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TICK TOCK (EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Book 1)

Page 28

by Jane Harvey-Berrick

  Quran – the central religious text of Islam

  Salat-al-zuhr – noon prayer

  Military Terms

  AT – Ammunition Technician: bomb disposal officer (UK)

  AWOL – Absent Without Leave

  Dems – demolitions (destroying ammunition or explosives)

  C.O. – Commanding Officer

  Det cord – detonation cord

  EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal / bomb disposal

  Go dark – off the grid/without communications

  HMEs – homemade explosives

  IED – improvised explosive device

  LCpl – Lance Corporal

  MREs – Meals Ready to Eat: U.S. military rations

  PNC – Police National Computer (UK)

  PT – Physical Training

  RC – Remote control

  RMP – Royal Military Police

  RPG – Rocket Propelled Grenade

  Sat Phone – Satellite Phone

  Scroat – low life

  SDF – Syrian Defence Forces

  Squaddie – low rank soldier

  UN – United Nations

  Weapons-grade – a British Army term that means serious, harsh or large-scale

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  This story is personal to me in many ways. I have friends amongst the EOD community, so it’s important to me because of that. I’ve tried really hard to get the details right, although I have no military background myself. Yes, I did have people I could go to ask for further information. But any mistakes are mine, and mine alone, as is any creative licence with the story.

  Wanting to write, being a writer, it’s a lifelong lesson, and one that I’m still learning. But there are a number of people who have helped guide and sculpt this book. So I’ll start with these women, all amazing in their own rights, all different, all supportive.

  To the real Alan Clayton Williams who asked me to give him an awesome death, but became a hero instead.

  To Kirsten Olsen, friend, confidant, editor, whose support never fails me.

  To Tonya ‘Maverick’ Allen, travel buddy and my own personal cheerleader.

  To Sheena Lumsden and Lynda Throsby for many things, including their friendship and wicked organisational skills.

  To all the bloggers who give up their time for their passion of reading and reviewing books—thank you for your support.

  And to my readers. Not only do you have great taste, but you rock!

  Thank you Jane’s Travelers. You know how much you mean to me and you never let me down. You are my go-to gals, advising, supporting, making me laugh when I need it, reporting pirates, and generally being the best reader group and friendship group I could want. I love all your messages, and thank you so much for being my eyes and ears out in our amazing book world while I hide in my writer’s cave.




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