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Dixon Page 8

by Sarah J. Stone

“Mel, you’re okay,” Haven said on a sigh.

  She hated that her sister worried. It was their plan to send her alone. “I’m safe for now, but listen, Haven. Bac is alive.”

  Her sister frowned, her eyes narrowed in disbelief. “He died.”

  “No, he didn’t. Uncle Talbot sent him to the human world. Told him Father banished him.”

  “Why would he do that?” She nibbled her lip. “Things are getting dicey, sister. I’m trying to throw Webb off your trail, but Talbot didn’t send just him.”

  Melody’s heart stuttered. “Who else did he send?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s Oz.” Haven’s eyes went wide. “I’ll contact you when it’s safe.”

  Then she was gone.


  It was then that she knew what her sister was up to. Haven had to be in the human world, too, trying to throw them off her trail. She couldn’t let her sister face this alone. Melody realized what she had to do. She couldn’t hide. Not with her sister in danger. Now that she knew that their uncle was capable of so much more she had to do something.

  It was time to fight. Not just for her freedom, but for that of her sisters. Already Haven had put herself in the middle of the fire, but she couldn’t leave her younger sister to take the back lash of the problem, when it was her they wanted. She took a deep breath and opened her duffel bag. Dixon had brought it inside for her after she and Bac talked.

  She pulled out a pair of tight fitting black jeans and a black tank top. She searched for her boots and set them aside. There was no more time to mess around. She was going to fight or go down trying. This had to end. Her sisters needed their freedom, and Webb needed to know the truth.

  That’s where she would start. Get him on her side. He’d loved them once, but she wasn’t sure how far heruUncle had gotten to him. She hoped she could get him to see the truth. With Webb on her side she had hope. He’d been so angry since her parents passed. It was no wonder Talbot had cornered him. With all his grief he was an easy target.

  She stripped out of her dress and dressed for a war of her own. She needed to be able to move freely. She wasn’t without power as much as she led on, although she wasn’t as strong as others of her kind. Webb had spent a lot of time training her in the past. But it had been so long since she’d used the knowledge, and she hoped she remembered everything.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, she heard Bac and Dixon talking in hushed voices. Not normally one to eavesdrop, Melody tiptoed down the hall hoping that with their superior hearing they didn’t know she was listening in to their conversation.

  “I don’t think hiding is the best route anymore.”

  “I can’t fight them—again.”

  “But you loved them. How can you sit back and let this happen, knowing they’re in danger?” Dixon’s voice rose some and Melody held her breath waiting to hear Bac’s response.

  “I never stopped loving those girls. No matter what I thought about their parents, given what Talbot told me, but it’s too hard. Already the wounds have been ripped open. What if I can’t save them?”

  “Maybe you’re meant to help them be free. I don’t believe in coincidences. Why else would Melody be sent here, why else would you find yourself involved—again?”

  Bac sighed and Melody stood frozen, not even breathing. “You might as well come out, little one.”

  Melody let out her breath and walked into the living room. Dixon raised a brow when he saw how she was dressed and Bac shook his head.

  “What are you doing?” Dixon all but growled.

  She tilted her head back and straightened her shoulders. “Haven’s here, too. She’s trying to throw off the trackers. I can’t sit back and hide while she takes all the risks. I’m the eldest and it’s my responsibility to take care of them, not the other way around.”

  “So what? You’re going to wage your own war—on your own?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “Nope, we’re going to wage our own war.”

  Dixon stood and shook his head. “That’s not going to help anything.”

  “Why not? It’s me they want. I might as well fight them or go down trying. I’m not going back to the way things were. It’s time I lived up to my family name. We aren’t weak. We are not cowards.”

  Bac sighed and held up his hand when Dixon went to argue. “You have no idea what you’re up against. If they catch you, who knows what they’ll do to you? I wouldn’t put it past your uncle to imprison you, and what happens to your sisters then?”

  “He won’t catch me.”

  “Don’t be cocky, little one. He’s good at what he does, else he wouldn’t have managed so well.”

  She bit her lip. She knew Bac was right, but that didn’t change how she felt. She couldn’t sit back and do nothing while her sisters faced him on their own. She needed to get a back bone. “I know I can’t just storm into Faerie and gain our freedom. I’m not stupid. But what I can do is get to Webb. If he knew the truth, he wouldn’t let Uncle use him like this.”

  “And what if Webb is too far gone, what if he can’t remember that you three were the sisters he never had? I know he loved you three, but betrayal is hard to get over, especially if he believed it to be true. He was always so lost, and needed someone to follow. Once your parents died, the only one left was Talbot.”

  Melody went to reply, but that had to be the longest speech she’d ever heard Bac speak. He was never much of a talker and most of the time responded with a grunt or one-word answers. She knew he preferred being on his own, except with his mate. But now she was gone. “I’ll figure it out. The old Webb has to be in there somewhere. Once he sees you’re alive, that will be proof.”

  Bac shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  She huffed. She wasn’t going to get anywhere, and she looked at Dixon. His eyes were dark and his hands were clenched in fists. She wasn’t sure if he was angry or not.

  “Bac is right. The man you used to know probably doesn’t exist anymore. He might be far too loyal to your uncle.” His voice was low and deep, but held something she couldn’t figure out.

  “He’s not gone.” She knew it. She wasn’t naïve enough to believe he would instantly side with her, but she knew him better than anyone else. Aside from her sisters. “I can’t give up on him. I gave up so much since our parents died, and look, you’re still alive, maybe all Webb needs is a reminder of who he was loyal to.”

  Dixon stalked toward her and pulled her into his arms. “I know you want to put everything into this Webb person, but what if Bac is right? You need to at least have a backup plan in case your idea fails.”

  Melody pulled out of his arms as the first bit of anger tore through her. Just another male who didn’t think she could do anything. She was sick and tired of no one listening to her. It was high time to show them she knew what she was talking about. She needed to find Webb, and fast. And hopefully well before Oz came around. She didn’t know him, and she was certain he was one hundred percent loyal to her uncle.



  Bac knew that look. She hadn’t changed much over the years. Always so stubborn. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but if Webb was anything like him, he would be bitter to the end. Now that he was older, it was easier for him to see the truth in front of him. He wasn’t so sure about the young warrior. Webb was always hard-headed. He wouldn’t be swayed easily. As much as Bac didn’t think it was a good idea to help her, he couldn’t let her do this on her own.

  Dixon was his best friend, probably ever, but the lion had no idea what he was getting into. And with the new mating bond, his friend would easily lose his cool. He wished they would have waited until Melody was safe.

  A shifter always protects their mate.

  And even though he had yet to shift, he could see the determination in Dixon’s eyes. The man wouldn’t rest until his mate was safe, but that could lead to rash decisions and bad choices.

  Now that Bac knew the truth, he wa
sn’t sure if he could sit back and do nothing while Melody followed through on her hair-brained plan. He sighed and ran his thick fingers through his hair. This wasn’t something he was expecting. He never thought he’d see anyone from Faerie again. Let alone one of the little girls he devoted his life to, and now here she stood a full grown woman, yet she was exactly the same as he remembered her. Stubborn to a fault, but too sweet to really make a difference. He didn’t want to be the reason she doubted herself, but she was in no way prepared to take on her uncle or his guards.

  “Now, Melody, you need to think before you act. I know you feel the need to protect those you love, but confronting an angry warrior isn’t the way to handle the situation.”

  She huffed and crossed her arms. “He’s more than a guard, at least he was. He was family. If I can just get him to see that Uncle Talbot is using him than he’ll have no choice but to help us. I know he’s still in there somewhere.”

  “But you don’t, little one.”

  “I’m not going to give up on him just because of all the lies he was told. He’ll listen to me.”

  Bac sighed. “Fine, but you aren’t doing this alone. I can’t have you losin’ your head now, girl.”

  Her arms fell from their defensive posture and her eyes lit up. “You’re going to help?”

  He nodded, wondering if he wasn’t walking into the worst mistake of his life. It wasn’t as though he had much to live for. Helping her gain her freedom was the least he could do. He could set her life straight where she could be free and live her life with her mate. As for her sisters, hopefully they would find their happiness in time.

  He couldn’t see a happy ending to this, but at least she’d have a better chance with him at her back.

  She ran up to him and jumped into his arms. She kissed his cheek. “Thank you, thank you!”

  Dixon growled as he set her on the ground. She turned and smiled. “Oh, hush now. Bac is family.”

  Dixon closed his eyes calming himself. Bac could understand. He never liked anyone touching his mate either. Thinking of Maria now didn’t bring as much despair as it had, but still he could have saved her. Life without her was lonely and being around Melody would only be a constant reminder of what he lost. But if he helped free her, then maybe he could finally move on from the past he’d locked away. Maybe he could find a way to be happy again.

  Chapter 12

  Dixon let out a sigh and pulled Melody to the couch. She didn’t fight him, but her body was tense. He knew she was upset with him. He hadn’t meant to make her mad, but knowing she planned on bringing the enemy to them left him and his lion unsettled. His beast screamed at him to talk some sense into her, but then Bac surprised him by offering his help. Dixon wasn’t one of those macho guys who tried to take on the world himself. He was smart enough to know that having someone like his friend helping would only increase their chances of success. But when Melody jumped into the big man’s arms, everything in him wanted to tear the bear apart. It was something ingrained into him. He knew Bac wasn’t a threat to his mate, but he still didn’t like it.

  He could feel Melody’s excitement grow. It surprised him that she felt no fear. She truly believed she could talk this Webb guy that he needed to help them. Like Bac, he wasn’t so sure. He worried that once her plan failed she would give up and all the confidence she gained would be lost. He didn’t want that for her. He quite liked the change in her. The first day he met her she was full of fear in not only the situation, but in herself. It’s why he didn’t let her leave. He couldn’t leave her to handle the problem, that at the time he had no idea what it was, alone. He knew that feeling all too well. He’d spent most of his life alone even when he was within a crowd.

  Melody looked at him and smiled. Her eyes were bright green and her face was flushed. She was stunning.

  “We’ll try it your way, but if it doesn’t work, we will abort your plan immediately.”

  “Fair enough, but you have to give Webb a chance. It might take him time to accept the facts before he agrees. I know him. He was never one to take someone’s word to heart. That’s why it’s so hard to believe that he’d follow Uncle so easily. It’s almost like he’s brainwashed.”

  “That’s a pretty fair description, I would think,” Bac said. “Believe me, your uncle can be convincing.”

  Melody shifted next to him and Dixon felt her discomfort. He could understand her unease. From what he gathered, her uncle played the people under his control very well, and he couldn’t wait to meet him and take him out. He hated that his mate was so upset, and he knew she would be until everything was settled. Unlike her, he didn’t have anyone but himself to worry about. She had two younger sisters, and he knew she took responsibility for them. Even though it wasn’t her job. She needed to care more for herself.

  “I want to call him here. If I call him first then maybe the other tracker won’t find me.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Dixon asked.

  She shrugged. “It’ll be better for me to go to him rather than him finding me. It will throw him off.”

  Dixon wasn’t so sure, but he planned to let his mate take the lead—unless it failed. “We’ll be here.”

  She sat up straighter. “Bac, I’ll need you out of sight until I convince him to listen. I think he’ll react poorly if he sees you before he understands the truth. Sometimes, he acts before he thinks.”

  Her mate laughed. That sounded much like him. He could understand that. Sometimes he wasn’t so clear headed in the past. It was easy to be defensive.

  Bac nodded. “All right, but the second he tries to attack, he’ll have to be taken care of.”

  She nodded, but Dixon wasn’t sure she was so willing to take out a man she had so much faith in, even now. His mate didn’t want to hurt anyone, but she needed to get used to the idea. Most people, he found, looked out only for themselves. Hell, he did it himself. Until Melody, he really had no one else to think of, but that all changed the moment she was thrown onto his back from the portal. He knew then he life was forever changed. Even if he didn’t really want it.

  No, that was wrong.

  Even if he didn’t believe he deserved it.

  The fact was she was part of his life now, and he wouldn’t change it for anything and he’d be damned if anyone or anything took her from him.

  “Where do you want me?” He really didn’t like the idea of her confronting ‘the warrior’ on her own, but she was right in she knew him, whereas he didn’t.

  She grabbed his hand. “I know you want to take care of me, and I appreciate that, but I need you out of sight, too. I don’t want him to feel cornered. To Webb, I’m harmless. We need that on our side. He wouldn’t dare attack right off. Doesn’t matter what he’s been told.”

  “Okay, I don’t like it, but I trust you.”

  She beamed at him. “Thank you.”

  It seemed it didn’t take much for his mate to be happy. A little faith from him and she was smiling.

  “So, tomorrow night, I’ll call Webb?”

  He nodded and looked to his friend who also nodded. He’d been quiet, but that wasn’t anything new. Bac didn’t have much to say on a normal basis. He’d already said more tonight than Dixon was used to.

  “Then it’s settled.” She looked at Dixon. “We should probably get some sleep. It’s going to be a long night. I want to call him as early as possible. If he agrees he’ll know a way to get rid of the other tracker. Haven thinks it’s Oz, and I really don’t want to tangle with him. He’s pure evil.”

  He shrugged. “You know your people best. I’ll follow your lead.”

  “Oz is not my people. He’s not even from the North. Uncle brought him on a few years ago. Oz follows his order like a lap dog.” She shuddered.

  “Well, we better get to bed.” Bac stood and gestured to them to follow him down the hall and opened the door to a sparse room. There was a bed and nightstand.

  He nodded and left them alone. The bed w
as all he needed. That and his mate curled up beside him.


  Melody woke up alone. She felt the sheet next to her and realized it was cold. Dixon must have been up for a while. She didn’t like the fact that he let her sleep. She couldn’t help but feel he and Bac would try to talk her out of her plan, even though they both agreed to let her lead. It was the first time in her life that anyone had ever let her call the shots, and she worried she’d fail.

  A part of her feared Bac was right. What if she couldn’t convince Webb of the truth? She didn’t have another plan, and she really didn’t like the idea of taking Webb out, but she understood their reasoning. If Webb tried to turn her in—it would be her to take him out. She knew she could do it, even though the thought of any violence made her skin crawl. She’d always been gentle, but she wouldn’t make anyone do her job. If they were going to let her lead than she needed to be the one fully in charge, including taking out Webb—if it even came to that.

  But no more.

  It wasn’t just her life on the line anymore. Not even just for her sisters, either. She refused to let anything happen to Dixon. In such a short time he had come to mean everything to her, and she wouldn’t lose him. He was the part of her she’d been missing. Fate had finally shown her face, and Melody was blessed. She didn’t have to be alone anymore. She loved her sisters dearly, but finding her mate was the best thing to ever happen to her. She knew that he would stick by her side. She also knew he was protective.

  She nibbled her lip. Would his need to keep her safe prove to be their failing?

  Calling Webb to her was a huge risk, but she’d wear him down. She had to.

  She slipped out of the warmth of the blanket and got dressed. She put on her ‘war’ clothes and pulled her hair into a loose braid. It didn’t matter if her ears showed anymore. It would be nice to be herself. She didn’t want to meet Webb on her turf under a disguise. Funny how she already of the human world as her home. She no longer dreamed of being able to return to Faerie. As long as her sisters followed. She knew Haven was already here hiding out somewhere. All that was left was to get Hanna to come. Then everyone she loved would be safe. She couldn’t wait until her sisters found their other halves, too.


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