Adrift in New York: Tom and Florence Braving the World

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Adrift in New York: Tom and Florence Braving the World Page 31

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  Chapter XXXI.Florence Is Discharged.

  Mrs. Leighton sat in her boudoir with a stern face and tightlycompressed lips. Miss Carter had called the previous afternoon andinformed her of the astounding discoveries she had made respecting thegoverness.

  She rang the bell.

  "Janet," she said, "when the governess comes you may bring her up hereto me."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "She's going to catch it--I wonder what for?" thought Janet, as shenoted the grim visage of her employer.

  So when Florence entered the house she was told that Mrs. Leightonwished to see her at once.

  "I wonder what's the matter now?" she asked herself. "Has she heard ofmy meeting her nephew in the car?"

  When she entered the room she saw at once that something was wrong.

  "You wished to see me, Mrs. Leighton?" she said.

  "Yes," answered Mrs. Leighton, grimly. "Will you be seated?"

  Florence sat down a few feet from her employer and waited for anexplanation.

  She certainly was not prepared for Mrs. Leighton's first words:

  "Miss Linden, where do you live?"

  Florence started, and her face flushed.

  "I live in the lower part of the city," she answered, with hesitation.

  "That is not sufficiently definite."

  "I live at No. 27 -- Street."

  "I think that is east of the Bowery."

  "You are right, madam."

  "You lodge with an apple-woman, do you not?"

  "I do," answered Florence, calmly.

  "In a tenement house?"

  "Yes, madam."

  "And you actually come from such a squalid home to instruct mydaughter!" exclaimed Mrs. Leighton, indignantly. "It is a wonder youhave not brought some terrible disease into the house."

  "There has been no case of disease in the humble dwelling in which Imake my home. I should be as sorry to expose your daughter to anydanger of that kind as you would be to have me."

  "It is a merciful dispensation of Providence, for which I ought to betruly thankful. But the idea of receiving in my house an inmate of atenement house! I am truly shocked. Is this apple-woman your mother?"

  "I assure you that she is not," answered Florence, with a smile whichshe could not repress.

  "Or your aunt?"

  "She is in no way related to me. She is an humble friend.

  "Miss Linden, your tastes must be low to select such a home and such afriend."

  "The state of my purse had something to do with the selection, and thekindness shown me by Mrs. O'Keefe, when I needed a friend, willexplain my location further."

  "That is not all. You met in the Madison Avenue car yesterday mynephew, Mr. Percy de Brabazon."

  "It is coming," thought Florence. "Who could have seen us?" Thenaloud:

  "Yes, madam."

  "Was it by appointment?"

  "Do you mean to insult me, Mrs. Leighton?" demanded Florence, risingand looking at the lady with flashing eyes.

  "I never insult anybody," replied Mrs. Leighton. "Pray, resume yourseat."

  Florence did so.

  "Then I may assume that it was accidental. You talked together withthe freedom of old friends?"

  "You are correctly informed."

  "You seem to make acquaintances very readily, Miss Linden. It seemssingular, to say the least, that after meeting my nephew for a singleevening, you should become such intimate friends."

  "You will be surprised, Mrs. Leighton, when I say that Mr. de Brabazonand I are old friends. We have met frequently."

  "Where, in Heaven's name?" ejaculated Mrs. Leighton.

  "At my residence."

  "Good Heavens!" exclaimed the scandalized lady. "Does my nephew Percyvisit at the house of this apple-woman?"

  "No, madam. He does not know where I live."

  "Then you will explain your previous statement?" said Mrs. Leighton,haughtily.

  "I am at present suffering reversed circumstances. It is but a shorttime since I was very differently situated."

  "I won't inquire into your change of circumstances. I feel compelledto perform an unpleasant duty."

  Florence did not feel called upon to make any reply, but waited forMrs. Leighton to finish speaking.

  "I shall be obliged to dispense with your services as my daughter'sgoverness. It is quite out of the question for me to employ a personwho lives in a tenement-house."

  Florence bowed acquiescence, but she felt very sad. She had becomeattached to her young charge, and it cost her a pang to part from her.

  Besides, how was she to supply the income of which this would depriveher?

  "I bow to your decision, madam," she said, with proud humility.

  "You will find here the sum that I owe you, with payment for an extraweek in lieu of notice."

  "Thank you. May I bid Carrie good-by, Mrs. Leighton?"

  "It is better not to do so, I think. The more quietly we dissolve ourunfortunate connection the better!"

  Florence's heart swelled, and the tears came to her eyes, but shecould not press her request.

  She was destined, however, to obtain the privilege which Mrs. Leightondenied her. Carrie, who had become impatient, came downstairs andburst into the room.

  "What keeps you so long, Miss Linden?" she said. "Is mamma keepingyou?"

  Florence was silent, leaving the explanations to Mrs. Leighton.

  "Miss Linden has resigned her position as your governess, Carrie."

  "Miss Linden going away! I won't have her go! What makes you go, MissLinden?"

  "Your mamma thinks it best," answered Florence, with moistened eyes.

  "Well, I don't!" exclaimed Carrie, stamping her foot, angrily. "Iwon't have any other governess but you."

  "Carrie, you are behaving very unbecomingly," said her mother.

  "Will you tell me, mamma, why you are sending Miss Linden away?"

  "I will tell you some other time."

  "But I want to know now."

  "I am very much displeased with you, Carrie."

  "And I am very much displeased with you, mamma."

  I do not pretend to defend Carrie, whose conduct was hardly respectfulenough to her mother; but with all her faults she had a warm heart,while her mother had always been cold and selfish.

  "I am getting tired of this," said Mrs. Leighton. "Miss Linden, as youare here to-day, you may give Carrie the usual lessons. As I shall beout when you get through, I bid you good-by now."

  "Good-by, Mrs. Leighton."

  Carrie and Florence went to the schoolroom for the last time.

  Florence gave her young pupil a partial explanation of the cause whichhad led to her discharge.

  "What do I care if you live in a poor house, Miss Linden?" saidCarrie, impetuously. "I will make mamma take you back!"

  Florence smiled; but she knew that there would be no return for her.

  When she reached her humble home she had a severe headache and laydown. Mrs. O'Keefe came in later to see her.

  "And what's the matter with you, Florence?" she asked.

  "I have a bad headache, Mrs. O'Keefe."

  "You work too hard, Florence, wid your teacher. That is what gives youthe headache."

  "Then I shan't have it again, for I have got through with myteaching."

  "What's that you say?"

  "I am discharged."

  "And what's it all about?"

  Florence explained matters. Mrs. O'Keefe became indignant.

  "She's a mean trollop, that Mrs. Leighton!" she exclaimed, "and I'dlike to tell her so to her face. Where does she live?"

  "It will do no good to interfere, my good friend. She is not willingto receive a governess from a tenement house."

  "Shure you used to live in as grand a house as herself."

  "But I don't now."

  "Don't mind it too much, mavoureen. You'll soon be gettin' anotherscholar. Go to sleep now, and you'll sleep the headache away."

  Florence finally succeeded in follo
wing the advice of her humblefriend.

  She resolved to leave till the morrow the cares of the morrow.

  She had twelve dollars, and before that was spent she hoped to be in aposition to earn some more.


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