Unlocked 8.5 (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

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Unlocked 8.5 (Keeper of the Lost Cities) Page 17

by Shannon Messenger


  AS ANYONE CAN CLEARLY SEE, attending Foxfire is truly a tremendous privilege. And those who call themselves prodigies become immersed in a unique environment, rich with exciting traditions, powerful knowledge, and lasting friendships.

  Highlights of the school year include:

  The Foxfire Opening Ceremonies: Before the new school year begins, the prodigies gather to perform for their families in a musical extravaganza, including a light show, costumed dances for each grade level, showers of edible confetti, and a very special presentation from the elite towers that includes the blooming of the splendors and the flight of the flickerwings. The campus is decorated in a variety of bioluminescence for the festivities, and the Council attends—and speaks to the audience—wishing the prodigies a successful year of study.

  Midterm celebrations: Hard work should be celebrated—even before the results are in. As such, prodigies are directed to hang their thinking caps from their lockers as soon as they complete their exams. The next day, they fill them with gifts and treats for their friends, which they then open while their parents meet with their Mentors to receive their grades. The whole campus is decorated for the occasion, and treats float through the halls for prodigies to catch and enjoy.

  The Ultimate Splotching Championship: Most of the activities in physical education are more casually organized, but the Ultimate Splotching Championship is an exciting exception. Prodigies battle each other using telekinesis, with the losers being eliminated and the winners sparring against each other until the Ultimate Champion is found—and rewarded with a pardon, which can be used to skip one assigned punishment.

  Final exam celebrations: These festivities are similar to the midterm celebrations—though the gifts exchanged tend to be more extravagant. And the principal closes out the school year with an inspiring speech, followed by another shower of edible confetti and a coordinated cape toss between all the prodigies.

  A new beginning for the truly exceptional.


  FOR CENTURIES, EXILLIUM HAS BEEN viewed as a place for the unworthy—a school only attended when there were no other options. Waywards were sent to Exillium as punishment, after most had been banished from the Lost Cities.

  But Exillium was originally created to be a space of alternative learning—a haven for those who take in knowledge a little differently, where all can grow and thrive. Additionally, Exillium was meant to offer a path toward redemption for those who’d made mistakes in their past.

  Somehow those visions were lost over time—but Exillium is working hard to bring them back!

  Thanks to the efforts of Sophie Foster—and the assistance of Councillor Oralie—Exillium has begun receiving the funds and support needed in order to transform the educational experience into what it was always meant to be.

  In fact, Exillium recently set up their tents on the Foxfire campus for a joint educational venture that benefitted everyone in the Lost Cities! Every elf was then able to experience being divided according to their learning style before working through some of Exillium’s skill-based curriculum with our three talented Coaches. And everyone could clearly see how simple and effective the Exillium approach is.

  Still, many in the Lost Cities cling to old misconceptions about Exillium. So for clarity, two former Waywards (Tam and Linh Song) have shared their experiences. And while Tam doesn’t hold back from revealing Exillium’s old, unfortunate ways, Linh points to the school’s bright future—and the hope that someday attending Exillium will be a choice many will eagerly make.







  Favoring logic and reason


  Coach Wilda


  Favoring spontaneity and creativity


  Coach Bora


  A hybrid of both approaches


  Coach Rohana


  The worst thing about Exillium was that the rules were all designed to strip away our identities and leave everyone feeling powerless—and I get that the Coaches were super outnumbered and trying to find a way to keep some kind of control. But it was brutal not being allowed to talk to anyone—or use our names.

  The only “identifying” thing we were able to have was an ability badge pinned to our vests—and don’t even get me started on the rest of the uniform. I mean, I’m a Shade. Black clothes are my life. But really, guys? Tall boots? A studded mask? It’s like they were trying to make us look ridiculous.

  Actually, they probably were.…

  The Coaches were also allowed to punish us however they wanted. And there was never enough food or medical supplies. Oh, and for added fun, we had to prove that we deserved to get one of the beads to find the campus every day. So we got to be miserable, and also got to be like, “Please let us come back tomorrow so we can be miserable again!”

  Fun times.

  But… all the skill practice has turned out to be pretty useful. Everyone definitely needs a lot more of that. And Foxfire can be kind of annoying, with everyone walking around like, “We’re so special!” Plus, things really did get better at Exillium after Sophie got the Council to cough up some actual funding. Sometimes I think about transferring back.

  It was cool seeing all the different Neutral Territories—and I’m pretty sure my dad’s brain would implode if I went back.

  But, I go where Linh goes.



  I’m not going to pretend that things weren’t hard at Exillium—but I’m sure my brother already had plenty to say about all of that.

  Plus… I’m actually not sure if I would’ve learned how to temper my hydrokinesis if I’d been at Foxfire. The Foxfire curriculum is centered on abilities, and that’s the last thing I needed. Focusing on skills at Exillium trained my brain to ignore the call of water—which is the only reason I stopped flooding everything.

  It was also nice getting to learn in a group setting at Exillium—or it was, once we were allowed to talk and show our faces and make friends. Sometimes working one-on-one with the Foxfire Mentors can be a little intimidating—especially if their lecture is boring and there’s no way to hide your yawns.

  So I hope everyone is finally realizing that it’s absolutely okay if their brain works a little differently. Going to Exillium should never be about “failing” or “punishment,” or “not belonging in the Lost Cities.” It should be about finding a safe, happy learning environment that works for how someone learns. And it looks like that’s what Exillium’s trying to create for everyone.

  I hope they pull it off, and that no one ever has to feel scared or worthless or cast aside like Tam and I did.

  Oh, and Exillium definitely needs to get new uniforms!



  THE ELVES BELIEVE THAT EVERY creature exists for a reason, and to allow any species to go extinct would throw off the planet’s delicate balance and cause irreparable damage—possibly even a massive catastrophe. As a result, the elves have gone to tremendous lengths to preserve each type of animal—particularly those linked to human myths and superstitions (since they’re the most vulnerable to hunting, capture, and experimentation).

  Many creatures considered by humans to be “extinct” or “endangered” are also thriving under elvin protection—and finding a place to safely (and secretly) shelter so many animals was quite a challenge. But the elves turned to the dwarves and gnomes for assistance, and together, they hollowed out the Himalayan mountain range and built the Sanctuary: a special wildlife preserve designed for creatures of all shapes, sizes, and needs. Every climate and ecosystem is available, as is a limitless supply of food and resources—and a vast team of caretakers. All animals are also “rehabilita
ted” before being moved to the Sanctuary, to ensure they’ve adjusted to a diet of gnomish vegetables and tamed their hunting instincts.

  Some of the species under elvin protection are:


  The rarest creature on the planet, with only four in existence (Silveny, Greyfell, Wynn, and Luna)—and that number is a recent development. Alicorns have shimmering silver fur, feathered wings, brown eyes, a wavy silver mane and tail, and a white-and-silver-swirled horn jutting out of their foreheads. They’re also telepathic and can teleport.


  Enormous silver-blue birds that humans believe are extinct. They eat carrion in the wild and are one of the four creatures the Neverseen used to create the gorgodon.


  Giant arthropods believed to be extinct, with long, poisonous antennae that end in forked points covered in clear slime. Arthropleura have plenty of writhing legs, but they travel primarily by coiling themselves into balls and rolling—and they hiss when threatened.


  Slinky ferretlike creatures with gray fur and beady purple eyes. Banshees can tell when someone is dangerously ill and will scream a warning—or choose to lie beside them if the person is about to die. As a result, many physicians keep banshees as pets (like Bullhorn in the Foxfire Healing Center).


  Best known for their orange and blue fire-resistant feathers and small watery eyes. Bennus have storklike bodies and pelican-like beaks and often build their nests near flareadons—or in areas where lightning strikes are a regular occurrence.


  Black parrot-size birds with dark, glittering eyes. Their heads are crowned with a yellow feathered mohawk—but a boobrie’s most distinct feature is their long, curled eyelashes (or perhaps their earthshaking roar).


  Furry, rat-size creatures with curved brown shells a bit like turtles, which they hibernate inside for the majority of the year.


  Small, friendly creatures that make excellent pets, given their lack of claws or fangs as well as their calm temperament. Cockatrices’ bodies are similar to chickens’, but are covered in scales instead of feathers, with beaked noses and stumpy tails.


  Large reptilian creatures that come in a variety of species (T. rexes, triceratops, stegosaurs, pterodactyls, raptors—to name a few), with one noticeable commonality between them: They’re all covered in bright, fluffy feathers. And despite what humans think, dinosaurs are definitely not extinct. Most species of dinosaurs easily transition to the Sanctuary, but Verdi (a T. rex) might end up a permanent resident at Havenfield.


  Larger and much fiercer than the more common wolves in the wild, dire wolves have elongated fangs, thicker coats, and sharper claws. Humans believe they’re extinct, but the Sanctuary houses numerous thriving packs. The Council selected the dire wolf as the mascot for Sophie Foster when she became the leader of Team Valiant.


  Unlike the fearsome beasts of human legends, dragons are timid reptilian creatures—larger than a dog but smaller than a horse, with scaled green skin and spikes running down their backs. They walk on four legs (which is the easiest way to differentiate dragons from wyverns) and serve as the mascot for Level Four at Foxfire.


  Elephant-size plesiosaurs with long hooked necks, pointed noses, gills lining their cheeks, and scaled skin that comes in a variety of colors (most commonly gray-green, purple, and blue). Eckodons live in the water and use sound vortexes to travel great distances. Many human legends are based on them, particularly the stories of the Loch Ness Monster.


  These eight-foot sea scorpions are another creature that humans believe to be extinct. And while eurypterids look deadly (especially with their pincers raised), they’re actually quite gentle and friendly. Eurypterids swim along the surface of water, which is why they were chosen to pull the carriages in Atlantis.


  Pterodactyl-like creatures with golden, flame-resistant fur and enormous green eyes. Flareadons need fire to survive and generally live near volcanoes. The Neverseen used flareadon DNA to make the gorgodon, and flareadons are also the mascot for Level Seven at Foxfire. Sophie Foster additionally used a flareadon named Gildie to bottle a sample of Everblaze.


  Small insects that look part firefly, part moth, and part butterfly—with a slightly venomous bite. Flickerwings are drawn to the splendors (a rare type of plant) and are used as part of Foxfire’s Opening Ceremonies.


  A furless catlike creature with deep-set black eyes and sallow gray skin that sags slightly off their bones, giving ghouls an appearance of something dead, even though they’re very much alive—which is probably why they’re featured in so many human ghost stories.


  A deadly creature created by the Neverseen to guard their Nightfall facility. Gorgodons are part flareadon, part gorgonops, part argentavis, and part eurypterid, with a reptilian face, lionlike limbs, sharply angled wings, and slitted yellow eyes—as well as venomous fangs, venomous talons, and venomous spikes on their curled tails. They can also fly, breathe underwater, scale walls, and camouflage themselves—and they’re at home on land, in the sea, or in the sky. Their only vulnerability is fire, despite the fact that their eggs require Everblaze to hatch. Only one gorgodon remains, which some feel means the gorgodon is now the rarest creature on the planet (and the new standard for the Timeline to Extinction). But others argue that gorgodons aren’t a “naturally” existing species and therefore shouldn’t count.


  Humans believe the gorgonops is extinct, but the vicious creatures live on in the Sanctuary—though they have to be kept in isolation because of their aggressive tendencies (even after rehabilitation). They look like a combination of a saber-toothed tiger, a hippo, and a giant rat—with huge fangs—and their DNA was used by the Neverseen to create the gorgodon.


  Small creatures with black fur, shiny noses, and folded ears like a puppy’s who love to dismantle things with their capable hands—particularly technology (which makes it extra surprising that the Black Swan’s Technopath, Tinker, chooses to keep a gremlin named Sprocket as a pet). Gremlins are the mascot for Level One at Foxfire.


  A lionlike beast with wings and a beaked nose—much like the human myths surrounding their existence. Given their eagle-sharp eyesight, enormous claws, and prominent fangs, griffins are deadly hunters and are some of the trickiest creatures to rehabilitate.


  Incredibly stinky greenish creatures that are rarely seen aboveground (though a number became visible during Foxfire’s infamous Great Gulon Incident). Their bodies are similar in size to a large rabbit, but shaped more like a rodent—with the exception of their noses, which are elongated like an anteater’s.


  Small birds with feathers in different shades of blue (not to be confused with the birds that humans have given the same name). Halcyons are able to sense when a storm is coming, and they serve as the mascot for Level Two at Foxfire.


  A type of tiny, troublesome insect similar in size to a flea, but with silver bodies perfect for blending into unicorn fur. Ichrites feed primarily on unicorn blood.


  Palm-size gray creatures with enormous eyes, furry ears, batlike wings, and tiny purple tongues. Imps are equal parts adorable and troublesome—with a venomous bite that isn’t deadly (but is painful). They’re also incredibly stinky and known for their loud snoring. But under the right circumstances, they can make wonderful pets (as in the case of Sophie Foster’s imp, Iggy).


  Rabbitlike creatures with massive antlers jutting out of their heads. Humans consider them to be nothing more than a silly folk tale.


  Black, wi
nged serpents that feed off blood by latching onto an animal and injecting them with venom that serves as a powerful anticoagulant.


  Bluish-green water horses that are slightly sparkly. Kelpies are beautiful and elusive and live primarily in the Gloaming Valley where the Alenon River connects to the ocean. Kelpies were chosen by the Council as a mascot for Biana Vacker when she joined Team Valiant.


  Slimy green beasts that look like a strange combination of an octopus, an elephant, and a lion, with six fangs and a trunklike, tentacled nose. Krakens live so deep under the ocean that the elves don’t need to relocate them—but they do still monitor them to ensure they’re safe. The kraken was chosen by the Council as a mascot for Stina Heks when she joined Team Valiant.


  Bugs that look like a blend of scorpions and maggots—considered a dwarven delicacy (and a favorite food of eckodons).


  A powerful beast with red shaggy fur, blue-gray eyes, and multiple rows of teeth. Manticores’ tails can sting, much like a scorpion’s, and their venom is a powerful sedative.


  Elephantine creatures believed to be extinct that are similar to woolly mammoths—but with shorter, stockier bodies and sharper tusks. Mastodons serve as the mascot for Level Three at Foxfire.


  Vulture-size green insects believed to be extinct that look like enormous dragonflies, with iridescent wings and eyes like disco balls on the sides of their heads.


  Despite the abundance of human legends, mermaids are neither humanoid nor pretty. Instead, they are eel-like creatures with stringy, tentacled “hair” growing from their pointed heads. Most live wild in the ocean, and their migration is carefully monitored by the elves. But mermaids that are too weak to make the journey are placed in private aquariums—the most famous of which is at Everglen.


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