Long Way Home (Matthew Riker Book 3)

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Long Way Home (Matthew Riker Book 3) Page 25

by J. T. Baier

  “Thank you, Megan. For everything.” He pulled back from the hug and regarded her. “I’ve been meaning to ask. You ever hear from my mom?”

  She shrugged. “I get a Christmas card every year. She’s still in Florida. Do you?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve tried to reach out many times, but she won’t talk to me. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying.”

  “She’s stubborn,” Megan said with a smile. “Just like her son.”

  Riker couldn’t disagree with that. He started down the sidewalk, then paused. “Keep sending your Thursday messages. And check your email on Friday mornings, because I’m going to start writing you back.”

  He’d gone a few more steps when Megan spoke again. “You did real good here, Matt. You finished what Coach Kane started, and you took down his killer.”

  “Thanks.” He said it even though he knew the second part of her statement wasn’t true. He hadn’t taken down Coach Kane’s killer. Not yet. But he intended to do so very soon.


  When Riker was ten miles outside Kingsport, he picked up his phone and tapped a number on the contact list. Franklin answered on the second ring.

  “Scarecrow? Is everything all right?”

  “No, Franklin. It really isn’t. I wish this was a social call, but I need you to get a message to Morrison for me. It’s urgent.”

  There was a long pause. “You know you’re not supposed to be contacting him. You wanted out, and you are out. The things he’s working on are—”

  “Just pass him the message. It’s up to him what he does with it.”

  “All right. What’s the message?”

  “Fraction is back.”

  Another pause. “That’s it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “And he’ll know what that means?”

  “Very much so.”

  “I’ll get him the message.”

  “Thank you, Franklin. It was good hearing your voice.” Riker hung up without waiting for a response.

  Now that he was free of Kingsport, his mind was turning to other matters, things he’d needed to wait until after he was done in his hometown to attend to.

  He’d suspected that the cartel wasn’t responsible for Coach Kane’s death the moment Luke had first told his story of that night. The man in the shadows stalking the car and killing Coach Kane. That wasn’t the cartel’s style. Coach Kane was very publicly messing with them, and they would want at least their partners in Kingsport to know it was they who killed the troublemaker. They would have wanted to use his death to make a statement.

  But it wasn’t until Riker spoke with Patricia Kane that he’d known for certain. The method of execution—a bullet through each eye—was all too familiar to Riker. He knew only one man who used that as his calling card.

  Charles Fraction. The last time Riker had faced him, he’d ended up quitting QS-4 and swearing off a life of violence. Charles Fraction was like no other man he’d ever gone up against. And now, he was back and sending Riker a message.

  The thought that Coach Kane had died simply because a psychopath wanted to send Riker a message made him sick to his stomach, but it was an undeniable truth.

  Riker’s phone rang three minutes after he’d hung up with Franklin. He didn’t even bother looking at the caller ID before answering. “Yes?”

  “Is it true?” There was an urgency in Morrison’s gruff voice. And maybe a little fear.

  “It’s true. He killed my high school wrestling coach. A bullet through each eye.”

  “Good God.”

  “That means he’s gunning for people I care about. Could be he’s targeting my mentors. You could be in danger. And we need to get some protection for James Halder, my CO from my SEALs days.”

  “On it.” There was a pause. “Riker, if he’s back, we need to deal with him before more people die. We need to finally end this once and for all.”

  “Agreed. I’m in Iowa, but I’m driving east. I’m coming to you, Morrison. We’re going to end this thing together.”

  Author’s Note

  Not only was LONG WAY HOME a personal story for Riker, it was a very personal one for me as well. Kingsport is loosely based on my own hometown, and while there is no secret, cartel-funded heroin production facility there (to my knowledge), the courage of the people is just as real.

  I’m hard at work planning the next book in the series, and I hope to have it to you soon. I’m both terrified and excited for you to meet Charles Fraction and to finally reveal the truth about Riker’s last job with QS-4. It promises to be an epic ride where no one is safe. Riker is going to be put to the ultimate test.

  In the meantime, I suggest checking out the prequel story, NO LOOSE ENDS, which introduces some of the members of Riker’s QS-4 team. It also tells the story of how Riker and company brought down the drug lord Javier Herrara, which Riker referenced in his phone conversation with Marcillas in this book. You can get the novella by joining my email group. It’s also included in as a free bonus with the audiobook version of THE IMPORT, which I highly recommend checking out; the wonderful Jay Snyder narrates, and he gave one hell of a performance.

  Finally, thanks again for reading this series. Your reviews, feedback, and emails are a big part of what keeps me writing Riker’s adventures. Writing is a solitary act, but your kindness and enthusiasm make it feel like I’m telling stories around a campfire to a group of close friends. I can’t imagine a better feeling than that.

  Thanks again, and happy reading.

  J.T. Baier




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