Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden Page 304

by Sarra Cannon

  Jealousy seeped into his skin. He didn’t want any other man to feast his eyes on her bare flesh. “Make sure you’re wearing a bit more than that when Varro returns.”

  “As you wish.”

  Varro stood ready with a towel and a clean tunic beside the tepidarium pool. He waved him away. “Just leave them there in case I finish before you return from the harem.”

  Varro raised a brow, but did as he was told. “Yes, Emperor Sergius.” A minute later, the click of the locks echoed through the empty chamber.

  Titus closed his eyes and tried to make sense of the last three days. Perhaps he should have been more wary of Pontus’ gift. The strange power Azurha infused into him continued to hum in the back of his mind, even after his jump into the icy water washed his lust away. Something had changed. A wild energy swirled inside him, battling with the calm rationality he’d always sought to uphold.

  His hands trembled, and he prayed to the gods he hadn’t made a mistake inviting her into his bed.

  Varro slipped back into the room a few minutes later, a silent reminder that Titus had a full agenda today. He handed Titus a towel. “I’ve arranged the chariot to meet you as soon as you finish evaluating the barrier.”

  “Good. I don’t want to keep my mother waiting.” He pulled the tunic over his head and hastily draped his toga around his shoulders.

  “Wait.” Varro stopped him in front of the door and straightened the purple swath of linen. “Perhaps you may care little about your apparel, Your Imperial Majesty, but your subjects soak in every detail of your appearance.A disheveled emperor does not inspire much confidence.”

  Titus clasped the servant’s shoulder and smiled at him. “Thank you, Varro. There are some days when I’d be lost without you. No wonder my father thought so highly of you.”

  Redness crept up into Varro’s cheeks. “It is my pleasure to serve the Imperial family, Emperor Sergius.”

  Titus proceeded to the throne room alone. As usual, the lines marking the barrier flickered, showing signs of weakness. He focused his magic into repairing them, his breath catching when they returned to a solid glow within seconds. For the first time in weeks, restoring the barrier felt less like a chore and more like a gift. The magic flowed from him easily, as warm and consuming as what he felt when Azurha had kissed him this morning. This strange power both unnerved him and roused his curiosity. Could she have anything to do with his newfound success?

  He mulled it over as he navigated his chariot across the city to his mother’s villa with three members of the Legion riding alongside him. Azurha was an Alpirion, not a Deizian. As far as he knew, they had no magical powers. But then, very little was known about their people before his grandfather conquered them. They had managed to build a thriving society that had resisted the Deizians and the Barbarians for centuries without the use of any magical barriers. Any clues to their success, though, became lost in the bonds of slavery.

  By the time he reached the villa, his mind was muddled, and his stomach felt as if it were tied in knots. Azurha held more secrets than he first realized, but his body still craved hers. The more he discovered about her, the more his desire grew. His gut warned him to regard her with caution, though. Falling in love with the wrong woman could spell turmoil for the empire.

  He stopped dead in his tracks. Falling in love? It couldn’t be possible. He’d only met Azurhaa few days ago. Yes, she seemed to complement him in every way—intellectually, physically, emotionally, sexually. But then, she was a trained courtesan. They were schooled to pleasure their masters.

  “Is something troubling you, Titus?”

  His mother’s voice jerked him back to the present. She emerged from a side room, dressed in dark blue to mark her mourning. Her pale brown hair, a sign of her distant Elymanian ancestry, was wound into a simple knot, and seemed plain without her Imperial crown.

  He forced a smile on his face, placing a kiss on her cheek. “I’m adjusting to life as emperor, Mother, that’s all.”

  The glint in her blue eyes told him she didn’t believe him, and knowing her, she’d pull a confession from him by the end of his visit. “Your father experienced the same thing, but he managed just fine.”

  She led him to the veranda where the table was set for breakfast. The entire city stretched out below them, appearing so calm and serene from this vantage point compared to the chaotic streets he’d just navigated. Up here, he forgot about his duties. His muscles began to unknot themselves with every breath of the fresh air he inhaled.

  He sat and reached for a piece of fruit. “How are you doing?”

  She looked away and played with the beads on her palla, the fine lines around her mouth and eyes deeper than before. “As well as can be expected.I haven’t been a widow long. I’m sure you understand the pain of losing a spouse.”

  Bitterness filled his mouth. He hadn’t grieved for Lucia like his mother grieved for his father. Did that make him heartless? “You were married much longer than I was.”

  “You should find someone who makes you happy.”

  The cunning in her voice made him fidget in his chair. “Duty comes before happiness.”

  “Nonsense.” She smacked the table as she said that, rattling the plates. “You’re the emperor. Your Will is above all.”

  He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes. The image of Azurha with her dark hair spilling over the cushions flashed in front of him, and sweat prickled his skin. He was acting like an opium addict, constantly craving the dreamlike bliss he experienced under her spell.

  “You’ve never kept things from me before, Titus.” Concern creased lines into her face when he opened his eyes. “What’s changed?”

  He winced. She was right, and he hated keeping his thoughts from her. But how would she react if he told her that he’d been overindulging himself with a courtesan?

  As if she was reading his mind, she asked, “How did you like the tribute gift my cousin gave you?”

  He didn’t miss the sarcasm behind her words. “She is very beautiful.”

  His mother froze with a goblet halfway to her mouth. “So that’s it. You’re having trouble with her.”

  “Not so much trouble.” He rubbed the back of his neck. This conversation was becoming far more awkward than he intended. Usually, he found his visits with his mother relaxing, but her line of questioning had him ready to bolt for his chariot and race back to the palace.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” She took a sip of wine, concealing the twitching corners of her mouth. “Your father had quite an impressive harem when I married him.”

  “Yes, and you made him get rid of it when you moved into the palace.”

  Her musical laughter helped ease some of the tension. “No, he voluntarily got rid of them. He told me the only woman he needed was me.”

  “He loved you, and you were a Deizian. No one would question his choice of a companion.”

  “Ah, so that is what troubles you. You’ve fallen for someone you deem unsuitable?”

  He jumped to his feet and paced the length of the veranda. Her question bothered him more than he first realized. Initially, he wanted to keep Azurha at a distance because he didn’t trust her. Now, he feared she was becoming closer to him than was both proper and safe. “If I wasn’t emperor, this wouldn’t even be an issue.”

  “Why do you think she’s unsuitable?” His mother cocked her head to the side and waited for his reply.

  “I’m expected to produce an heir with pure bloodlines.”

  “Too late for that. Remember, my grandfather was an Elymanian. My blood is tainted, as is yours.”

  He jerked to a stop. “You’re right. My bloodline isn’t pure Deizian.”

  “There aren’t many who can claim a pure bloodline these days. Does that help ease some of your worry?”

  “No, not really. I know I should be finding a new wife. A Deizian wife, at that, not dallying around with a courtesan. If she was an Elymanian, that would be one thing. An Alp
irion is an entirely different matter.”

  “Your courtesan is an Alpirion?”

  His cheeks burned. “Yes, Mother.”

  “What about her intrigues you so?”

  “She’s strong, resourceful, intelligent—everything I would want in an Empress. But she is also a former slave, and I’d be signing away my throne if I demonstrated that I preferred her company over the scores of manipulative Deizians I’ve had the misfortune of meeting.”

  “She must have made quite an impression on you. Are you sure you haven’t just fallen for her feminine wiles?”

  “I keep asking myself that. How could I feel something for someoneI barely know? For all I know, Pontus gave her to me so I’d be distracted in the bedroom while he tries to steal the throne out from under me.” He paused and wondered if he should share what his true fear was with his mother. “Besides, there’s no such thing as love at first sight.”

  “Isn’t there?” She raised one elegant brow in challenge.

  He sighed. “Not everyone is as lucky as you and Father.”

  A few seconds passed in silence, giving him time to consider his situation. The way his body responded to Azurha definitely made him believe in lust at first sight. He thought his desire would quickly fade once he satisfied it, but last night bore witness to his crumbling self control. What good were philosophy and high ideals when he couldn’t resist his baser nature?

  “This will not be an easy knot for you to untangle, so take your time doing it. Rash decisions often result in regret, especially for a man in your position.”

  Titus grinned. “When did you turn sage?”

  “I’m your mother.I should be a fountain of wisdom for you.” Her face softened. “You really like her, don’t you?”

  “More than any other woman I’ve met. And that makes her dangerous.”

  “While you’re coming to a decision on what is the best course for you, remember that most women like gifts and other small tokens of affection.” She played with her earring so the diamonds sparkled in the sunlight, and he laughed.

  “You mean most women like jewelry.”

  She shrugged. “In general, but something tells me your Alpirion courtesan has unusual taste.”

  By the time he left his mother’s villa, he was already cataloguing the Imperial treasury to find something that would complement Azurha’s exotic beauty. Perhaps a bribe would unlock the doors to her secrets.

  — —

  Azurha stretched like a cat, enjoying the sensation of the smooth, sun-warmed tiles of the courtyard against her bare skin. The privacy of the harem allowed the perfect opportunity to take a nap in the midday sun without being disturbed. The winter had been long and harsh, and the warming season came late to the empire. Days like today made her dream of the blue sand deserts to the south where her people had come from.

  As she stared at the cloudless sky, she came to terms with her decision last night. She couldn’t kill Titus. That much she knew. But she couldn’t stay with him, either. She’d broken the Assassin’s Creed, and her life was forfeit. The safest thing for her to do would be to disappear like Cassius. Now, if only she could figure out a way to do that so she wouldn’t spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder.

  The lock clicked on the main door to the harem, and Azurha shot up. The slaves weren’t due here for several hours. She reached for her clothes and searched the courtyard for potential weapons. In a pinch, her dress would serve, but she preferred not letting a potential attacker get that close to her.

  Titus emerged from the shadows of the colonnade and stared at her with his mouth open. “Do you normally lay naked here in the courtyard?”

  She gave him her best seductive grin and revealed some more skin. “Care to join me?”

  He licked his lips. “It’s tempting. If I didn’t have a meeting in half an hour, I would.”

  “Who says you need more time than that?” She stood and approached him, trailing her dress behind her and leaving nothing uncovered.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed. “By the gods, Azurha, you make it hard for me say no.”

  “I’ll settle for just making you hard.” She grazed the erection forming under his tunic and leaned in to whisper in his ear, “What brings you to my cage in the middle of the day?”

  He caught her hand and frowned. “Why do you call this a cage?”

  She sighed. The moment was ruined, and she didn’t have the energy right now to orchestrate a complex seduction. “I’m confined to the harem, unable to come and go as I please. What else would I call it?”

  “If you’re unhappy here—”

  She silenced him with a kiss. Only nine of the fourteen days she had to complete her assignment remained, and she refused to spend them with Titus worrying about her living conditions. She’d survived far worse than this.

  She pulled away, leaving a dreamy smile on his lips. Her heart wrenched at the sight of it. If she had been born as someone else, she could have openly loved him. Or perhaps, she could have lived her life never knowing him. But the cruel fate of the gods had placed her in the middle, letting her know full and well what she could never have.

  “I doubt you came here to watch me take a nap in the sun.” She pulled her dress over her head and retreated to the cool sanctuary of the harem.

  “Actually, I came to see where you stayed when you’re weren’t with me.” He surveyed the painted frescos on the walls, his eyes widening a bit at the erotic content of some of the scenes. “I’ve never been inside the harem. My father closed it down before I was born.”

  “As I could tell by the layer of dust when I arrived. Your staff has done a remarkable job turning it into a mini-palace for me.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “First, it’s a cage, and now, it’s a palace?”

  “It’s nicer than some of the places of I’ve lived in. I have my own bath.” The last sentence hung heavy with suggestion, and much to her delight, his gaze flickered in that direction. No doubt, he was remembering taking her in the tepidarium. Her sex clenched from the memory of it. Perhaps it wasn’t too early to take a dip in the pool.

  His voice shook. “What else do you have here?”

  The gods save him, he was trying so hard to resist her.

  “Rooms for at least a dozen concubines.” She pointed to the rows of open doors that formed a “U” around the courtyard. “An area to lounge, eat, or entertain. And a room I believe was set aside for when one of your forebears came to visit.”

  “Oh?” He followed her through the main chamber to the room near the front door to the harem. Veins of bronze laced the columns inside, and the frescos on the walls were enough to make even her blush, despite the exquisite artistry. But his attention focused on the various novelties available. He picked up a pair of cuffs with a chain between them. “Why is this here?”

  Memories of her old master rose like bile from her stomach. “Some men enjoy restraining their women while they fuck them.”

  He dropped the cuffs at the sound of the acid in her voice. Moving on to the collection of dildos in a drawer, he picked one up and examined it. “And these?”

  Azurha couldn’t contain her laughter. For an emperor, he seemed awfully naïve of what happened behind closed doors in his realm. Had he never been to one of the lavish orgies his nobles were so fond of throwing?

  She snuck up behind him and stroked the crack between his buttocks. “You usually insert them in here.” He gasped, and she removed her finger. “But they can go anywhere you would stick your cock. My mouth. My cunt. Anywhere you’d like.”

  The marble dildo in his hand slipped out of his grasp and shattered when it hit the floor. Titus sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Has a man ever done that to you?”

  His chest rose and fell like he was running, and the thin rim of blue around his large pupils told her how much he struggled to contain his desires. Her sex grew damp from watching him. By the gods, she wanted him inside her again. She’d even welcome a dild
o, so long as he controlled the penetration and whispered naughty things to her while he made her come.

  “No, I’ve never experienced one before.” She removed her dress and bent over the bed in the center of the room, giving him ample view of her slick sex. “But you’re welcome to try.”

  As the seconds ticked by, she wondered what insanity had seized control of her. When she had been a slave, being forced to have sex was the most humiliating experience she’d endured. Yet her trust for Titus now extended to offering her body completely to him. She’d enjoy it, just as she had last night.

  The familiar scent of rich sandalwood announced his approach. His fingers meandered down her spine. His voice sounded hoarse when he asked, “Azurha, what are you doing?”

  “Hoping you won’t wait too long to fuck me.”

  Both of his hands now caressed her back, growing rougher as they moved closer to her buttocks. He dipped his finger into her sheath, sending a shiver of delight through her body. “Eager?”

  If he hadn’t been the emperor, she would have probably thrown him to the bed and mounted him, riding him until she relieved the growing tension inside her womb.

  He continued to stroke her inner walls until she whimpered. What kind of cruel torture was this? She wiggled her ass back and forth, discovering the hard erection he kept inches away from her. Why was he holding back? She bit her lip hard enough so the coppery taste of blood trickled into her mouth. Anything to keep from begging him to fuck her.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are with your body on display like this?” His breath warmed her skin, and he pressed his lips against the back of her neck. The head of his cock teased her. “How could I resist you when you want me so badly?”

  “But do you want me?” She held her breath while she waited for his answer.

  “More.” He slid into her with agonizing slowness until his balls pressed against her buttocks. He circled his finger around her other hole. She imagined him contemplating how he’d stretch the puckered edges to accommodate him. “But I’m not ready to take you here yet. In time, if I feel I need something more than this.”


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