Eat Prey Love las-9

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Eat Prey Love las-9 Page 6

by Kerrelyn Sparks

  “I thought you abandoned me.”

  Shanna shut her eyes briefly with a pained look. “How could he…”

  “What? Who?”

  Shanna grabbed Caitlyn’s hand. “What’s important is we’re back together now. No one can separate us.”

  Caitlyn squeezed her sister’s hand. “Agreed.”

  “Good.” Shanna helped herself to a sip from the cup of punch. “I think you’ve been through enough for now, so if you want more information about the job, can you come back tomorrow night to talk to Emma?”


  “I’ll get you a key to the townhouse so you can move in tomorrow.”

  “That would be great. Thank you.” Caitlyn ate another piece of cake.

  “We have a few friends staying there while they’re in town. Jack and Lara and Robby and Olivia. They work for MacKay S and I.” Shanna gave her a curious look. “I suppose you know that Carlos works for MacKay, too.”

  “I sorta figured that.”

  “I hope he’s not the reason you’re considering the job.”

  Caitlyn shook her head. “No.”

  “Good.” Shanna looked relieved. “I know you loved your little black kitty, but Carlos is not a giant Mr. Foofikins. My husband has fought in a few battles with the Malcontents, and he’s seen the were-creatures in action. They’re not cute and cuddly. They’re deadly and savage.”

  And sexy as hell. Caitlyn sighed. Who would have thought a jungle cat could kiss that well? “Do you think they can be trusted?”

  “I trust them completely,” Shanna admitted. “But only when they’re in human form. Once they transform, I’m never quite sure how much control they have over the beast.”

  Caitlyn shivered. She knew her sister was trying to scare her away from Carlos. But the lure of the exotic always pulled at her. God help her, she knew the truth about Carlos, and it only made him more exciting.

  “Toni, pick up. I know you’re there.” This was Carlos’s third attempt to call Toni MacPhie.

  She’d returned to Dragon Nest Academy after the party had ended last night. A group of Vamps had teleported the mortals and shape shifters who lived at the school back to the dormitories. His adopted children had gone back.

  Carlos had remained at Romatech, spending the night in one of the bedrooms in the basement. He hadn’t slept well because of her. One minute he was chastising himself for kissing her, and the next he was replaying the kiss in his mind and wanting more. When he finally fell asleep, he dreamed about her. And him. Rolling around naked in the jungle. Then he woke with an erection and started the whole process all over again, beginning with the chastising.

  During the day, he was on guard duty at Romatech, protecting the Vamps who were death-sleeping in the basement. Howard, the other day guard, was usually at the Draganesti home in White Plains, so he could guard Roman and his Vamp bodyguard, Connor. This left Carlos alone all day, bored and yawning with sleepiness because of her.

  He couldn’t allow himself to get involved with her. He had to get away. He’d spent the last few hours planning his trip so he could leave tomorrow. But before he left, he needed to make arrangements for his adopted children. And he needed to patch things up with his friend Toni.

  “Menina,” Carlos continued to talk to Toni’s answering machine. “How long are you going to stay mad? Do you need to slap me again?”

  There was a click as someone picked up the phone.

  “I ought to clobber you,” Toni said. “You deserve it.”

  “Oh come on, you always knew I was naughty.” He lowered his voice. “Would you prefer to spank me?”

  She snorted. “Bad kitty. I still haven’t forgiven you.”

  “What if I told you that out of all the girls I’ve ever helped dress, you were the prettiest?”

  “Gee, thanks,” she muttered. “And what about the ones you helped undress?”

  “I made them purr.”

  She scoffed. “Do you realize how pissed Sabrina’s going to be when I tell her?”

  “Sabrina’s always pissed.”

  Toni laughed. “Yeah, but at least now she’ll be pissed at you and not me.”

  He shrugged. Toni’s former roommate was still struggling with the fact that her best friend had married a vampire and become the headmistress of a school for shape shifter and hybrid children. “How is her orphanage coming along?”

  “She’s doing great,” Toni replied, “but she’s still mad that I’m working here and not with her. So why did you mislead us, Carlos?”

  “I was worried about the two of you living alone, especially with Sabrina being a rich heiress. I was afraid someone would try to take advantage, so I wanted to keep an eye on you. At the same time, I didn’t want you to interpret my concern as something romantic. I have to keep myself unattached until I can find a were-panther mate.”

  There was a moment of silence while Toni considered his words. “You did a good job of convincing us you were gay.”

  “I’m good at pretending.” For five years he’d been pretending everything was fine and life was one big carnival. The daily deluge of pain threatened to break loose. Merda. Couldn’t he go one day without having to relive the Summer of Death? “My…twin brother was gay.”

  Toni gasped. “You have a twin? You never told me that.”

  “Had.” Carlos rubbed his brow. “It’s normal for us to be born in litters of two or three.”

  “You…lost him?” Toni asked gently.

  The pain spilled over and flooded his senses. His brother. His parents. His village. All gone. Everyone dead.


  He shoved the pain back, but the effort made his head throb. “Yes?”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t really know what you or your children went through, but I know it must have been traumatic. Those kids are hurting.”

  “I know. If I can just find more of our kind, then they won’t have to feel so alone. And if I can find a mate, then they’ll have a mother. Someone who can give them…comfort.”

  “I think they need you, Carlos.”

  He frowned as the throbbing in his temples increased. How could he help them get over something that he couldn’t get over? “I called Fernando. He’s much better with them than I am. He agreed to visit them at school while I go on this trip. I was hoping you’d let him live in the dorm.”

  “He’s the one who was taking care of the kids while you were at NYU?”

  “Yes. In Rio.”

  “Hmm. I’m wondering if there’s anything he can teach, so we can hire him,” Toni murmured. “Is he a were-panther?”

  “No. He’s a geek. Knows everything about computers and modern technology. He taught me everything I know.”

  “That sounds promising,” Toni said. “We could use a computer specialist. And if he can help the kids feel better, then I’m all for it.”

  “Great. Thank you.” Carlos checked off one of the major concerns on his to-do list. With the children taken care of, he was free to leave on his trip.

  “When are you leaving?” Toni asked.

  “Tomorrow, I hope.” He just needed to get Angus to okay it. “I’ll call Fernando again, and he’ll catch the next available flight.”

  “All right. Good luck, Carlos. I hope you find your mate.”

  “So do I.” Carlos hung up. He rubbed his temples, trying to relieve the pain. Think positive. He’d soon be trekking through the mountains of northern Thailand, hunting for were-panthers. And this time he’d find them. He’d find his mate, and she would be all he’d ever hoped for. Everything he’d ever imagined.

  The vision that filled his mind was Caitlyn Whelan.

  “No!” He jumped to his feet and paced across the office. No, no, no. She wasn’t the one.

  The alarm sounded on the desk. He always set it to go off at sunset. Down in the basement, Angus and Emma would be wakening. Phineas, too. Other Vamps, like Jack and Robby, had opted to stay at the townhouse on the Upper East Side. Their morta
l wives were with them, guarding them during the day.

  Carlos strode to the desk to turn off the alarm. He straightened the papers that described his travel plans. He paced back to the wall of surveillance monitors. Soon, he would see the Vamps exiting their rooms in the basement.

  His attention was snagged by a monitor that showed the front gate and driveway. A car was arriving. That was unusual. It was too early for the Vamp employees at Romatech to show up for the night shift.

  The phone rang, the sound grating against his headache. He rushed to the desk to answer it.

  “Front gate,” the guard identified himself. “Caitlyn Whelan has arrived.”

  Carlos’s heart lurched in his chest. “All right. Thanks.” He hung up.

  He strode back to the monitors and spotted her pulling into the parking lot. The front door at Romatech was locked. The last of the mortal employees had left an hour ago. He’d have to let Caitlyn in. He’d have to see her.

  He noted Angus and Emma on another monitor. They were entering the elevator. Phineas ran to join them.

  Meanwhile, Caitlyn had parked her car. The front door opened and a pair of long bare legs stretched out. He sucked in a deep breath. Holy Mary, Mother of God. How short was her skirt? He leaned closer and his breath fogged up the monitor.

  “Damn.” He pulled the hem of his polo shirt up to his chest to wipe the monitor.

  On another monitor, Angus, Emma, and Phineas exited the elevator. Carlos dashed over to the desk phone and called Phineas on his cell.

  “Yo, Catman, what’s up?” Phineas asked.

  “Caitlyn Whelan is approaching the front door,” Carlos reported.

  “Shanna’s sister? Man, I missed meeting her last night.” There was a pause, then Phineas continued, “Emma says she’ll let her in.”

  “Good.” Carlos exhaled in relief as he hung up the phone. He would avoid seeing her tonight, then he would leave for Thailand tomorrow. The throbbing in his head eased.

  He opened the door to let Angus and Phineas inside.

  “Anything happen during the day?” Angus asked.

  “No.” Carlos grabbed his report off the desk. “I was able to complete an itinerary for the trip. As you can see, there’s a flight tomorrow night.”

  Angus shook his head, frowning. “I’m sorry, lad, but we canna let ye leave just yet.”

  Carlos swallowed hard. “I thought we agreed that I could go as soon as possible.”

  “Aye, we did. But there are a few matters we have to take care of first. We need to find a replacement for you, and we—”

  “Man, that chick is hot!” Phineas stood in front of the monitors, watching Caitlyn and Emma in the foyer.

  Carlos’s hands fisted around his papers.

  Angus glanced at the young vampire from the Bronx. “I hope ye’re no’ referring to my wife.”

  Phineas snorted. “I don’t have a death wish. No, I’m talking about the blonde. She’s bootie-licious. Grade A smoking hot female.”

  Carlos felt a strange compulsion to rip Phineas’s throat out. Which was odd, ’cause he really liked Phineas.

  Angus chuckled. “Och, I’m sure Shanna will be pleased to hear yer description of her sister.” He turned to Carlos. “Back to business.”

  Carlos glanced down at his papers. Merda! They were scored with slashes, half shredded. He thought he’d only clenched his fists, but somehow his claws were extended. Normally, they only did that if he was in danger. Or if someone he loved was in danger.

  Dammit, no. He didn’t want to think about that. He mentally forced his claws back in and slipped the mangled papers into a folder.

  “We may have an assignment for you to complete before you go,” Angus continued, watching him curiously. “A new employee who will require training in self-defense. You’re the best we have in martial arts, so we’d like you to teach her.”

  Her? Carlos’s headache returned full force. He glanced at the monitor that showed Emma and Caitlyn walking toward the security office. “You want me to teach her?”

  “Aye.” Angus nodded. “If we can convince Caitlyn Whelan to work for us, ye’ll be her trainer.”

  Chapter Six

  I n the parking lot at Romatech Industries, Caitlyn climbed out of her rental car and winced when she saw how far her skirt had ridden up during the drive from Manhattan. She tugged the hem down to its proper length just above the knees, then buttoned her jacket. She checked the interior of her leather portfolio again to make sure her résumé and referrals were inside.

  She’d decided a few hours ago to take the job at MacKay Security & Investigation. An interview with her father had helped her make up her mind. Sean had asked her to meet him at the Federal Building, and there in his office, he’d revealed the shocking news. Vampires were real, and by joining his Stake-Out team, she could help him wipe the hideous bloodsuckers off the planet.

  At first she pretended to be shocked, but there’d been no need to feign a reaction. Her dad seemed to forget she was in the room. He paced about, waving his arms wildly, shouting and cursing. In the end her shock had been real. Sean was so consumed with hatred for vampires, she feared he was no longer rational. He clearly wanted them dead. All of them.

  Her chest had tightened with a terrible fear that somehow he would convince himself that Shanna’s beautiful children were spawned by the devil and therefore needed to be destroyed. After ten minutes of listening to her father’s virulent rant, she stood up and announced her regret that she couldn’t accept his job offer.

  “What?” he shouted. “You can’t refuse. You have a moral obligation to help me fight these monsters.”

  “I—I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  He muttered another curse as he paced across the room. “I don’t blame you if you’re scared. Those damned parasites are scary.”

  So are you. “I’m sorry, Dad.” She’d left in a hurry and taken a taxi to Central Park. She’d walked down the paths, barely noticing the bright patches of daffodils as she wrestled with all the recent twists and turns in her life. She’d grown up trusting her father and believing Shanna had abandoned her. Now everything was upside down. Vampires. Shape shifters. Malcontents. A father obsessed with killing them all.

  And in the midst of all the confusion, the innocent faces of Constantine and Sofia invaded her mind and filled her heart with warmth. She remembered the tearful joy of being reunited with her sister. She recalled the feel of Carlos’s arms around her, the touch of his lips against hers. And she remembered the way Coco and Raquel had needed her. She had felt such a strong sense of purpose and completion, as if she’d been given a sacred mission to protect them.

  Her dad promised a life motivated by hate, while her sister’s world offered a life filled with love. In the end the decision was easy.

  Caitlyn had driven to Romatech, ready to accept the job with MacKay Security & Investigation. She wore her most expensive suit and high heels. She’d twisted her long hair into a neat bun at the nape of her neck. Instead of her red silk embroidered bag from Singapore, she brought a black leather handbag.

  As much as she wanted this job, she was still wary about entering the world of vampires. Just in case it was dangerous to display a bare neck in their presence, she’d knotted a silk scarf around her throat.

  As she strode toward the entrance, her heart began to pound. Was Carlos inside? Had he thought about her at all?

  The door opened and Emma MacKay greeted her. “Come in.”

  “Thank you.” Caitlyn stepped into the foyer, her stiletto heels clicking on the marble floor. Maybe she’d overdressed. Her new boss was dressed simply in jeans and a green sweater. Hard to believe she was a vampire. Emma looked and acted so normal.

  Emma locked the door and pressed some buttons on a security panel. “We have to be careful at night because that’s when the Malcontents might attack.”

  “Shanna told me a little about them,” Caitlyn said. “They hate the synthetic blood that’s manufactured here.”
r />   “Yes. They adhere to an archaic belief that vampires are superior and have the right to use and abuse mortals however they like. The truth is they were a bunch of thugs when they were alive and becoming Undead has only made them worse. They’re a bunch of vicious killers, and we’re doing our best to defeat them.”

  Caitlyn suppressed a shudder. Shanna had made the job sound like an exciting adventure—traveling around the world, making it a safer place for mortals—but now she wondered just how dangerous this job could be. “What kind of powers do the Malcontents have?”

  “Levitation, teleportation, mind control, super-speed, and enhanced senses,” Emma explained as she led Caitlyn down a hallway on the left. “But don’t worry. We have some excellent Vamp warriors on our side with the same powers. And we have employees with all kinds of talents and abilities. Shape shifters, mortals—in fact, we recently hired a mortal who can detect lies. Robby’s wife, Olivia MacKay. You may have met her.”

  “I did. When I moved into the townhouse this morning, I met Olivia and Lara.”

  Emma smiled. “Aren’t they lovely?”

  “Yes.” Caitlyn had taken an instant liking to them both. She realized that Olivia had been the woman in the gazebo the night before. Of course she didn’t meet the man who had made Olivia squeal. He was dead during the day.

  “I’m a bit concerned that I don’t have the right credentials for this job,” Caitlyn admitted. “Lara told me she used to be a police officer. And Olivia worked for the FBI.”

  Emma stopped her with a touch on the shoulder. “They have their own talents, but yours is truly unique. You can learn a new language in a few hours, right?”

  Caitlyn nodded. “And I can understand any language that’s spoken.”

  Emma’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing. Good heavens, we could have used you a month ago. We were hunting for Casimir in Bulgaria, and none of us knew the language.”

  “Who is Casimir?”

  “The leader of the Malcontents.” Emma gestured to the right. “This is the nursery for Shanna’s children, and next door is her dental office. They should be arriving soon.”


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