Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 116

by Sarra Cannon


  Call of the Dragon

  Élianne Adams

  Heat rating: Steamy

  Paranormal Romance

  Rhia Atkinson is a woman on the run. The same vicious creatures that killed her mother are on the hunt, and she’s the prey. She’d come to terms with her solitary existence until Drake came along, igniting her dreams of family and belonging. Traditions as old as time stand in her way as she tries to convince Drake that he’s her choice for a mate. With the enemy breathing down her neck, she has to figure out how to make it work before she ends up joined to a stranger, or worse, dead.

  Drake Sperwell has spent years searching for one woman, the Queen of Avalore. Time is running out. With the survival of their species hanging in the balance, failure is not an option. What he didn’t count on was his reaction to the woman. Or his dragon’s need to claim her as its mate. Denying their chemistry might just kill him, but she’s off limits. Her destiny lies with her true mate in Avalore.


  Angelique woke from a deep sleep with tears streaming down her cheeks, dampening her pillow. Dread, heavy and uncompromising, crushed her chest and she couldn’t catch her breath. Only the sound of her slumbering mate’s soft snores broke the silence. Soon—too soon—she would leave them all behind. Her sons, so full of wonder and life, would have to find their way in this world without her.

  Slipping from beneath the covers, she stood on wobbly legs, then padded around the bed toward the door, one hand wiping at the dampness on her face, the other cradling her rounded belly.

  “Where are you going? Are you well, sweetheart?” William, still drowsy from sleep sat up and reached for her as she scooted past.

  Her throat constricted and for the hundredth time in recent past, she considered telling him of what was to come, but once again, she shoved the notion aside. Knowing what loomed ahead wouldn’t alter fate. The Goddess above knew how hard she, herself had tried. He needed to be strong to survive the coming years. The children would need him so much.

  Taking a slow breath, she forced a smile to her face and turned to him. “I am well, darling. Sleep now. I suspect our daughter has differing ideas about when it is time to rest. I shall return soon.”

  His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she thought he might not relent, but then with a sigh, he let go of her hand, and brought his lips near her belly. “Be the sweet girl I know you to be and let your mother sleep. She desperately needs it.” With that, the baby kicked, making her father laugh. Leaning closer, he kissed the spot, before rubbing it with his palm.

  “I’ll not be long, and there is no point in both of us being awake.” She leaned down, pressing her lips to his, relishing the intimate spark of energy each time they touched. “Sweet dreams, my love.”

  His questioning energy reached for her even as she retreated, but she didn’t dare turn back for fear of breaking down and confessing all. The lump in her throat grew with every step that took her farther from him. Wrapping her robe around herself, she padded into the nursery.

  Evan slept in the bed closest to the door. As soon as he had been old enough to sleep in his big-boy bed, he’d taken on the role of protector. “If anyone comes in the night, I shall protect Markus, Mama,” he had told her. Of course, two more boys had come since then, but still he held his nightly vigil. She stroked his soft brown hair, leaned down and kissed his downy cheek.

  Markus was in the next bed, one leg dangling off the side. With his face buried in his blankets, she couldn’t see the sweetness hiding beneath. She was half-tempted to pull the covers down, but dared not disturb him. Placing his leg back where it belonged, she pressed her fingers to her lips, then touched his little hand, infusing as much love as she could in the gentle touch.

  Crossing over to the cribs along the far wall, she wasn’t surprised to find both Aiken and Richard in one crib. She had yet to catch them, but one of the two older boys had already mastered energy manipulation and had started helping their baby brothers find comfort by putting them in the same crib. Richard’s big green eyes blinked up at her, and her breath caught in her throat. His smile brought fresh tears to her eyes, but she blinked them back. He brought his chubby arms up, and with his cherub face gleaming up at her, she couldn’t deny his silent request. Taking him to the rocking chair, she hummed softly as she often did. Squirming and fussing, he let out a small whimper before sticking his thumb in his mouth. She continued to rock and hum long after he drifted back to sleep, unwilling to let him go just yet.

  She held him as tightly as she dared, pressing soft kisses to the top of his head before settling him next to his brother once more. As soon as Richard was next to him again, Aiken curled his longer frame protectively around him.

  She couldn’t tell how long she remained admiring her sons and wishing things could be different, but nothing she had thought of in the past months had changed what her visions had shown her, and with the imminent birth of their daughter, the time was coming. She wasn’t ready. She didn’t want to leave them alone to face the years of darkness but destiny had other plans.

  Ignoring the dull ache at the base of her spine, she wandered through the castle, infusing her light into anything and everything. It would never be enough to last the long years ahead, but maybe, if she infused enough of her essence in this world, it would ease their transition once she was gone. She found herself in the library, surrounded by William’s most prized possessions—his books. She slid her fingers over the spines of those he read most often, sending all her love and strength into them.

  How often had they sat, with him in his chair and her in the one next to his, as they both read? Or William reading a story to the boys while they gazed adoringly up at their father? Picking up the latest one, she sat in his favorite chair and held it tight to her chest.

  For the Love of a Princess. Such a fitting fairy tale. She opened the book and read, though she knew the words by heart. What would you do for the love of a princess? Would you gather all the riches, in all of the land, to lay at her feet? Angelique’s eyes blurred as she rubbed small circles on her belly. No, she has riches and needs no more. She turned the page, not seeing the words. Would you sing her a lullaby and send her to sleep?

  A sharp pang tightened her stomach, taking her breath. Closing the book, she set it on the table next to her. Rubbing her belly once more, she closed her eyes, sending her own energy seeking within herself. She had established the mind link to her daughter weeks before but it had been too early to communicate with anything but love and assurance, but she had to try again now.

  “Sweet Rhiannon, I fear the time is near. You are so young, yet your energy shines so bright already.” She sent the soft words into her child’s mind, and smiled when the babe ceased all movement. “You hear me, don’t you, sweetheart?”

  Another deep squeeze of her abdominal muscles had her gripping the armrests and breathing deeply until it subsided.

  “It is time. Know that I would stay with you if I could. More than anything, it is my deepest desire, but it is not to be.” She couldn’t keep her choked sob from slipping past the lump in her throat and from her lips. The infant kicked, and her energy darkened within Angelique’s womb. “You will face many trials, and many hardships, but you are strong, and you will prevail. I know the woman you will be. Be brave, my littlest darling, be patient, your time to shine will come. I will send my most trusted guardian with you. She will love you as her own and protect you as no other.” Angelique swiped at the hot tears streaming down her cheeks, but it was no use, they would not stop.

  It wasn’t fair. She’d never know her own daughter. She would not see her boys grow, or find their own mates. The boys would have to rely on memories to feel her love. Richard was so little, he wouldn’t remember her at all. And William, her poor William, he would suffer so much. They were supposed to live in this life together and then find their way to the next when the time came. She wasn’t supposed to abandon him in this one
where he would know nothing but pain and devastation. He would survive her leaving this world, but only out of sheer will not to leave the children to mourn them both. If only she could save him the agony, she would, no matter the cost—but she couldn’t. Covering her face, she finally allowed the great wracking sobs choking her to break free. Pain consumed her, shredding her soul, leaving it to bleed.

  “If there is anything I can do, anything at all that will stop this from happening, please, I’m begging, show me now before it is too late.” She whispered the words, hoping this time clarity would come and show her what to do, but like all the other times before, nothing changed.

  Only once her sniffles slowed and the violent shudders calmed, did she resume speaking to the little bundle resting safe in her belly. “The story I was reading, about the princess… all she needs is love. Nothing else matters. Know, precious Rhiannon, that my love for you knows no bounds. Your father and brothers will never stop looking. They will never give up. You will return. You will come home.”

  A sour taste coated her tongue, making her gag as the next contraction began. Standing on shaking legs she hurried out the gardens as fast as her rounded body would allow.

  “Mariella, I am in need of your assistance. I travel to the edge of the city, meet me in my husband’s ancestral home.” She had prepared the place for her to bring her child into the world weeks before, and was glad of the forethought now.

  “Angelique, you need rest. Traipsing around Avalore at this time is unusual to say the least.” Mariella paused but then continued, “of course, I shall meet you.”

  Not a soul had entered the cozy home since she had last been. Breathing a sigh of relief, she made her way to the bed. The old sheets were laid out, just as she had left them, ready to be disposed of. By the time she had settled in a comfortable position, her friend’s concerned voice drifted from the doorway.

  “Ange, what in Goddesses name are you doing? You should be at the castle, resting.” Mariella hurried to her side, placing her hand on Angelique’s heated forehead.

  “Rhiannon, she’s coming,” Angelique panted. “I need for you to listen and promise me that you will do everything that I ask of you. Everything.”

  “You’re frightening me. What’s wrong?”

  “Just promise me, you must, under no circumstance deviate from what I’m about to tell you. As First Lady of Counsel, I need you to do this. No, as my friend, I ask, please, promise me you will.” She grunted as another contraction, stronger than any she had ever experienced with any of her sons sent pain searing through her belly.

  “Of course, anything. Let me summon William-”

  “No, he cannot know of this. Listen to me carefully. When Rhiannon is born, you will take her and you will run. As far and as fast as you can. I have supplies ready for you. Cross the Avalorian borders and do not stop until you find a safe place for the two of you.” She reached for the small package on the bedside table, pulling two lockets from a pouch. “Clasp one around your neck. Never take it off. The other is for Rhiannon. The talisman will protect you.” She held it out for her friend to take.

  “I… but… I do not understand. You wish us to leave Avalore? Why?” Mariella tried to fasten the chain in place, but her fingers shook so violently, she couldn’t manage the delicate clasp.

  “Come close and turn.” Angelique fastened it, and was amazed at the instant dimming of her friend’s energy. When Mariella turned again, her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open.

  Her stomach contracted again, and she grasped her friend’s hand. “Remember your promise. You will speak to no one. As soon as the child is born, you will take her and leave. You promised you would.”

  Mariella nodded, her eyes brimming with tears, but there was no time for further questions as the contractions came stronger and stronger.

  Chapter 1

  Memories, dark and excruciating, weighed heavily on Rhia’s soul. Her feet dragged as though wearing boots lined with lead as she plodded her way home. The distance stretched like miles instead of a few short blocks.

  Had it only been four years since her mother’s death? Some days the nightmare was so fresh she could still smell the heady scent of her blood, while other days, it was as though she’d been on her own forever. Alone in a world that didn’t understand her. One that rejected things they couldn’t comprehend.

  She’d witnessed firsthand how unforgiving people could be when faced with the unknown, and who could blame them? She herself didn’t understand the things she did. Her gifts, as her mother had called them, weren’t much of a blessing. She had to keep them hidden otherwise they would come.

  Being different was more dangerous than people thought.

  The only person who’d ever accepted her was gone. The brutal and vicious way in which she’d died tainted even the sweetest memories.

  Rhia’s abilities didn’t matter. She seldom used them. They just weren’t worth the headache. Only when someone was in desperate need, and no one else was around, did she even dare try.

  Leaving the Angels of Grace Hospice tonight had been tough. Her time spent at the hospice, sitting with people in their final hours, holding their hands, giving comfort when they’d otherwise be alone, was done.

  Some might find sitting with a stranger just waiting for them to die a bit morbid, but the satisfaction she got from being there for someone who, like her, had no one else gave her a sense of purpose. It had been a long time since she’d had a place to belong, a place where she’d mattered, but she couldn’t stay. The next time they called for her to come sit with a patient she would be gone. She had delayed the inevitable for far too long already.

  A wave of dark energy slammed into her, making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

  Damn it.

  The closer she got to her apartment, the thicker the malevolence became.

  Shoulders drooping, she groaned. She didn’t have to see it to know what would be waiting for her when she got home. They had found her again.

  She’d used her gifts tonight at the hospice, and she’d have to pay the price. The overwhelming fatigue, a side effect of her gift, was bad enough, but sometimes, the repercussions were far worse.

  The power she drew from to heal attracted the dark beings, creatures most people didn’t even know existed. Ones she wished she could forget.

  The lone streetlamp cast eerie shadows that moved along the dingy rows of apartment buildings. It flickered, making a strange clicking sound that sent shivers racing down her spine.

  An uncomfortable pang in the pit of her stomach had bile rising in her throat, leaving a sour metallic taste in her mouth. Oh yes, they’d found her.

  Her body ached, and her heart squeezed in her chest. She was so tired even her spirit quivered. Forcing her mind into a blank slate, she focused on the task before her. Like it or not, she would have to face them, so she might as well be ready. Indulging in a pity party wouldn’t help her or the poor sap caught in the creature’s torture.

  Even at a distance, the creature’s power resonated in the air around her. Being strong and quick on her feet only got her so far in this kind of battle. It wouldn’t give up its victim without a fight, and she was already drained, but she’d be damned if she’d just let it win.

  Crouched by the crumbling steps of her apartment building, it waited for her. It hadn’t spotted her yet, but it was just a matter of time. Little wafts of white steam rose from its body, giving it a sinister glow in the flickering light as it clenched and unclenched its big, meaty fists.

  Only the strongest of the beasts could sustain their own forms. Her heart sank. The ratty old coat her neighbor always wore lay in a shredded heap at the base of the steps. Most of the time, she could get rid of the dark one without the host coming to any harm, and for John’s sake, she hoped that would be the case tonight. When she couldn’t, she had to deal with the crazed shell of the human left behind.

  Kicking a pebble, she sent it skittering down the sidewalk towa
rds the freakish animal, making it turn its monstrous head in her direction. Its dark, soulless eyes bore into her, recognition flashing across its ugly features.

  “Does Emma know you’re out here this late at night, John?” She tried to reassure him, hoping that the beast hadn’t gone too far, and he could still hear her.

  Shifting her weight to the balls of her feet, she readied to spring into action.

  She tried to lure the beast with the soft chants she’d sung with her mother as a child. The foreign words didn’t mean a thing to her, and for all she knew it was gibberish, but she used them just the same, if only to make her feel better.

  Its upper lip curled back, exposing its sharp, yellowed teeth as it threw its mangy head back and roared.

  God, how she hated the creatures. Drawing in a sharp breath, she stood her ground. If she didn’t fight for him, John would be dead within minutes.

  Feet apart and body angled to provide the smallest target possible, she waited, gathering energy around her.

  Its dark obsidian eyes never wavered as it stood to come at her, and low, wicked growls escaped with each breath it took.

  The blood drained from her head as her heart began to race. She’d fought the beasts before, but who could get used to something like that?

  Standing at least seven feet tall, with wide shoulders, it made her quake in her boots. Muscles bulged on its hairy arms as it flexed and released its fists. Blade-like claws tipped each finger, each one a lethal weapon she had to keep in her sights. Matted, foul smelling brown fur covered it from head to toe.

  It snarled again, exposing its razor-sharp teeth and red, bleeding gums. Hatred and determination glittered in its eyes.

  “Come to me, evil one. I’ll help you find the right path. The rest you deserve is within your grasp. Your time here is done and you’re tired of this fight. Come, find peace.” Rhia’s voice swelled as she stepped closer.


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