Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 121

by Sarra Cannon

  “She cannot return to Avalore. They are weak. The darkness haunts every waking moment and terrorizes their very dreams. We cannot fail. Not now when we are so close.”

  The raspy voice grated on Drake’s nerves. He shuddered, raising goose bumps on his skin.

  “We will not be defeated. It has taken us over three decades to get here.” The beast shook its fist in the air, inciting the others into frenzied roars. “Now that she has been found, they will fight hard to keep her. They are frantic, but we are strong. We will prevail.” The beast struck its chest several times with a closed fist, sending small clouds of dust out of its fur with every thump.

  One of the beasts in the circle snorted.

  “You have something to say, Bratan?” Its lip curled, his beady eyes trained on the offender.

  Bratan clenched and unclenched his fists. “You want to know what I have to say?” A deep guttural sound vibrated through the air. “Had you not lost her to begin with, we would not have to hunt her now, oh mighty warrior.” He addressed the others with a snarl. “I wonder where his allegiance truly lies.”

  Windows on nearby buildings shook as a loud, savage roar ripped through the alley. “You dare question me? You, barely off of your mother’s teat, dare to challenge me?” Energy sizzled all around them. “Have you any idea who I am, you impudent little shit?” His words met stunned silence. “I am Radox, son of Barthenon—a warrior the likes of which you will never be.” He puffed his chest out further. “You seek death? If you wanted to end your pathetic existence, mongrel, you had only to ask.”

  “We should have taken their lands and had their women serving us by now. We should have been freed long ago.” Another male piped in. “Your incompetence shames not only you, but your father as well.”

  Power flooded the alley like a dark storm cloud racing to the beast as it reared its ugly head back and roared to the heavens.

  Scrambling his energy, Drake distorted his image, then grunted aloud before stumbling from behind the bins. Grabbing a rusted piece of pipe from the ground, he made his presence known.

  “Hey, buddy.” His insolent call drew the beast’s attention. “Yeah, I’m talking to you.” He sneered at the beast. His white knuckled grip on the pipe tightened as he strutted toward the group. Striking the piece of lead into his left hand several times, he braced himself as the beast sized him up. “This is my alley, and if you want to play here, you gotta pay.”

  “Come talk to me then, buddy. What is your price?” Radox snorted.

  A human wouldn’t stand a chance against the swift and brutal psychic pull. Drake doubled over as though pain sliced through him. He wasn’t so strongly affected, but the beast didn’t know it was no human they were trying to possess. Not yet, anyway.

  He made his energy shimmy and shake, as though the creature attempting to take over his body had succeeded. “Radox.” Drake roughened his voice, giving it a gravelly tone.

  Satisfied another of its pack had joined them, Radox sneered, turning his attention toward the two insubordinates once more. “I was about to teach Bratan and his bitch a lesson when your host came along and invited you to join us.”

  “I’m not the one who needs a lesson, Radox. You need to learn how to defeat a puny little female and I’m more than willing to be the one to teach you.” Bratan growled low, his teeth bared, drool dripping from the sharp, yellowed canines.

  Drake leapt into action before the beasts could engage each other any further. Power blasted from him, hitting the two lesser Erritrols with huge balls of white-hot energy in quick succession, incinerating them on contact. Shock, then fury twisted the Ikabrol’s already ugly features.

  “I-didn’t-want-them-dead-you-fucking-idiot.” The clipped words resonated in the deafening silence.

  He had to act fast. Radox had yet to bring another Ikabrol through, and if he had any say in the matter, it wouldn’t happen at all. He pushed everything from his mind as he blasted two more Erritrols into oblivion. Leaping to the side, he sent his fifth shot sailing through the air, striking the last Erritrol straight in the chest. It howled and gathered energy, lunging towards him even as its body burst into flames, before falling to the ground. It flailed for a moment, unwilling to accept its undeniable fate. Once it succumbed to the lethal blow, and the deafening screams subsided, silence and the smell of burnt flesh and fur hung in the air.

  The Ikabrol threw its head back and howled. Its entire body shook as the last of its comrades fell.

  The lesser warriors Drake had destroyed lacked experience and strength. He’d have had a more difficult time getting rid of them had it been otherwise, but this beast, was much more dangerous. This warrior had trained to withstand just about anything. Luckily, so had he.

  He gathered more energy, adding his own to give it extra power. The white ball, covered in a thin layer of fiery red, sailed through the air, hitting the beast just above its heart. The white light penetrated into its chest, while the red flashed bright for an instant then swelled and detonated like millions of little sparks, taking some of the creature’s power with it as it cleared.

  “Sperwell. I should have known.” Its lip curled. “You will give the woman to me.”

  “I’ll kill you before you get anywhere near her.” His gaze never left the beast as it moved closer.

  “I’m not so easy to kill, dragon, or have you forgotten? I should have ended your sorry existence when I had the chance.”

  “How could I forget? You ran back to your pack with your tail between your legs like a lost puppy.”

  Spittle sprayed from its mouth, dripping down its chin as it roared. It lunged, claws extended, just missing Drake with its massive paw.

  “You can do better.” Goading the creature into recklessness was half the battle. Once enraged, it would react without thinking, leaving itself open to attack.

  Pure red energy sizzled and popped as Drake sent it careening into it the beast, draining its power in another brilliant flash of light.

  The beast stumbled as it grabbed its head in both paws. Blood trickled from its nose. Its massive chest rose and fell as it struggled for breath. It lunged towards him again, sending Drake sprawling onto the filthy alley floor with one powerful swipe of its massive paw.

  Triumph shone in the soulless eyes as the scent of blood wafted in the air.

  Scorching heat shot through Drake where its claws had sliced across his chest. He doubled over, agony rushing to every part of him as poison sped through his system. His breaths came in ragged bursts, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

  Damn it. He refused to go to his next life at the hands of an Ikabrol. He pushed the bile threatening to choke him back down. He couldn’t give up now. He wouldn’t. He needed to get back and protect her, at least until Evan could take over.

  “That’s right, Sperwell, kneel before me like the bitch you are. Beg for your life. Beg just as your mother did before she died. I will show you no more mercy for you than I did her, and once you’re gone, I will find your queen and tear her limb from limb.” The beast puffed its chest, spitting at him.

  A low growl rumbled deep in Drake’s chest as thick phlegm trickled down his cheek. He shoved his fury and pain aside as he shook his head and blinked hard to regain his focus.

  “I will go to the next life, proudly protecting my queen. But one thing is for certain.” He staggered to his feet. “If I go, I will not go alone.” He sent a pale blue ball flying through the air, hitting the beast square in the forehead.

  Its massive head undulated on its neck as it fought for its life. “You are a fool, Sperwell. You cannot hope to win against us.” Its voice was weak as it stumbled forward.

  “You underestimate my loyalty to my queen, and my allegiance to my people.” He was weakening, but he sent what he could into the beast, hitting it one last time in the chest as he stumbled to his knees. He couldn’t be sure if the groan he heard echoing in his head was his or the beast’s, but he suspected it was his own.

beast shimmered, attempting its escape, but it was too late. Smoke rose in wicked tendrils from its body before it erupted into flame, leaving nothing but an acrid pile of ash in its place.

  Darkness swarmed before his eyes, yet he fought to stay awake. No one entered the alley as he lay there on the filthy ground, as though evil still hovered in the air, keeping everyone at bay. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. Whether he laid there for a few minutes or a few hours, he couldn’t tell. Darkness swelled and receded like waves in the ocean. When he was sure he could stay conscious long enough to speak, he took several deep breaths and summoned his commander.

  “What’s happening? I feel your pain from here.” The words screamed into his mind. “Is Rhiannon hurt?”

  “Must you yell? I’ve sustained some injuries, but I’m alright.” The question was, for how long.

  “What’s going on?” Evan’s panic flooded his mind.

  Drake fought a wave of nausea as his stomach lurched. “She’s safe.”

  “What do you mean, she’s safe? Are you not with her?”

  Drake groaned when the words ricocheted in his mind. He didn’t have time for word games. He had to get back before she decided she needed to come looking for him. “I told you, I had to secure safe passage. I had to dispatch the beasts hunting her.”

  “If you need more men, then you ask and I’ll send you more fucking men. You do not leave her side. Do we understand each other? She is your first and only priority.”

  “Yes, sir.” The formal reply would irk Evan more than any argument ever would. He was pissed, but he’d get over it.

  “How long until you get to the portal?”

  “I need you to assist in the transport. I may not be able to escort her back.”

  Pain shot through him as he tried to sit up. His anguished moan resonated in the deserted alley. Nothing mattered though, not the pain, not the poison—nothing but getting back to her.

  “How severe are your injuries?” Concern replaced Evan’s anger.

  “A few minor scratches on my chest. I’ve sustained worse.” Was he trying to reassure himself, or Evan?

  “We’ll be there by morning. Get back to her and don’t leave there until we arrive. That’s an order.”

  Energy poured into him from afar for the second time in less than a day. If he made it through this, he’d never live it down.

  Chapter 6

  Over an hour had gone by since Drake had left Rhia alone in the apartment. One hour and seventeen minutes, to be precise. The glare she shot the clock on the wall should have melted the hands right off its face, yet they continued to move at a ridiculously slow pace. It had to be broken. There was no way it had only been three minutes since the last time she’d checked.

  Pacing did nothing to cool the fear burning a hole in her stomach. She wanted to scream, to rush out there and help him, to do something—anything. What had she been thinking? She shouldn’t have let him go track the beast without her.

  “Not that he gave me much of a choice,” she grumbled as her frown deepened.

  Nervous energy crackled in time with her growing agitation. The impulse to speak to him mind to mind was strong, but she held herself in check. The little scratches she’d suffered the day before were nothing compared to what could happen if one lost focus in a fight. No, she couldn’t risk it.

  Her gaze automatically settled on the clock as she turned and paced towards the window again. Two hours and twenty-two minutes. She stifled her plaintive groan. When had she become so needy anyway? This was insane. Here she was, worrying herself into an ulcer for a man she didn’t even know.

  Dry, caked-on blood and filth from her battle with the Erritrol yesterday still clung to her skin. What she needed was a shower. At least then maybe she’d feel somewhat human again.

  Luxury Home magazines had nothing on the massive bathroom attached to the master bedroom. From wall to wall, beautiful polished marble gleamed. The clear glass shower held four different heads, as well as a rain shower the size of a small coffee table coming from the ceiling. In the far corner of the room, the biggest tub she’d ever seen begged to be used. She could hold a dinner party in the thing.

  The bathroom in her apartment was too small for anything but a tiny shower stall. Even turning in it had been a chore, her elbows and knees banging against the walls if she wasn’t careful enough. Her spirits lifted. A good long soak was exactly what she needed to keep herself busy while she waited.

  She smiled as she grabbed what she needed. He’d said to make herself at home. She just hoped he’d meant it. A capful of creamy liquid was all it took to cover the water’s surface with a thick blanket of bubbles. When was the last time she’d had a bubble bath?

  She wasted no time in getting her Hello Kitty backpack from the sitting room to retrieve the change of clothes she’d packed, placing them on one of the steps leading to the tub before sinking into its heavenly depths. She couldn’t stop her soft sigh as the hot water and bubbles caressed her skin. Yeah, she could get used to this.

  So much had happened in such a short period, her head was spinning. Overall, she thought she’d handled it pretty well. Had Drake not proven he had the same abilities, it might have been harder to swallow. It didn’t hurt that she’d recognized him as the man who haunted her dreams either.

  Her entire body tingled, and goose bumps dotted her flesh as she recalled those nightly visions.

  In the beginning, he’d just sat with her and talked. She’d never remembered their conversations when she’d woken in the morning, but his face, and his eyes, she’d always recalled with clarity. She’d chalked the recurring dreams up to her overactive imagination, at least she had until they’d become more erotic, and then she’d blamed loneliness.

  Truth be told, she’d been almost obsessed. She’d gone to sleep each night hoping to see him in her dreams and had woken each morning aching for his touch. She’d fantasized he was there with her, watching her, his ravenous eyes devouring her as she’d caressed her body to a fevered pitch. Those deep blue eyes had darkened when she’d cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples, turning them into taut peaks, begging for his attention. His breathing had quickened as she’d slipped her hand lower over her belly to the curls between her legs.

  She’d revelled in his body’s reaction to watching her pleasure herself. His hard shaft had strained against the jeans he always wore. Then he would come to her, touch her, make her ache for things she’d never even dreamed of wanting before.

  One hand slid down her stomach beneath the water while the other slid up her wet body to caress and tease her bubble-covered nipples. The tight peaks ached for more than what she could provide. Her fingers slid lower to her throbbing pussy. Her soft moan filled the bathroom as she sank deeper in the tub.

  “Rhiannon, where are you?”

  Drake’s bellow had her sitting bolt upright in the tub, sending water sloshing over the edge and onto the glistening marble floor. Her heart pounded in her chest. Had she been so lost in her fantasy she hadn’t heard him calling? Heat suffused every part of her. The door to the bedroom crashed open, his heavy steps came closer and closer as he tore through the room.

  She’d been living on her own for so long, she hadn’t even considered locking the bathroom door. She stood, sloshing bathwater onto the floor, dousing her clean clothes in the process. She barely had enough time to grab one of the fluffy white towels to hold in front of her as she climbed out of the tub before he rushed in.

  “I’m here. I was taking a bath.” She sent the breathless words into his mind. His eyes were wide and frantic. His chest heaved up and down as if he’d just run a marathon. Neither spoke for a moment as Rhia stood there dripping water and bubbles onto the marble floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you calling.” She spoke softly, wanting to erase the worry from his eyes.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have barged in. When you didn’t respond, I assumed you’d changed your mind and left.” His g
aze dipped lower.

  If the heat coming off them was any indication, her cheeks were so red he could guess what she’d been up to. It was all she could do to keep from groaning.

  “I was enjoying my bath. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

  His eyes shifted to her exposed hip, peeking at him from behind the towel. Bubbles clung to the curve, tickling her skin as they made their way to the floor at her feet.

  A soft groan escaped his lips.

  His skin was pale, too pale. Deep ridges, which weren’t there a few hours ago, were forming around his mouth. Dark shadows under his eyes made him look gaunt. Her heart leapt at the sight of the congealed blood on his torn shirt. “What the hell happened?” Turning away, she wrapped the towel around her body. If he saw anything, he didn’t say, and she didn’t care. “Go sit before you fall.” She walked towards him, giving him no other choice than to retreat to the bedroom.

  “I’m alright, I just need to rest.”

  He didn’t fool her, not for one second. “Yeah, okay tough guy. Take the shirt off. I need to see what it looks like.”

  “I’m fine, I assure you.” He stumbled past her, grabbing the doorframe for support as he made his way to the sitting room.

  She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin as she followed him to the sitting room. “That’s a lie and you know it.”

  Why did men have to be so stubborn? He’d find out in a hurry she had a bit of a stubborn streak of her own.

  “I’ll be able to heal myself in a moment, Queen Rhiannon. I just need to catch my breath and gather some energy.” He sank into the same leather chair he’d used earlier.

  “Rhia. Just Rhia. No more of this queen shit from now on.” Sighing long and loud, she tried again. “Okay, this is how it’s going to go. I’m going into the bedroom to find something other than a towel to wear. You,” she pointed towards his chest, “are going to take your shirt off. If you haven’t done it by the time I get back, I will do it for you.”


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