Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 70

by Sarra Cannon

  I didn’t notice that I’d stopped to watch until Rurik whispered in my ear, “We can sit and enjoy the show if you’d like. I’m really in no hurry to return to that bitch.” His warm breath brushed against my skin.

  “No.” My voice sounded hoarse. The eerie scene made me morbidly curious, like watching at a car wreck. They all seemed to enjoy themselves, but the blood and the bites appalled me. “You said Lizzy wouldn’t kill the boy because she wasn’t allowed. What about them?”

  What about him? We hunted Rurik for just that crime.

  “Killing attracts too much public attention to our kind.” He pressed himself against my back as he quietly spoke into my hair. I watched this intimate moment between predator and prey while I felt his warm breath against the nape of my neck. It gave me a flutter of confusing emotions.

  His firm body along mine aroused me. When he continued his explanation, I almost missed it. “Our governing body has worked very hard over the centuries to make mankind dismiss us.” His hands wandered down my hips, gathered the hem of my dress, and touched my skin. The brush of his fingernails along my thighs caught my breath. “We need to protect our obscurity, even if it is against our nature.”

  “You agree with this?” If he did, maybe Colby had mistaken his target and I could seduce Rurik to keep me for himself instead of passing off as a present. Distract him long enough for my rescue to find me.

  “I don’t have to agree with it, just abide by it. We are predators, Connie. We need the hunt...” He leaned in closer from behind so his lips brushed the base of my neck, running his fangs along my skin. “And the chase.” He continued tasting me until he came close to my ear once more. “We all have our weaknesses, our favorite types of prey. You caught his attention at the hot springs last night and fit his tastes. He won’t be able to resist you.” Rurik took a deep shaky breath and stepped away from me. “It’s why I brought you here.”

  I turned to face him and slid my hands along his chest to his shoulders. If I stood on tippy toe my lips almost touched his. “You could keep me.” It wouldn’t be all bad to let him have me, as long as I could get past the fangs and keep my dress with the tracking device close by.

  His expression changed from a flirtatious playboy, to one of regret. “No, I can’t.” He stared toward the back of the basement then back at me and scratched his chin. “I’ll make you a deal, though. If you do your best to please him, I’ll help you survive the night.”

  My heart skipped a beat and I plunked back onto my heels. “How?”

  “I’ll watch over you.”

  “You won’t dump me for Lizzy first chance you get?”

  His cold stare told me his opinion of that action.

  I got the impression Rurik didn’t mean a little flirting when he said ‘please him’. “What do I need to do?” How far would I go? I’d like to think I’d keep my dignity but knew I’d dance the can-can, naked in a pool of chocolate syrup, to save my ass.

  “I need him to feed from you. It’s what he’ll want the most.”

  “You’ll make sure he won’t drink me dry?” I hated the insecurity in my voice, the sound of my plea.

  Rurik stroked my cheek. “It’s against our laws and we’re at a public event. He should behave himself. I’ll make an effort to stay close to you and intervene if he starts to harm you.”

  That didn’t comfort me. Fighting was suicidal, nowhere to run, and no one to care about my cries for help. It came down to placing myself on the menu while I waited for my rescue by Colby. Damn, I was screwed.

  I prayed the tracking signal could penetrate these stone walls. What was taking them so long? Could they even take on this many vampires? We usually ambushed one at a time, not a truckload.

  The display of sensuous feasting next to us quieted. Rurik took my hand, then led us toward the music and my fate.

  We reached a gathering of tall muscled vampires, more a gang of thugs in comparison to the refined guards who followed Rurik. My heart raced as some of them assessed me. Their eyes roved over my body, one of them touched my hair as I squeezed by him.

  They laughed as I scurried away from him and almost ran Rurik over.

  He looked over his shoulder and frowned. “Easy, Rabbit.”

  I rubbed my sweaty palms on my dress.

  “Is that really her name?” Touchy-feely pointed at me. “We haven’t done much but arm wrestle tonight. Maybe we can have a little game of chase?”

  “I provided you with other sport for this evening, gentlemen. This one’s for...”

  “Rurik.” A soft, commanding voice interrupted him. The group parted as someone approached. “It’s about time you joined us.”

  My legs became rubbery as Rurik brought me to him.

  “Master.” Rurik bent down to one knee, offering up my hand. “I’ve brought you a gift.”

  Chapter 3

  “A gift? Why Rurik, you shouldn’t have.” The master’s soft voice cut through all the background noise. His aura and presence made people hush to hear him speak.

  He moved in closer and loomed over me. My eyes only came up to his massive chest, a buttoned up black leather vest barely contained it. His pale skin looked translucent, like it hadn’t seen the sun in a very, very long time. A black tribal tattoo wrapped around his bald head, down his neck, and disappeared under the vest. Misshapen pointed ears sported a set of gold loop earrings.

  I glanced into his black soulless eyes. Where Rurik made me think all kinds of naughty things, his master made me think all kinds of dreadful things. Most vampires could pass for human with some effort. Not him. I doubted he could ever blend in.

  “I’ve never been courted by a man, Rurik. Then again, times have changed.”

  The surrounding vampires laughed.

  Rurik’s eyes narrowed but a slick politician’s smile camouflaged his face. He gave a little laugh and nod but I stood close enough to hear him grind his teeth.

  His master signaled for him to stand up. “Of all my Lords, you’re the last I expected to offer such a gift.”

  “I know my duties, Master Dragos. If you don’t like her then Mistress Elizabeth has asked for her.”

  I twisted and stared daggers at him. Even I understood Lizzy’s relationship with this vampire was on the rocks. Why bring her up and piss him off?

  Dragos frowned.

  Then I realized Rurik’s intention. Dragos probably wouldn’t give me to Lizzy now that he knew she’d asked for me. Such a clever, devious vampire my quarry showed himself to be.

  Rurik held himself with confidence against these hardened men. Where he was refined and sleek, they were coarse and frightening, like a panther confronting a pack of wolves. Yet they were both predators.

  Then it dawned on me that Rurik had called Dragos, Master. I didn’t know a city’s lord could have a master. I’d been taught the cities were independent of each other, like little vampire countries. Unless this Master just took over Budapest. But that couldn’t be it. Rurik still wore the ring. When he spoke of a governing body earlier I thought he meant just Budapest.

  What a horrifying theory. Colby really needed this information but my own incompetence had me trapped. It irked me to be so dependent on their rescue. I’d been in an emotional coma for the past year and never cared to accept Colby’s offer to help me master some combat moves. In hindsight, it seemed somewhat suicidal, considering my job description. This experience defibrillated me of my indifference—I wanted to live.

  Dragos paced around me. His eyes travelled up my legs, over my hips, and hesitated at my breasts, before glancing at my face. He examined me like a mare. He stepped close to touch my skin, my curls, then brought his face down to smell them.

  “Lavender.” His comment sent a jolt of surprise through me. It was my favorite scent to wear. He entwined his fingers with mine and drew me closer.

  Rurik held me tight for a moment before he let me go. “Her name is Rabbit.” He observed the surrounding men and I followed his gaze. Some were longhaire
d, some short, some bulky, some lean—they all looked like fighters. Among all this brawn, I felt very small and fragile, but I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing it.

  I ignored a quiver in my chest. There would be no crying, maybe some screaming, definitely no crying. I’d done all the crying I was ever going to do in the past year.

  Creatures such as vampires liked to hunt the frail and weak. They probably smelled my fear. I couldn’t help being frail but I’d make them think twice before they thought I was weak.

  Movement behind Master Dragos caught my attention. Someone else came up to inspect me. He resembled Dragos more than the others with his bald head and very pale skin. He also had pointed ears and bore a similar tattoo on his neck that extended down under his torn red t-shirt. He and Dragos seemed more monster than men.

  Dragos didn’t even turn to see who approached. “What do you think, Tane?”

  “I think slick and sneaky Rurik plays at politics too much of late, and forgets to tend to his own.” He looked from me back to Dragos. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, Master.”

  “We’ve come to Budapest to make peace, Tane. To settle our differences.” He glanced at Rurik. “I like her and I accept your gracious gift.” He pressed me against his broad chest then stroked my hair. His finger entwined in my curls and he gently pulled my head back to examine my face. The pounding of my heart deafened me. It thumped hard against my ribcage in response to his cold touch. Long, sharp nails scraped my scalp as his fist tightened.

  I usually dealt with small time vampires, like rogues or gang members, nothing at this level of power. It was like a rookie cop dealing with the mob boss.

  I was speechless—I didn’t know what to say to my worst nightmare. ‘Please don’t eat me, ‘ came to mind.

  He smiled then said something in what sounded like Hungarian.

  I tried to shake my head. “English?”

  His eyes widened. “American? I assumed you were Hungarian all this time.” He looked at Rurik. “I wondered why you spoke in English.”

  Tane stepped up quickly and whispered to the master. “She’s heard too much, she should be destroyed. Feed from her and be done with it.”

  I tensed reflexively when I overheard. Struggling was useless, it was like going against Superman, but I couldn’t stop my reaction.

  Dragos shushed me by placing a finger across my lips and released my hair. He twisted to face Tane. “You’re scaring my pet. When did you start fearing ... rabbits?”

  Tane bowed his head and stepped away.

  His smile grew into a grin. Sharp fangs glistened in the pale light as he returned to me. “I remember you from the hot springs on Margaret Island last night. Your presence is hard to forget.” The Master cocked his head. “You’re far from home.”

  No shit. I clenched my hands into fists, digging my nails into my palms. The pain drove back the sob that waited in my throat. “I’m on vacation.” I still felt lightheaded from whatever Rurik put in my drink but it could be from fear as well.

  “Budapest in spring is quite lovely. Are you enjoying yourself?”

  The surreal conversation made my head spin more. “I wanted more adventure in my life.”

  “I think you’ve found it.” He traced the edge of my dress ‘ neckline. The smooth, icy sensation of his fingertips as they ran along my bosom reminded me of marble. It made me squirm with unease.

  “Do you know how to dance, Rabbit?”

  “A little.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, I could move to a beat. Rhythm lived in my bones but nothing trained or classical.

  He released his hold on me and gripped my hand to lead me away from my so-called ‘protection’.

  I looked back at Rurik and he watched us with a scowl. Slick bastard turned the table on me so effortlessly—I’d gone from being bait, to being trapped. I wasn’t the only one giving him the eye, Tane stood to the side observing him as well. I understood completely. Rurik was a clever, devious, jerk who better keep his end of the bargain and protect me. What could I possibly do if he didn’t? Sue him?

  We continued moving further away from the entrance. The crowd parted and kept their eyes on us as we moved. Tension filled the air as we passed Rurik’s people. I could see fear in their eyes. They weren’t alone. It was probably visible in mine, too.

  We didn’t go far before we reached the end of the basement. The dance area wasn’t much, just a cleared section of the cement floor. Three women danced together. They left when they saw us approach.

  Dragos left me at the edge of the dance floor as he addressed the gathering audience.

  “Our gracious host, your Lord Rurik, has offered us a gift.” He gestured to me. “We will entertain him with a dance in gratitude.” Applause and whistles followed this announcement.

  This announcement hit me like a truck. I stepped back, my pulse pounded in my ears as my hands began to sweat. Not for the reasons you’d think. Not because vampires surrounded me, or I’d been given to the scary Master of the Lord of Budapest. No, I was about to be made to dance in front of all of them. When I danced on a crowded floor surrounded by other people, I could move to the rhythm as I wanted, and no one watched. Dragos and I had this floor all to ourselves.

  I felt a hand support my elbow. Rurik stood next to me, a concerned look on his face. He’d followed us. A small surge of pleasure surprised me at his keeping his promise. Now I needed to keep mine and be a midnight snack.

  My hand clasped at his. “I-I can’t do this.”

  He smiled at me. “Do what?” He knew what, he just wanted to torture me.

  “Dance in front of all these people,” I hissed back.

  “You see us as people? That’s a good beginning, Rabbit.”

  “What?” I was too nervous to follow the sharp twist in the conversation.

  “Most humans would have said monsters, not people.”

  Here I was in the throes of massive stage fright and I had Dr. Phil analyzing me. Who cared? People, monsters—they all had eyes pointed at me.

  He chuckled. “You are entertaining.” He lifted my chin to look into my eyes. “I can help by influencing your mind, like outside in the alley.” His smile softened. “I swore to protect you if I could, but let him feed if he wants. This will make him happy. He likes to show off, especially in front of my people, so don’t struggle. It excites him too much and he will hurt you more than necessary. Are you willing to keep your end of the bargain?”

  I didn’t see that coming. I took a shaky breath. “How much influencing are we talking about?” It would be nice to keep something in my head intact. No one knew the side effects of multiple mind invasions.

  “Just a little, enough to get you through the dance,” he whispered back.

  “Okay.” I wanted to get it over with before my anxiety consumed me. I expected something like earlier, a warm wave that made me feel carefree, but he changed it. Just a trickle of warmth flushed through me. My anxiety fled and was replaced by self-assurance.

  I could do this—the dance we were going to perform was easy.

  Dragos removed his vest and left it on the floor. The strong line of his back extended down to a slim waist. He filled his form fitting leather pants, leaving little to the imagination.

  A local song I’d heard over and over in the bars thumped from the speakers.

  I strutted out to Dragos.

  “Are you ready, my little rabbit?” He placed one of my hands on his shoulder and we began a simple fast waltz. The tension in my arms and legs eased as he moved us around the dance floor. I flowed with the movement as he led us faster and faster with the music. My curls began to whip around my face with each quick turn. I knew where he wanted me to step as he spun us around and around, until I could only focus on him. He was power and control. Being in the center of it with him was as sweet and deadly as Rurik’s fruit juice ambrosia.

  He suddenly stopped to twirl me on my toes.

  My breath caught as I wound down around his leg and rested
on the floor by his feet. It must have looked great since everyone erupted in applause.

  Rurik stood across from us. He clapped and laughed with the others but when his gaze met mine, I saw the amusement didn’t reach his eyes.

  Dragos lifted me to my feet and startled a little cry from me. He placed my hands on the solid expanse of his chest, while he put his own hands behind his back. He pushed me back across the dance floor, shifting us around with unnatural grace for a man his size.

  We came to the edge of the crowd. He wrapped his arms around me and we started our waltz once more. This time he had us bending our torsos together with the spin. My back arched and pressed us together as he supported my weight with his hands. When had I become so flexible? I laughed out loud. I’d always wanted to be able to dance like this and given the situation, it was hilarious.

  He grinned, exposing all his teeth. We slowed down to a stop in each other’s arms. Then he bent me back slowly into a deep, deep dip that made my knees bend with the arching of my back.

  He ran the tip of his tongue from my low neckline between my breasts up slowly to the hollow of my neck. Alarms and gongs clanged in my head. My stomach churned at his touch.

  I was in deep shit.

  He nipped gently at the sensitive skin along my collarbone and pressed me against him as his mouth found the pulse point on my neck.

  I tensed with expectation. This was it. My first bite and I hoped I survived.

  He suddenly dropped me on my head. It exploded with pain and stars danced before my eyes.

  The next thing I knew Rurik knelt by my shoulders and guided me to stand. Dragos was gone and people turned to the entrance of the basement in alarm. Rurik shoved me behind his back and I wobbled on loose knees, so he kept one of his hands around my waist to help my balance.

  There were cries of dismay and Dragos men mobilized as his voice barked orders. That’s when I saw the first UV light grenade go off.


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