Desert Trading Post

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Desert Trading Post Page 25

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She took her cloth napkin and unfolded it and laid it carefully in her lap.

  Then she leaned against my ear and hissed, “I mean it fart face. I really do. Every word you ugly cur. I’ll do my best not to screw this up, but you have to help me. I really don’t know what all this silverware is for. Where the hell are we? The Red Queen’s Tea Party?”

  She sat up straight again and said sweetly, “What do you mean we don’t order? I’ve never been in a place so elegant and I’m sorry if I seem like a bumpkin, but Dear, how does his work?”

  The man who seated us was at our side in an instant, saying, “Madam, it is truly a pleasure to have such a beautiful young woman with us this evening. The fact that this is new to you is as exciting for us and we hope that it is for you. At The Afra, we strive to bring to the world a sense of what things were when men were more civilized. I worked the great steak houses of San Francisco for many years. Places like this. Thank you for seeking us out.”

  Jett said, “Sir, it is an honor. I feel like I am in for an experience of a lifetime. But I feel wholly unprepared. I don’t even know if I dressed appropriately.”

  The man, who now introduced himself as James said, “Madam, you look lovely. Clothing does not make a person. A person makes his or her clothing worth more than they paid. It isn’t your dress that makes an impression but the manner in which you dress yourself. Can you understand that?”

  Jett said, “I think that I do. And I will think more about how I dress myself from now on. Thank you. I am fortunate to have met you this evening.”

  James smiled and said, “As to the food this evening, to your question about ordering, your waiter has met you and he has read the profile that your gentleman provided with your request for a reservation. Paul will choose your meal as he thinks best. We treat you as an honored guest. The guest is not burdened by his host to suggest what his host should make for him.”

  Jett said, “Thank you so much for being patient with me. This is very new for me. I appreciate your time and attention. I’m so stupid, and I hate to ask, and I probably shouldn’t, so never mind.”

  James said, “If the young madam has a question, it will make me happy if I have an answer for her. Knowing that we are helping each other with a new experience, I won’t be offended by trivial inquiries.”

  Jett smiled and leaned toward James and whispered, “Um, since we don’t know what we are having, how do we, um, know what to pay? I’m so sorry! Oh, I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m so sorry. Please pretend that I didn’t ask!”

  James said, “My Dear, a father teaches his children. This is a question for him. But he is not here this morning, so if you will allow me, I will answer for him. The simple answer is, your gentleman will pay what we ask. We will ask what is warranted. And, in the same way that you are not asked to interrupt your conversation by thinking about menus and wine choices, we would be ashamed to trouble you with decisions regarding suitable gratuities.”

  Jett said, “I have never ever ever had such a wonderful time as I have in the past few minutes talking with you. Thank you so much. I hope that I don’t take up too much of your time.”

  James said, “Madam, you are a lovely woman and deserving of love. I am the one honored to spend a few minutes with you in such a pleasant manner. I will let you continue your evening. But I will be nearby should you need my help with understanding our strange utensils,” and he smiled and winked at Jett and stepped into the background.

  I looked over to Jett and saw that she was crying softly. When I started to ask her about it, she shook her head and waved me away. A minute later, she put her hand on the table on top of mine and squeezed it.

  She said very quietly, “Thank you. I mean it. Thank you.”

  Courtney said, “What is it, Jett?”

  Jett said, “I’ve never felt so loved, and I don’t even know why. I have never been on a date anything like this, not where I felt cared for and…I don’t know, um, it’s stupid, but I want to say, chosen. I have never felt chosen. I know this is for Courtney, but it feels like I can pretend it’s for me too.”

  I held onto Jett’s hand and said, “Jett, this is for you. Tonight is for all of us. If you have to pretend, pretend that you are part of the jellybeans in the same jar as me. That’s what I’m doing. I’m pretending that I’m on a date with the most wonderful girl in the world, and that girl is you and Courtney.”

  Jett cried a little more and said, “Do you want to pretend to call me by my real name for a little while? Like you know me and you really are on a date with me and Courtney, and I’m not a throw-away? For a little while?”

  I said, “You are a lovely woman and deserving of love. Like the man said. And tonight, his rule is law. I would be honored if you trusted me to know your name and would let me use it. I don’t know that I could ever deserve that gift. It seems like it would be too much. Not because I don’t want it, but because I can never deserve it. Your name is the gateway to you. If I am allowed to use your name, we’re friends and more. I want that so badly, to be more than your friend. To be allowed to love you like the rest of our family does. But even they aren’t allowed to call you by name. So, if there is any way that I can pretend anything at all that would let me truly know you, even just for tonight, I’d be overwhelmed.”

  I lowered my head and looked at the table. I wasn’t pretending. I was acting, and adjusting to Jett’s demeanor in ways that I hope would touch her, but I was absolutely sincere. I was also desperately hoping that I wouldn’t freak her out. Would she respond to that kind of kindness yet?

  Our waiter, Paul came to the table and silently set salads in front of each of us, and a basket of assorted hot bread in the middle of the table. Our bread plates were already at our place settings. He disappeared as silently as he had arrived. These people were good at what they did. If we’d been in a different mood, he would have engaged us. But we were engaged with each other now and he was a ghost, caring for our needs invisibly.

  When he was gone, I felt my hand squeezed tightly.

  Jett said, “For tonight, for our date, please call me Jeannie. It’s Jeanette. That’s how I got called Jett. I guess when I was a baby I told people I was Jett because I couldn’t say Jeanette at the time. You can um, well, now you know my name, so you can call me what you want, um, but I think I feel OK if you want to call me Jeannie. For our date.”

  I said, “Jeannie, can I tell you something else now?”

  She said, “I suppose so. I kind of don’t feel like telling you not to.”

  I said, “Jeannie, I think that you are very pretty. And now that I’m part of the family, there is one more person who will never ever throw you away. Please don’t go back to Toronto right away. Or New York, or anywhere else. I just met you and…Jeannie, did you know that both my mom and dad died recently? My dad was lost in an airplane accident and declared dead just a few days ago. My mom died in a car accident a few years ago, and we just settled her affairs this week as well. I love Courtney so much, but I’m kind of alone in a way, except for her and you and your mom and dad. If I have to keep sleeping out in the shed behind the house, it’s going to be really cold and lonely.”

  Jeannie smiled a bit and said, “Yeah, I guess it would. OK, you can sleep in the house. Maybe you aren’t so bad. You don’t really smell since Courtney gave you bath. I guess you can sleep in my room. Oh, um, no, I mean, if you were a puppy then maybe you could, but I don’t mean I want you to. Um, so, those salads look nice. I’m sorry you lost your parents.”

  I said, “Thank you. That’s kind of you.”

  I thought that she might tell me about her being adopted, but she didn’t.

  The meal was incredible. My dad had told me that places like this existed, but I’d never experienced one. I liked it. And the staff seemed to approve of us. Maybe we’d get “on the list” if we were lucky.

  At the end of the meal, James approached the table and said, “Thank you so much for dining with us.”

bsp; He didn’t bring me a bill. I just handed him my credit card, and he walked away.

  When he returned, he handed me a small envelope, saying, “Sir, your card, and the other information for you this evening is in the envelope. Do enjoy the rest of your evening as much as we have enjoyed having you with us.”

  Then he turned to Jett and said, “Madam, if you don’t mind, would you stand up for a moment?”

  Jett looked puzzled but stood up as requested. James hardly seemed to look at her.

  He said, “Madam, I don’t ask questions of our guests, but at rare times, I do make comments when I think that they are appropriate. I would like to do so now if you will indulge me.”

  Jett said, “Of course, um, James, please do. Any helpful comments will be most appreciated.”

  James said, “First, the gentleman here seems to be a good man. We pay attention. I hope that you do as well. Second, you strike the staff as being a person of uncommon grace. I only asked you to stand so that I could observe your exquisite posture. I do not ask questions, but, if you reside nearby and would be considering employment opportunities, we would invite you to return between the hours of one and four tomorrow and hear our case for why we might be a good fit for your talents. The skills we can teach.”

  With that, James bowed slightly to each of us and escorted us to the front door.

  The three of us walked back to the car and folded ourselves into the seats.

  Chapter 23 - Family Arrangements

  I didn’t start the engine immediately. Instead, I took the envelope that James had given me on the way out and opened it slowly and scanned the contents. There was my credit card and a handwritten note.

  It said, “Mr. Raskin and party, it has been a pleasure to have you in our dining room this evening. The staff and management thanks you. It is our pleasure to offer you membership at this time. To confirm your invitation, please return any Sunday afternoon between one and four and speak to us in person. Membership is for life, either yours our ours.”

  It gave what I thought was a very reasonable cost for the membership fee.

  I said breathlessly, “We made it! They will let us be members if we want to! Do we want to? Oh hell yeah!”

  Courtney said, “I have never seen anything like that before. That was amazing. I won’t even ask what connections you have that got us in there. There wasn’t even a sign on the door. Did you have to give a secret knock or something to get us in? Oh My Gosh! And the food was incredible. I almost cried.”

  Jett said, “I think he wants to offer me a job!”

  I said, “He absolutely wants to offer you a job!”

  Jett said, “Well, screw Toronto. I never liked it there anyway. I’m going for it. Oh My Gosh! I’m totally going for it. It’s like being a secret agent or something! Dave, you did that for me. I love you! There, I said it. I’ll probably kill you in the morning, but right this minute, you are the person I love most in the whole universe and beyond. Oh shit!” and she went quiet.

  I started the car and headed for home.

  Courtney said, “What’s wrong Dork? You went all quiet on us.”

  Jett said, “I get it. The jellybeans. Let’s don’t talk. Um, do you really love me, Fatso?”

  Courtney said, “I do. More than you can imagine. I’d do anything to make you happy.”

  Jett said quietly, “Even make me a jellybean?”

  Courtney said sincerely, “Especially that. I love you.”

  Jett said, “OK. Thanks. I sort of love you too.”

  Courtney said brightly, “And what about him?”

  Jett sighed and said, “More than you can imagine. Now.”

  The rest of the drive was pretty quiet. It was after nine when we got back to the house. As we went through the front door, Dotty appeared on the balcony above the front room and waved. We went up the stairs and she hugged each one of us. She held onto us all quite a while before she let go and moved on to the next.

  Dotty was wearing a very beautiful white satin robe. It gapped a bit here and there as she led the way down to our rooms and I got the distinct impression that she didn’t have anything on underneath. She looked beautiful but somewhat frazzled. Her hair was a bit mussed and she looked like she’d been doing something fairly active.

  Courtney said, “Where’s Dad? And Aunt Milly?”

  Dotty said, “Um, well, to tell the absolute truth, they’re still going at it in our bedroom. I came out to move your things to the room next to Jett’s. I’ve been working on it on and off all evening.”

  Courtney said, “How do you feel about that, Mom?”

  Dotty said, “Oh, Kitty, you can’t believe how great this is. I’m tired, but wow. I love it. Jett Sweetie, are you OK? Do you understand what’s happening? Are you feeling angry?”

  Jett said softly, “No Mom, I’m not angry at all. It’s beautiful. It really is. I’m so happy for you. If you want to talk about it, we can talk in my room after Dave and Kitty go to bed. I’m really happy for you and Dad and Milly. I guess I won’t call her my aunt anymore. But really, I am very happy for you and I will help more around the house and I won’t be running away to New York all the time.”

  Dotty asked, “So, you understand? Really?”

  Jett said, “Yeah, really. Come to my room and we’ll talk and I’ll tell you what I understand.”

  Dotty said, “And you’re OK now with Kitty and Dave moving into the bigger bedroom next to yours?”

  Jett said, “It makes sense. And they shouldn’t have to go down the hall to go to the bathroom, given Courtney’s condition.”

  Dotty’s eyes went wide and said, “Condition?”

  Jett said, “Oh Mom! I just meant how she’s become a basket case and can’t go to the bathroom by herself of whatever. I hope it’s not contagious. If that happens to me, kill me.”

  The room that we were taken to was huge. It was a modified master suite. Probably 500 square feet or so. There was a king-size bed with four posts and a sheer white canopy over the top. At one side was a sitting area with a sofa and two overstuffed chairs and a coffee table. Next to the bed was a dressing table with a mirror and at the other end of the room was a breakfast area with a small round table and three chairs. Various chest of drawers, blanket chests, and a writing desk completed the furniture. Big glass doors led out to a balcony patio, but it was too dark now to see what was out there.

  Apparently, Jett’s room was a mirror image of this one, except for the decorating. Between the rooms was a shared bathroom. I didn’t take the time to really look at it right now. It was time for bed. All of our things were arranged and the bed was turned down and ready.

  Dotty said, “Jett, how would you feel about Mommy spending the night with you? I’m so tired and I think your dad is going to be up for a while longer. We took naps, but every time we woke up, we went at it again. I’ve had so many orgasms I might be done for a while. Your dad has been a machine. I’ve never seen anything like it. He has a new stamina that’s truly impressive. One of the reasons that I went ahead and moved your sister down here is because it’s farther from our bedroom. Milly is a screamer. And a moaner. And a bit of a gusher. She says she was never like this before, but with your dad, she’s incredible. She knows almost nothing of technique, but her natural instincts make up for it ten-fold. Um, you know what, I better go check on them and make sure they don’t need anything. I’ll be back in an hour.”

  Dotty started to leave but stopped before she’d taken more than two steps.

  She said more calmly, “No, I can hardly walk as it is. And my jaw is sore. I need to lay down. Come on Jett. We can talk for a little while. Hey, do you want to talk down in the hot tub? I think I would like to soak in the hot water for a while.”

  Jett smiled sympathetically and said, “That would be great Mom. And you two, keep it down and lock your door. I know I got mushy and said I don’t loathe you, but that was the wine talking and I might still murder you in your sleep. Let’s hope not, but lock the doo
r just in case.”

  Courtney said, “Jett, why do you hope you don’t?”

  Jett said, “I don’t know. The paperwork probably. And the mess. I’m not the tidiest person in the world when it comes to murdering my sister’s husbands. Just lock your door, OK? Geez!”

  Dotty and Jett left. I noticed that they headed straight to the pool, not to Jett’s bedroom.

  I said, “Court, does Jett usually use the hot tub naked?”

  Courtney said, “I doubt it. I don’t know much because I’ve been away for so long. I’ve visited, but I haven’t lived here for ten years; not since I left college. Do you want to go down and see? I don’t mind. You haven’t seen her naked yet. I think she wants you to.”

  I laughed and told her that no, I didn’t want to go peek at her sister and her mom in the hot tub. She laughed and I blushed. She was right, I lied. I kind of did want to. But I didn’t do it.

  For some reason, at that point, Courtney and I started laughing at each other and ended up making love playfully on top of the bed. Afterward, we dragged ourselves to the bathroom and got ready and then fell asleep, holding each other.

  I slept well. I wasn’t always the heaviest sleeper and I tended to dream all night long. Sleep wasn’t always my friend. But tonight it was. My dreams were stupid, something about having to prepare my taxes and pay bills. My fantasies, on the other hand, my waking dreams in between sleep and wakefulness, were about my blond goddess with blue pubic hair and her raven-haired sister, sharing a shower with me and letting me play with their tits and pussies. In that fantasy, the black-haired sister had my fingers up inside herself as she rode them hard until she landed in a puddle of woman flesh on the floor, unable to stand any longer.


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