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Dixon Page 10

by Sarah J. Stone

  Before he knew what was happening, his body with torn from hers and he fell to the ground. He didn’t stay down long, though especially when he heard a growl. He cursed, angry he hadn’t sensed another being. At first he thought Oz had followed him already, but then Melody screamed.

  “Don’t hurt him!”

  “He was hurting you,” a deep voice said.

  “No, he wasn’t.”

  Webb stared at the giant bear and frowned. Something about the beast seemed familiar. He switched his glance to a man who towered over Melody. His hands were curved into wicked claws and his eyes were gold.

  “Well, shit!”

  Melody glanced over her shoulder at him with wide eyes. “He’s my mate.”

  Webb nodded keeping his eyes on the beast who in turn glared at him with deep hidden rage. He felt it radiating off of him in waves. He knew then if he even so much as twitched the man would be on him.

  “Oz will be coming. I tried to lead him away from you, Mel, but he’s to fuckin’ smart. You just led him right to you by calling me.”

  “He’s tracking you?”

  “Yes, your uncle doesn’t fully trust me. This is probably my test, which I’m about to fail. He sent Oz to watch me knowing the way to find you was through me.” He shook his head. “I really wish you wouldn’t have done that. I’ve been trying to lead him away from you for days.”

  “So, you knew where I was?”

  “Of course, I did.” Really, she should know him better than that by now.

  “And he’s going to be coming here?”

  “Any second now. I don’t know what to do. Talbot ordered me to find you and bring you back. Said if I didn’t, then Hanna would be punished.” He took a chance and stepped toward her. The bear and the man watched him closely, but made no move to stop him. “I couldn’t let him hurt her, and I knew you wouldn’t let that happen.”

  Melody gasped. “He wouldn’t dare hurt her.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s pissed that you managed to escape, and now he can’t even find Haven. Two of his precious nieces slipped out from his control. The only thing he has left is Hanna.”

  “No, I won’t let him. You have to get her out!”

  Oh, how he wished it was that easy. “He doesn’t trust me, don’t you understand? I came here to help you, but somehow he knew I wasn’t loyal. Dammit, Mel, I’ve been so careful.”

  Tears filled her eyes and he took a chance and closed the distance between them. She spun and fell into his arms sobbing. “What do we do?”

  The bear moved in and Webb watched the man. His claws had disappeared, and his eyes were dark, no longer the gold of his shift, whatever it might be.

  “You’re not here to hurt her?” the man asked suspiciously.

  “I’d never hurt them, no matter what anyone thinks.”

  The man looked as though he didn’t believe him, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was that Melody believed him. He would be crushed if she even thought for a second that he had fallen so deep. He looked down at the woman and she smiled up at him.

  “I knew you’d never hurt us.”

  And with that, the tension left his body. Knowing Melody didn’t think badly of him meant only one thing: Neither did her sisters. They were three. If one had so much as even thought he turned, none of them would have trusted him. That gave him hope. There were things he needed to tell her, but he knew there wasn’t any time. He felt the magic thicken and he knew that Oz had followed.

  “Get ready to protect yourself,” he said and pushed her toward the man. “He’s coming.”

  Melody gasped, and he nodded. He would die for her if he had to. He looked at the man and pleaded with his eyes to protect her. The man growled and pulled her into his arms before he nodded. At least he knew one of them was safe. If one was safe, he’d done his job. Melody would ensure her sisters’ safety when he was gone. His heart ached knowing he would never be able to tell them the whole truth. Just as the portal opened he looked back at Melody.

  “Tell Hanna I didn’t lie.” His eyes filled. “She’ll know what I mean.”

  Now he only had to wait. Oz would surely take him back to Faerie and he would die.


  Melody didn’t have time to ponder the cryptic meaning behind his words. Just as she was to ask him what he meant the portal opened for the second time that morning, and she knew who would materialize. She shuddered ignoring her racing heart. There wasn’t anyone she was more afraid of other than Oz. When he’d come to the North, she felt so much unease that she made sure her sisters stayed away from him. Then through the years things, had progressively gotten worse. The longer he watched them, the angrier he became. She wasn’t sure if it was because he hated them or if he hated being a ‘babysitter’. Surely, someone of his skill would be much better off elsewhere?

  As the figure came into her vision she knew without a doubt something bad was about to happen. Every time he was involved things went downhill fast.


  Webb had warned her, of course, but a part of her hoped he’d been wrong. But no such luck.

  The darkness he carried with him surrounded him in a ring of anger. His eyes blazed as he stared at her. But he didn’t look at her long as his eyes took in his surroundings. He paid no attention to the giant bear or Dixon who quickly shoved her behind him. She didn’t fight her mate’s protective nature for the moment.

  “Talbot was right. He knew if I followed you long enough you’d lead me to the little bitch.”

  Dixon growled dragging her attention away from the large elf.

  Oz paid him no mind as he rubbed his hands together with a smirk. “What a bounty I’ve found.” He stepped toward her ignoring the bear’s growl as if Bac meant no harm. The hairs on her arm stood and she wondered why he wasn’t afraid. Bears were huge and violent when threatened.

  Webb cleared his throat getting Oz’s attention. “So, you’ve found me.”

  “Oh, yes, and Talbot will be thrilled to know how right he was about you.”

  Webb didn’t say anything else. Melody watched as he eased his way in front of her and Dixon. She knew what he was planning, and he eyes watered. He was putting himself in front of her to protect her. Now, it made sense. That’s why he’d told her to give Hanna his message. He would die for her.

  She felt a fire ignite inside of her. The anger she’d held back for so long boiled up flowing through her like liquid fire. Her body shook with the need to protect.

  Dixon’s body hid hers and no one seemed to notice as she let her power uncoil, the same way she hid it, she let it fill her. When she sighed in relief and rested a hand on her mate’s back, he shivered, but otherwise didn’t let on to what she was doing. She was sure he sensed the change in her, just as she did with him. She knew his lion was ready to break free and kill the threat and she wondered if somehow their mating would help break him free, just as she seemed to have gained more power. There was no other answer. She wasn’t old enough to have gained this much magic.

  “You will not take her,” Dixon growled.

  Oz laughed. “Oh, and you’re going to stop me, I suppose?”

  Dixon stepped forward next to Webb. They formed a barrier between her and the enemy. “She is mine!”

  Melody gasped when the sound of bones cracking surrounded them. Dixon screamed, but when she would have gone to him, she was yanked back into strong arms. “No, little one, he must do this on his own,” Bac whispered.

  “It’s hurting him,” she replied and continued to struggle out of his grip. He tightened his hold while she watched in horror as Dixon bowed over and fell to the ground. He growled in pain as his body contorted.

  Glancing away from her mate, she noticed that Oz watched almost in fascination, and she wondered why he hadn’t taken that time to attack. Just as the thought crossed her mind, Oz moved so fast she barely saw it. His foot came out and he kicked Dixon in the face hard. So hard her mate screamed and flew back against the ground
behind her where she could no longer see him.

  Oz laughed, stalking toward Melody. She hadn’t even realized Bac set her down and he was gone. She didn’t have time to wonder where he went before Oz grabbed her arm in a punishing grip.

  She cried out and planted her feet into the soft ground trying to hold back.

  “Come on, your uncle awaits you—and so does your fiancée.”

  She pulled back and her lips curled back into a growl. “I will not go back,” she shouted and shoved the man away with a strength she didn’t know she had, and both fell to the ground. She didn’t even feel the pain as she was slammed to the earth.

  Webb reached down and helped Melody to her feet. She saw the fierceness in his eyes that she hadn’t seen in so long.

  “This is my fight to Mel.”

  Webb let his power loose. His aura sparkled around him. Bright silver and green swirled together as he raised his hands to the heavens. He chanted something in another language. The sky darkened, black clouds filling the blue sky until they were in nothing but darkness. Thunder rumbled, and a bolt of lightning struck in bright yellow.

  She had no idea he could call up storms. When the rain poured down around them soaking her she didn’t move. The drops of rain slid down her face. She shoved her hair out of her eyes frozen when Webb jumped in front of Oz.

  Webb screams filled the darkness around him. She had no idea what Oz did, but her friend fell to the ground in convulsions. His body seized, and he sobbed. She tried to go to him but a wall of magic separated them.

  “You will not save him. He’s betrayed his master, and it’s time he goes home.”

  “No! He didn’t do anything.”

  Oz didn’t bother responding as he opened the portal. He hefted the large man up and tossed him through the opening as if he weighed nothing. Melody ran toward Oz and grabbed his arm. He tried to drag her with him, but then she let go of her mind. She let her power take over. Her eyes never left his as his eyes widened in surprise—and then pain. She kept her grip on him as she felt his life leave him. She swallowed his power.

  He tried pulling her hand from him, but the second his fingers came in contact with her hand he froze unable to move. She smelled his fear and kept her focus trained on the beat of his heart. The more she pulled the slower it became. She didn’t stop to think about what she was doing. Right now, she needed to be free of this monster. He’d taken Webb from her and hurt—possibly killed her mate. There was nothing holding her back any longer. She would free herself from her hell.

  “Let go of me ,you little bitch,” Oz said, the words barely reaching a whisper.

  “You will die!”

  He shook his head like he didn’t believe her, but when he saw the look in her eyes, his body shook.

  Just as she was about to finish him off, a large body slammed into her, breaking her concentration. She screamed in rage and got to her feet planning to finish what she started but large arms locked around her yet again. She knew it was Bac, and there was no way he was going to let her go. She went limp in his arms and she watched in horror. Oz was on the ground and over him stood a large golden lion—the same one she’d seen only once before.

  Melody watched as Dixon growled and with a vicious snarl, he tore into Oz’s body. She cringed when the sounds turned to shredding skin and crushing bones. He continued to tear into Oz’s body until there was no way he was alive. She gasped when golden eyes meet hers. Blood coated his mouth and when he rolled his tongue out to lick his face, she fell to the ground. The arms that had been holding her up disappeared. She looked over her shoulder to see Bac in the distance. He shook his head as he backed away.

  Melody realized then the sound of a low growl continued to escape the lion’s mouth. He came closer to her and sat on his haunches. His eyes regarded her with—something like sadness.

  Did he think she would be angry with him? Disgusted?

  Sure, she didn’t think the blood was doing great things for her stomach, but this lion was her mate. Dixon was in that body, and regardless…he saved her from killing. A part of her was angry she took the kill away from her, but the other, sweeter part of herself wasn’t sure if she would have been able to handle killing someone. Taking his life would have probably destroyed a part of her.

  Slowly, she reached out and buried her hand into his mane.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered.

  The lion—or Dixon rather, let out a breath and flopped down on the ground beside her. She continued to pet him until he purred.

  Chapter 15

  When her lion fell asleep, Melody stood and wiped her hands on her pants. She wasn’t sure when it happened, but the sky had cleared of the storm Webb had begun to brew. Her shoulders slumped realizing he was back and Faerie. She didn’t even want to think about what was being done to him. It was her fault. If she hadn’t of called him he’d be fine, but now that everything was quiet she couldn’t get his words out of her head.

  Tell Hanna I didn’t lie…

  What could he had possible said to her youngest sister, and why did it feel like her sister was keeping yet another secret away from her? She knew she shouldn’t be angry, but she was. If they hadn’t kept her in the dark things might have gone differently.

  She glanced at her mate and smiled. He’d finally shifted, and even though it sounded like he’d gone through the worst pain anyone could imagine, he was alive.

  When Oz’s foot had connected to Dixon’s face she was sure the damage might have been enough to kill him. She was lucky they were all alive, but did that mean she was free?

  She didn’t think so.

  Bac strode toward her and lifted her into a tight hug. “You scared the piss out of me, little one.”

  “Why didn’t you help?”

  He sighed and set her on her feet. “It was your mate’s right to fight. It’s his job to protect you, and if I would have stepped in, he would have felt unworthy of you.” He gripped her chin. “But listen here, girl, if I thought for a second he wouldn’t have been able to survive I would have torn that monster apart myself.”

  She tried to understand, but couldn’t and would rather just forget it ever happened. “What are we going to do with what’s left of him?” She grimaced and pointed to the carnage Dixon left in all his glorious rage.

  “I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you head back to the house and get cleaned up?”

  “What about Dixon?”

  “The first shift is always the hardest. Since he couldn’t shift for so long, it was bound to be worse. He’ll need to stay in his shift for several more hours before he can come out of it.”

  She hesitated but Bac nudged her toward the cabin. “Well, all right.” She didn’t feel she should leave them alone and unease made her cold. Somehow, she didn’t think this was over. Just because Oz was dead didn’t mean her uncle wouldn’t keep trying to get her. Worry made her pause. When she went to continue the short walk to the cabin, hands wrapped around her.

  She screamed as the portal grew and the hands pulled her back. She wriggled and squirmed trying to break free, but she just wasn’t strong enough. She was yanked backwards through the portal, but before the person was able to pull her all the way through she felt another set of hands wrap around her ankles, pulling her back to the human world. It was like a game of tug-a-war and only the strongest would win.

  She kept trying to break free until she heard his voice.

  “You were given to me and you shall be mine. I won’t let some beast take you away from me.”

  “No, he’s my mate, you can’t have me now.” She gasped when his thin fingers dug into her flesh as he tried to pull her back. Her body started to ache, but she started fighting again. Sirk would not have her. She didn’t care what he was promised. She belonged in the human world with Dixon.

  “Little one, do something!” Bac’s voice seemed so very far away, but she heard him.

  Melody reached for her powers, doing the same thing she’d done to Oz. Later
she would have to think about them. How she could take a life, just as she could give it. She didn’t have time to ponder the meaning of what was happening to her.

  She let the magic loose and dug her nails into his flesh. He didn’t let go of her at first, but after she took a deep breath letting out all her strength she sucked his life force.

  He groaned with each pull getting weaker by the second. Finally, his hands slipped away from her and the next time Bac tugged on her legs she was yanked back through the portal landing on top on the giant bear.

  Melody scrambled to her feet and raised her hand closing the portal to Faerie before anyone else could come through. She gasped for breath right before she fell to the ground. Her vision faded into darkness and she welcomed it.


  When Dixon heard Melody’s scream, he woke from his deep slumber. He was still in his lion form and he marveled at how different it felt. This is what he had been missing his whole life. He jumped to his paws and raced toward the sound. He watched in a burning rage as Bac tried pulling her back from the portal. Only her legs were free, and he could tell his friend was struggling to keep her from being pulled back through the portal. He paced with a low growl, realizing how useless he was. As a lion, he couldn’t help, and it pissed his beast off. Dixon closed his eyes and huffed out a heavy breath. He willed himself to change back. The beast understood that he needed his hands. He had to get to Melody before she was pulled to the other side. He didn’t know what would happen if he lost her now.

  He felt the change and his bones and muscle shifted inside his skin. It was uncomfortable to say the least, but it didn’t hurt nearly as badly as it had when he first changed. He thought of his human shape and allowed the magic to take over.

  He grunted as his body smoothed out to his normal skin and ignored the tremble in his limbs. She needed him now. When he was back to being a man he stood up. His body was weak, but he fought through the aches and stood beside Bac and wrapped his hand around Melody’s ankle. He gritted his teeth and pulled, but found he was too weak.


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