The Naughty One

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The Naughty One Page 38

by Michelle Love

  “So this will do then?” he asks and scoops me up suddenly.

  My arms go around his neck, and his chiseled chest and abs are hard against my ribs. Over to the bed he seems to be taking me. My heart starts to pound as I know what he’s about to do.

  Gently, he lies me on top of the soft mattress. His fingers take the buttons of my shirt and undo them. He pushes the shirt back and runs his hands over my pink, lacey bra. “I get to feel these all the time now.”

  I smile. “Until this little monster you created comes out, then they belong to him or her.”

  “Well, for now they’re mine.” He runs his hands behind my back and unhooks the bra and pulls me up to take the shirt and bra all the way off.

  I take the buttons of his shirt and undo them so I can see his perfect chest. My hands roam over his tight muscles and I let out a groan without realizing it. His hand moves over mine and it draws my attention to his handsome face.

  “This is so right, Peyton. Never have I felt like something was so meant to be, but you and I, well, I have no doubts.” His eyes glisten and the deep blue seems even darker.

  “That’s so damn good to hear. After the day I’ve had, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded that you have faith in us,” I say and pop the button of his jeans. “You want to drop those and let me play with what they’re hiding.”

  His grin has a devilish quality to it. “I want you to do a hell of a lot more than just play with it.” He drops the jeans and my eyes grow large with how ready he is.

  “Damn it, man.” I take him all in and smile then wiggle my finger. “Come to Mamma.”

  The bed is exactly the right height for me to sit up and him stand right in front of me. Imagine that!

  I run my hands around him and take his tight ass cheeks in each hand and pull him to me. My mouth slides over his erection and his hands tangle up in my hair as he makes a magnificent sound.

  Long, deep strokes I make with my hands. My tongue runs along the underside, pressing against the hard ridge as it goes. The silky smooth skin over the hard as a rock dick makes an interesting combination.

  Lightly, I press his ass harder and take more of him in. A slight gag I make then he slips past and down my throat. I’m elated at how it makes him groan and his hands stop twisting in my hair. He pushes my head to get as much of him in my mouth as possible.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s awesome!” he growls.

  I’m wet and growing hot as he seems more than pleased by what I’m doing to him. Faster I stroke him then his body stiffens and he pulls back. He pushes me back and yanks my skirt and panties off at the same time.

  I wiggle up the bed a bit and he takes my ankles as he climbs on the bed, pushing them up as he makes his way up. My knees are bent and he runs his tongue along my inner thigh and over my hot pussy then devours my clit.

  With a loud moan, I arch up and nearly fall apart with his hot touch. His hands run up and each one grabs a breast. Hard pinches he gives to the nipples. I cry out and squirm with how fantastic it makes me feel.

  His tongue is doing incredible things to my clit and all of a sudden I’m bursting with little electric quakes throughout my body. “Kip! God! Kip!”

  With a swift movement, he runs his tongue down my throbbing pussy and shoves his tongue into me, lapping up all the juices that are flowing with the orgasm. My heart’s pounding and I can barely breathe, then he’s on top of me and slamming his hard cock into my throbbing pussy.

  The air is forced out of my lungs with his hard thrusts. His mouth goes to my neck, and he bites it then moans in my ear. “Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good!”

  The heat from his mouth makes me quiver and I arch up to meet each thrust he makes. Our bodies start to sweat and we slide against each other. His hard pecs move against my breasts, teasing the nipples and sending shooting jolts of complete ecstasy through me.

  My nails dig into his muscled back as my body bursts into a spectacular orgasm. He nails me harder and faster until I’m a quivering mass of pleasure beneath him. Heat explodes inside me as he orgasms and his body goes all tight and rigid. Then it loses all tension and relaxes, leaving his weight on me. A feeling that I’ve come to need.

  Softly I run my hands over his slick with sweat back. He murmurs near my ear. “I love you.”

  I whisper it back to him and run one hand up to his silky hair. After a few moments of reveling in the complete satisfaction, Kip pulls the blanket back and pulls us under it. “Time for a little nap after such a rough day, don’t you think, love?”

  I nod and let him move me around so he can spoon me from behind. His hand cups one breast as he snuggles into my back. “I sure do love these. It’s a damn shame I’m going to have to share them soon.”

  And just like that, we fall asleep.


  Though it is now late November, it’s still not too cold to take Peyton for a stroll down the sandy beach. I took her out for dinner and now we walk hand in hand as the sun begins to melt into the ocean.

  “So, how’d your mother take the news? You never did finish telling me?” I ask her.

  “Well, she’d like us to buy a place there, but I told her there was no way. Your work is out here. She’s a little disappointed. That’s okay though. It’s like I told you, home is where ever you are and you need to be here.”

  I pull her close and put my arm around her shoulder. A little kiss I place on top of her cute little head. “We can get a place there too. After the first of the year we can get started on that. I do think it’s best to stay here until the baby’s born though. No reason to make a move until then. I know your mother will want to be around the baby too.”

  “You know you’re beyond wonderful right?” she asks with a giggle.

  “It never hurts to be reminded,” I chuckle.

  A tall young guy with shoulder length dark blonde curls walks towards the water a little ways ahead of us. A jar in his hand. He opens the lid and a light dust falls out of it, then he reaches in a takes a handful and throws it out over the water. He seems to be saying something as he does it.

  “What do you suppose he’s doing?” Peyton asks.

  “Don’t know.”

  We get nearer to him and hear him say, “I love you, Mom. Here you go, the Pacific, just like you wanted.”

  I duck my head as it’s obvious he’s spreading his mother’s ashes and I’m sure he wants no one to bother him.

  “Oh my! When did she pass?” Peyton asks and makes us stop.

  “Peyton!” I look at her sternly. “I’m sure he wants to be left alone.”

  He turns to us with a smile of all things on his amazingly symmetrical face. His eyes are hazel, a brown and blue hazel and even though he’s doing something most people would find a sad thing to do, his eyes say anything but that.

  “No, that’s okay. I was just sending my mother’s ashes out to sea like she asked me to. I’m Blake Chandler from Lubbock, Texas.” He sticks his hand out for me to shake, but it’s a little dusty with his dead mom on it so I have to really struggle with myself to shake it, but decency overrides my disgust so I go ahead and shake.

  “Kip and this is Peyton, she’s a fellow Texan,” I say and discreetly wipe my hand on my jeans after our handshake.

  “Yeah? Where is it you hail from, Peyton?” he asks.

  “A miniscule town called Smithville. It’s outside of Austin.”

  He smiles. “Been there! They have an outstanding little bar-b-que place there. Me and my parents would eat there every time we went to Austin. Which was once a year. We had our little rituals and finding the best bar-b-que places was one of them. That one beats a lot of them.”

  “So you live here now?” Peyton asks.

  He shakes his head. “Nope, just had to come to the Pacific Ocean to drop Mom off. I traveled to New York first and dropped Dad off in the Atlantic then trekked it across the whole country for Mom.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” I say.

  He laughs. “The long trip or
about them dying? Cause don’t be sorry about that. They went together, just like they always talked about wanting. It was peaceful too. A gas leak in their home took them out, nice and quiet as they slept. I can’t think of a more peaceful way to go, can you?”

  Surprise fills me at his attitude. While kind of healthy it’s extremely odd.

  Peyton smiles. “Good for you. What a nice way to look at it. So back to Lubbock you go then?”

  “Yep. I’m staying tonight and trek it on back to Lubbock in the morning.” He looks out as the sun is disappearing into the water. He makes a little wave with his hand. “See ya on the other side, Mom.”

  “We’ll let you have your moment,” I say. “It was nice meeting you.”

  “Hey, just one quick question if you don’t mind,” he says. “The lottery in California, so what’s it up to?”

  I shake my head. “I have no idea, I don’t play.”

  He smiles and shakes his head. “Neither did I, but my parents did the craziest thing in their will. They left me three thousand dollars, but I have to use every penny of it on the lotteries in every state I pass through in my journey to drop their ashes off on both coasts. I have a hundred left for California.”

  Peyton laughs. “They sound like cool parents.”

  “They were older when they had me. I was their only kid. To say I was spoiled rotten is really an understatement. I think I turned out okay though. No real damage done. Well, I like to play video games more than some, but other than that I turned out pretty normal. Even though they were taken out a little earlier than say old age would’ve taken them, they did live a nice long life. Dad was seventy-one when he died, he was fifty when I was born and Mom was forty-eight when I was born so she was sixty-nine when she kicked it.”

  “Wow, so you’re what, twenty-one then?” I ask.

  He nods. “Yep, just turned legal last month.”

  It’s getting dark pretty quick now so I wrap my arm around Peyton and start to head up to the car. “Got to get her inside before she catches a chill. Nice to meet you, Blake.”

  “Nice to meet you guys too. Take care of each other. And congrats on that baby,” he says as he walks with us back up to the parking area. “It is both you all’s right? Shit! If it ain’t, I apologize.”

  Peyton giggles. “It’s ours. We’re getting married as soon as possible. This is the second proposal this man has given me and I plan to get it done before either of us messes it up.”

  “You two look cute as a bug in a rug, if you don’t mind me saying,” Blake says with a chuckle. “I bet the kid’s gonna be a real cutie.”

  Peyton looks at him. “You have a girl, Blake?”

  He shakes his head. “Not yet. No one girl has tickled my fancy yet.”

  “I assume that’s how we were built, to need another person. It is different,” I say and shudder with a chilly wind.

  Peyton gives my ribs a little jab. “I hope that shudder was for the breeze and not cold feet.”

  I kiss the side of her head. “It was the breeze, baby.”

  We get to the car and wave goodbye to Blake as I open the car door for Peyton and help her in.

  I slip into the driver’s seat. “His story was sweet in a way about how his parents died together. In bed. I wonder if his father got some before he passed on.”

  A sharp blow from Peyton’s small hand hits my shoulder. “Kip! How inappropriate!”

  I shrug. “What? It would be the perfect way to go. A little loving, go to sleep, wake up in Heaven together. What’s so inappropriate about that?”

  She shakes her head as I pull away. “It does make me think about when you die before me. How will I handle that?”

  “Whoa! How come I’m dying first? It could be you. You’re much higher strung than I am. I can see a stroke taking you out. Then what will I do?” I ask as I pull out of the parking lot.

  She shrugs. “You’re older than I am. You’ll definitely go first.”

  “Well, I could make sure we go together. A little gas leak and vavoom! I would definitely get a piece of your action before we kicked it then,” I say and then laugh. Her eyes go wide and she looks at me like I’m actually serious.

  How damn gullible can she be?

  “Kip! That’s a terrible thing to say. What about our kids?”

  I pull onto the freeway to head back to Beverly Hills. “They’ll be grown before I kill us.” I don’t even break a smile.

  “Oh my God!” she says with a huff and crosses her arms. “You are crazy! So when we get old and if you come to bed all randy, I’m always going to be wondering if that’s the time you opened the gas valve and soon will be dead.”

  “That’s right, baby,” I say and see her frown. “You know I’m just kidding right, love?”

  Her eyes soften and she looks at me with relief in her hazel eyes. “Of course I know that.”

  The way the tension leaves her body tells me otherwise though.

  She is beyond precious!


  “The salt is behind you, not anywhere near the fridge. What are you doing way over there?” I ask as Kip is supposed to be handing me the salt but instead he’s pulling a beer from the fridge.

  He pops it open and takes a long drink.

  “Okay! Better! Now, continue bossing me, please.”

  I stop stuffing the turkey and take my hand from its butt. “Salt please.”

  He hands me the salt, finally and kisses the tip of my nose. “So, are they going to meet us in Vegas next week?”

  “Yes, and now that you have kissed my nose, it’s tickling or itching or something. I have turkey ass all over my hands so will you please do me a favor and fix that for me?” I ask as I blow little puffs of air at my nose.

  He takes a napkin and rubs it. “So my kisses itch or tickle, huh? You must be allergic to me then.”

  With a smile, I say, “I’m sure I am. It’s not love that has me going nuts, it’s an allergic reaction.”

  His arms wrap around me from behind and his mouth is hot on my neck and I wiggle to get away. “It’s love, baby. Pure, unadulterated, love.”

  I give him a little jab in the ribs and he pulls away from me fast and shouts, “Ow, fuck!”

  He’s holding his lower right side and his face is turning red. I’m positive I used my left elbow so what the hell is he faking hurt with the wrong side.

  “I used my left elbow, funny man.”

  “No, something’s wrong, Peyton.” He bends over. “Bad wrong.”

  “Are you fucking with me?” I go and wash my hands and see him go sit down.

  He moans loudly and beads of sweat break out on his forehead. “I’m not fucking with you, baby. Something's wrong. Call my Mom.”

  I dry my hands on a dish towel and walk over to him. I touch his forehead and it’s not hot at all. A bit cool really. He groans and his hand hasn’t moved from the place he put it. “Kip, I’ve never even spoken to your mother yet. And you want me to call her and tell her what?”

  “Ask her what to do. There’s something wrong,” he moans.

  His cell is on the counter so I go get it and find his mom’s number and call it as he groans. “Hi, baby,” she answers.

  “Um, this isn’t your baby, this is Peyton, Mrs. Dixon. Kip asked me to call you. He’s clutching his side and moaning in pain.”

  “Hi, Peyton, it’s nice to hear your voice after all this time. Now which side is he clutching?”

  “His right side, kind of low.”

  “Take him to the hospital or call an ambulance please. Then call me back when you know which one he’s going to and his father and I will get there as soon as we can. We’re in Aspen but we can fly there.”

  “Okay, bye.”

  I look at Kip who looks horrible and say, “Looks like we’re spending Thanksgiving at the ER, baby.”

  I put my arm around him and help him up as he says, “I’ve ruined out first holiday.”

  Part 10 Dim Star


  Pain radiates through my right side and I can’t stand up straight. Forgoing an ambulance ride, Peyton drives me to the nearest hospital emergency room. Her hand pats my leg as we go, trying to reassure me all will be well.

  “Don’t worry, babe. You’ll be better in no time,” she says as her lips form a tight line.


  She nods and gives me a quick glance. “Promise. Now don’t talk. Your face becomes paler every time you do that. It must hurt very badly when you talk.”

  I nod and lay my head on the dashboard as I can’t stand to sit upright. The thought runs through my head that in just a few months it will be Peyton who I’ll be taking to the hospital in much the same pain I’m in.

  “How long have you been hurting, Kip? It must’ve been at least a few hours or so.”

  “Three days.” I grit my teeth with the pain the words cause me.

  “Three days? You jackass! Why wouldn’t you say something? Why’d you wait until it hurt so damn bad you have to go to the emergency room? Why couldn’t you just admit you were in pain?”

  My jaw tight, I answer, “I thought I was hurting over you.”

  I turn my head so I can see her face and just like I thought I’d find, she’s frowning, like a whole face frown, no ordinary one. “Damn it, why do we have to both be so stubborn and afraid of our emotions? I have to admit that my stomach has ached as well. I can see why yours would too. We have to promise each other that we’ll both try our hardest to stop being immature assholes.”

  I give her a nod and pull her hand off my leg and leave a kiss on it. “I promise.”

  The lights of the emergency room fill the car as she pulls into the parking lot. “I’m going to get a wheelchair, you stay put.”

  “No worries, mate,” I say then groan.

  She gets out of the car and in less time than I expected she’s got my door open and her hand is on my shoulder. “Lean your weight on me, let me help you.”


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