Sweet Sins

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Sweet Sins Page 10

by E. L. Todd

  His eyes darkened at my words. I knew his ego loved it when I said his name. Even in bed, he was still cocky. He gave a quiet moan while he lifted my legs and deepened the angle, coming inside me with a few final thrusts. His face was flushed with heat and his eyes burned.

  He stayed on top of me for a moment, breathing hard. “You’re the best I ever had.” He said it with a serious look, his eyes not giving away a lie.

  “That can’t be right,” I said bluntly.

  “But it is.”

  “Impossible. I appreciate you saying sweet things to me to make me feel better, but to lie is unacceptable.”

  “I’m not lying,” he said simply. He kissed the skin over my heart then lay beside me.

  “Then you’re confused.”

  He lay beside me and snuggled with me. “Good sex doesn’t mean the person you’re with is a fireball in bed. It means they leave you satisfied, long after the sex is over. Every time I had a one-night stand, I felt empty inside. Now I don’t. I feel happy, whole. I didn’t feel this connection with Zahara. Perhaps I loved her because she was my first girlfriend. Now that I’ve slept with all the girls of Manhattan, I know a gem when I see one. You’re the one.”

  Now he made me melt all over again. Damn it.

  He smirked, victory in his eyes. “Face it. I love you like crazy. Maybe one day you’ll believe me.”

  After everything he’s done for me, the way he fought for me when there was no chance he was going to succeed, he certainly proved his sincerity. I shouldn’t let my insecurities and lack of esteem get in the way. “I do believe you.”

  His eyes lightened slightly. “Really?”


  He kissed the side of my head then turned off the lamp. “The thing is, I don’t mind showing you how much I love you. Because I would do it anyway.”



  I was getting married today.

  Like, today.

  I was awake before my alarm went off. After I disarmed it, I turned on my side and looked at Cassandra. She was still asleep, curled around me like she was attached to me.

  Tonight, when we went to bed, she would be my wife. That’s what I always wanted. In the back of my mind, I always wanted a happily ever after. I knew my wife would be hot—but damn—Cassandra surpassed my expectations. I couldn’t believe she was going to be my other half for the rest of my life.

  I didn’t want to move because I didn’t want to wake her up, but I knew I had to leave. But if I had a choice, I’d watch her sleep all day. Somehow she looked more beautiful. Her face was relaxed and her lips were slightly parted.

  Slowly, I moved from the bed then pulled on my clothes. Without waking, she reached out and grabbed a pillow then pulled it to her chest, snuggling with it like it was me. That made me want to leave even less.

  I finally grabbed my things and crept out of the room. I went into a spare bedroom and pulled out the gift I got for her. The day before, I went to a flower nursery and picked out twelve roses and put them in a vase. Now I set it in front of the door with the handwritten note. I read it one more time to make sure there were no mistakes.

  My baby’s momma,

  The next time I see you, I’ll be making you my wife. I never thought I’d marry, but then again, I never thought a fine ass woman like you existed. My heart was yours the moment we met, and now it belongs to you forever. See you at the altar.

  Your baby’s daddy.

  I left the note then walked out of the house, driving to my brother’s estate. I was nervous for the wedding, but not because I was tying the knot. I was just anxious for it to happen already.

  When I walked inside, my brother was pouring himself a cup of coffee. “You’re not gonna run?”

  “Shut the hell up.”

  He smirked then clapped me on the shoulder. “You ready to do this?”

  “I’m more than ready.”

  Scarlet wore her bridesmaid dress when she came downstairs. She looked flustered and upset.

  “What’s wrong?” Sean asked.

  “It hardly fits.” She sighed in annoyance. “I look fat.”

  I didn’t notice anything. She looked the same to me.

  “Baby, you look perfect,” Sean said.

  “Whatever,” she hissed. “You’re just saying that because you have to.”

  “You want me to take you upstairs and prove it?” Sean challenged.

  “Please don’t,” I said quickly. “You guys can’t have sex today. It’s my wedding day.”

  “We can’t have sex?” Sean asked incredulously. “You have some odd requests.”

  “I just don’t want to turn the corner and see you guys doing it behind the house,” I snapped.

  “Like you wouldn’t watch,” Sean teased.

  “I’d watch Scarlet but then I’d leave.”

  Sean glared at me. “You’re lucky you’re getting married today…”

  I smirked. “You know I’m kidding.”

  “Or are you…?” Sean studied me.

  I ignored the accusation. “I’m going to shower and get ready.”

  “You need help?” Sean asked.

  I gave him a glare. “In the shower?”

  “I meant with your suit and tie,” Sean said quickly.

  “I’m not twelve,” I snapped. “I got it.”

  “Do you want me to help you?” Scarlet asked.

  I smirked. “Yeah, you can help me in the shower.”

  Sean shook his head. “You’re getting married in a few hours and you’re hitting on my wife?”

  “Some things will never change.” I winked then headed up the stairs.

  When I was ready, the rest of my groomsmen were downstairs. They all wore their suits and their ties.

  “Hey,” I said when I came down the stairs. “You actually showed up.”

  Ryan clapped me on the shoulder. “I almost came in jeans and a holey t-shirt.”

  “I believe you,” I said with a laugh.

  Cortland stood beside him, looking spiffy. He shook my hand. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “I wonder how Cassandra looks—probably damn fine.”

  “Let’s just hope she doesn’t take off,” Ryan teased.

  “She better not,” I said. “I’ll hunt her and my baby down.”

  Flynn eyed me. “That’s kinda creepy…”

  “You know what I mean,” I said. “And she wouldn’t run. She’s gonna be there.”

  They didn’t look convinced.

  “Thanks for the support, guys,” I said sarcastically.

  “You know we’re teasing you,” Flynn said. “And thanks for asking me to be in your wedding. It means a lot to me.”

  “Sure. You’re part of the family now,” I said.

  Kirk and Cameron were dressed in their attire, their attitudes non-existent just for the day.

  “Congratulations,” Cameron said.

  “No jokes?” I asked.

  Kirk shrugged. “We won’t tease you—for the day.”

  I smirked. “Thanks for coming.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it,” Cameron said.

  “So, I have the groomsmen gifts. I hope you’ll wear them,” I said.

  “Wear them?” Ryan asked. “What are they? Rings?”

  “Nope.” I turned to Sean. “Grab them.”

  His eyes narrowed at me. “Just because I’m your best man doesn’t mean you get to boss me around.”

  “Grab them,” I repeated.

  Sean rolled his eyes and did as I asked.

  When he came back down the stairs, he handed me the leather bag.

  “I wonder what it is,” Cortland said excitedly.

  “Probably something romantic and lame,” Ryan said.

  I pulled out the swords in their sheaths then handed them out.

  “Ninja swords!” Flynn’s eyes were wide like Christmas morning. “Holy shit! That’s awesome.”

  I smirked then handed him his. It was black with
his name in Japanese down the side.

  “Just like in Kill Bill.” Flynn took the strings then tied it to his pants. “Fucking awesome.”

  I handed them out. “Now you guys can protect me from all the men trying to steal my bride.”

  Ryan took the blade out and examined it. “This is pretty badass.”

  Cortland looked at the casing. “I think Monnique is going to like this…”

  “I can tell Janice is gonna want to use this in the bedroom,” Ryan said while he spun the blade in his hand.

  “Too much info, man,” I said.

  Cameron spun his around and so did Kirk.

  “Okay, don’t kill each other,” I said. “These things could kill someone.”

  “Let’s duel!” Ryan said to Cortland.

  This was going south quick.

  “Knock it off,” Sean said. “Put them away before you destroy my wife’s house.”

  “Your wife’s?” Ryan asked incredulously. “Damn, you’re whipped even more than I thought.”

  “Just put them away,” Sean said. “You can play with them outside.”

  The guys bolted out the door with their swords.

  “At least they liked them,” I said with a laugh.

  Sean hooked his to his belt. “I think this will turn on Scarlet.”

  Scarlet came from the kitchen, her arms across her chest. “No, I’ve never been into ninjas.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Sean said with a grin.

  “You’re going to play with that around your pregnant wife?” she asked with an attitude.

  “Oh.” Sean sighed. “You’re right.”

  She smiled. “Honey, I’m kidding. We’ll play with it later.”

  His eyes lit up. “Yes!”

  “Remember, no sex today,” I warned. “That’s your one gift to me.”

  “What?” Sean asked. “I guess we’ll take back the seventy-five inch screen TV we got you.”

  Oh. I liked TV’s. “Wait. Hold on.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Sean said with a grin.

  “Okay. You can have sex, like, twice today,” I said in a compromise.

  “So generous,” Sean said sarcastically.

  I looked at my watch. “I guess we should head to the house.”

  “I need to get there and help Cassandra anyway,” Scarlet said.

  “Let’s head out,” Sean said.

  When we arrived at the house, there were already cars lined up the street. Tables were in the backyard near the ocean, and the chairs were lined up on the beach. I assumed Cassandra was still inside, getting ready.

  Sean studied me. “You doing okay?”

  “I’m fine.”


  I rolled my eyes. “No.”

  We moved to the beach, and I started to greet everyone. My dad was talking to my aunt and uncle when I walked up.

  My dad smiled at me. “Wow. You actually showed up.”

  I hit his shoulder. “Shut up, Dad.”

  “I never thought I’d see the day when my oldest son finally pulled his head out of his arse and settled down.”

  “Well, you were wrong.”

  “And I’m glad I was.” He hugged me then pulled away.

  My mom wore a dark blue dress. She hugged me next. “Congratulations, honey.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Her eyes were swollen with tears.

  “Mom, I haven’t even gotten married yet.”

  “I can’t help it.” She fanned her face. “Both of my sons will be married with kids on the way. It’s a dream come true.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Knock off the soap opera.”

  “I’m just happy,” she said with a sigh.

  My mom’s sister was similar to my mom. She married rich and had a stuck up attitude. I never liked her, but I tried to play nice since we were family. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Sure.” That was all she said.

  Today was the happiest day of my life so I wasn’t going to let a rude bitch bother me.

  “So, Cassandra is pregnant?” she asked. “Already?”

  “She’s in her second trimester.”

  She pressed her lips together and her eyes burned in disapproval. “Well, do you think a lavish wedding is really appropriate after conceiving a child out of wedlock?”

  A million responses played through my mind but I didn’t voice any of them. Her opinion didn’t matter to me. Cassandra’s pregnancy wasn’t a mistake and it wasn’t something I was embarrassed about. Actually, it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Even if we weren’t married, we were a family. And some stuck up bitch wouldn’t change that.

  My dad’s eyes widened in anger but he didn’t snap like I knew he wanted to.

  “Well?” she pressed.

  I didn’t respond because I had nothing nice to say.

  “How dare you speak to my son like that!” My mom blew up like a volcano. “This is his wedding day, and I’m so proud of him for settling down and starting his family. It shouldn’t matter if he got Cassandra pregnant before they were married. Who gives a damn? They love each other and they are happy together. I suggest you leave if you have a problem with it. You’re lucky Mike invited you to begin with.”

  Damn. Go, Mom!

  My aunt’s stared at my mother in shock. “How dare you…”

  “I’ll throw you out on your ass right now if you don’t change your attitude,” my mom hissed. “No one treats my baby like that.”

  My aunt placed her hand on my uncle’s. “Let’s leave.”

  “Please,” my mom snapped. “And your hair looks like a bird made a nest in it.”

  I tried not to laugh but a few snickers came out.

  My aunt gave my mom a glare before she stormed off.

  “Damn, Mom.” I raised my hand and gave her a high-five. “The momma bear came out, growling and roaring.”

  “No one talks about my kids like that,” she said with shrewd eyes.

  It meant the world to me that she referred to Cassandra as her own.

  My dad put his arm around her. “Diane, that was…pretty hot.”

  Eww. Gross. Yuck. “Okay, I’m outta here.” I walked away just as I heard them kiss. I shivered in disgust then said hello to a few other people. Sean and the rest of the guys were making sure there were enough chairs and everyone was seated where they needed to be. Their swords hung at their sides, and I saw all of them pat it happily as they talked about them in their conversations.

  I stayed at the front where the pastor and the stage was, the ocean right behind me. I kept looking at my watch, checking the time. I wasn’t nervous at all. In fact, I was anxious. I just wanted to get married already.



  When I walked into the house, the caterers had taken over the kitchen and living room, preparing the plates and the food. I smelled grilled chicken and asparagus and it smelled wonderful. My appetite had increased since I became pregnant. I wanted to eat everything in sight.

  I headed upstairs and saw the bridesmaids. Janice, Hazel, and Monnique were helping with the buttons on the back of Cassandra’s dress. Janice was taking over her hair while Monnique fixed the train behind Cassandra.

  When I looked in the mirror, I saw how beautiful she was. The gown was a halter top that revealed her cleavage subtly, something I knew Mike would love. It had a faded print of flowers lined with lace. At least a hundred buttons were in the back, and her stomach was highlighted in the dress. She didn’t try to hide it. I knew Mike would love it even more.

  “You look lovely,” I said.

  She met my gaze in the mirror and smiled. “Thank you. I hope Mike will agree.”

  “Actually, Mike is going to be thinking something far dirtier,” Monnique said with a wink.

  Cassandra blushed. “That sounds about right.”

  “Good thing this dress has so many buttons,” Janice said. “You’ll make him work for it.” She curled a strand of hair then placed it
perfectly around Cassandra’s face.

  Monnique brushed eye shadow across her eye then finished the remaining touches. “Girl, you aren’t even going to make it down the aisle before he picks you up and hauls you inside.”

  They all laughed. “That’s exactly something Mike would do,” Cassandra said.

  When everything was done, Cassandra stared at herself in the mirror, studying her face and her dress.

  “You look like a goddess,” Janice said. “The rest of us look like witches.”

  “We should have brought our brooms,” Monnique said.

  Zeal walked into the room from the bathroom. “I got the veil.” She handed it to Janice so she could put it in her hair.

  “No.” Cassandra shook her head. “I don’t want to wear it.”

  Janice didn’t argue and put it on the bed.

  We all stared at her for a moment, marveling at her beauty.

  “Is everything ready?” Cassandra asked.

  “Yep,” I answered. “The guests are here, the band is ready, Mike showed up, and the food and cake are ready to go. Now all we need is the bride.”

  She took a deep breath. “Can I have a moment alone?”

  The girls gathered their boutiques and left the room.

  But I didn’t move. I knew something was wrong. “Cassandra, what’s on your mind?”

  She turned to me, picking up her dress. “It’s nothing…”

  I knew Cassandra was uneasy about marriage. I suspected she would have doubts, and as the maid of honor, I had to make sure she didn’t bail on my brother. I knew she loved him and wanted to be with him. “Talk to me.”

  She sighed and looked at the floor. “Marrying Zander was a huge mistake. He was abusive to me, and then he tried to kill Mike…”

  “Don’t think about him.”

  “It’s not about him. I just…made a stupid decision. And I guess I’m scared—”

  “Never going to happen with Mike. You’re right. Zander was a huge mistake and he didn’t deserve you. Mike, on the other hand, is the greatest guy I know, along with my husband. He’s loyal, honest, gentle, and selfless. Your life with him with be full and wonderful. You’re making the right decision.”

  Cassandra paced across the room, her hands knotted together. “What if—”


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