by Will Durant
Bologna, Giovanni da (1529?–1608), 227
Bologna, Italy, 238*
school of painting, 225, 232–35, 268, 431
University of, 259, 296, 575, 593
Bond of Association (1584–85), 128
Book of Common Prayer, 17, 25, 59, 125, 158
Book of Concord, 551
Book of Discipline, 112–13
Second, 133
Book of Martyrs, The (Foxe), 15
Book of Painters of the Netherlands, 484*
Bordeaux, France: Huguenots in, 202, 353
Montaigne mayor of, 412–13
Parlement of, 401, 403
plagues in, 401, 413
witchcraft trials, 577
Bordone, Paris (1500–71), 521
Borelli, Giovanni (1608–79), 612
Borghese, house of, 238
Borghese, Scipione, Cardinal (d. 1633), 238, 272
Borgia, Francisco (1512–65), 244
Borromeo, Saint Charles (1538–84), 226, 244, 246, 266
Borromeo, Federigo, Cardinal (1564–1631), 226
Borromini, Francesco (1599–1667), 269, 272
Bosnia, 518
Bosporus, Turkish control of, 518
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627–1704), 187, 376, 397, 645, 646
botany, 539, 590–91
Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of (1536?– 1578), 118–23
Bouillon, Frédéric Maurice, Duke of (1605– 1652), 388
Bourbon, house of, 335, 337, 338, 571
union with Valois, 346, 348
Bourbon, Antoine de, titular King of Navarre (d. 1562), 336, 337, 342–43, 346, 356
Bourbon, Charles de, Cardinal (1523–90), 348, 360, 362, 363
Bourbon, Charles III, Duke of (1490–1527), 335
Bourbon, Charlotte de (d. 1582), 3d wife of William I of Orange, 438, 456
Bourbon, Henri and Louis de, see Condé
Bourdaloue, Louis (1632–1704), 376
Bourdoise, Père (fl. 1610), 375
Bourdon, Sebastien (1616–71), 431
Bourges, France, Huguenot massacre, 352
bourses, 50, 480
Bouteville, François de Montmorency, Count of (1600–27), 383
Bowdler, Thomas (1754–1825), 108
Bowyer, Ludowyc (fl. 1633), 190
Boyle, Elizabeth, m. Edmund Spenser, 75–76
Brabant, 325, 436, 452
Act of Abjuration, 455
campaigns in, 446–48, 450–51
Spanish rule restored, 457
Bradshaw, John (1602–59), 219–20
Bragadino, Marcantonio (d. 1571), 523
Braganza, house of, see Catherine of Braganza
John IV of Portugal
Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601), 496, 539, 575, 595–91, 598–600, 647
Brandenburg, Electorate of, 37, 538, 542*, 544
Lutheran–Calvinist struggle, 552
in 30 Years’ War, 559, 562, 563
Westphalia Peace Terms, 570
Brant, Isabella (1591–1626), 1st wife of Peter Paul Rubens, 467–68, 471, 472
Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeilles, Seigneur de (1535?–1614), III, 338, 357–58, 393–95, 417
Brazil, 274, 293
Brébeuf, Jean de (1593–1649), 251
Breda, capture of (1625), painted by Velázquez, 325, 328, 461
retaken, 461
Bredenbach, Matthias (fl. 1557), 544
Bredero, Gerbrand (1585–1618), 479–80
Brederode, Hendrik, Count of (1531–68), 441
Breisach, fortress of, 566, 571
Breitenfeld, battles of, 563–64, 566, 569
Bremen, bishopric of, 542*, 570
civic architecture, 549
Breslau, Silesia, 541, 591
Briard, Pierre, 429
Briggs, Henry (1561–1630), 164
Brill, Netherlands, English at, 33
Bristol, England, 46, 595
in Civil Wars, 213, 216
Britannia (William Camden), 66
British Empire, beginnings of, 49, 159, 165
Brittany, Huguenots in, 335
Broken Heart, The (Ford), 193
Brömsebro, Peace of (1645), 496
Brooke, Arthur (d. 1563), 91
Brosse Salomon de (1565?–1627), 428, 435
Brouwer, Adriaen (1606?–38), 465
Browne, Robert (1550–1633), 25
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–82), 55, 162, 163, 194–96
Brownists, 26, 186
Brueghel, Abraham (1631–90?), 464
Brueghel, Ambrose (1617–75), 464
Brueghel, Jan (“Velvet” Brueghel: 1568– 1625), 464, 467
Brueghel, Jan II (1601–78), 464
Brueghel, Jan Baptist (1670–1719), 464
Brueghel, Pieter, the Elder (1525?–69), 463– 465, 472
Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (“Hell” Brueghel: 1564–1638), 464, 475
Bruges, 452
capture of, 457
Brünn (Brno), Moravia, 541
Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600), 64, 225, 229, 235, 259, 595, 616–24
burning of, 243, 572, 611, 612, 623–24, 647
imprisonment and trial, 622–23
philosophy of, 165, 273, 605, 613, 620–21
writings, 618, 619*, 621
Brunswick–Lüneburg, duchy of, 542*
Brussels, 278, 280
art, 463–64, 467
in Nether–land revolt, 437, 448, 450, 452, 454, 457
Union of (1577), 452
Brutus, Lucius Junius (fl. 509 B.C.), 628
Brutus, Marcus Junius (85–42 B.C.), 94, 100
Brześć (Brest–Litovsk), Union of (1596), 511
bubonic plague, see plague
Buchanan, George (1506–82), 134–35, 399, 626
Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Baron (1536–1608), 74
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of (1592–1628), 156, 157, 159–60, 171, 176, 324
impeachment of, 194, 202
La Rochelle expedition, 202, 381, 559
Budapest, University of, 583*
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Count of (1707–88), 591
Bull, John (1503?–1628), 59, 60
bullfighting, 275, 277, 628
Buonarelli, Constanza, 272
Burbage, Cuthbert, 79
Burbage, James (d. 1597), 79
Burbage, Richard (1567?–1619), 79, 81, 89, 104
burghers, see middle class
Burghley, Lord, see Cecil, William
Bürgi, Joost (1552–1632), 163–64, 585, 596
Burlador de Sevilla, El (Tirso), 310
Burma, Dutch in, 589
Burton, Robert (1577–1640), 58, 65, 143, 152–154
Busenbaum, Hermann (1600–68), 246
Busher, Leonard (fl. 1614), 140
Bussy d’Amhois (Chapman), 143
Buxtorf, Johannes, the Elder (1564–1629), 580
Buxtorf, Johannes, the Younger (1599–1664), 580
Byrd, William (1543–1623), 59, 60
Byron, George Gordon, Baron (1788–1824), 231, 237, 259, 310
Byzantine art, 316
Cabeo, Niccolo (fl. 1629), 588
Cabral, Fernão Álvares (fl. 1553), 291
Caccini, Giulio (1550?–1618); 255
Caccini, Tommaso (fl. 1614), 606
Cádiz, Spain, 331
English raids, 34, 37, 39, 41, 65, 154
Caesar, Gaius Julius (100–44 B.C.), 93, 96, 594
Calabria, 235
Calais, 342
Roads, Armada in, 36
Calberg, Thomas, 440
calculus, 163, 586
infinitesimal, 598, 641
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1600–81), 273, 310–13, 314, 422
calendar, 164, 647
Chinese, 248
Gregorian, 35, 165, 239, 304*, 594–95
Julian, 304*, 594, 595
Calicut, India, 292
Caligula, Roman emperor (37–41), 242
hy, 521, 534–35
Callot, Jacques (1592–1635), 429
Calvin, John (1509–64), 18, 126, 540, 609
attitude toward business, 24, 50, 335
and Huguenots, 334, 336, 341
and psalm singing, 59
predestinarianism of, 246, 613
Puritans influenced by, 23
Calvinism: Bohemia, 542, 557–58
democracy in, 132, 190, 192, 334, 458
and dethroning of tyrants, 626
education under, 112–13, 583
in England, 18, 24, 203, 220, see also Puritans
France, see Huguenots
Geneva, 23, 24, 133, 540
Germany, 551–53, 555, 556, 571
Hungary, 519, 541
intolerance of, 452–54, 458–60, 617, 644
Netherlands, 20, 33, 436–37, 442, 444, 446, 448, 449, 452–53, 458–60, 647
Poland, 508, 510
Scotland, see Kirk of Scotland
Calvinist Fury, 443–44, 462
Cambrai, province of, 436
Cambridge, England, in Civil Wars, 213, 215
Cambridge University, 24, 51, 61, 63–64, 67, 68, 233*
Elizabeth’s visit, 51, 503
representation in Parliament, 136, 208
Camden, William (1551–1623), 9, 66, 71, 146, 149
Cammin, bishopric of, 570
Camoes (Camoëns), Luiz Vaz de (1524–80), 290, 291–93, 298
Campanella, Tommaso (1568–1639), 179, 181, 235, 257, 595, 624–26
Campion, Edmund (1540–81), 21–22
Campion, Thomas (1567–1620), 60
Canada, exploration of, 166
Canary Is., raided by Drake, 34
Candelaio (Bruno), 617
Canisius, Peter, Saint (Pieter de Hondt: 1521– 1597), 541, 553, 554
Cano, Alonso (1601–67), 329
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 300
Cape Verde Is., raided by Drake, 34
capitalism, England, beginning of, 47, 48, 184–185
“capitulations” (treaties), Turkish–European, 524*
Cappel, Louis (1585–1658), 580
Capuchins, 229, 386, 523, 553
Caracciolo, Giovanni (c. 1570–1637), 236
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da (c. 1565–1609), 233, 237, 268–69, 320, 431
caravans, 228, 519, 531
Carbajao, Luis de, 279
Carberry Hill, Scotland, 123
Carcassonne, France, Huguenot slaughter, 341
Cardan, Jerome (1501–76), 589
Carducci, Bartolommeo (1560–1608), 279, 316
Carducci, Vincenzo (1568?–1638), 328
Carew, George, Baron (1555–1629), 41
Carew, Lady, 74
Carew, Thomas (1595?–1645?), 151, 197, 475
Carinthia, Hapsburg rule over, 538
Carisbrooke Castle, Charles I at, 218
Carissimi, Giacomo (c. 1604–1674), 254, 547
Carlos, Don (1545–68), 117, 278, 281–82, 316, 455
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 135
Carniola, Hapsburg rule over, 538
carnivals, 253, 256, 277
Carracci, Agostino (1557–1602), 232–35, 267
Carracci, Annibale (1560–1609), 232–35, 236, 267
Carracci, Lodovico (1555–1619), 232–35
Cartagena, Colombia, 34
Cartwright, Thomas (1535?–1603), 24–26
Casaubon, Isaac (1559–1614), 172, 256, 181, 582, 583
Case of the Army Truly Stated, The, 217
Casket Letters, 121, 125, 135
Caspian Sea, 512
Turkish advance to, 527
Cassel, Germany, 542*, 591, 596
Cassini, Jean Dominique (1625–1712), 612
Cassiopeia, constellation of, 596
Castelli, Benedetto (fl. 1626), 606, 608
Castelnau, Michel de, Sieur de la Mauvissière (1520?–92), 617
Castelnaudary, battle of (1632), 384
Castelvetro, Lodovico (1505–71), 77
Castigilione, Baldassare, Count (1478–1529), 63, 67, 70, 76, 393, 397, 510
Castile, 284, 289, 307
Cortes of, 297
Council of, 288
Castillo, Juan de, 329
Castres, France, Huguenots in, 340
Castro, Guillén de (1567–1631), 310, 422
Castro, Inés de (1320?–55), 291
Catalonia, Moriscos in, 284
revolt of (1640), 289, 386
Cateau–Cambrésis, Peace of (1559), 225, 278, 281, 339, 437
catechisms: Heidelberg (Calvinist), 551
Jesuit Chinese, 248
Lutheran, 541
Westminster (Presbyterian), 214
Catesby, Robert (1573–1605), 141, 149
Catherine de Médicis (1519–89), Queen Regent of France (1560–63), 9, 11, 56, 239, 278, 334, 337–55, 417, 575, 576
cultural interests, 395, 396–97, 429, 579
death, 360
and Montaigne, 413
peace and toleration attempts, 339–48, 358, 360
and St. Bartholomew Massacre, 349–55
tomb of, 428
and the Tuileries, 427, 430
Catherine of Aragon (1485–1536), 9, 102
Catherine of Braganza (1638–1705), Queen of Charles II of England, 294
Catholic Church, see Counter Reformation
in Germany, see Counter Reformation, Germany
see also Catholic entries below, and under Scotland and Sweden
Catholic Church, France: Gallican liberties of, 381
and Henry III, 361
and Henry IV, 360, 363
and Massacre, 352, 353
morals of clergy, 337, 341
reform of, 375–77
refuses toleration to Huguenots, 342
repression of heresy, 377–79
States–General’s demands (1560–61), 340–41
subordinated to state, 374, 381
status (1648), 647
and the theater, 421
wealth of (1600), 333; see also Jesuits, France
Catholic Church, Germany, see Counter Reformation
Catholic Church, Netherlands: banned, 452–453, 458–59
denounces Alva’s methods, 447, 449; see also Inquisition
Catholic Church, Spain, 275; see also Inquisition, Spanish
Catholic League (Catholic Union, Germany, 1609), 555–56, 560
Catholic League (France, 1576–93), see League
Catholic Reformation, see Counter Reformation
Catholics, English: in Civil Wars, 212, 214
distribution and numbers, 4, 15, 17, 37, 185, 187
and Elizabeth, 4, 20, 22–23, 35, 125, 239, 354
and Jesuits, 20–23, 54, 141–42, 154, 187, 188
laws and policies against, 18–20, 22–23, 31, 140–42, 154, 159, 187, 201, 203, 215
and Mary Stuart, 10, 114, 126–29
northern rebellion (1569–70), 125–26; see also Gunpowder Plot
Catholics, Irish, persecution of, 28–30, 210
Catiline (108?–62 B.C.), 400
Cato, Marcus Porcius (234–149 B.C.), 96
Cats, Jacob (“Father Cats”: 1577–1660), 481
Catullus, Gaius Valerius (84–54 B.C.), 156, 197, 291, 581
Caucasus, 527, 536
Caus, Salomon de (1576–1630), 589
Cautio criminalis (Spee), 578
Cavalier Poets, 196, 200
Cavalieri, Emilio de’ (1550?–1602), 254
Cavalieri, Francesco Bonaventura (1598–1647), 586
Cavaliers, 213, 219, 476
Cavendish, Thomas (1555?–92), 166
Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563?–1612), 38, 39, 52, 62
and Essex, 40–42
and James I, 44, 137, 140, 141
Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley (1520–1598), 5–7, 10, 61, 62, 66
and Bac
on, 40, 174
and Catholics, 22
death of, 38
economic policies of, 47–49
on Elizabeth, 9
on Ireland, 28
on Italian morals, 52
and Mary Stuart, 112, 119, 124, 127, 129
patron of authors, 65, 70, 74
and Puritans, 24–25, 55
and Raleigh, 39
religious views, 16, 17–18
Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–71), 428, 430
Cenci, Beatrice (1577–99), 243, 252–53
Cenci, Francesco (1549–98), 252–53
censorship, 580
Catholic, see Index
Denmark, 495
England, 26, 65–66, 79
France, 66
Geneva, 617
Germany, 547
Italy, 273
Spain, 295
ceramics, see pottery
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547–1616), 273, 287, 298–304, 305, 313
and chivalric romances, 297, 301, 304, 416
Don Quixote, 267, 295, 300–304;
at Lepanto, 298, 523
and Vega, 304, 308, 310
Cesalpino, Andrea (1510–1603), 168, 590, 591, 592.
Cesarini, Monsignor (fl. 1622), 608
Ceuta, Spanish Morocco, 274, 291
Cézanne, Paul (1839–1906), 319
Chalgrove Field, battle of, 213
Chamberlain’s company, 42, 80, 89, 147
Champaigne, Philippe de (1602–74), 388, 430
Champlain, Samuel de (1567?–1635), 589–90
Chantal, Jeanne Frémiot, Baroness of (Saint Chantal: 1572–1641), 376
Chapelain, Jean (1595–1674), 397, 415, 420
Chapelles, Count des (d. 1627), 383
Chapman, George (1550–1634), 16, 104, 154, 164
life and works, 66, 143, 149
Chardin, Jean (1643–1713): descriptions of Persia, 528, 531–32, 535
Charity Mistaken (“Edward Knott”), 187
Charles, Archduke of Austria, 11, 118
Charles I, King of England (1625–49), 27, 50, 51, 56, 60, 136, 138, 154, 163, 167, 169, 186, 200–221, 359
absolutism of, 136, 204–7
and Anglican Church, 201, 209, 211, 219
and Catholics, 187, 212, 214, 215
in Civil Wars, 212–19
conflicts with Parliament, 159, 200–204, 207–21
escape from army, 218
Infanta marriage project, 157, 159–60, 322
and Ireland, 206, 210–11, 213–15
and Laud, 189, 191, 204, 205–6, 208, 211
marriage, 160, 200– 201, 205, 394
patron of arts, 62, 200, 431, 472, 475, 476
and poets, 151, 195–99
portraits of, 159, 475
Rubens’ mission to, 200, 471
and the Scots, 205–7, 216, 218
and Strafford, 206, 209–10
trial and execution, 219–221, 582
Charles II, King of England (1660–85), 108, 195, 216, 220, 294, 582
Charles II, King of Spain (1665–1700), 290
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1519–56), King of Spain as Charles I (1516–56), 31, 278, 281, 282, 439