After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

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After the Fall: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  She was facing away from him, totally oblivious to her son’s peeping eyes. Slowly, she pulled the nightgown up and over her head and tossed it aside. She didn’t have a bra on, only panties, but all Jack could see from his vantage point was a tantalizing edge on view of her big, gorgeous breasts.

  This is sick. I need to cut it out, right now.

  He stood up and forced himself to turn his attention to something else. His cock was rock hard, an illicit symbol of the strange, perverse emotions that he was struggling with. Jack walked over to the TV and started clicking through the menus, desperate for a distraction.

  He went back to the recorded TV shows and downloaded movies, and began scrolling through them. A couple were post-apocalyptic themed, including one that was a popular, mainstream adaptation of a zombie comic book, and Jack winced internally as he skipped over it.

  Is that what’s happening for real, now? Has the world ended?

  “I think we should eat some food. Why don’t you pick out something for us to watch while I’m at it?” His mom had snuck up behind him, startling him with a reverse hug and a kiss on the cheek just as Jack’s thoughts began to tread into dark territory. She smelled faintly of perfume, a sweet and flowery scent.

  “Uh, okay,” said Jack. “I guess I’ll… do that, then.”

  She pulled away from him and walked over into the shelter’s kitchen area. A surreal feeling swept over Jack as he tapped on the touch screen and scrolled past a couple of action movies, a mixture of déjà vu and absurdity.

  We’re still acting out our roles down here, mother and son, without even being sure if there is anything left on the surface of the planet.

  Jack settled on a romantic comedy about a man, his girlfriend, and a dog, in the end. Rebecca was humming a tune as she moved about the food stores of the shelter, picking through dried powder soups and mountains of canned goods. He recognized the song and had to fight off a wave of nostalgia as childhood memories crested on his mental horizon.

  “There is an entire spice rack’s worth of seasonings tucked away in the back of the pantry,” said his mom. “That must have been your father’s doing.”

  Jack didn’t say anything. Thinking about his dad, thinking about any of the many people that they’d left behind above ground, was painful. Jason and Mitch suddenly appeared in his mind’s eye, both of them biking away from his house, waving to him as they went.

  I’m never going to see them again, most likely.

  “Jack?” Rebecca was standing in the doorway, her brow furrowed, and her eyes locked onto him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, mom,” he said. “Sorry. I’m just thinking...”

  She walked over to him, her expression softening into warmth and understanding. She pulled him close to her and ran her hand through his hair. It was exactly what Jack needed.

  “I know,” she said softly. “It’s too much for one person to make sense of. We just have to keep going.”

  Rebecca shifted her son’s face so that their eyes met each other’s. Again, Jack felt a mild sense of hot tension wave over him. He shook it off and tried not to let his excitement get the best of him.

  “You’re right, mom.” He smiled at her. “Sorry.”

  She reached her hand up to his face and pinched his cheek, a gesture that made him feel like he was a little kid again.

  “We don’t know anything yet, sweetie,” she said. “Whatever is going on, it could be affecting the entire world, or it could just be the state, or maybe even just the local neighborhood. We don’t know. For now we just need to hang tight.”

  Jack nodded, but on the inside his pessimism continued to nip at his psyche.

  The earthquake, and the firestorms in the sky… Those are not the type of things that just happen on a local level.

  “I’m going to finish with the food, and I want you to pick out a movie for us.” Rebecca spoke slowly, as though she was trying to emphasize the importance of the roles each of them had to play.

  “Okay, mom. Thanks.”

  Rebecca kissed him softly on the cheek. The touch of her lips against his skin was like fire, like the fire that had lit up the night sky. She turned and walked back into the kitchen, and Jack turned back towards the TV screen.


  Rebecca brought the food into the main room once she was finished making it, carrying both of their plates along with two bottles of water on what almost looked like a school lunch tray. Jack took his portion and was surprised by how hungry he suddenly felt.

  I would have figured that the stress would have eliminated my appetite.

  He could tell that the soup didn’t have quite as much charm as his mom’s homemade creations at a glance. Even so, something about it was more heartfelt than any meal that she’d prepared for him in recent memory. Jack brought a spoonful of it up to his mouth and watched his mom watch him.

  “It’s good,” he said. “Really good, especially for something out of a can.”

  Rebecca smiled at him.

  She has always cared so much about cooking, about making every meal special. This must be hell for her.

  “Anyway, come on mom, have a seat.” Jack patted his hand down next to him on the other office chair. “I paused the movie for you.”

  His mother carried her plate with her as she walked over and settled into her spot. Jack’s eyes were involuntarily drawn to her, the way her hair and breasts bounced with every step, and the positive aura that almost seemed to emanate from her body.

  “Thanks, Jack,” she said. “See, this isn’t so bad? We’d be doing the same thing, even if…”

  Even if the world hadn’t ended…

  “Mom…” Jack ate his food in a rush, unable to block the claustrophobia of the situation out of his thoughts. “This isn’t the same.”

  Rebecca shook her head.

  “It’s not the same, but it is what it is.” She opened her bottle of water and took a sip of it.

  “It’s… the end, mom,” said Jack. “It’s the end of the world.”

  “Don’t say that!” Rebecca reached out to take Jack’s hand, and he gave it to her.

  I know how it must sound, but I can’t just delude myself.

  “There isn’t going to be anything left for us even if we do make it back above ground.” Jack felt all of the emotions he’d been suppressing bubbling to the surface. “The rest of our family, my friends… even dad.”

  Rebecca took a deep breath. She glanced away from Jack for the briefest moment and then turned back to him with a determined look on her face.

  “We don’t know anything yet…” Rebecca moved her chair closer to, setting her food plate aside on the floor. “And at the very least, you still have me, honey. And I still have you.”

  She took Jack’s hand into her own and looked at him with big, loving, motherly eyes. Jack’s entire body deepened in sensitivity, feeling her touch ten times over.

  She’s right. I still have her. She’s right here, so close, and so loving.

  “We should…. Probably head to bed.” Jack had moved in closer to his mother without realizing it, pushing his knees against her’s and reducing the distance between their lips to mere inches.

  “That’s a good idea,” said Rebecca.

  She looked over at the bed across the room, the tiny, working couples’ bed, and then smiled at him.

  She can’t possibly mean what I think she means?

  “I was planning on sleeping on the floor.” Jack looked up at the ceiling sheepishly. “It’s probably-“

  “That’s ridiculous,” said Rebecca. “The two of us can share. There’s enough room.”

  She set her hand down on Jack’s thigh, and he felt an inordinate amount of blood rush down to his cock.

  “Mom, jeez, I’m…” He did everything he could to avoid looking into her eyes. “I mean, I think it would be for the best if I slept on the floor. So the two of us can have our own space.”

  Rebecca turned his head so that his eyes were faci
ng her directly and slid her other hand further up on his thigh.

  “We’re stuck in here for now, honey.” She blinked, and rubbed the back of Jack’s neck slightly. “We have to share our space.”

  Jack didn’t argue with her any further, and over the course of the next twenty minutes, they both prepared for bed, taking turns in the bathroom. After taking a close look at the water tanks and pipes leading out of them, Jack was able to figure out another incredibly sophisticated aspect of the emergency shelter’s design.

  There are water recyclers built into this place. Even at a tenth efficiency, hell, even at a twentieth, we’d be okay with the water stores we have now for a very long time.

  He was impressed, but at the same time, slightly unnerved. His father had spent a lot of time on the build, and a lot of money, money that Jack and his mother had never seen and never known about.

  Maybe he was paranoid. Maybe he was obsessive. But we’re only here right now because of him.

  Jack finished brushing his teeth, making sure to use as little water as possible, and then headed back out into the main room.

  “Ready for bed?” Rebecca had already climbed under her covers. She sat up slightly, and the bare flesh of her shoulder revealed to Jack that she’d taken off everything other than her bra and panties.

  “Yeah,” said Jack. “I’m ready.”

  His entire body throbbed with shameful excitement as he made his way over. After everything that had happened, all that they’d been through, he wanted to be close to her. Jack wanted to be in bed with his mother, hugging her, holding her, and feeling as though it was all going to be okay.

  “Don’t be shy, honey,” she whispered. “Take off your clothes and climb on in. Except for your boxers, of course.”

  Of course.

  Jack turned away from her and quickly began stripping his clothes off. His mom had rearranged some of the supplies in the plastic totes and repurposed one of them as a laundry hamper. He tossed his shirt and shorts across the room, both of them landing nearby, but a little off target.

  “Can you look for the light switch and turn it off?” asked Rebecca. “We need to do everything we can to make sure we save the limited energy we have down here.”

  Her voice was melodic in Jack’s ears. He nodded and walked over to the door that led to the stairs and hallway, feeling his cock guiltily beginning to stiffen with illicit horniness.

  This is stupid. She’s my mother, and I’m her son. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing can happen!

  The switch was just a tiny panel next to the hatch that they’d overlooked on their way in. Jack flicked it off and met darkness far beyond anything he’d ever experienced before in his life. There was nothing to give off even the slightest amount of light, no stars, no moon, no street lamps.

  “Over here, honey,” whispered his mom. “Just follow the sound of my voice.”

  “Thanks.” Jack strode quickly across the main room and towards her, a little too quickly. He was still in midstep as he reached the bed and tripped forward onto it, landing on his mother with all the grace of a fish out of water.

  “Whoops!” The way Jack had fallen left him in a very compromised position. His mom was directly underneath him, warm and soft and mostly naked. An erotic shiver went down his spine as he reflexively pushed his crotch forward, grinding his dick against what was either her thigh or her butt through his boxers.

  “Easy, sweetie,” whispered Rebecca. “There should be enough room, just slide over.”

  Jack set his hand down on something soft and warm instead of the bed. It took him a split second longer than it should have to realize that it was one of his mom’s breasts, and react accordingly.

  What am I doing?

  He rolled to the side, tangling the sheets as he did. Rebecca reached over to remake the bed and then brought her hand down on his thigh. Jack’s cock was rock hard, and it pulled his full attention to the strange, tense nature of the situation.

  “Honey…” whispered his mom. “Are you okay?”

  “Uh, yeah, of course, mom!” Jack turned so that he was facing her in the dark. His hard on brushed against her stomach, neither of them able to get more than a few inches of space on the small surface of the bed.

  “I know how different this is,” she said. “And I know how hard it is for you. But we’ll find a way to adapt to it. It will just take some time.”

  She reached her arms out and pulled Jack into a soft hug. His cock strained against the fabric of his boxers, and he could feel her warm naked body against his, the silkiness of her bra and panties making him almost insane with desire.

  She’s my mother! What kind of pervert am I?

  “I… mom…” Jack was at a loss for words. Rebecca leaned her face in close to his, her hot breath tickling the skin on his neck as she planted a kiss on his cheek. Jack’s hips were moving of their own accord, slowly grinding forward against her.

  “It’s okay, sweetie,” she whispered. “I love you.”

  This is wrong!

  It took every drop of effort in his body, but Jack managed to pull himself away from his mother. He slid his legs over the side of the bed and stumbled across the room, fumbling blindly against the wall and through the door of the bathroom.

  “Honey, are you okay?” Rebecca’s footsteps could be heard following after him. Jack closed the door to the bathroom and slid down to the floor against it.

  “Yeah mom, I just have to get some water.” Jack’s hand moved as though it were possessed by a demon, pulling his hard cock out of his boxers and running his fingers over it. “You can… go back to bed.”

  “No, that’s okay,” said his mom, through the door. “I’ll wait for you.”

  I can’t even get her out of my thoughts to masturbate, not when she is always so close by.

  “I, I’ll be out in… just a second!” Jack’s hand began to stroke up and down the length of his erection. He saw his mother in his mind’s eye, still only in bra and panties, slowly pushing herself in closer to him.

  “Are you sure you don’t need any help?” asked Rebecca, in her sweetest, most motherly voice.

  “No… mom.” Jack tried to picture anything, anyone else. He thought of girls from his school, of porn stars and internet cam girls. In every instance, regardless of how different the woman looked, when he turned up to see her face, it was her.


  “We’ll make it through this, Jack,” she said, just loud enough to make it through the door. “I’ll help you through it. I’ll do whatever it takes, whatever needs to be done.”

  “Mom,” he replied, his voice breathy and tinted with sex. “You, you shouldn’t do anything.”

  Jack’s hand was moving faster, and faster. He wanted her to be there with him in the bathroom, and paradoxically, he wanted her to be further away.

  “I will do it, sweetie.” Her voice was full of love and parental determination. “I’ll do whatever it takes, whatever you need. So don’t worry, just relax, and let me take care of you.”

  Jack stifled a groan as he felt himself pass over the line. His cock began to erupt like a geyser, and it was all he could do to catch each blast of seed in his free hand as the pleasure took hold of his body.

  Mom… I need you.

  “Honey? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Jack was lying on the bathroom floor, still at the mercy of the afterglow of the orgasm. With it came something else, something that he didn’t want to feel, something truly hard for him to internalize.

  He had just masturbated to thoughts of his own mother and enjoyed every second of it. Guilt and shame flooded into his mind, replacing what had been arousal and lust only seconds before.

  “I… I just need to uh…” Jack bit his lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood as he flicked on the bathroom’s light and walked over to the sink. “I just need wash my face, and then I’ll come to bed.”

  “Alright, Jack,” said his mom. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  There was a mirror on the wall above the water faucets, and Jack stared into the eyes of his reflection as he scrubbed his hands clean.

  Everything has changed, both in the world and inside of me.


  The rest of the night went by relatively uneventfully. Jack spent another couple of minutes in the bathroom collecting himself before heading back out into the main room. His mother’s breathing was even and regular, and when he climbed into bed next to her, sleep came easily enough.

  He wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep for when he awoke. Rebecca was climbing out of bed, and it took Jack a minute to catch up with everything that had happened.

  The asteroid strike… The world is still over, isn’t it?

  He blinked his eyes open and glanced over to the other side of the main room, where his mom was wiggling into a pair of tight jeans she had pulled out of storage. Jack chastised himself internally, feeling even guiltier as he realized that his morning erection was actually enjoying the show.

  “Good morning, honey,” she said as she pulled a long sleeve purple blouse over her bra clad breasts. “Did you manage to sleep well last night, after…?”

  After my little sexual meltdown? Does she have any idea what I ended up doing in the bathroom?

  Jack nodded and tried to bring his thoughts back into safe territory.

  “Yeah, I did.” He smiled at her. “The bed is a little too small, but at least the mattress is comfortable.”

  His mom laughed. Her hair was a little messy, still tangled from the night’s sleep.

  “I’m glad you think so,” she said. “Especially because I get the feeling that we might be down here for a while.”

  She hummed a familiar tune as she made her way over to the bathroom to wash up. Jack stared at her, feeling a strange mixture of appreciation and surprise at her confident, frank way of stating the facts.

  If it weren't for her company, her energy, and presence, I probably would have given up by now.

  He forced himself out of bed, double checking to make sure that the door to the bathroom was completely shut behind his mom as he did. His cock had tented his boxers, and there wasn’t really anything he could do about it.


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