Home > Young Adult > Now and Forever:: A NEW ADULT TIME TRAVEL ROMANCE NOVEL (RAVENHURST SERIES Book 5) > Page 8

by Lorraine Beaumont

  One down, two to go, he thought. Turning he made his way down the hall a little slower this time since the floorboards creaked badly at this end of the hall. Leaning forward he once again pressed his ear to the door.

  A sneaky smile spread across his face and he rubbed his hands together excitedly and then took off down the hall, slipping quietly back inside his room.

  The door clicked shut.

  Walking over to the table, he opened the drawer and pulled out his flashlight. Pressing the button, he checked to make sure it was still working and then he moved to the end of the room and pulled a lever hidden in the wall. A door swished open soundlessly. He stepped inside, and pulled on another lever. The door closed silently as he made his way down the secret passageway.

  It was time to set this ruse in motion and he could hardly wait.

  The floor length mirror at the end of the room, with the strange keys dangling from the top, slowly opened and two people emerged into the shadowed room. “Which way did she go?”

  “How the hell am I supposed to know?”

  “You were the one that was supposed to watch her.”

  “Really, how am I to do that, I cannot see in the dark.”

  “Have you heard of a light?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yes. I have heard of one but I do not have one on me.”

  “That’s obvious.”

  “Since you are so smart, why didn’t you think to bring one?”

  “Because I have the other things we need,” she snapped. “I only have two hands.”

  “And a big mouth,” he muttered.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said nothing.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought you said.”

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  “Where to?” she asked.

  “Back to get a damn light…that’s where.”

  “Oh, bloody hell.”

  “My sentiments exactly,” he said wearily.

  They both squeezed back into the tunnel behind the mirror. Neither happy, but doing it just the same.

  Seeking comfort


  THE buxom wench ran her hands down his body, her mouth following, licking, and kissing his naked flesh. Gaitland d’ Mezerach lifted his hands and pressed them on either side of the girls head, stilling her from going any farther. “I am sorry,” he said. When she moved her hands lower, he pushed them away.

  Sighing heavily she asked, “What is it? Did I do something wrong?”

  “No.” He rolled over on the bed, sitting up, his bare legs dangling over the edge, his feet on the floor. “I simply find I am not in the mood.”

  The girl’s eyes widened in surprise and Gaitland could tell how shocked she was by his response or lack thereof. Well if she had not had any experience with the matter before she certainly would now and he could not help but wonder how long it would take her to spread the tale to everyone in the keep about his lack of prowess in bed. He was sure he would be a laughingstock by morning.

  “What is the matter?” she asked. He turned and looked at her, surprised by the sincerity he heard behind her words.

  He rubbed his hands over his face. “I do not know.” He told that lie so many times it was a wonder the girls even bothered to climb into his bed anymore.

  “Is it her again?” she asked, sounding a bit put out by it all. He guessed he could not blame her really. This had been happening to him for a while now. He tried to be with other women…really he did, but something deep inside would not let him enjoy the creature comforts of lying with just any woman. No, his heart and mind seemed to be ruled by only one person and he could not even have her. It was pathetic really. Why could he not be more like any other man? He had needs too. But whatever his intentions were, he could not seem to keep his emotions where they belonged, buried with the rest of his memories. He grabbed up a tankard of ale off the table and drained the contents. The liquid spilled down the side of his mouth. Lifting his hand, he wiped it away. “Give me a moment, all right.” His head hung down to his chest, his light sandy hair falling forward over his brow.

  “Of course my lord,” said the girl. Rolling onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling and sighed heavily once more.

  Gaitland looked down at the girl lying naked beside him still not knowing why he could not slip between her rounded thighs and loose himself completely. He just wanted to forget for one night.

  By the saints above was that too much to ask?

  Oh and this one, she was a pretty one too. Light brown curly hair twisted over the top of one of her full rounded breasts, covering her nipple. Suddenly he wanted to see it, touch it. Reaching forward he moved her hair off the top, sliding the tips of his fingers across the milky white skin and then over the darkened peak, making it pucker from his touch. Still he felt nothing.

  “You may leave me now.” Letting out a heavy sigh, he dropped his head.

  She pushed up, the bed creaking from the movement. “Would you like to talk for a bit?” she asked suddenly.

  Not expecting her response, he turned toward her. “All right,” he said giving her a curious look.

  She lay back down and turned over on her side, propping her head in her hand. “What would you like to talk about?”

  He laughed then, he could not help it. “Hell if I know.”

  She smiled, revealing one small dimple in her right cheek. “Come here,” she said softly, lifting out her arms.

  Gaitland took a breath and pulled back the covers, and lay down on his back.

  “Just close your eyes and let me hold you for a bit. I am sure you will feel better in no time,” she assured him.

  He was not as sure but still he tentatively placed his arm around her and she moved her head up on his chest, nestling in the crook of his arm. Inhaling her sweet scent, he simply enjoyed the comfort she was giving him.

  The firelight made shadows dance across the ceiling as she continued to gently stroke the tips of her fingers over his chest and within moments, he drifted off to sleep in the arms of a stranger.

  And for the first time in a very long time, the nightmares that normally plagued his dreams did not come to him while he slept.

  It was odd.

  Once Jayce had deposited Morrigan in front of her door, he found he was reluctant to leave her company. Since his brother had awakened, he found he had a new appreciation for the girl. Something stirred deep down in his belly that he was not accustomed to feeling. Mayhap he was ill. Leaning back against the wall, he crossed his arms over his chest, watching her.

  Morrigan had one hand on her door.

  “What do you think will happen to my brother?” he asked suddenly before she could slip inside her room.

  Morrigan dropped her hand from the door and turned toward him, looking up into his handsome face. Suddenly she felt nervous. “I cannot say for certain.” She twisted her hands in the folds of her skirt to cover their shaking. It was odd—this sudden attention Jayce was showing her. It made her feel unsettled especially since she did not know his intentions. Was he truly interested or was this some kind of test?

  He exhaled and reached out, pushing a long curling lock of her fiery hair over her shoulder. She shivered and had to fight the urge not to lean into his hand. He was being so…

  “You have lovely hair.”

  Morrigan reflexively lifted her hand to her hair. “I do?” she said, her voice faltering.

  Jayce lifted his hand, brushed his knuckles down the side of her face, and then dropped his hand. “You do not have to be afraid… with me.” He gave her a heavy lidded stare, making her shiver once again.

  She cleared her throat. “I am not afraid of you my lord.”

  “Hmm,” he breathed and shifted his position on the wall, as though he was contemplating something in his mind, what though, she knew not.

  “No. I am not,” she said again probably for no other reason than to fill the awkward silence that had followed from his e
arlier remark. He gave her a strange look and she hurried to remedy it. “If that is the impression I gave you, then I am sorry. It was not on purpose. I am just worried about your brother tis all.”

  “Oh,” he said.

  Morrigan tried to figure out what was going on behind his penetrating dark gaze. The look he was giving her was still foreign to her, she could not quite figure out what he was thinking and that unsettled her more than she wanted to admit. Was he flirting?

  On closer examination, she had to admit that he did have a bit of mischief glimmering in the depths of his black eyes.

  She shook her head. Ridiculous, her mind scoffed at the absurdity. Why would he do such a thing?

  They had resided with one another at the keep for over a year now and he had never tried the like before. She narrowed her eyes. What game he was playing?

  “What do you know of Merlin?” he asked suddenly breaking her from her contemplation.

  She swallowed hard and looked at the stone underfoot. “I beg your pardon my lord. I know not what you are asking of me,” she finally managed not lifting her gaze from the floor.

  “Come now Morrigan,” Jayce chided turning on his substantial charm. “You may tell me your secrets. I will keep them safe.” He gave her a lazy smile.

  She chanced a look at him and breath caught on itself. She felt like someone just ripped something out from under her feet. “I do not know why you are asking me such a thing,” she choked out; turning, she gave him a hurt look. Was this the only reason he wanted to speak with her at such length…to pry information out of her about him—she shuddered from the thought.

  He placed his hand under her chin and pressed the tips of his fingers upward so she would have to look at him. “I am serious,” he said. “No,” he pushed his fingers upward. “Do not lower your eyes from mine. I want you to look at me.” She lifted her eyes back to his. “There isn’t that better?” he asked his deep voice husky.

  She could find no words so she merely nodded.

  “I want you to know,” he breathed. “I will keep your secrets safe,” he pressed his hand against his heart, “in here.”

  Morrigan stumbled backward, her breath fleeing her lungs. That was not the first time she had heard the like…and the realization of that simple fact staggered her so completely and effectively she felt as though she would faint. Then she did just that.

  A long shot


  “DAMNIT Cecily, where are you?” In irritation, Lucian pushed his hand through his long hair. The cabin was like a home away from home for him. He knew it well. Letting out a heavy sigh, he stared at the flames. When he was younger, he had found this little secluded getaway. It was his refuge.

  Ravenhurst was enormous but he never felt like he could truly be alone with the servants constantly milling about watching his every move and reporting to his father. Like he needed them blabbing what he was doing. He was already in trouble most of the time anyway while Reed his precious other son never got in trouble for anything at all.

  Even the time Reed broke one of their father’s prized antiques, Lucian had gotten the blame for it even though it had been Reed’s fault. Reed being Reed had even confessed to breaking the damn thing, he may as well have been holding a smoking gun too but father had merely told Reed to stop covering for Lucian. That day changed Lucian. He realized there was no reason to try to do the right thing when he would be blamed for the wrong thing regardless.

  When Drake Scott, their father, was in residence he kept himself closeted in the library searching the fragile pages of yet another acquired priceless illuminated book for hours, looking for yet another infamous treasure that would elude his grasp and suck more of his substantial wealth away into a vortex of a blackened abyss, never to be seen again.

  It was always this way. He would dump exorbitant amounts of cash into yet another one of his expeditions i.e. money pits. Oak island had taken quite a bit of his wealth as well, yes, Drake Scott was sure he would find the Holy Grail or something comparable. It was another one of their father’s vain searches. Of course, none of them came to fruition and the wealth that was so great at one time had begun to dwindle away bit by bit, little by little until there was nothing more than a meager pittance left over for his son’s.

  At first, Lucian was just as enchanted, just as dazzled just as Reed was with the stories their father relayed to them as they grew from children into teenagers and then slowly became men. But as he grew, the dazzle that had been so bright growing up had dimmed considerably. The enchantment had also faded into resentment, and too soon, his gleaming outlook became just as tainted. And that golden ring he was ever reaching for that was just always out of grasp became a stigmatized version of a broken childish dream of knights, treasure and happily ever after’s that turned into a bitter residue that hung heavily on his tongue…even to this day.

  No, instead of enjoying the time on this earth with the very treasures the good lord had given him, Drake Scott never saw them as such. They were a burden, an afterthought. He wanted to yell, scream at his father to see them, to see him, but he never did and then it was too late. In turn their father, had turned into a recluse, a hermit, who closeted himself away from the rest of the world and unfortunately, his sons fell to the wayside as well. For now, their father was gone. He took a walk one day and never came back.

  Lucian scrubbed his hands over his face and then dropped them back to his sides. He looked upward. “How’s that going for you, dad?” he bitterly asked the empty air. “Asshole.”

  Letting out a heavy sigh he stood up from the chair, walked over to the door, and opened it. The sun had slid further from the sky, and the moon was climbing its way up in its place, dragging the blanket of darkness with it.

  “Damnit Cecily, come on!” he swore to the empty air, exhaling heavily. When Cecily had come clean about sending Raven out to the estate at first Lucian was upset but at least now he knew she wasn’t sent out for other reasons, which would of course include his whereabouts. This was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

  He lifted his phone again and tried to call her phone but there was still no damn signal. “Shit!” She was supposed to deliver the message to Reed and then meet him at the cabin. Did she get lost in the woods? Or did she even give the note to Reed yet? And if she did what did Reed even say? Would he even help? He wasn’t too sure if his plan would even work but he was at his wits end. He needed to do something. The problem was he didn’t know if Reed would even take the bait.

  The note was a last resort really. He was going on a hunch. Just like all the horses, he bet on, and lost, which is why he was in this mess in the first place. He raked his hands over his face, hoping for once, his hunch would pay off.

  The smoke from the candle on the bedside table swirled into the air. Raven sat on the end of the bed, Reeds bed, and not for the reasons one would think. No, this is where Reed decided to wait out the storm, or the lights or whatever or whoever was out in the hall to go away. Not that she minded but she had thought if she was going to be in bed with Reed it would be for something more than idle chitchat. It was their wedding night after all. Not that she was complaining, she really did not mind where she found herself at present. Reed had lit a candle, and placed it on the bedside table. It was a very romantic setting really, too bad Reed didn’t seem inclined to while away their time doing something other than talking.

  “So according to Lucian’s note, the one I might add your friend gave me…” Reed trailed off, leaving the statement open and gave her a pointed look.

  Raven winced from the obvious dig.

  “I have to find the treasure of Ravenhurst,” Reed continued, shaking his head in frustration.

  It took a moment for his words to resonate. “TREASURE!” she gasped. “There’s a treasure?” Excitement whirled through her.

  “Yes,” Reed sighed audibly, sounding put out by the fact.

  “How exciting,” she gushed, bouncing up and dow
n on the bed like a child until Reed quashed it with a disparaging look. Raven shook her head, not getting why he wasn’t at least a little happy about the prospect of finding a treasure. A treasure! The word whirled in her mind bringing visions of chests of gold or maybe trunks filled with precious jewels or ….

  “Raven,” Reed said.

  “Huh?” She looked at him startled. “Oh right sorry.” She smoothed a wrinkle in the coverlet. “I just don’t get it…” She took a breath and plodded onward. “Shouldn’t you be happy there is a treasure?” she asked. “Besides don’t you need the money?” As soon as she said the words, she regretted them.

  He gave her a sharp look and then shook his head. “So much for keeping my money problems a secret,” he said. “How did you know?

  Raven felt terrible. She wouldn’t have known if she hadn’t read his so-called “private papers.”

  Reed recovered. “Oh right, in the library earlier, you were there.” He slanted her a knowing look. “Funny I had almost forgotten about that.”

  Raven flinched. He almost forgot? Was their almost movie sex that forgettable to him? Apparently so. Her heart sunk. “Yes well…” She waved her hand in the air like it was inconsequential statement and pulled her knees to her closer, hugging them to her chest, acting like she didn’t really care. Of course, that was another big fat lie.

  Awkward silence filled the air. She wished the damn thunder would boom or a tree would scrap the side of the house or even at this point she might even welcome the thing that was trying to get in the door earlier to make another appearance, if only to save her from the utter embarrassment she was feeling from his unrelenting gaze.

  Reed shifted and his foot brushed against hers. She jumped away from it. The dead air seemed to close in on her and finally she couldn’t take it and cleared her throat. “So any ideas how to find this so called treasure?” she asked.


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