Toma (The Dark Shadows #2)

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Toma (The Dark Shadows #2) Page 7

by Ariel Marie

  “No one. Just observing,” Toma snapped. The room roared with applause as his parents made their presence known. The crowd clapped as they stood in the entryway, before the queen curtsied and the king nodded his head to the vampire dignitaries that stood together near the entrance. Toma watched as they split up, circulating around the room greeting their guests.

  “How long do we have to be here before it’s deemed acceptable for us to leave?” Teague questioned, joining them.

  “At least an hour,” Adrian answered dryly.

  “Oh boy, here she comes,” Teague groaned.

  Toma turned in the direction that Teague was looking, hoping for a glimpse of Anika but instead found their mother walking towards them accompanied by a female with deep red hair and clear green eyes on her arm. Her green and gold mask hid her face but Toma wasn’t interested. Teague seemed to take notice of her nice figure that was displayed by her fitted black floor length dress.

  The queen’s clear blue eyes sparkled behind her mask as she brought over her first mate prospect for her sons. Toma rolled his eyes before turning to search the room for a certain curvy female.

  “Hello, my sons,” the queen said with a large smile. They each respectfully greeted their mother with either a hug or a kiss on her cheek. “Let me introduce Latosha Valsalvia of Italy. Her father is Lord Armando Valsalvia, who holds a seat on the European Vampire Lords Council.”

  The queen smiled as they each took turns greeting the vampiress. When it came to Toma, he offered a tight smile and nodded his head before turning away. He took a few steps as they made small talk but his attention was on the entryway.

  His sister stood at the entryway, dressed in a tight white dress with a pink and black mask on. Cooper stood behind her, dressed in a black tux with an all black mask disguising his face, but it was not Nadira or Cooper who grabbed Toma’s attention. It was the curvy female dressed in the dark blue dress that hugged all of her curves. Her white and silver mask with dark feathers did nothing to hide the fact of who she was.


  Toma would know her body from anyone. His eyes greedily roamed her body, memorizing every aspect of her outfit down to her heels that made Toma’s mouth water.

  He moved further away from his brothers, watching every step she made as she walked around the ballroom with Nadira. He looked around the room noticing that he wasn’t the only one that had eyes for Anika.

  He ducked behind a large pillar that hid him perfectly so that he could settle in and so that she couldn’t see that he had eyes only for her.

  * * *


  Anika moved around the room, with a tingling sensation sliding down the back of her neck. She had a funny feeling that someone was watching her. She knew that Toma would be here but she had yet to see him.

  There was no way that she would have been able to get out of coming to the party. Nadira was a drill sergeant when it came to proper etiquette of the royal family. No matter how many times Anika tried to remind Nadira that she was not royalty, Nadira insisted that because they were so close and best friends, there would still be an expectation from Anika because of their relationship.

  “I wish you wouldn’t go,” Nadira said softly as they walked arm in arm through the crowd. “You just don’t seem happy. Was it something I did?”

  “No,” Anika rushed to assure her friend. “It’s just that not being able to work, being cooped up with nothing to do is draining.” She felt guilty for not telling Nadira about her and Toma but looking at how it ended, it was probably best that no one really knew about them. “Its just time for me to move on.”

  “You can stay here for as long as you want,” Nadira said stopping to look at Anika.

  “Thank you BFF,” Anika said with a genuine smile. “But you know me, I got to do, what I got to do.”

  “Okay, lets see if we can find you a man,” Nadira said laughing. “Since mom is trying to hook up my brothers, I can at least try to find you love!”

  Anika gave a short laugh but she didn’t have it in her heart to tell Nadira that she didn’t want to find love tonight. Love had already found her and it was with a vampire who couldn’t love her in return.

  She smiled softly watching Nadira circulate the room. For someone who was the shy one between the two of them, Nadira certainly flourished when it came time for her royal duty. This was totally her element. Nadira introduced her to many of the guests and Anika knew she would never remember any of their names.

  “And who might this be?” a familiar voice asked to the right of Anika. She turned finding a taller man with a black and gold mask with deep brown eyes staring down at her.

  “Brian?” Nadira cried out, hugging the new comer before making introductions. “Anika, this is Brian Schnyder. Brian, this is my very best friend in the world, Anika Massey.”

  “We’ve actually had the pleasure of meeting before,” Brian murmured as he placed a small kiss on the back of Anika’s hand. “We met at the club a few weeks ago.”

  “Yes, we did.” Anika nodded her head as recognition set in.

  Nadira’s smile grew wide at the information. Anika could instantly tell that Nadira was scheming. Laughing, Nadira pushed Anika and Brian together towards the dance floor as Cooper swept her onto the floor.

  “I guess we are being ordered to dance together,” Brian laughed holding out his hand.

  Anika smiled, knowing that her friend meant well. “I guess we are,” she said taking his hand, not wanting to cause a scene by refusing.

  The music switched to a slow number as Brian pulled her onto the floor amongst the other dancers. Anika glanced around still feeling as if she were being watched but not finding anyone openly watching her. She looked over at Nadira, catching her eyes, as she beamed with pride.

  That little snot! Anika thought to herself. Nadira was playing matchmaker just like her mother was with her brothers. Anika made a mental note to get Nadira back for this. She would have to think of a slow and tortuous punishment for her best friend.



  “Well look at that! Nadira got Anika to get on the dance floor,” the queen exclaimed as she stood behind Toma with another of her potential future mates for her sons. She had tried to introduce him to the female vampire but his eyes were glued to Anika and the male she was dancing with. “Maybe Anika could find a potential mate here at the ball,” his mother gushed. “She’s like a daughter to the king and I, and it would be wonderful for her to find love.”

  “Do you know who she is dancing with?” the female asked the queen. “I can see that they make a stunning couple and I haven’t even seen their faces with those masks on.”

  “I believe that is Brian Schnyder,” his mother droned on but Toma didn’t hear anymore.

  A blinding fury clouded his vision as he thought of the vampire’s hands on his mate. Only his hands should hold her rounded hips, he should be the one holding her close dancing amongst the party goers, whispering in her ear and making her smile.

  He slowly made his way in the direction of Anika, unable to take his eyes off of her. He watched as her dress clung to her curves and her back almost completely bare except for the diamond like straps. He knew he wasn’t the only male that had eyes on her and that almost had him seeing red. With that thought, he quickened his pace towards her.

  The music changed and he watched as the male led Anika over to the double doors that led to the veranda. He navigated his way through the crowd in order to follow them as they disappeared outside.


  He turned to see who called his name, recognizing Cesar Nasso, Lord of the Greek Vampire Region and close friend to his father, headed his way. He glanced one last time before pausing to wait for Cesar to make his way to him. He didn’t want to let on that he was following Anika.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you,” Cesar said, firmly shaking Toma’s hand.

  “It has been a while,” Toma agreed, his eyes wanderin
g back towards the veranda.

  “How goes the search to find Xalak?”

  “We are getting closer. We will not rest until he is captured,” Toma answered, irritation lining his voice. He didn’t have time to socialize. He needed to find his mate.

  “Well that is good to hear,” Cesar nodded, signaling to someone behind Toma. “Toma, I wanted you to meet my daughter, Cassia.”

  Toma had to fight back rolling his eyes. He just didn’t understand why the Council were demanding that he and his brothers find mates at a time when they were going to war with the necromancers. He didn’t need to find a mate, his better half was human and she’s currently somewhere alone with another vampire male.

  “Hello,” a soft voice said as a tall, willowy female came into view.

  With the decorative mask on, he could see she had bright green eyes, and a dark olive complexion similar to her father. Her jet-black hair was pulled into a fancy bun. She was dressed in a dark green gown that enhanced her eyes. If this were years before he first met Anika, he definitely would have been interested in her but tonight, he only had eyes for Anika.

  “Hello,” Toma said politely. His mother would have his balls if he were ever rude to a guest.

  “Would you like to dance?” she asked. He hesitated for second, glancing over at Cesar, who nodded his head towards the other dancers.

  “Sure,” Toma said with a tight smile. He didn’t want to but he would and quickly explain to her that he wasn’t interested. He escorted her onto the crowded dance floor.

  “Thank goodness,” she breathed as they started to move to the beat of the music.

  “Excuse me?” he asked confused.

  “My father has been trying to match me with every single vampire here,” she said rolling her eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you’re a good guy, a strong vampire that I should want to mate with, but I’m truly not interested.”

  Toma could feel his eyebrows shoot up in shock. “Same here,” he admitted relaxing a little.

  “Interested in a deal?” she asked with a big smile and her eyes sparkling. He could instantly see she was up to something.


  “How about we help each other,” she said looking around as if searching to see if they were being watched. He looked around and caught her father beaming as he spoke with the king.

  “I’m listening,” he said slowly, nodding to his father.

  “Why don’t we just hang out together tonight, act like we are interested in each other so that our parents will leave us alone,” she looked up at him almost pleading.

  He thought for a second and decided that this would work out. He wouldn’t have to dodge any more females and if this one was truly not interested, it would be a win-win situation for both of them.

  “With you being a son of the king, I’m sure they are pushing for you to mate with a vampire.”

  “Deal,” he said with a small smile, relief filling his chest. She didn’t need to say anymore. This he could do. This would allow him to keep an eye on Anika and keep his mother away from him with other potential mates. “Should we shake on it?”

  She shook her head no. “Your mother is standing directly behind you at the edge of the dance floor, with another female.” He went to turn to look. “Don’t turn,” she exclaimed, stopping him. “Kiss me.”

  * * *


  “Thank you for escorting me outside on the veranda. It is a beautiful night,” Anika said with a small smile as Brian walked back with her inside the ballroom.

  She had wanted to go outside on the veranda to get some air alone but Brian had insisted on going with her. She found him to be entertaining as they spoke about their lives.

  He had been honest in letting her know that he was very interested in her but she had to let him down gently, informing him that she had just got of a relationship and she couldn’t offer anything except friendship right now.

  “Anytime, friend,” he said gently offering his arm to her. She smiled, relieved that he seemed to understand. She took his arm as they walked back into the ballroom where the party was still in full swing.

  She glanced around not recognizing anyone as they walked further into the room. She grabbed a flute of champagne from a server as he navigated his way around the room.

  “I would like to see you sometime,” Brian said, rubbing the top of her hand. “Just as friends,” he added quickly just as she was about to protest.

  “I won’t be staying here after tonight,” she said taking a small sip of the champagne. “I’ll be moving in with my sister.”

  “That’s fine—” Brian’s voice faded away as her eyes locked on a familiar figure whose body she knew intimately, dancing with a woman in a deep emerald dress with black hair pulled back into a bun.

  Her steps faltered as she watched when he leaned in kissing the female. Her glass slipped from her fingers, crashing to the floor, shattering into a thousand pieces.

  “Are you alright?” Brian asked her as he flagged down a server.

  “Yes,” she said, not taking her eyes off the love of her life.

  She knew she had been correct in breaking it off from Toma to make room for his vampire mate. She just never knew a broken heart would hurt so much.


  ~ Toma~

  It’s been over two weeks since Anika moved out of the Olaru mansion. Toma was still pissed that the king agreed to let her move into her sister’s home. She should be with them so that they could keep her safe. The king ordered around the clock guards to protect Anika and her sister.

  That wasn’t enough to satisfy Toma. He didn’t like knowing that his mate was vulnerable living with her sister. He’d been in one fucked up mood since the night he discovered that she had left the mansion.

  Ever since she put a halt to his daily visits, he continued to take on the worst assignments that Nicu had to offer to keep his mind off her, coming home exhausted mentally and physically.

  They had a lead that all of the versi, the necromancer’s dead puppets, were on the move tonight. He shifted his position as he leaned back against the brick wall of the three-story building he sat perched on; surveying the area. This area of downtown had been noted to be a hotspot for the versi lately. He leaned over the edge briefly scanning the street below. It was two in the morning and there was no movement on the street.

  Toma was ready for action; he was in a foul mood and ready to kill something. He had fed from one of the family’s slujitor sânge, blood servants, before leaving to come hunting tonight. Fresh blood and the high moon ensured that Toma was at full strength.

  A couple of months ago, they had retrieved five dead bodies from the coroner’s office that had been investigated by the human police department. Cooper helped them transfer the bodies to the vampire containment center where their scientist studied the bodies.

  The bodies were all human males, found dead in public areas with no open wounds or defensive marks. The only thing that the human medical examiner found abnormal was that the bodies were missing almost all of their blood.

  To the humans they didn’t have any explanations for the low blood volume but to a vampire it meant war. They were trying to expose the vampires.

  The necromancers were not discreet with their killings, leaving the bodies for anyone to find. Every time they killed, they drained a human’s energy, taking their life force. After a necromancer killed their victim, they were then able to raise and control them, using them as they pleased. The newly raised dead were named versi.

  The sound of footsteps echoing from below caught his attention. He leaned back over the ledge just as a hooded figure paused at the edge of the alley that ran alongside the building.


  Toma waited, trying to see what the necro was going to do. He grabbed his blade from his waist, waiting, watching as the hooded figure raised his arms in the air. A low light shined from the necros hand as muttering in another language could be heard. He wa
s raising versi.


  Toma swiftly raced to the other end of the rooftop vaulting over the ledge, silently dropping through the air, landing the three-story fall directly behind the necro. The necro turned just as Toma swung his right arm landing a punch on the necro’s jaw.

  * * *


  “You were to wait for Ronin and Adrian!” Nicu roared, pacing back and forth in front of Toma. “They were ten minutes from your position.”

  “Ten minutes was too long of a wait,” Toma growled. “I caught the fucking necro. That is all that matters.”

  “You’ve become reckless!” Nicu growled grabbing Toma by his shirt and slamming him into the wall behind him.

  “Hey!” Adrian yelled out as he and Teague pulled Nicu off of Toma.

  “I get the fucking job done!” Toma shouted, pointing at the necromancer sitting in the holding room.

  By the time Ronin and Adrian had showed up to his position in the alley, the necromancer was unconscious on the ground and handcuffed. It wasn’t Xalak but this was a start. This was the first necromancer that had been caught since their race disappeared fifty years ago.

  Together, Ronin, Adrian and Toma transported the unconscious necromancer to their undisclosed containment center. He was placed in a steel enforced room that was warded to block all magic, keeping him from calling on his versi and any other necromancers.

  “I don’t know what your fucking problem is,” Nicu snapped. “But I’m this close to pulling you from active duty!” Nicu held up his hand showing his thumb and pointer finger almost touching.


  Toma paced as Nicu spoke to Adrian and Ronin. Toma peered into the steel encased room through the shatterproof one-way glass window. The necromancer sat in the chair, the only furniture in the room, with his arms still handcuffed behind him.


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