Adrift in New York: Tom and Florence Braving the World

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Adrift in New York: Tom and Florence Braving the World Page 36

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  Chapter XXXVI.Mrs. O'Keefe In A New Role.

  No time was lost in seeing Bolton and arranging a plan of campaign.

  Curtis Waring, nearing the accomplishment of his plans, was far fromanticipating impending disaster.

  His uncle's health had become so poor, and his strength had been sofar undermined, that it was thought desirable to employ a sick nurse.An advertisement was inserted in a morning paper, which luckilyattracted the attention of Bolton.

  "You must go, Mrs. O'Keefe," he said to the apple-woman. "It isimportant that we have some one in the house--some friend of Florenceand the boy--to watch what is going on."

  "Bridget O'Keefe is no fool. Leave her to manage."

  The result was that among a large number of applicants Mrs. O'Keefewas selected by Curtis as Mr. Linden's nurse, as she expressed herselfwilling to work for four dollars a week, while the lowest outsidedemand was seven.

  We will now enter the house, in which the last scenes of our story areto take place.

  Mr. Linden, weak and emaciated, was sitting in an easy-chair in hislibrary.

  "How do you feel this morning, uncle?" asked Curtis, entering theroom.

  "I am very weak, Curtis. I don't think I shall ever be any better."

  "I have engaged a nurse, uncle, as you desired, and I expect her thismorning."

  "That is well, Curtis. I do not wish to confine you to my bedside."

  "The nurse is below," said Jane, the servant, entering.

  "Send her up."

  Mrs. O'Keefe entered in the sober attire of a nurse. She dropped acurtsey.

  "Are you the nurse I engaged?" said Curtis.

  "Yes, sir."

  "Your name, please."

  "Mrs. Barnes, sir."

  "Have you experience as a nurse?"

  "Plenty, sir."

  "Uncle, this is Mrs. Barnes, your new nurse. I hope you will find hersatisfactory."

  "She looks like a good woman," said Mr. Linden, feebly. "I think shewill suit me."

  "Indade, sir, I'll try."

  "Uncle," said Curtis, "I have to go downtown. I have some business toattend to. I leave you in the care of Mrs. Barnes."

  "Shure, I'll take care of him, sir."

  "Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Linden?" asked the new nurse,in a tone of sympathy.

  "Can you minister to a mind diseased?"

  "I'll take the best care of you, Mr. Linden, but it isn't as if youhad a wife or daughter."

  "Ah, that is a sore thought! I have no wife or daughter; but I have aniece."

  "And where is she, sir?"

  "I don't know. I drove her from me by my unkindness. I repentbitterly, but it's now too late."

  "And why don't you send for her to come home?"

  "I would gladly do so, but I don't know where she is. Curtis has triedto find her, but in vain. He says she is in Chicago."

  "And what should take her to Chicago?"

  "He says she is there as a governess in a family."

  "By the brow of St. Patrick!" thought Mrs. O'Keefe, "if that Curtisisn't a natural-born liar. I'm sure she'd come back if you'd send forher, sir," said she, aloud.

  "Do you think so?" asked Linden, eagerly.

  "I'm sure of it."

  "But I don't know where to send."

  "I know of a party that would be sure to find her."

  "Who is it?"

  "It's a young man. They call him Dodger. If any one can find MissFlorence, he can."

  "You know my niece's name?"

  "I have heard it somewhere. From Mr. Waring, I think."

  "And you think this young man would agree to go to Chicago and findher?"

  "Yes, sir, I make bold to say he will."

  "Tell him to go at once. He will need money. In yonder desk you willfind a picture of my niece and a roll of bills. Give them to him andsend him at once."

  "Yes, sir, I will. But if you'll take my advice, you won't sayanything to Mr. Curtis. He might think it foolish."

  "True! If your friend succeeds, we'll give Curtis a surprise."

  "And a mighty disagreeable one, I'll be bound," soliloquized Mrs.O'Keefe.

  "I think, Mrs. Barnes, I will retire to my chamber, if you will assistme."

  She assisted Mr. Linden to his room, and then returned to the library.

  "Mrs. Barnes, there's a young man inquiring for you," said Jane,entering.

  "Send him in, Jane."

  The visitor was Dodger, neatly dressed.

  "How are things going, Mrs. O'Keefe?" he asked.

  "Splendid, Dodger. Here's some money for you."

  "What for?"

  "You're to go to Chicago and bring back Florence."

  "But she isn't there."

  "Nivir mind. You're to pretend to go."

  "But that won't take money."

  "Give it to Florence, then. It's hers by rights. Won't we give Curtisa surprise? Where's his wife?"

  "I have found a comfortable boarding house for her. When had we bettercarry out this programme? She's very anxious to see her husband."

  "The more fool she. Kape her at home and out of his sight, or there'sno knowin' what he'll do. And, Dodger, dear, kape an eye on theapple-stand. I mistrust Mrs. Burke that's runnin' it."

  "I will. Does the old gentleman seem to be very sick?"

  "He's wake as a rat. Curtis would kill him soon if we didn'tinterfere. But we'll soon circumvent him, the snake in the grass! MissFlorence will soon come to her own, and Curtis Waring will be out inthe cold."

  "The most I have against him is that he tried to marry Florence whenhe had a wife already."

  "He's as bad as they make 'em, Dodger. It won't be my fault if Mr.Linden's eyes are not opened to his wickedness."


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