The Naughty One

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The Naughty One Page 7

by Michelle Love

Upstairs, Blue looked up, but his smile faded when he saw her face. He stood up and walked over to her immediately, reaching for her. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  Romy drew in a deep breath. “It’s Dacre. He’s in Seattle. He’s coming for me.”

  Chapter 10

  Artemis tried not to feel too excited as she made her way through the icy streets of Seattle to the coffee house. She and Dan had met up a few times but this day was the first time when she was a free agent. Glen had moved out over the weekend, and although they had both been sad, even cried a little, Artemis had never felt so convinced they were doing the right thing.

  And now she was going to see Dan, the man who had been haunting her dreams for weeks now. She’d repeatedly told herself it was just a friendship, but she couldn’t mistake the look in Dan’s eyes when he was with her, and she was sure it was reflected in hers. Desire. A bond. She had never felt so comfortable with a man in her life, so at ease and relaxed—at the same time, every time she was with him, all she wanted to do was rip his clothes off and kiss him until she couldn’t breathe.

  She felt some guilt—after all, she and Glen had only just split—but then again, they’d lived separate lives for so many years. It was time to move on, and today was a big step forward doing just that. Today Dan was bringing his teenage daughter to meet her. He had asked Artemis if she wouldn’t mind, his face going red, and Artemis knew she was being assessed for … something. God, she hoped she would pass the test, and it wasn’t helping her nerves but as soon as she pushed open the door to the coffee house, Dan and his female mini-me both grinned at her and Artemis relaxed.

  Octavia was a delightful mix of typical teenager and nerdy geek. She reminded Artemis both of Juno with her confidence and Romy in her dark looks. She told Octavia that and the young woman smiled. “Dad said the same thing. He’s always talked about the Sassy Sasse Sisters—you’re almost legendary in our house.”

  “Really?” Artemis was absurdly flattered and Dan rolled his eyes.

  “Way to ruin my game, kiddo.”

  Octavia chuckled. “Sorry, Pa, but it’s the truth. I’d love to meet your sisters.”

  “We can arrange that, though Juno is leaving for New Orleans soon. Romy is still here, though, at the hospital.”

  They chatted easily for an hour then Octavia got up. She kissed Artemis’s cheek. “Sorry I have to cut and run, but I have study group.”

  Her father coughed something which sounded suspiciously like ‘geek.’ Octavia grinned. “I am what you made me. Bye, Missy, I hope we see each other again soon. Pa, I’ll probably stay over at Gail’s tonight, so don’t wait up.”

  “Just text me if you are.”

  “Will do. Bye.” And she was gone.

  Artemis grinned at Dan. “She’s great.”

  Dan grinned, delighted. “I know, she’s a good kid. I think you have her approval.”

  “Ha, I hope so.” Artemis met his gaze and held it, blushing furiously, but Dan, his dark eyes twinkling, smiled in a way that made her stomach flutter.


  “Yes?” Her heart was beating out of her chest and she felt breathless.

  “I’m gonna kiss you now.” Dan leaned over and brushed her lips with his, lightly, before the kiss deepened and went on for a long moment. Artemis sank into his embrace, feeling his hands cup her face. “God, Missy, if you knew how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

  Artemis smiled. “Me too. What happens now?”

  “Well, option A … we stay here kissing all day. Option B … I take you back to my place, undress you slowly, and kiss every inch of your perfect skin, before we make love tenderly. Option C … we throw caution to the wind and fuck each other’s brains out. Feel free to mix the last two options.” He was grinning, and Artemis started to laugh.

  “Dan Helmond, I say … Option C first, then option B. Option A can go hang.”

  Before she could finish her sentence, Dan had grabbed her hand and they were running towards his car. In thirty minutes they were naked in his bed, and Dan was thrusting his enormous, thick cock deep inside her as they fucked hard. Artemis threw every caution to the wind; she had an animal desire in her for this man, his huge, muscled body making her feel so small and precious, his kisses both tender and feral.

  Afterwards they ordered pizza and ate it in bed, feeling like lovesick teens again. Artemis grinned at Dan’s self-satisfied expression. “Don’t think for a minute, Helmond, that I left Glen for you.”

  “Yeah, you did.” But she could tell he was joking around, and laughed. “Admit it, woman, you had to have the Dan-Dan-Man.”

  “Oh, jeez, I’m leaving,” she groaned and giggled as he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. “Marinara kisses.”

  “Think I got some mozzarella action going on in my beard if you’re interested.” His smile was so wide, Artemis couldn’t help giggling until she cried.

  “That’s so gross. Your seduction game is poor, Helmond.”

  “You love it, Missy Sassy.”

  She kissed him then. “I do. You may be crazy, but I’m crazy about you. If I’m honest, I’m kind of relieving a high-school fantasy right now.”

  Dan grinned, smoothing her blonde hair back from her face. “Except this is no fantasy. This is real, Missy.” His face was serious now, but Artemis could see the love in his eyes. “I’m all in, Missy. You and me, this is all I want.”

  Artemis sighed happily, leaning into his embrace. “Me too, big guy, me too.”

  “Stay with me tonight.”

  She nodded, her lips suddenly too busy to speak, and they made love again, slowly this time, exploring each other’s body, forgetting the time, long into the night.

  Romy sipped her now-cold coffee. She had been with the police most of the day and now she and Blue sat together in the interview room as the detective in charge of the homicides questioned her again.

  “I’m sorry if I’m repeating questions, Dr. Sasse, but it’s important. Now, it could be a coincidence, but we always look for patterns and we had noticed the women who died shared the same first name initial. But until you came forward we didn’t know who the message was intended for.”

  Blue groaned in dismay and the detective looked at him. “Don’t worry, Dr. Allende. We have a state-wide BOLO out for Dacre Mortimer. If he’s here, we’ll find him. In the meantime, we’ll assign you protection, Dr. Sasse.”

  “I can handle that.” Blue said, his voice gruff. “The best protection money can buy. He won’t get near you, Romy.”

  God, was this really happening? Romy closed her eyes and asked herself if she was really that shocked. Dacre would never have accepted her leaving him … but to kill all these innocent victims to send her a message? “Why didn’t he just kill me?” Her voice was quiet and surprisingly calm.

  “Don’t.” Blue was barely holding onto his composure. The detective smiled at them.

  “You’ve been unbelievably brave and helpful in coming forward. Go home and get some rest. I’ll be in touch.”

  Romy asked Blue to drive her to her mother’s house. “I want them all to know what’s going on—it’s not fair to them not to know that they might in danger too. Dacre is a monster.”

  Her heart sank, however, when they got to her mother’s house. Gaius was there too, meeting with his father.

  Magda knew something was wrong, clearly, as she gazed at her middle daughter. “Romy?”

  Blue took Romy’s hand. “Magda, Dad … we have something to tell you. Two things. One, we hope you’ll be happy about, because we are. Romy and I have been seeing each other for a while now, and Magda, I’m so in love with your daughter …”

  Magda exclaimed in delight and threw her arms around them. “I thought I sensed something!”

  Stuart grinned widely, clapping his son on the back. “Son, I’m delighted for you both.”

  “Oh, Romy … sweetheart, finally. I’m so happy you found a good man at long last.” Magda was in tears, and Romy teared up a lit
tle too before adding to the overall level of emotion.

  “Mom …There’s something else.”

  Gaius, smirking in the background, leaned forward, his eyes glittering with spite. “Don’t be shy, sis, tell us.”

  Romy flushed at the jibe, but she felt Blue squeeze her hand. “Shut the fuck up, Gaius; this isn’t the time for your malice. Magda, Dad, I’m afraid that it isn’t all good news. We think Dacre Mortimer is in Seattle.”

  “God, no.” Magda went pale and clutched at her daughter’s hand. “Sit down with us, sweethearts, and tell us what’s going on.”

  As Romy told them about the murders, about the signature that had led her to suspect Dacre was behind them. “I knew, or I should have known, he would come after me. He has nothing to lose by murdering me. His family has already cut him off; revenge is all he has left.”

  Blue cleared his throat and Romy looked at him. His beautiful eyes were deeply troubled and she could feel the tension in his body. “Dad … I’ve already set the ball rolling for added protection. I know it’s inconvenient, especially with the wedding coming up, but I won’t risk any of us getting hurt.” He paused, then glanced at his half-brother. “Gaius, you too. And I think perhaps you’d better clue your mother in, too.”

  “That’s very thoughtful of you.” Gaius’s voice was a monotone and Romy couldn’t tell whether he was being sincere or not. She studied him … the malice had gone from his eyes and he didn’t smile. He looked at her. “As long as you’re okay, Romy, that’s all I care about.”

  Fucker. That tone was back in his voice, the intimate one, the one that said I know you better than you know. His smirk was back too. Romy looked away from him. Blue pressed his lips against her temple.

  “Piccolo, I know this is fast, but I’d feel a hell of a lot better if you moved in with me.”

  “I would too, Romy,” her mother added quickly, and Romy nodded.

  “Fine. Yes, of course. God, I’m sorry about this, everyone.”

  Magda looked angry now. “Listen here, my girl, you have nothing to be sorry about. It’s that … asshole. He should have gone to jail when he hurt you last year. Bastard. I could kill him with my bare hands. I will if he ever comes in spitting distance of me.”

  Later, when Blue and Romy got back to his apartment, Blue made her drink some hot tea, Romy shivering uncontrollably. “I thought it was all over,” she said in a low voice, “I was so stupid.”

  “No.” Blue wrapped his arms around her, kissing her gently. “There are crazy people all around. It has nothing to do with any choices you’ve made in life. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Romy leaned into him. “It’s weird. I’m scared, but at the same time, I can’t recall ever being as happy as I am with you right now. I love you, Blue.”

  “And I love you, baby. Maybe we should go away for a while.”

  Romy shook her head. “He’ll just kill more people. If he knows I’m here, he can try and get to me and then we’ll have him.”

  “Christ, Romy, you’re not bait, here.” Blue’s voice rose and then fell just as quickly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, but we have to take this seriously. You saw what he did to Yasmin Levant.”

  “I did see,” Romy said quietly. “I watched her die, remember? Right alongside you.”

  Blue blanched and yanked her hard into his chest. “I’m sorry, baby. Forgive me, piccolo. I didn’t mean—I just—the thought of you in harm’s way makes me insane.”

  She curled into his warm, hard strength. “I won’t deliberately put myself in his sights, but once we confirm it is him … maybe, just maybe I can help catch him. I need to do something, Blue. Those poor girls.”

  Blue drew in a deep breath. “For tonight, let’s just … try and forget him. This place is secure. Tomorrow I’ll call in a security team. Baby, do you feel safe?”

  “With you, always.” She kissed him and he stroked her face, half-smiling.

  “Regardless of the circumstances, I’m glad you’re here. I was thinking about asking you to move in this morning, but then the sensible part of me said it might scare you off.”

  Romy smiled at him. “It might have done this morning, although I loved waking up with you.” She sighed. “I hate that the reason I’m here is that bastard.”

  “No,” Blue said, his lips brushing her, “the reason you’re here is that we love each other.”

  “You got that right, Doc.” Romy pressed her body against his, and Blue held her tightly.

  “Are you tired, piccolo?”

  Romy smiled. “No … but I am starving.”

  Blue laughed. “Of course, forgive me. Well, how about some old fashioned Italian comfort food?”

  “Pasta? Sold. Shall we order in?”

  Blue pretended to look affronted. “How dare you?”

  Romy giggled. “You can cook?”

  Blue got up and pulled her to her feet, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her to his state-of-the-art kitchen. “Can I cook? I’m Italian, piccolo. Sit here,” he dumped her onto a stool, “and watch the maestro at work.”

  Romy watched him cook pasta, rolling out the dough and making the ravioli with deft efficiency. He kept up a stream of instructions, just as he did in the operating theater, and when the pasta was cooked, Romy almost swooned at the garlicky, oozy, buttery taste.

  “God, Allende,” she mumbled over a huge mouthful, “is there anything you’re not good at?”

  He pretended to consider, then shrugged. “Nope.” He laughed as she threw her napkin at him.

  “There’s one thing you didn’t think of, Dr. Wonderpants. I now have garlic breath.”

  “Ha,” he said, “so do I.” He pressed his lips against hers and they both decided that it wasn’t an issue as the kiss deepened and soon the remnants of the pasta were forgotten as Blue tumbled her to the floor.

  For the next few hours, Blue did his best to make her forget everything else but the blissful release of making love, but as the night wore on and he fell asleep, Romy lay awake.

  Just as I find happiness, Dacre comes for me. Bastard.

  Now that the fear had dissipated a little, she felt anger at the injustice of it. All those innocent girls. Romy eased out of Blue’s arms and got out of bed, walking to the huge picture window that looked out over Seattle. Romy leaned her forehead against the cold glass and stared down at the streets below.

  Wherever you are, Dacre, come for me. I’m ready for you, you piece of shit. Come for me.

  I’m ready.

  Chapter 11

  New Orleans

  Juno Sasse sprawled on her friend’s couch and watched as Livia balanced a plate of cookies on her huge, pregnant belly. Juno grinned at her. “I can’t believe you’re having a baby, Livvy. When you think where you were a year ago.”

  Livia Chatelaine smiled at her friend. “You’re not the only one who can’t believe it, darling. When Sandor stabbed me, then put that bullet in me, I thought that was it. I was a goner. Still, that’s in the past.” She smoothed her dress over her bump. “And this little girl is almost here. I cannot wait.”

  Juno grinned. “My first niece.”

  “You betcha. Speaking of which, you haven’t filled me in on what your sisters are up to. Has Arti married Glen yet? What about Romy? Does she like the hospital in Seattle?”

  “So many questions,” Juno laughed. “Okay, in order, no, they broke up; she’s fine; and yes.”

  Livia almost spat out her cookie. “Glen and Arti what?”

  “They split,” Juno repeated. “It wasn’t a nasty breakup or anything, they’d just grown apart.”

  “Wow. So much for fairy tales,” Livia muttered in dismay. “Except mine. I won’t deny I’m living the dream. Poor Arti though.”

  “I think she’s much happier, actually,” Juno said. “Now, the real gossip is Romy. Talk about fairy tales. She’s in love … with our soon-to-be step-brother Blue. Here …” She grabbed Livia’s iPad and typed something in, then showed Liv
ia the photo of Blue Allende. Livia’s eyes opened wide.

  “Wow, he’s gorgeous … and he and Romy?”

  “Are fucking each other’s brains out. They’ve only just told Mom and Stuart, but I knew a while back.”

  Livia grinned at Juno’s smug expression. “They told you?”

  “No, I went for coffee with them unexpectedly, and it was so obvious.” Her smile faded. “After what Romy’s ex did to her …”

  Livia nodded, her eyes sad. “And they think he’s the one behind the murders?”

  “Yup. God, the thought of something happening to her again … she’s so tiny, Liv, and she can kick ass, believe me, but Dacre is a sick fuck.”

  Livia pushed herself from her chair, somewhat awkwardly, and came to hug her friend. “Juno, you can’t let it rule your life. I bet Romy is back at work today, saving lives. I remember when Sandor was waging his campaign … the thought of him hurting Nox or Odelle … if Romy feels half the anger I did, she won’t let Dacre near her or anyone she loves.”

  Juno felt comforted by her friend’s words and when she was in bed later, in the sumptuous guestroom of Nox and Livia’s mansion, she called Romy, surprised when her sister picked up straight away.

  “Well timed, Juno Boo.” Romy sounded cheerful, “I just got out of a four-hour surgery and am on a break. How’s NOLA? How are Livvy and gorgeous Nox?”

  “New Orleans is warm,” Juno teased, hearing Romy’s jealous groan. “Livvy is blooming, about to pop any second, and Nox is, well, delicious as always. You okay, Romulus?”

  “I am good,” Romy said determinedly. “No fucker is messing with me.”

  “You got seriously laid last night, didn’t you?” Juno laughed as her sister giggled.

  “Last night, this morning, and as soon as Blue finishes up, in about five minutes. The on-call room is free.”

  “Babe, you’ve turned into a nympho. Seriously, though, are you okay?”

  “I really, really am, Boo. Please don’t worry.”

  Juno heard voices in the background and then the familiar voice of Blue. She heard her sister laugh. “I guess you need to, um, get off … the phone, I mean.”


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