Winter's Guardian (Her Guardian's Series Book 1)

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Winter's Guardian (Her Guardian's Series Book 1) Page 15

by G. Bailey

  “Fine, whatever.” Katy waves a hand at him, a faint blush on her cheeks.

  “Do you have different dads then?” I ask.

  “Well maybe, we don’t know. My mum has five mates and they are all our dads. I told you we have a low rate of girls being born. There are ten girls in our pack and forty-eight guys. Not all of them are mated but most share one mate.” He says, I’ve never even thought about being with more than one guy but mating five. That’s a new thought, a damn scary one.

  “Okay, I’m not judging but how does it work?” I ask.

  “They all love my mum and she is the boss of them. I’ve never seen them argue and they were all friends for years before they started dating my mum,” Katy tells me.

  “It works,” Harris shrugs.

  “So, how are Jaxson and Esta chosen to be mates?” I ask.

  “This is where it gets complicated, you explain, I need to eat more. I and the sugar in this place need to get to know each other.” Katy tells Harris seriously as she opens a bag of strawberry laces. Harris just shakes his head as she continues to eat her cake and laces at the same time.

  “Alpha’s aren’t known to share. In my mum’s group, there isn’t a leader. They are all the same level of dominance or close to anyway. An alpha would just control any other mates and would see them as a constant challenge. If his mate took another mate, he might kill him, so it has never worked. The other mate would have to be as strong as Jaxson and therefore Esta was chosen just for him. She agreed not to take any other mates.” He tells me.

  "What's the prophecy?" I ask remembering the argument Fergus had with Jaxson. It seems it's the reason I'm told to stay away from them.

  "How did you hear about that?" Harris normally pale skin goes paler. Katy looks up, with a strawberry lace hanging out her mouth.

  "I overheard Jaxson and Fergus arguing," I tell them both.

  "We can't tell you, the alpha has us all under an oath," Katy says looking pale as she eats her food. For all our sakes, I change the subject, even if it pisses me off.

  "Back to Jaxson, he couldn't have known Esta would attack me," I tell them both, it’s not like we planned that kiss.

  "Yeah, he should. Esta is his intended mate and he isn’t meant to want anyone else. They should have mated years ago but he just strings her along." Harris growls. I widen my eyes at the jealously on his face before realising that maybe Harris likes Esta. I guess it’s possible with so little women in the pack. Harris must have grown up with Esta; I don’t know her well enough to know why he would like her. My experiences of her are all shadowed by jealously.

  "What does that exactly mean?" I ask.

  "They were chosen for each other when they were born by a local witch," He says making my stomach feel sick.

  "So they are soul mates." I finish for him.

  "Not always, the witch isn’t always right and I know she was friends with Esta’s parents. I think they paid her to make that choice." Katy says, frowning at my heartbroken face.

  "But sometimes she is right. I could have been getting in the way of something that’s meant to be," I mumble. I remember Esta’s heartbroken face and something I haven’t felt much of before appears, guilt.

  “No Winter. Jaxson could have mated her when they both turned eighteen. Jaxson is twenty-four now and he still hasn’t even tried a relationship with her. If that’s destined to be together, I call bullshit.” Katy says.

  “I still can’t ever be with him, can I?” I ask them, looking out the window as I do because I can’t see anyone’s face when they tell me the answer.

  "No, you can’t. A human wouldn’t survive a mating and his wolf would be too jealous to live without trying to mate to you. Vampires, witches and angels can mate with humans but we can’t. Trust me it’s been tried but it always kills the human. If they don’t mate, the wolf will go crazy and try to kill anyone that looks their human." Harris says before Katy can say anything more. Not wanting them to see how hurt I am I stand up, moving some blankets around and picking up some cups. I should send them away before Wyatt finds out and make them stay away. They both watch me as I take the cups to the kitchen and come back.

  "I should stay away from the pack; I think it's for the best. I'll tell Jaxson but I think you should leave." I tell them, Katy face drops at my words.

  "Your still pack, Jaxson will mate fully with Esta soon and then it will be ok." Harris sounds as heartbroken as I feel. One look at his face shows me how much he struggled with those words.

  "Leave Harris, please." I choke on the last words of my sentence. I can see it’s hard for him but this whole night is feeling like someone is banging a hammer against my heart.

  "Winter," Katy tries to come to me but I shake my head. I see in the corner of my eye as Harris pulls her out my apartment. The shutting of the door slams the final nail in the coffin and I burst into tears sliding down onto the floor.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The rest of the night, I spend half sleeping on the sofa and half crying. My phone rings a few times from Jaxson and Wyatt. I can't make myself answer either of them. When the morning light, lights up the room, it burns my dry eyes. I know I need to go to university today, I only have two days left and I missed all of yesterday. I pick up my phone and read the messages from Wyatt, saying that he is picking me up in an hour for class and to call him. I don't call but I force myself off the sofa, leaving my misery behind to shower and change. Once I'm dressed in a turtleneck sweater dress and black knee high- boots, I throw my laptop and class work into my bag. Wyatt doesn't knock, as I'm in the kitchen eating a breakfast bar as he strolls in. His gaze descends my whole body before meeting my eyes and I can almost taste his anger.

  "You had a wolf here; I have smelt a wolf around you for ages but not in your home. Don’t you know not to invite the big bad wolf into your home?" He remarks, his fists tightly clenched as he strolls forward. I almost feel the anger in each step forceful step until he is standing in front of me, forcing my gaze to look up at him.

  "Do you have any idea how worried I was that you didn't answer?" His gaze is trying to hide the pain that is clearly etched on his face.

  "I'm sorry." I place my hand on his rough stubble on his cheek and he leans into my touch.

  "Sweetheart." He sighs before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

  “I’m scared that he will hurt you again. I don’t want to see your bruises anymore. I bought this cream for you.” He passes me a white tub. My ribs aren’t too sore; I must not have hurt them as bad as I thought. I’ve always healed quickly growing up, so I’m not worried.

  “Thanks but none of my friends did this to me. That I promise you, they wouldn’t hurt me, Wyatt.” I say and pull my shirt up. Wyatt takes a seat, watching me as I rub the green looking cream into my skin. My skin tingles for a second and I watch as a slight glow comes from where my bruises are.

  “What is that?” I ask.

  “It’s from Dabriel. He is good at making things for healing. I don’t know what’s in it but it heals anything very quickly.” Wyatt tells me.

  “It’s magic?” I ask and Wyatt nods for an answer. I pull my shirt down and offer him the tub back.

  “Keep it.” He says and I put in on my coffee table.

  "What did your father ask of you?" I ask him.

  Wyatt moves quickly away from me and stands next to the door.

  "Your safe for now, that's all that matters." He says in a cold tone. The Wyatt I know is lost now and he is cutting me off.

  "Wyatt," I warn.

  "I was going to drive you but I have something to do." He says, his eyes meet mine for a second, long enough for me to see the guilt in them.

  "Wyatt!" I all but shout into the wind, as he disappears out the open door. My worry hits an all-time high as I make my way to class and sit in my seat. Harris waves as he comes in and I wave back, looking around for Alex. She doesn't come to class, which makes me worry more, I try to send a message to her but she doesn't reply by
the end of my classes. I walk out, not really looking where I'm going and bump into Harris who clearly wants to talk to me.

  "Hey winter or should I call you the girl that likes to bump into me a lot. I know he is an ass but Jaxson said," I stop him with a raised hand.

  "Honestly, I don't want to know. I have other problems now, I can’t deal with him." I say moving around him and ignoring the second voice in my head saying I desperately want to know.

  "Winter wait," he says behind me, as I walk faster away and finally get to my car.

  "Winter." I hear the faint growl in his voice but I ignore him all the same, he must have known he had upset me yesterday and why do I have the feeling he did it on purpose?

  I drive away while Harris watches with his blue slightly green eyes almost glowing. It once scared me to see them do that but know I really don’t care. I feel like part of me has been cut off and I’m not sure how to get it back.

  When I pull into my apartment car park, I spend way too long staring at the place I found Freddy. The same night I met Wyatt and how complicated that whole night seems to be. There are too many questions and fewer answers to be found in my mind, without any help. Would I change anything? I don't think I would. Wyatt is winning my heart but I’m so scared he going to do something stupid to protect me. Jaxson has my heart already but he doesn’t want it. Maybe I should just stick with my love for Freddy, the boy I’m getting protective of. I have to remind myself to message him back. He keeps sending me funny Harry Potter memes.

  "Why are you sitting in your car?" Jaxson says, opening my passenger door and making me jump. His green eyes hold amusement as he slides into my small car, which seems far smaller with him inside.

  "I don't know, I was thinking of Freddy," I say honestly.

  Jaxson regards me for a second, looking at the empty parking lot with me. The sun is almost shining through the dark clouds but the place makes me feel alone with all my worries.

  "He misses you." He says finally and I have a feeling he isn't the only one with the way Jaxson is looking at me. He reaches out brushing away a stray bit of hair from my face.

  "Please don't, don't make this harder," I whisper, unable to pull away as he finger traces my cheek to my lips.

  "Winter I can't stay away; I need to tell you something." He says, a cold cocky tone coming back into his voice. It’s like he needs to put up a mental barrier before trying to talk to me. I watch as he pulls away from me, with his whole body going tense.

  "I came to tell you I can't train you anymore, it's not fair to Esta. Harris will instead if you wish." He says, his hands tighten on his thighs and I notice for the first time how conflicted he looks.

  "Ok, just leave Jaxson," I say, losing any energy to fight him on this. He has already given up on us.

  "I want this to be different but I can't pull you into my world." He tells me, looking out the window of the car. The muscles in his neck are looking tight and his unshaved scuff on his face is begging me to just tell him how I won’t leave him. The words never come out as I harden my face into a neutral expression.

  "Leave Jaxson, I can’t be around you and I need to see you walk away from me," I say, meeting his eyes. The green in his eyes is starting to glow as my heart breaks, as I realise that I’m completely in love with him.

  "Winter I," he starts, reaching for me.

  "Don't." I croak out, before getting out the car as quick as I can. For some time I know I've fallen for him and I can’t believe I realised it when he is leaving me for someone else. I can't hear what he has to say because the need to beg him to stay is too strong and I’m not that kind of girl. No girl should have to beg a man to stay in her life, if he loved me, he would fight for us.

  When I turn around, I know Jaxson is gone. I have the feeling eyes are watching me; I turn to see the massive black wolf sitting on the edge of the car park. It whines at me gently before bowing its head. I don't move as Jaxson’s wolf turns and runs down a nearby alley toward the woods. A long howl fills the air and everything stills, with the pain I feel in it.

  Despite wanting to spend the night suffering in misery and eating junk food, Alex and Drake come home around seven with bags of Chinese food.

  "I'm here to cheer you up, we need a girls/sister night," she announces with a cheery grin. One she loses when she sees me on the sofa, I must look terrible with tissues all around and puffy eyes.

  "See you later hot stuff." she says to Drake, before giving him a very long kiss and shoving him towards the door.

  "Goodbye." He says formally to me, making Alex laugh.

  "I forget how much older you are than me." She says.

  "Careful." He purrs winking at her making her giggle and I am shocked at his playful side I've never seen.

  "Bye." She shouts as she shuts the door when he leaves. Alex puts a comedy on and then we eat out the boxes as we chat.

  "So which one are you more upset about?" she asks, a raised eyebrow in my direction.

  "What?" I say, shoving more egg fried rice into my mouth. I really need chocolate but this will do.

  "Well Wyatt is hot but Jaxson has this whole brooding thing going on. Plus how hot would a werewolf be in bed? Drake is amazing but I'm guessing all supernatural’s are." She tells me as my jaw drops open.

  "You know about Jaxson being a wolf?" I ask dropping my fork onto the sofa in shock. I pick it up as she says,

  "Well yeah, when I met him. The whole overwhelming smell of woods isn't a human thing. You forget I'm mated, extra abilities." She taps her nose.

  "Did you?" I'm cut off by her huff.

  "No Drake would lose his shit but you weren't in danger. Well maybe your virtue was, but that doesn't count." She winks at me causing me to laugh for the first time in a while.

  "So," she questions.

  "Wyatt feels like a being close to the sun, keeps you hot all the time but I’m scared I’m going to get burnt. I feel like he is so haunted, that I can't get close to him. He’s also a vampire prince, I’m not sure his dad is going to be cool with him dating a human." I tell her.

  "He lost his girlfriend, who he wanted to mate with eventually. Drake said it almost destroyed him but around you he can be different, happy almost." She replies.

  "I know, I get that. I want him to let me in more but I’m scared how much more I would fall for him if I did." I reply.

  “That silly man is in love with you, you know that and I’ve seen the way you look at Wyatt. It may be too late for that.” She tells me and I try not to think about her words. I love seeing Wyatt, the playful sides he has with Atti and the passionate way he can be. I love hearing him tell me about his love for music and his promises to show me how he plays sometimes. I just can’t admit I love him, yet.

  "Jaxson?" She asks, and my smile fades.

  "When I'm around him, it's like I can't breathe and he is the air I damn well need but can't have. One kiss with him and I know I'd do anything for him, even if I end up getting hurt." I tell her, trying to ignore how much it hurts to say that.

  "You love him." She says in awe a little.

  "He is going to be mated to someone else, her name is Esta. The wolf tried to kill me a few days ago because Jaxson kissed me." I say sadly and my eyes widen as Alex's normal brown eyes start glowing.

  "I'm going to kill the wolf bitch." She states.

  "I want the same but she is fated for Jaxson. Harris said a witch fated them to be together. I can understand her point of view. I’m a human who has just appeared in Jaxson’s life and kissed the wolf she has been told her whole life that is meant for her. You should have seen her face after Jaxson shouted at her. She was heartbroken, she really cares for him and I felt bad for her." I tell Alex.

  "Witches are wrong all the time; Drake said that once to Wyatt." She tells me.

  "I won't make him choose between his pack and me. I don't think he feels the same anyway. He walked away from me today, knowing it would break me." I say. I finally sob into my hands before wiping the tea
rs away.

  "Oh Winter," she pulls me to her and lets me cry it out.

  "I'm sorry for being a baby." I pull back.

  "Don't be, what are sisters for?" She winks at me.

  "How about more junk food and more funny movies?" I ask.

  "Perfect." She laughs. We spend a night being lazy and having fun. I force myself to forget about everything else. It was just what I needed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The last day of university went well, Harris didn't turn up but Alex stayed with me. I clearly worried her last night by opening up about nearly everything. I still haven't told her about the eerie life-like dream. I haven’t brought up the fact that the woman in my dreams talked about a prophecy and then everyone seems to think I have something to do with it. I would be stupid to bring it up to any wolves, they might kill me on the spot. I don’t know if I should tell Wyatt. I’m replying to Atti, who somehow got my number this morning, he has sent me pictures of his cats. I have to admit they are far bigger than I expected and I have a really funny one of his cat, Mags, asleep on a porno magazine. Atti said that the magazine belongs to Dabriel. I highly doubt that is true. I am happy he got my number, his funny messages and pictures have kept me smiling all day.

  My phone rings, making me smile when I see it's my mum.

  "Hey,mum." I say relieved to talk to her.

  "Hey, baby, one day until I get a hug." She squeals down the phone and I chuckle.

  "I'm just packing now," I tell her, knowing it will make her happy.

  "Only packing just now, oh Winter that is last minute. I've brought all your favourite food for when you’re home." She changes the subject. I know she will take everything out my bag when I get home anyway and wash it all. That’s my mum for you.

  "The local shop’s chocolate fudge pie?" I inquire as my mouth waters.

  "Yes, two of them." She chuckles.

  "I love you," I state grinning widely when I hear her laugh.

  "I will let you pack; I only wanted to check up on you. I'm calling Alex next." She tells me.


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