Born Again

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Born Again Page 14

by Rena Marks

  “It’s Sara.”

  “Serra! It’s so good to hear from you, I miss you already! We simply must get you here for a visit, no?”

  “I’d love to come. You know I would.”

  “And Rafael would be thrilled to see you again, I know,” she said slyly. “He talks of you all the time.”

  “I wouldn’t mind. He’s well within the acceptable size requirements. And I have high standards.”

  Francesca barked with laughter. Sara giggled also and realized they shared an actual girl moment.

  “He’s also very talented with his tongue,” Francesca said.

  “As are you,” Sara shared.

  “Don’t make me miss you more. My heart can’t take it, Serra. Now, what can I do for you?”

  “I have some questions about my previous existence.”

  There was silence on the other end and Sara took a breath before delving into it.

  “Was I Seraphina Samorra?”

  The hesitation was enormous and Sara nervously swallowed as she waited for the response.


  One word. A simple answer and it changed her life forever. It wasn’t another woman’s life that she dreamed of, it was definitely her own. Shock held her still, as if she might explode from the sudden knowledge. Still, she plunged ahead with her questions.

  “I was not allowed to be buried on church grounds?”

  “No.” Francesca’s voice had become wary.

  “Was it because I killed myself?”

  Francesca sucked in her breath. “How did you know, Sara? My God, it was such a nightmare I didn’t think I’d ever wake from it. My best friend…and I let you down.” Her voice was agitated.

  “Ssh, you didn’t let me down. I chose to, remember?”

  “If it’s any consolation, Aric has obviously learned to share since then. Although, he and Beau still have issues.”

  “Issues they’re about to resolve shortly.” Sara’s voice was short.

  “You are angry with them?”

  “Furious. What would have happened had I not figured this out?”

  “Sara love, Aric thought he was rescuing you from yourself by not telling you of your suicide. He let you believe your death was accidental.”

  “Yes, with disastrous consequences. I delve into past lives for a living, Chessie. I know a human life is meant to be reincarnated over and over so we can learn from previous mistakes. The one rule is you don’t terminate your life prematurely, for how do you learn by giving up? I was given this life only to correct the wrong I willingly made. And that’s it. I have none left.”

  The horror of the situation seemed to hit Francesca. She sucked in her breath before she said, “Ohmigod. But you’re mortal. If you were to get hit by a bus tomorrow…”

  “Exactly. I’m done.”

  “Sara, I know it’s a huge issue, but you have to let Aric turn you! No matter what the consequences with Beau.”

  “How would you feel about Beau turning me werewolf instead?”

  There was silence from the other end of the phone.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just hard, I’m sure we’d get used to either decision you made.”

  “It just brings me right back to choosing. Always, it forces me to choose.”

  “A human servant, then. You would retain your humanity, but attain immortality.”

  “Still a choice over Beau. He would consider it as me choosing Aric over him. Think about it, I’m tying myself to Aric for eternity. How long would it be before he commands me, as my master, to drop Beau?”

  Francesca was quiet and Sara knew her words hit home. Utter hopelessness hit the phone line, as each woman sat silent for the longest time.

  “I got it,” Sara said finally. “I know the answer.”

  * * * * *

  “What will ye do?” asked the voice.

  Sara whirled, her heart racing. “Geez, how do you keep popping up and disappearing instantly?”

  The witch shrugged. “’Tis talent, I guess.”

  “I’ve found out who I was.”

  “Yes, Seraphina, I knew ye would.”

  “You knew?”

  The old woman nodded.

  “What is your name?” Sara asked.

  “Gwynneth. But it doesn’t matter. There is one more thing to resolve.”


  “While your vampire has come to grips with sharing on yer terms, yer wolf will not. Not until ye make him realize that vampires are not the enemy.”

  “How in the world can I do that?”

  “He was friends with yer best friend Francesca. He has avoided her since she became undead. Perhaps ye can get him to accept her once more, now in her changed conditions.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  The woman cackled. “Work on it harder, dearie.”

  The tone in her voice made Sara grit her teeth. “I’m trying.”

  “Then I’ll visit with ye later.”

  * * * * *

  The girls kept it hushed that Francesca flew in on a private plane. Sara met her after avoiding Aric for a bit. Francesca glided down the steps of the plane into the covered walkway that led to the limo beside which Sara waited impatiently, tapping the heel of her new, expensive high heels against the hard concrete.

  Reaching for her friend as if she hadn’t seen her in months, Sara squeezed her tightly.

  “Oh, Serra, I am most happy to see you, but already I miss my Raphael.” Once again, she said her name the old way it was pronounced, with the slight accent. And Sara wondered why she had never caught the connection previously.

  “We have to sneak you into Aric’s,” Sara said, inhaling the sweet, lavender scent of her hair. “Fortunately, he and Beau are tied up at the moment. More negotiations, business this time.”

  She held Francesca next to her and arm in arm they walked quickly to the limo, where the driver waited with the door open.

  “I still can’t believe those two let me believe I was killed,” Sara muttered.

  Francesca held on to her hand. “Sara, they did what they thought best for you. They’re not perfect, they simply try their best.”

  “Nay, not perfect, ‘tis why I’m here to help. As I promised ye, back when ye were Seraphina.” Sara and Francesca turned their heads at the voice coming from inside the limo and Francesca’s mouth dropped.

  Sara was too used to the old hag dropping in and out unannounced to be surprised.

  What did surprise her was Francesca scooting close to the old woman and throwing her arms around her, hugging her as if she’d never let her go.

  “Chessie, you know her?” Sara asked, confusion in her voice.

  “Of course. Oh, but you would not remember. You don’t remember being Seraphina. You just know you were.”

  “She does not remember me,” the old woman said sorrowfully. “I’ve done me best to guide her, but an untrusting soul she’s become.”

  “Sara, back in the old days, before there were psychics, we were called witches. We were healers, we helped people. You and I were from the same village and Gwynneth trained us. Then the witch hunts started and she talked us into entering the convent, though that ended disastrously,” she said on a sharp note to Gwynneth.

  “It did, but it was necessary,” Gwynneth said with a guilty shrug. “That had to happen to keep worse from occurring.”

  “Worse? What could be worse than Serra’s death?”

  “In another reality ye both died. Serra knew that. Ye know she had extraordinary abilities. She saw ye both being burned at the stake.”

  Sara interrupted. “Mike Johnson, before Aric wiped his memory, said he saw an alternate future for me. Are you saying that was real?”

  The old woman nodded. “He saw one alternate, yes. One in which ye chose one of ye lovers and he was kilt by the other. The werewolf was hung for murder and ye and Francesca, me best students, were burned at the stake afterward. This way, yes, Seraphina
had to die, but she made that choice at the time. She knew the decision would give her Sara’s lifetime in this future to straighten the mess out.”

  “Serra killed herself to keep me from burning?” Francesca asked, her eyes huge.

  “She had nothing else to live for but ye. She did not want to leave ye alone, so she chose to leave herself instead, so ye would at least have Raphael and Aric for all these centuries while she was gone.”

  The car had rolled to a stop. Francesca and Sara stepped from the limo and Sara turned back to give Gwynneth a hand from the car, but the old woman had disappeared again.

  * * * * *

  They were finally in Francesca’s room when Sara’s cell phone rang.

  “Where are you?” Aric asked.

  “I’m downstairs. Are you and Beau finished with your conversations?” Her voice was short, she couldn’t control the anger that rode through the phone.

  Aric was wary of her mood. “Yes, we have finished. What is wrong?”

  “Oh, plenty. I’ll be right up for my own little talk with the two of you. Get to the bedroom, it’ll be more private.” She could almost hear him wince on the other side.

  She flipped the phone shut and turned back to Francesca. “I’ll be back. Get ready.”

  Sara headed back upstairs, working herself into a lather and was furious when she rounded the corner to find Aric and Beau sitting uncomfortably on chairs in the master bedroom. She turned her blazing eyes to them, the brown so startling against the paleness of her skin.

  “What?” Beau asked, confusion coloring his voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “You guys led me to believe that I was killed in the crossfire between you two.”

  Both men were quiet, as if they were afraid to reveal something she didn’t yet know.

  “We never exactly said how you died,” Aric said.

  “No, you didn’t,” she mocked. “By keeping this secret from me, don’t you know what could have happened? I killed myself.” She turned and looked directly at them, for the full effect for her words. “I killed myself,” she said slowly, punctuating her words.

  “Yes,” Aric soothed. “But you’re back now.”

  They weren’t getting it. Of course, would they know the consequences of suicide? Sara kept her voice even and flat as she explained. “To die by your own hand doesn’t go unpunished. I forfeited my rights at reincarnation.”

  “But you’re here now. We found you again,” Aric said, puzzled.

  “Why do you think it took so long to find me? I have no reincarnations left. Just this last one to correct the wrong I made for committing suicide. That’s it.”

  A muscle twitched in Aric’s jaw. “If this life had paralleled last time’s, you would never have been able to be born again?”


  “We would have lost you forever.” His voice was grim and he looked at the suddenly paralyzed Beau, who seemed to know what was coming.

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. The three of us haven’t learned to communicate, or to get along. We almost ruined everything,” she said. “That’s our lesson. No more fighting. We learn to be together.”

  “We are not a threesome. Beau and I cannot live together.”

  “We’re not doing this,” Beau muttered, his face defiant, like a spoiled schoolboy. “Not he and I.”

  “We are doing this,” Sara confirmed, her voice firm. “You two owe me. Big time. So pay up.”

  Her hands slowly began to unbutton the soft pink silk blouse, one button at a time, exposing a curve of breast before slipping a sleeve off one slender shoulder. Off came her slacks and thong and it was only then that she saw acknowledgement register in their eyes when they realized she’d been braless under the silk.

  She dropped the shirt and lay back on the bed. Her long legs spread apart, exposing her tender region to the men that watched.

  “Both of you need to undress. I feel a little silly being the only naked one,” she said, but didn’t look embarrassed. She looked sultry, a siren who’d just realized the power she could wield. A true witch, as she had been centuries before. “Now, please.”

  Sullenly, they looked at each other. Sara ran a hand over the curve of her breast, down the indentation of her waist and along her hip.

  “Neither of you gave me the whole truth. I killed myself. Over this.”

  The guilt returned to each handsome face on the men that stood still, sullenly before her.

  “You made me choose, didn’t you? You forced me to make a choice and I couldn’t do it. I loved you both more than life itself. I chose to forfeit that miserable life. Now, you owe me, because as surely as I took my life, you both drove me to it.”

  “Sara,” Aric said, his eyes looking every one of his centuries of age. “I am so sorry.”

  “Then undress, my love.” Her voice was soft. “Stand nude for me and don’t force me to make the choice. Will you do the same thing to me in this lifetime as you did before? Or will my guys learn to play nice?” she purred.

  Beau never broke eye contact with her before he whipped his shirt over his head, standing with muscles that bulged in the night. Still, he refused to look Aric’s direction.

  Then Aric unbuckled his pants and, watching her from the corner of his eye, fondled himself through the material.

  She parted her thighs wider in response, allowing him a glimpse of the treasure between them.

  Finally, articles of clothing were dropped as each man stood before her, nude at last.

  “Now what?” Beau asked warily.

  “Get onto the bed,” she whispered throatily. She cupped her breasts into her hands. “You’ll each take one. It’s why a woman was given two.”

  They crawled across the bed, one so tanned, one so pale. One, with a long thin cock jutting from a nest of black curls, the other with a fat, wide cock standing hard in a thatch of blond. They refused to look at or acknowledge each other, but she hoped that would come in time.

  One mouth latched onto her right breast and the other took to her left. Double sucking ensued and each was so very different from the other.

  She tossed her red hair back, onto the silk of the pillows behind her.

  Everything felt different, from the feel of their mouths, to the temperature of their breath. The style of the sucking, the tempo.

  And she couldn’t get enough. She reached down to grasp at the two stiff erections. She fondled until they grew harder, ramrod stiff in her palms. “Oh, Lord,” she moaned. “You both feel so good to me. Different from each other, but familiar to me. I love both of these.” She gave a gentle squeeze, making each man catch his breath. Then, she slid the silky skin of each cock, massaging upward and they grew even harder in her hand.

  “See how much better it is when we all get along?” she whispered. The male eyes that returned her gaze were slightly dazed, as her hands still massaged their rods. “It’s going to take a while, but we’re going to learn, my loves.”

  Chapter Twelve

  They’d take it slowly. Initiate Beau into sexual pleasures as easily as Sara had been introduced.

  She slowly inched her luscious rump toward Beau where he lay on his back, impaling herself on his solid erection, one slim leg flung over his waist and glanced enticingly at Aric. She opened her legs wide, her sex opened and spread, aimed at the ceiling.

  Beau instinctively started to thrust, but he stilled when Aric bent his head to lave Sara’s sex. He lay frozen as Sara moaned her enjoyment at the warmth of Aric’s mouth pleasuring her with Beau connected to her.

  Her deep-throated moans were incredibly sexy and so was the way she was grasping at his cock, squeezing with her inner muscles. Slowly, with tiny movements, he began to slide his thick, hard muscle within her again.

  His movements became tentative when Aric left her clit to lick down at her hole. His wet tongue swept tentatively alongside the cock buried deep within her and he squeezed his tongue in, too.

  Surprised, Beau nearly exploded
. Panic flooded his senses and Sara looked back, soothing him with gentle kisses. “Shhh, my love. Relax and enjoy it. Please, just a couple of seconds and if you don’t like it we can stop,” she cajoled.

  Beau forced himself to visibly relax and Aric continued to lick around the opening of her vagina, getting Beau’s thick stalk occasionally in the process.

  Beau began to enjoy it, although he couldn’t admit it out loud. His movements started again, slow thrusts, almost seeming as if he stroked to reach the tentative little licks of Aric’s tongue.

  Sara looked behind her again and cupped his jaw with one hand. He enclosed his mouth with hers. Her tongue entered his mouth and at the same time, Aric cupped his balls.

  Beau came on a crescendo of an explosion, the roaring in his ears sounded like his eardrums burst, as the cum burst from his body. He groaned, his hips thrusting frantically as his rod emptied itself.

  When his flesh finally stopped quivering, Sara released his cock by relaxing her inner muscles and Aric balanced himself on the strength of his arms and plunged his own into her warm, sticky sheath. He groaned at the sensation of the hot cum from another trickling out of her body.

  Lying beneath her, Beau watched the sensual image of Aric fucking Sara after him. Aric’s lean hips pressed into her rhythmically, his face contorted as he fought to control his need to explode before her.

  That was what they had in common, Beau realized. They both wanted Sara’s happiness before their own.

  Beau raised Sara slightly and slid his limp cock between her buttocks where the string of her thongs usually lay.

  He wrapped one arm around her, tweaking her nipple and then brought his other hand down between the sweaty bodies to stroke her clitoris.

  If he reached slightly lower, he could feel Aric’s cock where it entered her syrupy flesh.

  Aric’s eyes reached his, shocked, and then the orgasm raged across his face. His expression froze as he tried to control it, but Beau felt Aric’s cock pump its condom-covered seed into Sara. Beau gripped the other man’s organ tightly within his thumb and forefinger and with his thumb, he flicked against her clit, until he felt her tense and climax right along with Aric.


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