Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 293

by Sarra Cannon

  — —

  “I love him, Violet, and at this very moment he is probably feeding from and fucking another.” Abigail sighed glumly. She was sitting by the window, staring out into the darkness as Violet sat cross-legged in her basket and watched her closely.

  “He’s feeding from another because I forced him to it by not allowing him to feed from me. And for what reason? I know that I love him, I know that I would want him desperately regardless of whether he was taking my blood.” Abigail ran her fingers through her long, dark hair.

  “I am a fool, little one.”

  Violet gave her a look of sorrow before reaching out and patting her hand gently.

  “I was so determined to prove to him that I wasn’t the same scared, fat, Abby who didn’t need him or anyone else that I’ve driven him away.” She swiped at the tears that were starting to slide down her face.

  “I know he doesn’t love me and that he still loves this Karena woman, but even still – I can’t stop loving him. I can’t –

  The door to the bedroom flew open and Violet dove into the basket as Faren rushed into the room. He was wild-eyed and he gave Abigail a look of panic.

  “Abigail! You must come quickly!”

  “Faren? What is wrong?” Abigail jumped to her feet and crossed the room. “What’s happened? Why are you—”

  “He is dying, Abigail!” Faren hissed. “Move!”

  Adrenaline flooded through her veins and, without another word, she followed Faren. He led her to the common room and she stared horrified at the man lying on the floor. His body was bloodied and burned, and his face had been beaten until it was nearly unrecognizable.

  She fell to her knees beside him and touched his face gently. He made a soft groan of pain and she raised her terrified gaze to Darius. “What have you done?”

  “We needed to be certain he was Joven. You understand.” Darius replied.

  She stared at the silver rod in his hands and at the silver chains scattered around Val’s body. “So you burned him with silver? What kind of monster are you?” She shouted.

  “Oh, come now. No need for such hysterics, my pet. The good news is – he did a remarkable job of convincing us he was Joven. I know of many men who would have admitted to almost anything just to stop the pain. Your master has not faltered in his insistence that he is Joven.

  “Besides, he will be fine.” Darius continued cheerfully. “A bit of your blood and he’ll be right as rain. Go on – let him feed. Unless,” he cocked his head at her, “there is a reason you will not give him your blood?”

  Abigail quickly swept her hair back. She leaned over Val and kissed him lightly on his bruised and swollen mouth.

  “My lord, open your eyes.”

  He didn’t respond and fear shot through her. She shook him roughly and he groaned again. “Look at me, my love!”

  His eyelids fluttered open and he stared wearily at her. “Little dove?”

  “That’s right. You must feed, my love. Go on.” She pressed her throat against his mouth. When he didn’t bite her, she took his hand and squeezed it lightly.

  “Please, I want you to feed from me. Please.” She whispered.

  For a moment there was nothing and then her back arched and she gave a soft cry as Val’s fangs sunk into her neck. He drank greedily and she closed her eyes and squeezed his hand again.

  The smell of burned flesh was receding and her eyes flew open when Val suddenly flipped her on to her back. His flesh and bones were beginning to heal, and he gave her a brief, haunted look before bending his mouth to her neck and drinking again.

  She arched her back, feeling lust and need flowing through her as Val drank deeply. When his hand cupped her breast, she moaned softly and clutched at his waist. Her desire was ebbing away as her body grew weak, and she pushed tiredly at Val’s chest. He growled and pinned her hands down before continuing to drink.

  “Please.” She whispered faintly.

  Val, his pulse pounding in his ears, barely heard her whispered plea. Abigail’s blood was flowing through his veins, it tasted sweeter and thicker than he remembered, and as it healed his body he sucked eagerly at her neck. He wanted to fuck her senseless, he wanted to bury himself in her body until she was screaming his name. He squeezed her breast again and when she didn’t respond, panic fluttered through him. He tore his mouth away from her neck and stared at her face. She was very pale and her eyes were closed, and he bit back his cry of anguish and stroked her face gently.

  “Little dove! Open your eyes!”

  She blinked hazily at him before smiling. “You’re better.” She whispered as her eyes slipped shut again.

  Val rose to his feet. He was nearly vibrating with power from Abigail’s blood and he studied the vampires in the room. He wanted to kill them all, he wanted to rip their heads from their bodies and watch as they burned and –

  “Feeling better, Lord Joven?” Darius inquired.

  Val forced himself to relax. He could not kill all of them and protect Abigail at the same time. She was unconscious on the floor and, ignoring Darius and the others, he lifted her and carried her out of the room.

  Chapter 15

  Abigail stretched and rubbed at her face before opening her eyes. Val’s face was directly above hers and she gave a startled little yelp as her heart jumped in her chest.

  “Jesus, Val!” She muttered as she rubbed at her chest. “Don’t do that.”

  “How do you feel?” He asked anxiously.

  “I’m tired but I’ll be fine. What time is it?”

  “It’s early evening.”

  She blinked at him in surprise. “I slept all day?”


  “Well, shit.” She muttered. It had been her plan to kill the shifters guarding Wesley and Evan this morning and put into motion their rescue. She’d fucked up. Of course, she hadn’t planned on having to save Val’s life last night. She sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed as Val left her side and returned with a tray of food.

  “You must eat, little dove. Eat lots. You need to regain your strength.”

  She needed no urging. She was starving and she ate ravenously as Val sat on the bed beside her. She ate her fill and then covered her mouth with embarrassment when she burped loudly.

  “Sorry.” She flushed as a small smile crossed Val’s face.

  “Drink.” He handed her a large glass of water and she drank all of it obediently.

  Violet hovered beside her and Abby smiled at the pixie. “I’m fine, little one. Just tired.”

  “I’m sorry, little dove. I should not have taken so much from you.” Val said hoarsely.

  “You had no choice.” She said steadily.

  He reached out and stroked her dark hair. “Why did you let me feed from you?”

  “Because you were dying.” She replied calmly. “And because I love you.”

  He gaped at her. “Little dove, you – you do not love me. I am not who you believe me to be and—”

  “I was awake when you and Jaxen were speaking in our room.” She interrupted quietly. “I know exactly who you are and the loss you have suffered.”

  He felt like the breath had been sucked out of him and he knew he looked ridiculous simply staring at her with his mouth wide open, but he couldn’t think of a response.

  She crawled out from under the covers, nestling her body into his and wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed his throat softly and smoothed his hair back before whispering into his ear. “I know you do not love me and never will. I know your heart will always belong to Karena, and I’m sorry that your father took her from you in such a terrible way.”


  She shook her head and kissed his mouth. “No. It’s alright, Val. You care for me deeply, I know that. It’s good enough.”

  She slipped her hand inside his shirt and rubbed his hard chest. “Make love to me, Val. I need you.” She whispered. She kissed his neck again, licking and sucking lightly as she stroked h
is warm skin.

  Val stared blankly at the wall in front of them. He was reeling from her admission of love and he barely felt her gentle touch. His mind kept returning to her words, kept hearing the steady sound of her voice and the look of surety in her gaze when she said she loved him. She loved him. Despite what he was, what he had done, she loved him. He had insulted her, had nearly killed her twice from drinking her blood, and acted like a spoiled, jealous child whenever anyone looked at her, and she still loved him.


  “Yes?” He croaked.

  “Are you okay? Your heart is really pounding.” She traced her fingers over his chest and he captured her hand before bringing it to his lips.

  “Your touch does that to me, little dove.” He whispered.

  She smiled before kissing him lightly on the mouth. “I need you.”

  “I need you too.” He replied. He cupped her breast, stroking her nipple gently with his fingers until it hardened, and she squirmed closer until she was straddling him on the bed.

  “You should rest more.” He muttered but his hand was already slipping beneath her short skirt.

  “I’ll rest after. Oh!” She gasped as Val rubbed her pussy with his warm fingers.

  “Are you sure, my dove?” He groaned. “I do not want—”

  There was a loud knocking on the door and Abby jerked in his arms when it opened and Tavien stepped into the room.

  He eyed them closely. “Forgive me, Lord Joven. I did not mean to interrupt.”

  “You are, so get out.” Val snapped.

  “Of course.” He smiled benignly at him. “But first, a gift from Lord Darius. As an apology for last evening.”

  He reached into the hallway and pulled a young woman into the room. She was short and slender with curly blonde hair that brushed her shoulders and she was dressed similarly to Abby in a tiny skirt and see through top. Her eyes were a light green. They were wide and frightened looking, and Abby could see the shine of tears in them.

  She made a soft moan of terror when Tavien tugged lightly on her curly locks. “Lord Darius asks that you accept his apology and take this slave as a gift.”

  “No.” Val said harshly.

  Tavien frowned at him before rubbing at the birthmark on his cheek. “You would deny your host’s very generous gift? The girl is young and untouched. She has a timid nature and will train easily as your pet.”

  He stroked the woman’s face lightly and when she twitched away from him, he struck her harshly across the face. She cried out and stumbled into the wall as Abby slid from Val’s lap. He caught her by the arm and she gave him an impatient look that he ignored.

  “I have no need for a second pet.” Val said. “Tell Lord Darius I am,” he paused and gave Tavien a sarcastic look, “touched by his eagerness to make amends but that the woman is unnecessary.”

  Tavien shrugged before grabbing the woman’s arm and squeezing it tightly. “Very well. I will inform him of your decision. Come, girl.” He grinned down at her and the woman made another moan of terror at the sight of his fangs. “It seems it will be my bed you warm tonight.”

  “My lord?” Abby stroked Val’s arm in a conciliatory manner. “It would please me greatly if you took the woman.”

  He frowned and she gave him a sweet look. “Please, my lord.”

  He stared silently at her for a moment before nodding. “Very well. We’ll take her.”

  A look of disappointment flickered across Tavien’s face but he dropped the woman’s arm and pushed her further into the room. “Will you be joining us in the common room this evening, Lord Joven?”

  “I have not decided yet.” Val said tersely. “I’m sure Darius will understand why.”

  Tavien gave him a brittle smile before leaving the room. He closed the door firmly behind him and the woman pressed her back against the door and stared with fright at Val.

  “What are you doing, Abigail?” Val asked. “I do not need another pet.”

  “Tavien is cruel. I couldn’t leave her with him.” She scowled at him as he sighed harshly and walked toward the woman still cowering against the door.

  The woman held her hands up, they were shaking badly, and began to cry. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  He sighed and rolled his eyes as Abby pushed past him. She smiled gently at the girl. “It’s alright. No one in this room will hurt you. I promise.”

  The woman stared at the holes in Abigail’s neck as more tears slid down her cheeks. “Please don’t let him bite me.”

  “He won’t.” Abigail soothed. She stepped a little closer and held her arms out. “Come here, honey. You’re safe.”

  With another frightened glance at Val, the girl stepped into Abigail’s embrace and hugged her tightly. She buried her face in Abby’s neck and sobbed quietly.

  “Shh, don’t cry. It’ll be okay.” Abby stroked her hair and rubbed her back as Val rolled his eyes again and stalked over to the fireplace. He sat down and closed his eyes as Abby tugged the girl back gently.

  “What’s your name, honey?”

  “Sara.” The girl whispered.

  “That’s a pretty name. How old are you?”

  “T-twenty.” She stuttered. “Please, don’t let him bite me.”

  Val snorted loudly and, without opening his eyes, said, “The girl is a frightened mouse. She won’t last a week on her own, and once we leave here I am not keeping her. You should have given her to Tavien. At least then she would have a roof over her head and food in her belly.”

  “Enough, my lord.” Abigail said sharply.

  She wiped at the tears on Sara’s face. “Don’t pay any attention to him. His bark is worse than his bite. Trust me.”

  The girl’s face paled even further and Abby groaned loudly. “No, no – it’s just a saying. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that he’s going to bite you. He won’t. Please believe me.”

  She tugged the woman toward the bed and urged her to sit down before sitting next to her. She took her hand and squeezed it gently. “My name is Abigail and that is,” she paused, “Lord Joven.”

  “It – it is nice to meet you.” Sara said timidly. Her eyes kept flickering to Abby’s throat and Abby touched the holes delicately before smiling at her.

  “He feeds from me because I want him to. You do not, so he won’t. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Sara replied softly.

  “Good. Now, do you have any family?”

  “No. I had an older brother but he was killed by Darius’ men when they took our village.” She made a watery gasping sob and Abby rubbed her slender arms.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. I know you are frightened and I know—”

  Sara inhaled sharply as Violet poked her head out from Abby’s hair and stared curiously at her.

  “You – you have a pixie!”

  “Yes. Her name is Violet. She doesn’t speak.” Abby replied.

  Violet, wings fluttering gently, flew to Val and landed on his knee. He didn’t open his eyes and she climbed up his body before pinching his lower lip.

  “Enough, bug.” He growled.

  She pinched his lip again and when he opened his eyes and scowled at her she grinned widely and stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Remind me again why I have not simply squashed you under my thumb?” Val asked.

  She turned and wiggled her ass at him before quickly kissing his lower lip and flying back to Abigail and Sara. She hovered in front of Sara and Abby smiled. “You see? Even the pixie is not afraid of him.”

  Val scowled at Abby. She winked at him as Sara held her hand out hesitantly. After a moment, Violet landed on it and Sara lifted her to her face to study her more closely.

  “Hello, Violet.” She whispered.

  Violet waved at her before leaning forward and sniffing curiously at Sara’s face. She flew from her hand with a sudden whirring of wings and landed on her shoulder before touching the curly blonde hair. She pulled on a strand of her hair, straightening it out and then
grinning delightedly when she released it and it sprang back into a tight curl. She clapped her hands with delight before suddenly diving into Sara’s mass of blonde curls.

  Sara gave a squeak of surprise before giggling softly. “It tickles.”

  Abby grinned. “You get used to it. Are you hungry, Sara?”

  “Yes. They hardly feed us in the slave quarters.” Sara admitted.

  “Then let’s give you something to eat. You are much too thin.” Abigail brought her the tray of food and Sara eyed it hungrily.

  “Eat, honey. There’s plenty.” Abigail urged.

  As Sara began to eat, Abby smiled happily at Val. He shook his head in mock disappointment and closed his eyes again.

  — —

  “Well, she’s a pretty little thing.” Faren examined the sleeping Sara closely. “If you don’t want her, Val, I’ll take her.”

  “She’s a human being, Faren.” Abigail snapped at him. “Not some dog that you can just pass from one owner to another.”

  “Alright, alright.” Faren stepped away from the bed. “I was just offering.”

  He gave Val a scrutinizing look. “How are you feeling?”

  “Perfectly fine.”

  “You look better.”

  “Obviously.” Abigail snorted.

  “No, I meant he looks better than he did even before the beating.” Faren replied. “Thirteen months without human blood is too long for any vampire.”

  “Thirteen months?” Abby whispered. She stared at Val and he was dismayed to feel a blush rising in his cheeks.

  “I know, right? He’s an idiot.” Faren said cheerfully. “I’m surprised he didn’t keel over. Animal blood only gives you so much energy.”

  He walked toward the door of the bedroom. “Are you coming to the common room?”

  Val shook his head. “Not tonight. Abby needs more rest, and after what they did to me last night I’m not keen on joining them.”

  Faren nodded. “I don’t blame you.”

  “You need to be careful, Faren.” Val suddenly said. “It would be wise for you to not join Darius tonight either.”

  “Yes, you’re probably right.” Faren sighed. “I will have them send the chubby one to my room.”


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