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Highland Trails of Love

Page 64

by Barbara Bard

  Blair congratulated Alastar on his plan and said that they were all grateful for his efforts, and that he would make sure the name of the Blue Thistle was always honored at his table.

  “There is one other thing I would like tae ask of ye,” Alastar said.

  “Ye can ask anything ye like, ye deserve it,” Blair said, and his words were met with effervescent laughter.

  “If ye would dae me the honor, I would like tae accept ye offer tae be in yer clan. I have been taught that being alone isn't always the best way tae live life. I would be honored tae be accepted if ye will have me, and my betrothed,” he said.

  “The honor will be ours. This calls for a celebration!” Blair said, clapping his hands. Lavish meat and wine were brought into the feasting hall and the spirit was joyous. Alastar spoke with Blair and Drew some more.

  “A short time ago I wanted war with the English tae prove myself in battle, but now I am glad we have avoided it. There should be peace in the Highlands. It is what our father would have wanted,” Blair said. “I understand him now more than ever.”

  He raised a glass to his father, and the others joined in.

  “We can only hope that future generations remember what happened today and stay true tae what we hae done,” Alastar said. The three of them looked at Declan and Catherine, who were standing alone together.

  Elsewhere, Rebecca was telling Rosemary and Sarah about the events from her perspective. They gasped when she told them how close to death she had come and reveled in the death of the Lord Flynn. Rebecca was careful not to speak too grandly about that while Catherine was in earshot though. She felt sorry for the girl, who had lost her entire family now.

  Rebecca excused herself to go and speak to Catherine. Declan smiled sadly at Rebecca, and then moved away, giving the girls room to talk.

  “Are you well?” Rebecca asked.

  “I think so,” Catherine sighed.

  “I am sorry,” Rebecca said.

  Catherine smiled wanly at her. “You do not have to say that.”

  “I do, because I am. I know that it must be difficult for you, knowing that so much suffering has been averted because of your father's death. I hope that you bear Alastar no ill will. If there had been any other way...”

  “I know. I thought I had made my peace with these feelings when my brother died. He was petty and arrogant, and he paid the price. My father was a cruel man, and he paid the price too. They were evil, and they took joy in other's pain. I cannot condone their actions in any way, and I can only hope that I am a better person than them.”

  “You are.”

  “But after it all I still love them. They were still my family, and I mourn their passing. I suppose it is just difficult because I hear so many people celebrating his death. He was many things, but he was also my father, and I cannot forget that,” she said.

  Rebecca bowed her and placed her hand on Catherine's.

  “If you ever need to talk about this, I shall be available. I want you to know that you do not have to suffer in this alone.”

  “Thank you, Rebecca, that is sweet. Declan is trying his hardest to understand, which I appreciate. I am sure I will be fine, once the initial shock wears off.”

  “Indeed, and you have your own family to raise soon. You can raise your child in the right way, and make sure that the mistakes of the past are never repeated.”

  Catherine smiled. “That is my hope, although I will tell my child about his family. Perhaps one day I shall even return to England and claim my estates properly. They are mine by right now,” she said. It seemed a small reward to Rebecca, but anything that would provide comfort to her was a boon.

  Rebecca was glad that Alastar had chosen to accept Blair's offer, and she told him this with great joy. The rest of the day was spent with the other Highlanders. Alastar and Rebecca were called upon to tell the tale of how they had prevented war from erupting. For such a fierce people, Rebecca noticed how none of them were really upset that they were not going to war. They seemed to be happy enough reveling in each other's company.

  In the evening, Blair came to them and asked them if they would like him to marry them.

  Alastar glanced at Rebecca, who nodded enthusiastically. She didn't want to wait another moment.

  They walked to the valley and were surrounded by vibrant flowers and chirping wildlife. Alastar and Rebecca walked hand in hand, flanked by the others. Everyone was smiling, and all were happy. The rest of the Highlanders were keeping their distance, but the massive crowd did come with them, which Rebecca found strange.

  Both of them had been lonely, without much in the way of family, but now they were a part of something huge, and Rebecca had found happiness she never thought she would know.

  “As the leader of the clan it is a great privilege tae be able tae join two people taegether. From the moment I saw Rebecca and Alastar it was clear they share one heart. They have suffered many trials, and they hae been tested, but they hae proven themselves tae be worthy of this honor. They hae saved us, saved these Highlands from war, and they are gonnae save each other from loneliness.

  “We hae been through some tough times as Highlanders recently, but we hae shown that we fight for glory and for love. We hae seen boys grow into men,” he turned to look at Declan, who beamed, “and we hae welcomed others into our lives. We are a proud people, and we are proud to share this moment with Alastar and Rebecca. Dae ye agree tae treat each other with respect, tae defend each other's honor, and tae always be truthful?” he asked.

  “I do,” Rebecca said.

  “I dae,” Alastar said.

  They turned to smile at each other as Blair gave them permission to kiss. A huge cheer rose up from the raucous crowd as they did so, and everyone celebrated the union.

  “Can I confess something tae ye?” Alastar said to Rebecca. She inclined her head, indicating for him to continue. “I am afraid that this is all a dream, and that I will wake in the dungeon again,” he said.

  She took his hand and placed it on her heart.

  “This is no dream,” she said firmly, and there was no trace of doubt left in his mind.

  The Extended Epilogue

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  A Knight for her Highland Heart - A Preview

  Chapter 1

  Gavina felt as if her chest was on fire. Every sinew in her body was pumping with adrenaline as she sat perched on top of her horse, the beast’s hooves tearing up the sprawling greenery of the Highlands as sweat poured in thick beads down Gavina’s brow.

  She was riding fast, faster than she had ever ridden in her life. But though Gavina was pushing herself to her physical limits, she was smiling and casting playful looks over her shoulder at the woman riding behind her before saying: “C’mon, Tessa! Ye can ride faster than that!”

  Tessa, the rider behind her, gritted her teeth with an amused squint in her eyes and kicked at her horse to pick up the pace. She was right on Gavina’s rear, Gavina’s red hair, tied in a thick knot, flowed behind her and just within a finger’s reach.

  “Ye best look out, Gavina!” Tessa taunted back, the bow on her back bouncing as she rode—the premier archer in all of the land.

  Gavina laughed and slapped at the reigns, her horse huffing and puffing while chewing up the grass and dirt beneath it.

  Gavina approached the edge of a cliff that slanted down sharply into the crisp blue waters of the ocean beyond. The saltwater-laced air whipped at her nostrils, the pleasant aroma of the sea air making
her feel alive and rejuvenated as she pulled her horse to a sharp stop just before the edge of the cliff dropped off.

  Smiling at her victory, Gavina turned around and faced Tessa, arriving just a second after Gavina had stopped, and held out her hands in a messianic fashion.

  “I told ye,” Gavina said. “Ye cannae outrun a member of the Baird clan. We are tae fast by nature.”

  Tessa sighed and rolled her eyes. “Oh, ye bairn. It disnae hae tae dae with yer descendants.” She gestured to Isla’s mount. “It be yer horse. He is tae fast tae outrun.”

  Gavina stroked at her animal’s mane. “A fast horse he is, aye,” she said as a playfully lecherous. “Again—he is Baird bred. Naw other animal can best him.”

  Tessa laughed. “Ye ken what they say aboot arrogance, aye?”

  Gavina nodded. “I hae heard one or two comments on the subject, aye.”

  “Then curb it before it gets the better of ye.”

  “Ye sound like a sore loser, Tessa.”

  “That I am nae.”


  The two of them then shared a laugh as they turned their horses and faced towards the water. Silence held sway for a long while as the two of them enjoyed the vastness of the blue waters and the pleasant chill that goosed their skin as they looked longingly off into the distance.

  Tessa inhaled deeply. “Naw matter how often I look out upon those waters,” she said, “it still feels like the first time.”

  “The first time?”

  A nod from Tessa. “The first time I arrived in the village. The first time I arrived in the place I now call home.”

  “How long ago has that been?”

  Tessa tilted her head toward the sky, scouring through the memories and deducing exactly how long it had been.

  “Four years,” she said, shaking her head, amazed at how quickly the passing of time had felt. “I didnae think that I would live tae tell the tale.”

  “But live ye did,” Gavina said.

  “Thanks tae Finlay.”

  Gavina smiled. She couldn’t count how many fond memories she had of the man that had rescued her and her sister. The father to her nieces and nephews. The second-in-command of their clan. The man who taught her everything she knew about fighting and being a warrior.

  “Many thanks are owed tae that man,” she said. “I dinnae think I shall ever be able to dae him justice.”

  “Agreed,” Tessa said. “He taught me so much of what I ken.”

  “Indeed,” Gavina said. “And now,” she smiled, “now ye be one of the fiercest warriors tae ever grace these lands. How many men have been slain by yer sword?”

  “Oh, come now. Ye ken I dinnae keep track of such things.”


  “Not everything is a competition, Gavina,” Tessa said, always feeling as if Gavina had something to prove.

  Gavina huffed. She felt the need to be competitive. In her mind—it kept her alive. She had spent so much of her young life running and hiding and surviving the wrath of the Sassenach. She had lost friends, family, and many others who had managed to take a piece of her heart, so there was no room for recklessness, no praise for being in second place.

  She recalled well when she had been kidnapped by the infamous Lord Henry Enticknap. For days she had thought she would perish, but only at the last moments was she rescued by her sister Isla and her new brother Finlay.

  Gavina had been precocious back in those days, but now she was a toughened spirit with no room for new love or new friends. She was a warrior, and women like Tessa, one of the members of the Bairdsman, the elite warriors of the Baird clan, were the only people that could have her time or attention. Love was not an option. There was only survival.

  “Come,” Gavina said to Tessa, bucking her horse and turning him around. “Let us gae back. We hae much tae dae.”

  Tessa nodded, said “Aye,” and followed alongside Gavina. She couldn’t help but note that Gavina was sporting that look in her eye, the one she had when she was reminiscing on the past.

  Finlay Baird felt his knees ache as he pushed off the ground, grunting with the kind of gusto that only an older man could sport. He was a great and revered warrior—but the years of combat had surely caught up to him.

  Marra, the rider whose horse Finlay was helping saddle, squinted as Finlay stood up with a grunt and said: “Are ye well, Finlay?”

  Finlay nodded, waving off the younger man before telling him: “Just cold bones. That and hoisting up children fer several years hae finally taken a toll on me knees.”

  Finlay ran his hand across the horse’s mane, doublechecking the straps before patting him on the back.

  “There. He should be fine now when ye ride. The straps should nae longer come loose.”

  Marra nodded. “Many thanks, Finlay. Are ye sure ye dinnae want tae ride with me tae fetch supplies? Ye hae been cooped up in this village fer quite a time noo.”

  “Gae,” Finlay said. “I hae much tae dae. Gavina will be returning soon and I must speak with her and the rest of the Bairdsmen.”

  “Aye,” Marra said, mounting his horse and turning it around. “I will return shortly.”

  “Be well,” Finlay said as he waved goodbye and moved back toward his cottage.

  Moments later, as Finlay was trekking back to his cottage, he made out the hoof beats of what he knew to be Gavina’s and Tessa’s steeds. Showcasing the subtlest of smiles, he turned with his hands on his hips and saw the faint outline of two women on horseback approaching him. Once Gavina and Tessa’s faces came into full view, he waved and called out: “Who won the race?”

  Tessa shook her head as they dismounted their horses. “Well, Gavina, quite naturally.”

  Gavina, smiling cockily, puffed her chest proudly. “I told Tessa nae other rider can out best a Baird.”

  Finlay laughed. “I am nae sure about that, me dear Gavina. Plenty of Bairds hae lost before.”

  “Nae ye!” Gavina said. “I ken the stories well.”

  “Then yer memory must be tainted. Ye give me tae much credit. Stow yer horses. Then meet me at the archery range. Gather the other Bairsdmen as well.”

  “Aye, me lord,” Tessa said.

  “Aye, me lord,” Gavina said.

  After saddling their horses, Gavina and Tessa met in the center of the village.

  The village itself was a sprawling yet quaint establishment nestled in a small remote area of the Highlands surrounded by mountains on all sides. With several dozen buildings, cottages, and taverns of crème-colored hues, the village faced the sea and offered perpetual, saltwater-laced air that had the residents of the village smiling every morning when they awoke.

  Finlay, looking around fondly at what he and his wife Isla had built, was just as grateful for his home now as he was the day they settled there over eight years prior.

  In the center of the village, wedged in between an armory and the stables, was an archery range that also served as a training ground for the swordsmen.

  Though peace was the definition of the town, Finlay and Isla, based on the years of struggle, always made it a point to keep their people prepared for the worst, and they designated one group of warriors to be their first line of defense should the people of their clan ever became threatened.

  Those warriors were known as the Bairdsmen, and they were all gathered in a huddle near an archery target as two of them debated the finer points of using a bow.

  “Naw!” Glenn said to Tessa, his barrel chest puffing out and long red beard flowing in the breeze. “Ye cannae hold the bow like that! Ye will nae hit yer target!”

  “Oh, ye cuddie,” Tessa spat back. “It is a good thing ye are a swordsman and not an archer.”

  Ava and Lachlan, two more members of the Bairdsmen, laughed as Tessa and Glenn went back and forth, each one of them trying to best the other with their knowledge and stepping closer to one another with fists clenched and teeth gritting.

  “Ye are a fool if ye think that is the way tae hold a
bow,” Glenn said, Gavina smiling wryly as she sat on a wooden log and polished the curved dagger her sister Isla had gifted her.

  “Call me a fool one mair time,” Glenn said, “and I swear I will—”

  “Will what?”

  Glenn huffed. “I hae never hit a woman before, but ye—”

  “What is this?” Finlay called out, approaching the group as they all stood at attention. “What is this commotion about?”

  Ava, her raven-colored hair flowing behind her, replied: “Glenn and I were discussing the proper way tae hold a bow. It was just a disagreement.”


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