One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2)

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One Taste of Love (A One Taste Novel Book 2) Page 5

by Amanda Siegrist

  Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. She pressed her lips together to keep the tears at bay, knowing her father didn’t like tears whatsoever, and glanced around the dining room and kitchen that connected as one. Besides a coffee mug from earlier this morning that sat on the kitchen counter, nothing was out of place. Her house was spotless, especially when she knew her father would make an appearance.

  The damn mug. She should’ve known better than to leave it on the counter.

  “Let me pick up and then get ready.”

  “I’ll take care of it. You’d think you’d know better by now. You’ll never find a suitable man on your own.”

  A weak smile emerged. Anything to pacify her father and show that she agreed. Any other response would just start a whole new tirade. She could barely stand this one.

  She walked out of the room before the tears fell like a waterfall. Her father was wrong. She could find a suitable man on her own. She had found one—Ben. She just couldn’t have him.

  Rina managed to get ready with a speed she knew would satisfy her father and fixed her hair with his approval as well. She wrapped her hair into a tight bun, leaving the right side into a deep wave that clipped to the back. Even she liked it.

  She had several black dresses to choose from, but pulled two from the closet. One could be called conservative, leaving it up to the man’s imagination of what was underneath. The other was a little too revealing for her tastes. Two tiny straps, a little more than a hint of cleavage, her back half-bare, and it reached midway between her hips and knees. She would feel utterly naked if she wore that one.

  The rebel who appeared earlier at work, spoke loudly. Without thinking, she tossed the conservative one to the floor and strapped on the provocative dress before she could change her mind. Her father was bound to blow a gasket. Oh well. That was nothing new.

  She didn’t want to impress Anthony. She wanted to scare him away.

  Except when she opened the door for Anthony, she saw the appreciation in his eyes. He liked the dress, and the entire time they ate, he couldn’t keep his eyes on her face. She continually shifted in her seat as his piercing stares centered on her chest, making her more and more uncomfortable as the night dragged on.

  She had thought him a nice man, but the longer the date went on, the more she realized he was just like her father. Arrogant and rude to what he considered people below him. Like the wait-staff.

  The date seemed never-ending. But a serious problem had surfaced. Her father liked him and expected a relationship to develop. Not just a relationship, but something very, very permanent. Her father expected her to marry this man. Anthony had insinuated as such. If she were honest with herself, her father had as well. Ignoring the obvious didn’t make it go away.

  “I had a lovely night, Rina. You are absolutely breathtaking. Your father raised a beautiful woman. And all on his own. You never know what sort of lady appears considering that,” Anthony said, flickering a glance her way, his eyes roaming down her legs.

  Shifting unobtrusively, she tried to pull down her dress a little. “Thank you, Anthony.” She smiled politely, knowing any other retort would get her nowhere. Just like her father. It made her want to throw up.

  “I would love to bring you to the country club on Sunday. My mother will be there.”

  She shifted in the seat again. “I would love to, but I already have plans.”

  She turned her head in time to see him clench his jaw, then just as quickly, a smile formed. “I would love to see you tomorrow. There’s this play I’ve been wanting to see. Join me.”

  She smiled, then glanced away to look out the window. What could she say to get out of that one? He really hadn’t phrased it as a question. More like a demand. She didn’t want to date Anthony. Dealing with her father drove her insane at times. Having to deal with another man just like him would probably send her straight to the mental ward. Sometimes in life, a person couldn’t escape the inevitable.

  She started to turn her head back to him with a fake smile and false words when he pulled into her driveway. Her throat clogged, unable to respond with even one little lie. Someone stood on her porch.

  “It’s nine o’clock. It seems rather late for a visitor, Rina.”

  She pressed her lips together to hold in the laughter. The audacity of the man. He couldn’t even hide his annoyance. Did he think she would just magically fall at his feet no matter how he acted? Laughter wouldn’t help her situation, but she really wanted to laugh. The absurdity of the entire night. She would’ve never had a pitiful date if Ben had been by her side.

  You two together would be perfect. Damn her father. Of course, Anthony assumed she’d take whatever abuse he delivered her way. He was just like her father. Most likely even had a long chat with him about her.

  She almost rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing things clearly when she got a better look at her visitor. A huge weight suddenly lifted off her shoulders, for the very tiniest of a moment, until she realized how this would look.

  “Do you know who that man is?” Anthony asked, grabbing her arm when she placed a hand on the door handle.

  Glancing at him, she then looked at his hand. He hadn’t grabbed her roughly, but the feel of his hand sent disturbing tingles up her arm. “Please let me go.”

  He let her go immediately. “My apologies. Do I need to call the police? Do you know him?”

  Just like that, he feigned concern. What a masterful actor. Rina adjusted her dress and opened her door. “Yes, I do.”

  She stepped out with as much elegance as she could muster and slowly approached Ben, who stood on her porch with his hands in his pockets. “Hi, Ben. What are you doing here?”

  “Care to explain who he is yet, Rina?” Anthony asked without waiting for Ben to respond, barely giving Rina a chance to speak.

  “Who are you?” Ben retorted, then glanced at Rina with a disgusted look.

  He probably hated her for her actions earlier this week. If he didn’t, he certainly did now by the look on his face.

  “Rina’s boyfriend. I’d like to know who you are and why you’re at her house so late at night,” Anthony replied without missing a beat.

  “Well, shit, Rina, how long have you been dating this guy?” Ben shoved a hand in Anthony’s direction.

  The anger imploded on his face made her lose her words. What could she say to that? It wasn’t true. Not really. One date didn’t constitute dating, did it? Or did the fact her father expected her to date him make it true?

  “Do not speak to her that way. Who are you?” Anthony took a step closer to Ben.

  “Nobody. Absolutely nobody.” Ben walked down the stairs, then stopped in front of her and whispered, “You could’ve shared this news a few days ago. Instead, you let me kiss you.”

  He took a step away, her panic rising to the surface. She couldn’t be alone with Anthony anymore. She never wanted to go out with him in the first place. All she wanted was Ben.

  Instinctively, her hand reached out and grabbed his jacket before he stepped too far away. “Don’t leave, Ben. Please.”

  He looked at her. A crease formed between his brows as he frowned. He touched her hand temporarily to give her reassurance, then turned toward Anthony. How had he known she needed that? Everything suddenly felt better. Safer.

  “Well, continue on your way, Ben,” Anthony said, his voice enunciating his name with a bit of venom.

  “I need to talk to Rina. I’ll wait for you to say goodnight.” Ben offered a friendly smile, shifting his body a little closer to her, brushing his arm against her bare shoulder. Shivering with delight from the contact, she wondered how Anthony would react if she suddenly wrapped her arms around Ben. How would Ben react, for that matter? But that’s what she needed. His warm arms around her.

  “You’re making Rina nervous. Don’t make me call the police. I’ll have you arrested without an issue. I’m a lawyer. Anthony Tollhorn.” He smirked.

  Ben moved his jacket to put a ha
nd on his hip, displaying his badge clipped to his belt with pride. “Not sure what officer would dare to try and put handcuffs on me when I haven’t broken the law.”

  Anthony looked confused, yet with a hint of anger lingering in the depths of his eyes. “Is everything okay, Rina? If you have a problem, I can help you. You don’t need him to help you with anything.”

  “He’s a friend. My best friend is married to his partner. There’s nothing wrong. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Rina offered him a sweet smile that would hopefully diffuse the situation brewing. Ben still stood very close to her. He tensed immediately at her softly spoken words.

  To her surprise, Anthony walked over and grabbed her by the shoulders with a little more force than he used in the car. He moved her away from Ben. “I don’t like the looks of him. Police or not. I’m not leaving you alone until he leaves.”

  “He’d never hurt me. You don’t have to worry.”

  His fingers began to increase in pressure. The sickening feeling from the car intensified to unbearable as she grimaced. His fingernails grazed her skin as Ben suddenly shoved him off. He took a stance in front of her, blocking her view of Anthony.

  “You touch her like that again, Anthony,” Ben said, enunciating his name with venom this time, “and I’ll arrest you for assault.”

  “Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with? I am Anthony Tollhorn. My father is David Tollhorn, best criminal lawyer in the state.”

  “What is it with assholes like you always mentioning dear old dad? My dad owns a hardware store, which I’m damn proud of, but if you wanna play the dad card, then I’m game. My partner, Detective Chance, his dad happens to be the best judge in the state. I’m like a son to him. You want to keep going back and forth here, or are you going to get the hell off Rina’s property? In fact, Rina, do you want this joker coming back?”

  Ben stepped to the side, one eye on Anthony and the other on her. He looked ready to fight to the death for her, yet the concern pierced his eyes. “Rina? Do you want him coming around anymore?”

  His worry, his compassion almost made her want to cry. She tore her eyes away and glanced at Anthony. Nothing but arrogance and disappointment. Disappointment like her father always displayed.

  Screwed either way. Anthony would tell his father, who would tell her father, no matter what she said. Anthony’s condescending voice helped her decide rather quickly.

  “Like she’d pick you over me.”

  She grabbed Ben’s hand, squeezing hard. “No, Ben, I don’t want him coming around here. Anthony, I don’t believe we will be having a second date. Please leave.”

  “You’re making the worst decision of your life, Rina. I wonder what your father will have to say.” Anthony gave her a look of disgust and left without another word.

  Rina let go of Ben’s hand and quickly unlocked her door as the tears pooled in the corner of her eyes. Sniffling once, she had to keep them back. Breaking down in front of Ben would make her look even more pathetic. She couldn’t be any more embarrassed. What did Ben think of her now?

  The door swung open with a little more force than she anticipated. Barely hiding her stumble, she walked away with the door wide open. Ben could decide whether he wanted to come in or not. She didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes. The disgust that she actually chose willingly to go out with a man like that.

  The keys jingled as they hit the bottom of the bowl. No other sound echoed around the house. Did he even close the front door before he left?

  A tear slid down. Her feet immobile. What direction did she go? To her bedroom or to check the front door?

  A soft hand clamped her arm. “Rina, look at me.”

  She closed her eyes, unable to move. He shouldn’t sound so concerned. She didn’t deserve any kindness from him.

  “Don’t ignore me.” He walked in front of her instead of pulling her towards him, his warm hand still holding her arm.

  His soft touch soothed her just as his sweet voice did. A finger brushed her cheek, wiping away another tear, then his arms circled around her, pulling her as close as possible. “Please don’t let that asshole make you cry. He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. I can’t imagine your father would like him anyway. He’ll probably—”

  “Stop.” She lifted her head, finally opening her eyes. “My father likes Anthony. Do you want to know why I can’t date you, Ben?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Wrapping her arms tightly around him as she rested her head against his chest, she whispered, “Because my father would never allow it.”

  Clutching him tighter, she refused to look him in the eye. What would she see? He still hadn’t given her one look of disgust or contempt.

  “He’d probably make you feel like you didn’t matter. He would never approve of me dating a cop. That’s not good enough in his eyes. Sometimes, I think I’m not even good enough in his eyes.”

  She probably wasn’t. A mere secretary. The only time in her life she defied her father and he let her get away with it.

  Another tear escaped as his arms still held her tightly. He probably had no idea how much she needed him just to hold her. To offer comfort when she didn’t deserve any.

  “If you still didn’t back down on dating me, he’d probably offer you money to walk away. It’s happened before. I dated a sweet guy when I was nineteen. I was head over heels for him. He worked at a coffee shop. He didn’t need to work there anymore after my father got done with him. See where this is going, Ben?”

  He pulled her away from his chest and wiped another tear away. “Yeah, your dad sounds like an asshole.”

  She laughed lightly at the truth in those words, yet she still loved him. He was her father, how could she not. “Ben…I…he’s my father. I’ve never disobeyed him, unless you count me taking a job as a secretary. He’s still not happy about that. He expects me to be something better. Something worthy. It’s just me and him.”

  “You are worthy. There’s nothing wrong with your job. What’s he going to do when he finds out you sent Anthony packing? Has he ever hurt you?”

  “Never. He won’t be happy about Anthony, for sure. He’ll probably find out more information about you and deal with it in his own way.”

  He cupped her face, lightly brushing her lips. Everything in the world felt better by that simple touch. “You do realize you can hurt somebody without physically touching them. I’m not scared of your father.”

  “You should be. He’s a powerful man,” she said with a shiver. He still held his warm hands on her face, wishing for another kiss to touch her lips.

  “Do you really want nothing to do with me? You, Rina, not what your father would want. If the answer is yes, I will leave you alone. I’ll never bother you again. But if you want me as much as I want you, then just say the word. Just be completely honest with me.”

  “Ben, you claimed a part of me a long time ago. The day you finally asked me out, my heart soared. It broke me just as much as you to say no. I want you, I do, but—”

  He broke her words with a crushing kiss. He devoured her mouth, her tongue matching pace with him. His passion melted her senses, making her forget everything but him holding her.

  “There are no buts, Rina. You need to stop letting your father dictate your life. I’m not scared of him. Let’s see where this can go.”

  “He’s my father.” She stepped away, missing his touch the minute she did, but she needed space.

  She walked to the fridge, pulling the door open as he responded, “You’re a grown woman. You can do whatever the hell you want.”

  “Water?” she asked, holding a bottle for him to take.

  “No. I just want you,” he said simply.

  Her hand wavered in the air as his words sent burning tingles of desire throughout her body. The bottle puffed out like it wanted to explode as she exerted pressure on it. The fridge door slowly closed behind her. “Why did you come over?”

  He looked away, his expression a
brooding one. “I just needed to.”

  “Is something wrong?” She couldn’t stand the pain in his eyes. Her footsteps were slow, but very steady as she walked over to him where he leaned against the counter.

  He didn’t hesitate to pull her into his arms as soon as she got within reaching distance. “I had a rough day. Zeke and I have these cases right now…they’re bad. I just needed to see you.”

  She smoothed a hand down his chest, enacting one of the many fantasies she played in her head. Defined ridges answered back. How easily could his shirt disappear? “I don’t understand.”

  He grabbed her hand, clutching it. “I got home tonight and I just started going out of my mind. I needed to see you. I needed to make sure you were all right.”

  “You still have me confused. You look tired.”

  “I am tired. I don’t even want to leave you tonight.”

  There was so much more hidden in those words. What was bothering him? Why wouldn’t he just tell her?

  “I’ll be okay. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  He pulled her hand to his lips, lightly kissing it. “What about Anthony? If I hadn’t shown up…”

  Tucking her head against his chest, the rapid beating of his heart echoing in her ear, she tried to conjure the right words. There were none. She had no idea what would’ve happened. Most likely, she would’ve accepted his date even though she couldn’t stand the thought of it.

  Ben must’ve known that as he wrapped his arms around her tighter. He never insisted on an answer. They stood like that for a few minutes. Enjoying the silence, the comfort of each other’s arms. Rina knew what she had to do. For once, something for herself. Perhaps it would soothe his nerves about Anthony, no matter what her decision might’ve been if he hadn’t shown up.

  She lifted her head and kissed him. Nothing urgent and strong, just light and brief. “Ask me out, Ben?”

  “I never get the answer I want.” His face, instead of beaming with happiness as she hoped, held a lot of worry.


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