stable?«, Tim asked.

  »The second wave of emigration twenty years ago finally improved the situation, but it will certainly not stop there. It is conceivable that we need another world to secure our future. Apart from this world, there are only mining facilities, a few outposts and two space stations out there. That’s enough for now, but certainly not forever.«

  They discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the colony and life on Earth for a while.

  They continued the conversation in the mess at dinner. Jimbo asked the group: »Do you think there will soon be another world that we will colonize? I’m sure there are some suitable planets.«

  Kelly remarked: »Certainly not in the next few years. As long as we’re at war with two species, no one will risk sending away any resources and soldiers. I think it would be a good idea to start a colony together with another species. Who says a world must belong exclusively to one people?«

  Roderick looked skeptical. »Are you serious? We are talking about humanity here. It took forever until we could even halfway overcome our own differences. Even today, the N-word is often used in heated debates. Nobody will trust an alien.«

  Gina agreed: »People have never been fond of sharing. Not among each other and certainly not with others. Tolerance does not belong to our strengths ...«

  Carter changed the subject: »What do you think of Annie? After Banes, I hadn’t expected to meet such a nice person h
ere. So far the material isn’t really new, but I still have a lot of fun with it. She has a talent for passing on knowledge.«

  Roderick made a face: »Of course this comes from the teacher’s favorite here. Sanders the holy recruit. Always exemplary and open-minded, but only because he’s afraid to speak his mind.«

  Carter replied: »You want to hear my opinion? You are an asshole. Happy?«

  The others laughed and Roderick seemed more surprised than angry, but he let it go for now.

  After lunch, they wanted to make their way to the drill ground as usual when their bracelets vibrated. They looked and realized that the schedule for that day had been changed. There was now ›Martial Arts Basics‹ and the location was the sports hall at the back of the main building. Internally, they were all happy to be able to spare themselves the drill by Banes, but martial arts sounded suspiciously like bruises and pain. They left the mess and walked through the long corridor leading to the sports hall. Many of the other recruits hurried past them. Except for Nambur, they did not see a single alien on the grounds. He seemed to be an exception. Leena looked curiously into an open room. Carter saw that it was a computer room in which some older recruits were working highly concentrated. »Do you like computers,« he asked her.

  She looked at him and said: »You bet! My parents didn’t have the money for much technology or the luxury of a reasonable computer. I had to learn how to use an old XM-42/5.8 Retcon. You could do basic commands and simple hacks with it, but not much more.«

  Carter looked at her perplexed: »I’ve spent a lot of time on computers, but I have no idea what this XM-42 ... blah blah blah is. And I can’t hack either.«

  »No kidding? But it’s so easy.«

  Carter smiled and took her with him to keep up with the others. The gym was very big, but there always was only one group. In the middle of the hall, there were large red and blue mats on the floor. A cat-like man stood there and waited for them.

  »That’s a T’zun! One of the cat people!«, Jane whispered quietly.

  When they were close enough, they could see him better. He had the same proportions as a human, but was covered in light brown fur, had claws on his hands and feet, a long tail and the head of a big feline with small round ears. He wore red cloth pants with a black belt and no top. He looked at them with his green cat eyes and nodded to them.

  »Hello, recruits. My name is Jazzir and I am your martial arts teacher here at the base. As your comrade just correctly stated, I am a T’zun. My people are known for their body control and weaponless fighting. For this reason, some of us have been asked to support the training of recruits as part of the alliance with the humans. In addition to your regular physical training sessions, combat training will accompany you for the entire two years. Many of you will wonder why melee combat is so useful in a time of firearms and artillery. In every battle, soldiers get into direct confrontations. A good melee fighter can take on a variety of armed enemies without firing a single shot. But before you can do that, you’ll need to learn the basics. And that’s why we’re here.«

  They took off their jackets and boots and entered the mats barefoot. After a little warm-up, they stood in front of Jazzir and waited for what he said.

  »Imagine you are facing another person who is very angry with you. You feel that there is going to be a fight. What do you think the person will do first?«

  Roderick said: »He will want to punch me in the face with his fist.«

  »This is indeed the first impulse in humans. At least man to man. How would a man attack a woman?«

  Billy raised his hand: »I would try to grab the woman by her throat.« Jazzir nodded: »Men know their strength and get close to the woman to intimidate her. Besides, most women can’t counter a man’s strength and if you choke her, she has to give up.«

  »If she doesn’t like it ...«, Billy whispered with a grin.

  »What about women?«, the T’zun asked.

  Kelly thought: »I’ve always been told that when a man gets pushy, a kick in the private parts is the best chance of success.«

  Jazzir strode up and down as he said: »Good advice. A targeted hit on the man’s most sensitive spot can put him out of action before it comes to a fight. But what do you do if that doesn’t work? Women usually wrestle closely with each other because they have long fingernails and thus prevent the opponent from gaining momentum. However, this tactic is highly inefficient.« He moved deliberately back and forth. »Each training day will be divided into two. I’ll teach you the best way to attack an enemy and take them out quickly. And I’ll teach you how best to defend yourself against such an attack. Of course, each species has different weaknesses, but we’ll focus on human physiology first. Many fighters would say that throws and similar maneuvers stop the enemy the fastest. But you don’t always have time or space in battle. Also, there is often more than one opponent. Therefore I will teach you punches, kicks and other movements that can be used universally.«

  Carter had a pretty good idea of what those movements looked like because he had seen a lot of movies. But he had to realize that visual performance had no place in real training. As soon as he was to try the first lateral kicks, Jazzir raised his hand and reminded the group:

  »Many of you have probably seen videos in which experienced melee fighters almost unstoppably conquer entire enemy waves. As entertaining as this is, it’s clear to a real warrior that these actors have rehearsed choreographies. Several movements in such videos are deliberately complicated and inefficient to look particularly impressive. If you did something like that in a real combat situation, you’d be defeated fast.«

  They started with Jazzir showing them various simple punching techniques that they repeated. They had several sandbags hanging at the back of the hall so as not to have to hold back their strength. Meanwhile, their teacher kept wandering up and down watching them all to see if the technique was correct. He stopped at Jimbo and said: »Watch your breathing. Every punch and every kick comes from the center of the body. A muscular arm does not guarantee a hard punch. The power must come from the core. Breathe out when you hit, and you will automatically tighten your torso.«

  Jimbo tried it and you could see the punching bag moving a little more. He was surprised himself. Kelly was a natural. She gave her sandbag blows that could knock a man down. Jazzir nodded benevolently.

  After they were allowed to try a few more kicks, it was time to eat again. Carter sat with Kelly, Leena, and Billy at the table and Urma also sat down. Billy said: »I’m telling you guys, these cat guys are really badass! I once saw on TV how one of them carved up a man with his claws. But the gibberish about body control and stuff like that ... I don’t get why anybody should limit themselves that way.«

  »If you have a lot of strength and power, then you shouldn’t abuse it. Everyone gets angry sometimes or has to go through unpleasant things. If you lose control, the consequences would be very unpleasant.«, Leena said. Billy shook his head. »Nonsense. If you’re strong, use that and kick the shit out of anyone who gets into your way. Done!« He shoved a spoonful of soup into his mouth. Urma asked Kelly: »I noticed that Jazzir was very satisfied with you. You seem to have experience in fighting. Am I right?«

  Kelly finished chewing her bread and answered with a nod: »Yes, that’s right. My mother was a model and she told me how many times in her life she was harassed by men. Security personnel isn’t always there to help. So I was sent to kickboxing from an early age. She wanted me to never feel helpless. And I can proudly say that I have often successfully resisted when a macho couldn’t accept a ›no‹.«

  Carter said to her: »This is really cool! When one looks at you, one has no idea what you’re made of. That you studied martial arts is quite impressive. I’ve read a lot and also had some sporting hobbies, but I’m quite a beginner compared to you.«

  They laughed, then Kelly replied: »Well, you had more time for fun things. I was always studying or doing sports. My parents kept saying you have to sacrifi
ce your youth if you want it easier later in life. Now I think that I have many good chances for the future, but still, I often wish I had done more pointless things when I was younger.«

  Leena grinned: »Are you talking about alcohol, parties, and sex? Because with your looks, you could have had any guy.«

  »Parties were never anything for me. When you get hit on by every guy, you avoid the places where they’re drunk. I’ve tried alcohol, but it’s disgusting ... honestly. And sex ... I made my experiences. Sure, finding a guy who wanted it wasn’t hard. It’s harder to find someone who still notices me afterward and shows interest. Even the friendliest guy turned out to be a dick afterwards.«

  Leena nodded in agreement with a look at Billy, who was permanently staring at Kelly’s breasts. She said: »Admittedly, we are young. The maturity you’re looking for is still very rare in men that age.«

  Carter added: »I would almost say that men are never really mature. We just don’t let our ›childish self‹ out too openly anymore. But I think men are always like twelve with each other.« They laughed, even if Billy hadn’t really listened.

  The first week was over and the weekend was coming up. In the initial three months, they had no day off, so they spent the time together. On Saturday morning and parts of the afternoon, apart from eating, they lay almost exclusively near the drill ground on the meadow, complaining about their aching bones. As was the case with most groups, smaller friendships quickly formed and the same people were almost always sought out to talk. Henry and Gina had liked each other immediately because both were technically interested and not the most athletic people. You often saw them sitting next to each other talking about video games and computers. Roderick got along quite well with Billy, who seemed to be a pretentious idiot, but was always willing to tease Carter, even though he was a privileged son himself. Nevertheless, both liked cars and engines, which gave them plenty to talk about. Tim and Tom had found pleasure in Jimbo, who could always come up with interesting topics because he had a photographic memory and knew all kinds of encyclopedias by heart. Urma and Nambur seemed to get along well because they were both minorities in their home country and thus instinctively understood each other’s behavior. Jane was popular with everyone because of her humorous nature, so she kept changing the group she was with. But since she also had friends in older recruit groups, she was often not with them at all in her free time.


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