Fine Line (Crossing Lines Book 1)

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Fine Line (Crossing Lines Book 1) Page 14

by A. D. Justice

  “Fine, Undercover Lover—which is my personal favorite nickname, by the way—have it your way. Everyone go inside so I can find the holes in your security system. Savannah won’t get to use it any time soon, but the next tenant will be thrilled with all the upgrades.”

  Silas urges the four of us inside so he can get to work on breaking in, cracking the codes, and just playing the bad guy in general. Every time Silas finds a way in, Brad and Roman tweak whatever failed, until the very last try. When Silas pops up behind me from out of nowhere, I simultaneously scream and jump, then grab my side as I try to catch my breath.

  “Where the hell did you come from?” When I’m finally able to speak, I search my surroundings for a hidden door.

  “I broke in to the condo next door and crawled through the heating duct right into your condo. This building has huge ducts.” Silas smiles broadly, proud of his ingenuity.

  “Adding motion sensors to the heating ducts now,” Brad replies, unimpressed.

  “At least now I know this place will be locked up tight.” Nick steps behind me and wraps his arms around me. “That doesn’t change the fact that you’re not leaving my home or my bed yet.”

  I rest my arms on top of his, squeezing in response. “You don’t have to tell me twice. You’ve spoiled me. I can’t sleep without you now.”

  “Good to know my evil plan is working.”

  “You know I’ll eventually have to come back here, right? I mean, as attached as I am to you already, you’ll want your space back.”

  “Let’s just take it one day at a time. We’re in no hurry. Besides, even if you decided to stay here tonight, that doesn’t mean I can’t stay with you. Or that we won’t see each other again. It just means half of my bed will be really cold and lonely without you in it.”

  Becoming attached to Nick is easy.

  Falling in love with him was inevitable.

  Feeling at peace with our relationship, regardless of what we face, is pure bliss.

  Silas, Roman, and Brad finish demonstrating every feature of the new system they installed in my condo. Roman showed me how the cameras monitor every floor and elevator via an app on his phone. The lobby doors will be replaced with stylish yet ultra-secure doors that only the residents will be able to open.

  Then they leave with promises to let us know when the doors are installed. Nick, of course, refuses to let me stay in my condo without him until those doors are in place.

  Then again, he did offer to help me christen every room and leave good and long-lasting memories in place of the old ones once I’m completely healed. That’s one more offer from him I simply can’t refuse.

  Chapter 14


  “Can you just get back to the fucking topic at hand? I swear to God, I will shoot you myself if you change the subject again.” I sit back, cross my arms over my body, and glare at Silas.

  Fucker just laughs at me as if I’m a fucking comedian.

  “Man, you are in an extra pissy mood since Savannah left you. News flash, brother—she just went back to her own condo. The one that’s only two miles from your brownstone. You could run if you wanted and be there faster than driving in DC traffic. You two haven’t known each other long enough to live together permanently yet. It’s not like she broke up with you and went running back to Butch.” Silas smirks at me, like he gives the best relationship advice in the world.

  “What do you know? You’re a fucking spy. You lie for a living. When’s the last time you had a serious girlfriend?”

  “Seventh grade. Worst four days of my life. I thought we’d never break up.”

  “That’s it. I’m shooting you and putting us both out of our misery.” I glare at him, giving him my worst—or best—intimidation stare. Bad thing is, he knows me too fucking well, so it only makes him laugh harder. “Can we get back to finalizing the plan to take out Butch once and for all?”

  “Yeah, yeah, okay. Spoilsport. I was thinking, maybe we should invite Liz for this op. Butch wouldn’t stand a chance against her.”

  He’s really testing my nerves today. “We’re not letting Liz in on our plan. No fucking way. She stays with Noah and Brianna and their kids, wherever they are. And that’s not here, in harm’s way, with a convicted felon, one-percenter, biker gang criminal who has no qualms about hurting women. You must miss Liz. You keep bringing her up.”

  “Just trying to lighten the tension in this room, brother. You’re a different man without Savannah here to level out your moods.”

  Funny thing, I never realized that very fact until the words left his mouth. Before Savannah, I was angry all the time and hated the world, hated what I’d become. Then she brought light and love and fresh air into my life and made me a better man without conscious effort. She made me want to be the best man I possibly could be—for her. Since she went back to her condo and I don’t have her with me all the time, I’ve regressed to that moody, unapproachable bastard.

  Time to snap out of that shit.

  “You’re right—I’m being ridiculous. My bad, man. Knowing he’s still out there, regardless of how well protected she is, makes me nuts. The thought of not getting to her in time haunts me.”

  “Her condo has the best security in the world. It’s better protected than the White House.”

  “But she’s not always in her condo, is she?”

  “I know she hasn’t gone back to work yet. What’s she been up to?” I’d swear Silas is stalling for some reason, but talking about Savannah does make me feel better.

  “She started volunteering at the family crisis center to help other domestic abuse victims. She loves it. She’s manning the phones right now, talking to women who are looking for a way to get out of a bad situation. She spends a few hours a day there. No physical work, but she leaves both completely drained and full of excitement.”

  “That’s great. She’s making a difference for others and helping herself at the same time. Have you decided when you’re going back to work?”

  “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet. I can’t go back to undercover work since everyone knows my face now. And with Savannah in my life, I wouldn’t want to do that anyway. It definitely doesn’t suck that I have more than two years’ worth of my salary saved and all my accrued time off just waiting for me to burn through it. My director ordered me to take off the mandatory eight-week decompression time after the long-term operation ended, so I’m just waiting for some huge epiphany to fall out of the sky and smack me on the head.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Someone knocks on my door, and I lift my gaze to Silas’s. “Are you expecting someone, Silas?”

  “Just Roman and Brad. They said they’d be glad to lend their expertise on this job.”

  After I let Roman and Brad in, the four of us sit at the table and review every aspect of the plan, consider every possible failure, and identify potential contingencies. When we’re satisfied that we’ve covered all the bases we can possibly think of, I pass out a round of cold longneck beers, and we settle in front of the TV.

  “You really should sit this one out, Nick.” Roman takes a swig of his beer. “You’re technically still on administrative leave, the trial is heating up, and you probably need to stay with Savannah in case anything goes wrong with getting Butch. She wouldn’t feel safe with anyone else. Plus, she’d be worried about you the whole time.”

  “As much as I hate to admit it, I know you’re right. I can’t jeopardize the trial with an unsanctioned undercover operation. And I damn sure can’t risk Savannah running out on one of you to try to help me. She’s likely to pull some shit like that, too.” I chuckle, thinking about how she has nightmares without me beside her in bed, but she doesn’t give herself enough credit. She wouldn’t hesitate to face that very monster head on if she thought she could help me.

  “So we’re good to go for tomorrow night?” Silas asks.

  “We are absolutely ready. Butch doesn’t know Savannah is off work, so she’l
l drive her car to the hospital tomorrow night. She’ll go in one door where Nick will be waiting for her, and they’ll exit through another door so Butch won’t see her leave. Her car will stay parked there, and we’ll watch it all night if needed. The van Brad will record and monitor everything from is already in play, so it won’t seem out of place.

  “Butch’s head will be on the chopping block soon if he doesn’t move that heroin, and he knows it. That’s why he went crazy trying to get to it. The Mexican cartel that the Devils were in bed with isn’t a forgiving bunch.” Roman finishes off his beer and grabs another from the refrigerator. “I almost want to hold on to the packages and let them deal with him.”

  “Tell me about it. If we ever found his body, it’d be in pieces strewn to the four corners of the world. I don’t know which would be better—knowing he’s dead, or seeing him behind bars.” At this point, I’m thinking six feet under would be best so the fucker can’t come back at all.

  We finish by agreeing on the time each man will be at his assigned position, then I head to pick up Savannah from the shelter. Men aren’t usually allowed to know or visit the secret location, but since I’m a federal agent, I have automatic clearance. Still, I wait in the truck for her to emerge from the building so no one is anxious about my presence. She’ll be finished with her shift soon, and I can’t wait to hear about her day. Her excitement over helping others has grown after every time she’s volunteered. Watching her blossom and become more confident in her abilities are added benefits for me. She smiles and laughs more. No topic is left off the table, and she shares her entire day with me. Her passion for the difference she’s making makes me miss my own.

  Before long, she steps out of the front door, sporting the brightest smile when she spots me parked close to the road. The single-story building is mostly tan with light, mint-green accents, nothing spectacular that would draw the eye when passing by on a daily basis. There’s no obvious sign advertising the services, and that’s the entire point. It’s unassuming and boring, not creating unnecessary attention to the people seeking solace inside. A high fence encloses the lot behind the building, with English ivy covering the slats and obstructing the view of the yard. From Savannah’s description, I know there’s a playground and space for outdoor activities for the kids and mothers to enjoy without prying eyes.

  Behind her, the center’s director emerges from the building, walking at a brisk pace toward my truck. She’s a big woman, much taller than Savannah with large bone structure and muscular build. She keeps her blond hair short, letting her natural curls maintain her hairstyle for her. She motions for me to roll down my window before she even reaches the truck.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Linda. How are you?”

  “You know you’re not allowed to be here.”

  Well, hello to you too.

  “Actually, I am allowed to be here, and we’ve already covered this.” I flash my badge, showing I’m a federal agent and officer of the law, and follow it up with an intentional smirk.

  “Maybe you should just find somewhere else to park and wait for Savannah, or she could drive herself. It’s not as if she needs a babysitter or hand-holding. Your sitting out here in your truck day after day may cause others to park here. We don’t want anyone loitering around the building where women and children are hiding from estranged spouses.”

  “I’m not loitering, Linda. And my truck doesn’t draw attention any more than your car parked right over there does. As far as Savannah driving herself, she’s not my prisoner by any means, if that’s what you’re insinuating. She’s a grown woman who can make up her own mind, go where she wants to go, and do whatever she wants to do. For reasons I’m not at liberty to discuss with you, I’m giving her a ride back and forth for the time being.”

  Linda purses her lips, clearly not happy with not having the last word in our battle of wills. If she thinks for one second she’s entitled to boss me around, she has another think coming. She turns and walks away, her shoes smacking the ground with annoyance with every step. Savannah and I cut our eyes at each other before busting out in laughter.

  “Hello, darlin’. How was your day?”

  “It was good until the last few minutes. I made a new friend today. Hopefully you’ll be able to meet her soon. She’s really sweet.”

  After helping Savannah into the truck, I slide back behind the wheel and start to drive. “That’d be great. So, she’s a resident there?”

  “Yes. Her name is Miranda Petrovio, and she’s hiding from an abusive ex. She said they were never married, but that didn’t stop him from trying to own her. He’s apparently a really bad man, even worse than Butch. She’s still too scared to say much about him, even to me, and she’s extra careful around windows. Makes me wonder if I’m not being careful enough. I mean, I know I live on the fifth floor, but I don’t have blackout curtains and thick fabric shades. When I leave any building, I look around to see if he’s waiting there, but I do go out and live my life.”

  “You never know what Miranda has been through or how he’s brainwashed her. It’ll take time to deprogram her mind from the abuse. You know I want you to be careful, but not to the point where you’re a shut-in. That’s no kind of life for anyone.”

  “Remember last night when you mentioned taking me to the shooting range and teaching me a few things?”

  “Sure do.”

  “Maybe we can take her with us one time. I thought maybe it would be good for her to get out with people who will look after her and teach her self-defense at the same time.”

  “Maybe. Let’s see if she’ll even meet me first.” And from there, I can make a judgment call on whether it’d be a good idea. Reading people is part of my job, and I’d definitely want a good read on her before I put a gun in the hands of a total stranger, especially around Savannah. “Tomorrow night, do you want to stay at your place or mine?”

  “What’s special about tomorrow night?”

  “We’re moving forward with the plan to nab Butch. It’s time to get him off the streets and off your back.”

  “Let’s stay at my place, then, and put the extra security measures to work. We can even hit the panic button and seal all the windows and the bedroom door. No one in or out until I unlock it.”

  “Darlin’, I’m fine with staying there if it makes you feel safer. But we’ll have to do without the panic-room setting. Besides, I was hoping you’d let me have another go at him.”

  She laughs, though there’s little humor in it. “Oh, I know you’d love that. But I’d probably be a nervous wreck.”

  “You know, your lack of faith in my skills is a little insulting. I’ve manhandled him twice now without a single scratch on me. What makes you think he could take me in a fight?”

  “It’s not that, Nick. He doesn’t hold a candle to you in any way. But he also wouldn’t hesitate to kill you if he had the chance. He has no conscience and has no issue with fighting dirty. He didn’t see you coming the other times, but if this goes south tomorrow night, he’ll be the one coming for you. And coming for blood in any way he can get it. So it’s more that I know how evil he really is, and I don’t want to risk losing you.”

  “I know exactly what kind of man he is, and he doesn’t scare me, babe. But for your peace of mind, we’ll stay at your place. Anywhere I’m with you is fine with me.”

  I finish telling her the details of our sting operation and the part she’ll play. The only part she’ll play—drive her car to the hospital with Spencer tailing her, watching her every move. Then she’ll walk inside, where I’ll be waiting to escort her right back outside and whisk her away to safety with me.

  “Are you saying I’ll be your prisoner?” she asks teasingly, throwing my words to Linda back at me.

  “Nope. We’re going to your condo. I’ll be yours.”

  “Oh, I really like the sound of that.”

  “We’re going to my place right now because it’s closer. There are some sounds I really like to hear you make, too
. Very loud sounds that piss off the neighbors.”

  “Have I mentioned ‘Undercover Lover’ is now my favorite?”

  My lead foot presses harder on the gas, speeding through the streets and swerving around cars moving too slowly. I can’t wait to get her home.

  Chapter 15


  Driving to the hospital again after what seems like a long time away feels surreal. Before the last couple of weeks with Nick, the Metro was my primary means of transportation. Now that I know what’s hiding in my car, I sort of wish I were back on the subway train instead. But this is the plan to arrest Butch once and for all. Spencer lags several cars behind me, leaving enough space to avoid being spotted.

  My eyes keep darting to my rearview mirror all on their own, watching for a big, burly man on a motorcycle to come roaring up beside me.

  So far, so good.

  When I reach the hospital, I park in my usual spot and take my time gathering my coat and bag before exiting the car. I’m trying my hardest to do everything as ordinarily as possible in case I’m being watched. It’s a strange feeling, wondering if someone is right behind me, waiting to harm me. Or worse. Then I feel him before I see him. I feel his eyes on me and his strength flowing toward me.

  Nick is hiding just inside the hospital doors, waiting for me to join him, watching me with his eagle eyes as I make my way across the parking lot. He’s barely visible to me, but I know it’s him, and that gives me courage to keep moving. He gave me tips before we left his place to help me act and react normally, rather than trying to focus on being normal. I’m not sure his tips sank in, though, because I feel very obvious. Then I see him smile at me and nod his head, and I feel better about…walking normally.


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