The Naughty One

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The Naughty One Page 14

by Michelle Love

  Chapter 24

  Romy opened her eyes and wondered why she felt no pain. It’s the morphine, doofus. She breathed in a lungful of sweet pure air and smiled. Looking around the room, she saw Blue checking her chart. He glanced up and grinned. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Get over here and kiss me, Allende.”

  “Such a nag.” But he pressed his lips to hers and they kissed until they had to break away to breathe. He stroked her cheek. “How do you feel?”

  “Good, really good. Blue … how’s …?”

  “Our baby? He or she is doing just fine. How come you didn’t tell me?”

  “I was going to, but I hadn’t even taken a test yet.” Romy sighed, putting her hand on her belly. “I can’t be more than a couple of weeks; I just had a feeling.”

  “Three weeks to be precise,” Blue grinned, covering her hand with his. “I can’t wait to meet him or her.”

  “We’re really going to do this, right?” Romy felt nervous and excited and Blue laughed.

  “You bet your sweet ass we are. We got married on a rollercoaster ride; we’re gonna start our family the same way. You in this adventure with me?”

  Romy gazed up at her husband and grinned. “Just try and stop me.”

  Three months later…

  Blue smiled at his excited wife. “I honestly thought you’d fight me on this.”

  “Are you kidding? This is our honeymoon, Blue. We earned this.”

  They were flying in Blue’s private jet down to the Caribbean, and to one of the lesser-known islands, owned by a friend of Blue’s.

  Romy had recovered quickly from the shooting and now, their child growing in her belly, she was ready to return to work. Blue, however, had insisted on them taking some time together first, and so for the next two blissful weeks, they would make love, laze in the sun, eat whatever they wanted.

  “I cannot wait,” Romy stretched out her body and rubbed Blue’s groin with her foot, “to get naked and rude with you, Blue boy.”

  Blue laughed and went to her. “Why wait?” He pulled her gently to the cabin floor and kissed her until they were both breathless. Romy tangled her fingers in his dark curls as he unbuttoned her dress, parting the fabric and pressing his mouth to her soft skin. Blue freed her breasts from her bra, taking each nipple into his mouth in turn and teasing them into hard peaks. Romy sighed happily as he moved down her body, kissing the soft swell of her belly as he gently slid the panties down her legs.

  “I want you inside me,” she whispered and grinning, Blue moved to kiss her mouth as he freed his cock from his pants.

  “You want me inside, pretty girl?”

  Romy giggled, seeing the mischievous lust in his eyes. “Always … Oh!”

  Blue thrust his cock deep inside her, pinning her hands above her head and kissing her with animal passion. Romy hitched her legs around his waist, tilting her hips up to take him in deeper. Nothing else in the world existed for them as they made love, their gazes locked, their bodies perfectly in rhythm.

  As she came, Romy’s back arched up and Blue buried his face in her neck as he shot his seed into her. They collapsed together, panting for air and laughing. Blue kissed her and Romy stroked his face. “I love you so much, Blue Allende.”

  “You and me forever, baby.”

  Romy grinned and squeezed his butt playfully as she nodded. “You bet your sweet ass, gorgeous man.”

  And they made love again as the plane came in to land in their Caribbean paradise …

  The End.

  The Naughty One: Extended Epilogue

  Five years after they met and fell in love, Romy Sasse and Blue Allende are both loving parents to Grace, and at the top of their game in the surgical world. As Blue is named as Chief of Surgery at Rainier Hope Hospital, Romy is courted by another hospital, eager to have her come on board with them as their own Head of General Surgery. Romy has to make the decision whether she wants to stay working under her husband and suffer career setbacks because of internal politics, or take the job, work away from her family and possibly risk her marriage.

  With only a week to decide over Christmas, Romy, Blue and Grace head for their mountain hideaway to enjoy the holidays together, and Romy comes to a decision which will change all of their lives forever…

  Blue lifted his four-year old daughter onto his shoulders, grinning as Grace giggled, clutching onto her father’s dark curls. “You okay up there, slugger?”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  Romy smiled at them both. Grace looked so much like her father, all bright green eyes and dark brown curls, though Grace’s were long and wild, and Blue’s were shot through with silver now. Romy marveled at her beautiful family, at the two people who meant the most to her in the world. “You ready, kids?”

  Both Blue and Grace laughed. “Let’s do it.”

  The SUV was loaded with their bags, and boxes full of gifts, mostly for Grace. Blue strapped his daughter securely into her car seat as Romy climbed into the driver’s seat and set up the Sat-Nav. They’d bought the lodge in the Olympic Mountains only this year and Romy still wasn’t sure of the way. In fact, she’d only seen photographs on the realtor’s website – Blue had been the one to visit it and give the final verdict.

  She still remembered when he’d come home the night he’d viewed it, shining eyes and enthusiasm making him seem manic. “It’s perfect, Romy, just perfect.”

  “Is it cozy?”

  He’d hesitated and Romy had grinned. She knew the lodge was beyond what most people would dream of, all carved wood furniture and fittings, huge picture windows, a state of the art kitchen as well as huge bedrooms. “We’ll make it cozy.” Blue promised and Romy hadn’t doubted it.

  Now as they began the long drive from Seattle, Romy was both excited and nervous. Excited for Christmas with her loves, but also nervous about the decision she had to make.

  Since their Chief of Surgery Beau Quinto had resigned from his position to move away from Seattle, Blue had been Beau’s first and only choice to replace him. Romy was thrilled for her husband – Blue had worked tirelessly and with utmost loyalty for Beau and Rainier Hope, and he deserved every bit of his success.

  It was only after they’d really thought about the implications of his new job that reality had hit. Romy was the best Attending the hospital had, but she was also his wife. To others, it might look as if Blue was favoring her if he promoted her, and Romy was worried her own reputation could suffer. On the other hand, she was one of the best, and so if Blue didn’t promote her out of fear of impropriety, Romy’s career would suffer.

  “I’ll tell Beau no,” Blue had declared, determined. “There’s no way I would ever put my career above yours, baby. No way.”

  Romy smiled at him, moved. “You will not tell Beau no. We’ll find another way, but I’m not letting you hold yourself back for me. You earned this, Blue, you paid for it with your blood. You are the Chief of Surgery.”

  It took her a few weeks to persuade him but finally, Blue had acquiesced. Then, two weeks later, Romy got a phone call from Portland General.

  We want you to be our new Head of General. We won’t be the first or last to headhunt you, Dr. Sasse, your reputation precedes you.

  Portland. Yes, it was only three hours away by car, but that meant six hours traveling time a day – or she could fly, which meant two of three hours traveling. And that was on the days when she wasn’t delayed by surgeries or emergencies or just by the workload of a Chief Attending. The excitement she’d felt after their phone call and offer dissipated quickly. It would mean barely seeing Blue and Grace, never being there for bedtimes or bath-times or after school plays. God.

  Portland had been right. More offers came in thick and fast but she dismissed them all – except Portland. Now they had given her until New Year’s Eve to decide.

  Blue had been her champion, and they talked about it one night, after Grace was asleep. Romy lay in his arms, her naked body pressed against his. Blue kissed her tenderly. “You
deserve this, baby. Look, I’ll do the commute. We’ll move home, go to Portland. We both love it there, anyway, so it won’t be a wrench.”

  “But then the exact problems I face will be yours. And you’re the Chief, dude. Beau was a workaholic and so are you.” Romy had sighed. “And I love our home. And I don’t want Gracie in the hands of childminders all the time. I want to be able to pick her up from school, play with her, help her with her homework.”

  Blue grinned. “Yep, she needs all the help she can get with trig at age five.”

  Romy laughed. “The younger she starts…but seriously, no. Look, there are other things I can explore…maybe even going out on my own.”

  “Private practice?”

  Romy nodded. “But not elitist. Something where anyone could come and be treated, regardless of financial restrictions.”

  “So, a free clinic?”

  “Yeah…but I haven’t thought it all through yet so, in the meantime…”

  Blue stroked her face. “Whatever you decide, we’ll make it work.” He suddenly grinned. “Have you ever used trig at work?”

  “Never. Not once in my whole adult life.”

  Blue kissed her, running his hands down her body. “The only ‘triangle’ I’m interested in right now is this one.” And he slipped his hand between her legs as Romy wriggled with pleasure. “Well, doc, I may need to find out the angle here, but, oh no, it seems to be widening…”

  Romy was giggling, tears in her eyes. “No, Allende, you can’t make trig sexy, no way…oh!”

  Blue thrust his diamond-hard cock into her and they made love slowly, leisurely until they were both exhausted. Blue fell asleep in her arms, but Romy lay awake thinking. What do I want from my life? Do I really have to choose this, my family, or my career? Why can’t I have it both ways?

  She’d fallen asleep without making a decision and now, as they drove through a snowy Washington State, she wanted nothing more than to just relax and enjoy this time away with her family.

  Blue had arranged for the lodge’s fires to be lit and the huge kitchen supplied with everything they needed for their vacation. The windows glowed with warm welcome as they finally reached the lodge after dark. Grace, asleep for most of the journey, was eager to be let out to play in the thick blanket of snow that surrounded the home. Romy freed her daughter from her restraints and held her hand as Grace yelped with joy and threw herself into the snow.

  “Little lunatic.” Romy said fondly, then shrieked as Blue dumped a snowball down her back. The three of them then spent twenty minutes play-fighting, before Romy ordered them indoors to get dry and warm.

  After a supper of hot steak sandwiches and fully loaded baked potatoes, they sat in front of the fire in the living room, cuddled together on the huge, comfortable couch.

  “Tomorrow, we’ll decorate the tree,” Blue told Grace, nodding to the bare spruce tree in the corner of the room. Grace smiled.

  “Lots of twinkle lights?”

  “Of course, Boo.”

  Blue wrapped his arms around his girls, meeting Romy’s gaze. He pressed his lips to hers and nuzzled her neck. “Later,” he murmured in her ear and Romy knew exactly what he meant. Her heart beat faster – still, after all these years, he could do that to her – and she smiled, her eyes lazy with lust.


  Grace was overexcited and stayed up way after her usual bedtime, but Romy shrugged. “It’s Christmas.”

  Finally, just after midnight, Romy crept out of Grace’s room and closed the door. She padded quietly downstairs to see that Blue had switched off the overhead lights and draped strings of tiny white lights around the room. He’d dragged the sofa back and laid a comforter on the floor in front of the fire. Romy smiled at him as he offered her his hand and pulled her gently into his arms.

  The moment his lips met hers, Romy closed her eyes, feeling any tension leave her body. They kissed for a long time, Blue’s fingers stroking her face as she pressed her own hands on the hard planes of his chest.

  “God, I love you, Romy Sasse.”

  “I love you too, Blue Allende.”

  His fingers were at the buttons on her dress now, and as he gently undressed her, he kissed her exposed skin, making her shiver with desire. She pulled his sweater over his head, making his hair even messier, then freed his cock, so thick, hard and long, from his pants. She stroked the length of it, feeling it twitch and harden in her hands.

  Blue stroked her clit until it was hard, then slid two fingers inside her. “You’re so wet, baby.”

  “For you, always.”

  He swept her onto the floor, kissing her mouth. Romy lay under him, enjoying the weight of his body on hers, feeling the tip of his cock nudging at her sex, then as it notched into her cunt, Blue thrust his hips hard and sank deep inside her.

  “God, that feels so good,” Romy moaned as he moved slowly in and out of her, never taking his eyes off hers. Romy tightened her thighs around his hips. “Fuck me hard, Allende.”

  Blue grinned, increasing his pace, as Romy dug her fingernails into his buttocks. “Mio Dio, you’re so goddamn sexy, baby…I’m going to fuck you all night long, ream your silky cunt until you beg me to stop…”

  “I’ll never beg you to stop,” Romy said, breathlessly, her breasts moving, her nipples brushing his chest as they fucked. “Take me, Blue, take me like you want to hurt me…”

  Blue gave a growl and pinned her hands to the floor, slamming his hips against hers, his cock plunging ever deeper and harder into her. Romy tilted her hips up to take him in as far as she could, her eyes on his, tasting blood as he kissed her ferociously.

  In these moment, Romy saw nothing else but her love, her Blue. Their connection, forged so quickly all those years ago, had only grown stronger, through the horrific circumstances that nearly killed them both, to the ecstatic joy of Grace’s birth. She had never known what it meant to be truly a partnership until Blue, and she thanked the heavens for him every day.

  Blue’s cock, buried inside her, seemed to grow even larger as she neared her orgasm and they came together, Blue groaning as he shot thick reams of creamy white cum deep into her belly. Romy muffled her cries by biting his shoulder – which only served to make Blue even more aroused and after a few minutes, he was inside her again, almost feral in his desire for her.

  It was almost dawn before they finally feel asleep, having made it to their bedroom at last. Blue wrapped his arms around Romy as they slept, and when they were woken a few hours later by Gracie climbing into their bed, they greeted their daughter happily, listening to her talk excitedly about decorating the tree.

  After breakfasting on way too many carbs, they took Grace out into the woods to explore a little. They were surrounded by spruce, and deep fluffy snow, but the sun was out and the air was cold but refreshing.

  Later, as Blue gave Grace her lunch, Romy drove down to the little farmer’s market in the town at the bottom of the mountain. As well-stocked as their lodge home was, there were still a few pieces that Romy wanted to get by herself – small gifts for Grace’s stocking, and some fresh produce.

  She browsed the aisles slowly, knowing Grace would have a nap before they decorated the tree anyway, and that Blue had some emails he wanted to catch up on. The farmer’s market was full of home-grown produce and freshly butchered meat. Romy bought a large chicken for their Christmas day supper, and grabbed as much fruit as she could handle. She saw some adorable little wooden bears, and was selecting one for Grace when she heard her name.

  “Romy? Romy Sasse?”

  She turned to see a tall, handsome man with short brown hair and merry hazel eyes twinkling at her. She gaped at him. “Atlas? Atlas Tigri?”

  “The very one. How are you, small fry?”

  Romy threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Atlas Tigri had been one of her best friends from school but she hadn’t seen him for years. He had been a quiet, studious type, shy until one got to know him, then he showed his whip-smart intelligen
ce and quick-wit. He had been best friends with her sister Artemis’s husband, Dan. Romy studied him now.

  “So, Tigri, what gives? I heard you were living in London.”

  He grinned. “Mostly. But I came home for Christmas this year. Mom is, well, let’s say less spry than she used to be, and so I thought I’d lend a hand. My sister’s kids are a handful. Luckily Mateo’s kid keeps them in line.” Atlas, like Romy, was a twin, but unlike Romy, Atlas’s twin Mateo was his exact copy – tall, broad and drop dead gorgeous.

  “Any kids of your own?”

  “Not yet. I hear you’re married?”

  Romy told him about Blue and Grace. “God, it’s good to see you. Why don’t you come up to the lodge and have drinks with us? We’re here all week.”

  They swapped cell-phone numbers and Atlas promised to call, kissing her cheek. “So good to see you, small fry.”

  She was still smiling as she took her groceries to the check-out. The man behind the counter, his lank black hair unshaped and too long, smiled at her. “And how are you this morning?”

  Romy gave him a polite smile. “Good, thanks. Just these please.”

  She was digging around for her wallet when she realized he was staring at her. Uncomfortable, she glanced at the register. “What do I owe you?”

  “Seventeen-fifty-three…and maybe your cell-phone number?”

  Oh, lord. She tried not to pull a face. “Ah. Sorry.” She waved her wedding ring finger. “Very, very married.”


  Annoying creep. “Not for me. Thanks.” She went to pick up the brown paper bag, then recoiled, as he placed a very cold, sweaty hand on hers.

  “Don’t be so hasty. You gave your cell number to that man – why can’t I have it?”

  Was he for real? Pulling her hand away sharply, Romy glanced around the store and realized they were alone. “Look, you’re being completely inappropriate. I don’t want to ask for your manager, but I will.”


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