Atlas Lost

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Atlas Lost Page 26

by Alaska Angelini

  “We’re more than mates,” I managed, coughing through the thickness in my throat. “We’re one.”

  “Twin flames. I know. That makes no difference here.”

  “It makes all the difference,” Daveed said, stepping from the portal. “The call has gone out. It is the beginning of new earth. The mark of great and terrifying things to come. Predictions speak of this sacred time coming into alignment. Of mass unions, of masters awakening and coming together from all sides of life. From the holy to the unthinkable. Shadow and light joining as one. Balance,” Daveed said, coming closer. “Atlas and Cara. Light and Dark. You and Kelu. Light and Dark.”

  “Cara is not real Ri,” he growled. “She is human.”

  “This life.”

  Daveed lifted his hand, and I fought to stand and make it to Cara as Kelu stepped out from behind the boulder. Her stare stayed on Ri, cautious and full of longing. His reaction was magnetic, moving in closer as they stood next to me and Cara.

  “Kelu is your mate, but you must earn her. You have to come to terms with who and what you are. Only then will she be yours. It is not safe before that.”

  Ri moved his stare from Daveed to Kelu, grabbing the axe and squeezing it until his knuckles were white.


  “You know she can’t do that.”

  Ri glared at my response, but kept his eyes on Kelu.

  “You want to come home. Tell me. Let me hear it. Let them all hear where you want to be.”

  Kelu glanced at me before stepping away from us to walk closer to Ri.

  “If I admit it, will you let Cara and Atlas leave?”

  “Are you staying?”

  Closer, she walked, until she was a foot from Ri. I took a step, but Cara quickly shook her head. When Kelu reached for his free hand, he fell to his knees, allowing her to put his palm over the span of her slightly rounding stomach.

  “Look at me and tell me it is safe for me and our child to stay. Feel in your heart, past who you are, and be honest. Without you taking light, are we safe here?”

  Ri’s eyes closed as he lowered his face to rub against her stomach. Hate bubbled within, but so did pain—raw, torturous pain for what he’d taken from me. Cara’s energy pushed into mine, buffering the sensation, but I wouldn’t forget the past.

  “No. You are not safe. Not yet.”

  “Will we ever be?”

  A grunt coated in heartache had him wrapping his arms around her as he held on.

  “I just want you back.”

  “Answer me. Will we ever be safe here?”

  “I’ll make it so. I’ll do whatever I have to, as long as you promise you’ll return.”

  Kelu nodded, cupping his cheek as a tear trailed down her face. “I love you. Remember that. You have my word I will return, but Cara and Atlas come back with me. I want proof. I want to see you change so my return is safe. If you fail…” She forced his face up so he had to look at her. “If you fail, it is on you, not I, nor anyone else, is responsible for that. No more wars. No hurting people. No more stealing light. You fix this. Get control. Promise me.”

  “No,” I said, letting Cara go and stepping forward. “Don’t just promise her. You promise me. You convince me you’re not the man who murdered Leone and my daughter in cold blood.”

  Ri stood, holding his axe as he moved in inches from my face. Cara grabbed my arm, just as Kelu grabbed his.

  “I can’t change what I did. Just as you can’t change following your father to my home to murder my parents. I saw you, Atlas. I can still see you standing beside him, killing my people. It’s over. It is done.” A low sound left him, but he continued, even though he was shaking with as much anger as me. “I forgive you, and I hope you’ll forgive me. For Kelu and my child’s sake. For…” He turned his gaze to Cara, lifting his hand and pulling the darkness from both of us to hover in the air with the rest. “For my new friend…I’ll fight this. Cara’s still part of me. She’ll forever be Ri.” His brow furrowed as he took in all the shadow he was going to have to consume—to fight through for my sister’s love. “I’m not sure how, but I’m going to make this right. I have no choice. Now, leave.” Ri’s head dropped, unable to look at us. “Leave before the real me disappears and the evil king leaves you no choice.”



  “Shhh. Just breathe. Slow, deep breaths. Hold my hand and squeeze as much as you need to.”

  “Slow is not working. I have to get up. I have to—”

  Kelu’s scream echoed from the walls around us as she shook her head back and forth.

  “Oh, Goddess. Goddess, please.”

  “That’s it. You’re doing great.”

  I met Atlas’s eyes before looking at the older woman who acted as the Paltenians’ doctor. Ma-Main was whispering words I didn’t understand, and not because I hadn’t tried to learn their language, she was just talking so fast.

  “It hurts. It…no—okay, I can do this.”

  “You can,” I repeated. “You’re one of the strongest people I know. Push, Kelu.”

  “That’s it,” Ma repeated. “Just like that. Almost there, Princess.”

  Ma waved me in, giving me view of the baby’s head crowing. My eyes grew wide as I held my own rounding stomach. I’d never seen a baby born. I hadn’t even been around many children. Uncertainty settled in, and again, I looked at Atlas.

  “Oh, Goddess. God!” More deep breaths left her before she was bearing down again, pushing until her face was a deep red. Her scream was followed by Ma’s quick movements, and more screams. Screams that had me smiling and tears pouring down my face. Atlas rushed from the closed door, wrapping his arms around Kelu as she sobbed against his chest.

  “You have a daughter, dear sister. Open your eyes. See her.”

  Ma cut the cord, wiping and handing the baby to Atlas, as was custom. He glanced at me, smiling so big, I couldn’t help but return it.

  “Oh, Kelu. She’s so beautiful. And alert.” Pale yellow eyes took in Atlas, moving to Kelu as he handed her over. Knocking had us looking at the door. Lu entered, lowering his gaze.

  “The spell was lifted as you requested. He’s arrived.”

  The smile melted from Atlas’s face as he stood and nodded.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Will you let him in?”

  At Kelu’s weak voice, Atlas glanced over his shoulder, not saying anything as he headed out the door. I lowered, sitting next to my new sister.

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she? And good. And sweet. She’s barely cried at all.”

  Ma continued working on Kelu, but Kelu barely noticed as she stroked over the child’s black hair.

  “What will you name her? Have you decided?”

  Kelu laughed softly as the baby’s mouth parted and she licked her lips. “Rilynn. I haven’t decided the extension.”

  “Extension? Middle name. That’s right. Rilynn,” I repeated. “I love that.” I bit my bottom lip, staring into the eyes of Ri. Eyes that were familiar to me for reasons I couldn’t understand. I moved in closer, gazing into her soul. “Kelu…what do you think of Rilynn Leone?”

  Kelu’s face quickly turned to me. “I… That’s perfect. But Atlas. Do you think he would mind?”

  I gave a soft smile, stroking alongside Rilynn’s cheek as she brought her tiny fist to her mouth. “I think he would be honored.”

  The door opened, and Atlas led Ri inside. His skin and eyes were darker than I’d ever seen them, yet I felt a difference. Whether it was good or bad, I wasn’t sure.

  “I felt your pain. I came right away. I…have a child?” The words got trapped in his throat as he slowed and lowered to his knees next to the bed. I quickly moved, allowing him to get closer.

  “We have a daughter. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Ri’s fingers went toward the child’s face, stopping just before he made contact. A breath left him, and he quickly reached up, wiping away tears.
It was enough to have Atlas and Lu looking at each other.

  “She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She looks like you, but…” he paused, “she has my eyes.”

  The whisper was almost lost as he wiped more tears. There was new pain within him—pain I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. He was battling his demons worse than ever, and it was taking its toll through what Ma called ‘the dark night of the soul’. He’d escape nothing if karma had its way.

  Atlas’s arm came around to hold me from behind. More boots moved in thick behind us, but I gave them no noticed as Ri grabbed Kelu’s free hand. He held it close, next to his face as he continued to stare at his daughter. The tie I still had with Ri mourned in the most agonizing despair. I held in my tears with everything I had. But not him. He wasn’t able as he whispered words to Kelu.

  “Her name?”

  “Rilynn. Rilynn Leone. Cara helped me pick it out.”

  Atlas stiffened, but hugged me tighter, flattening his hand on my stomach.

  “I love you. That was very kind. Leone would have been so proud.”

  “She is.”

  Whether he heard me or not, I didn’t know. I couldn’t stop feeling Ri’s emotions. They were so thick, I could barely breathe. I swallowed hard, wiping the sweat from my brow. My dress was suddenly sticking to me, and I was hot. So very hot.

  “Are you okay? Cara?”

  Ri leaned in to kiss Kelu, and I swayed as he turned to face us. Atlas’s voice went in and out as I tried to gain control over Ri’s influence.

  “I believe my five minutes are up. Thank you for allowing me to see my daughter. I won’t take any more of your time.”


  “I’m okay, Atlas. I would like a word with Ri before he leaves if that’s okay.”

  “We’ll walk him out together.”

  There was no point in arguing with my mate. I knew he wasn’t letting me out of his sight. He hadn’t once since we’d returned home.

  Ri glanced back one last time before rushing from the room. The sweat that ran down his face practically mirrored my own. Why I was feeling him so strongly now was beyond me. In the months since we’d been home, I’d only got hints that the dark was still inside me. Now, it was so strong, I felt it’s seductive call to return.

  The warriors followed us out, leading us to the front door. When Ri turned to face me, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in and giving him a hug. I shouldn’t have. I knew what he was capable of, but he needed a spark of light. Even if it was through kindness.

  “How are you?”

  He swept his gaze to Atlas, but focused on me.

  “I’m trying.”

  “I know you are. And you’re winning.”

  “Am I? It doesn’t feel that way. I feel worse than ever.”

  “Look where you are,” I said, smiling. “You just saw your daughter. You’re surrounded by Paltenians, and no one is fighting. Is that not progress?”

  Ri’s features softened as he nodded.

  “Keep strong. Atlas once told me, the night could not become the day no matter how many stars filled its sky. But do you know what I think, Ryder?”

  The smile that came from hearing his name lit the room. “What’s that, sweet Ina?”

  “I think if it weren’t for the dark, we’d have no reason to fall in love with the stars. It is the dark that allows them to shine. It’s where they gain their true power. Just like you. The night within you may never end, but from that has come the brightest light I have ever seen. She has your eyes, and she’ll be waiting for you. We all will.”

  The End.

  About the Author

  Alaska Angelini is a Bestselling Author of dark, twisted happily-ever-afters. She currently resides in Wisconsin but moves at the drop of a dime. Check back in a few months and she's guaranteed to live somewhere new.

  Obsessive, stalking, mega-alpha hero's/anti-heroes are her thing. Throw in some rope, cuffs, and a whip or two, and watch the magic begin.

  If you're looking to connect with her to learn more, feel free to email her at [email protected], or find her on Facebook.

  WHEN DARK IS WHAT YOU’RE CRAVING... Step into Pitch Black with Alaska's International Bestselling pen, A. A. Dark.

  Coming Soon!

  In an evil world hidden amongst our own—in a subterranean fortress forged in the blood and bones of the slaves who fill it—one woman is determined to rise and bring down the Masters who reside there.

  Love, torture, murder, and lies…

  There are no consequences too high to stop the wrath coming to Whitlock. Only one can change the violent history that’s built over centuries of human trafficking for the elite, but at what cost?

  The return of 24690 …





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