Wayward: St. Croix Falls Book 1

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Wayward: St. Croix Falls Book 1 Page 8

by Melody Personette


  His lips twisted, and he shook his head. “Do you think the guy you thought was following you in the neighborhood was the same guy?”

  A shiver ran through Mia. She hadn’t even considered that but now that she thought back on her run, she realized he did look familiar. She had just been so freaked and so in her own head she hadn’t thought about equating the guy in the city to him. But… yeah, he did look like him. Too much like him. There went any chance at sleep tonight. “He did,” she whispered.

  Rhett must have heard the fear in her voice because his hand reached out and rested atop hers. Mia’s head jerked up. She searched his face, trying to equate the gentleness of his touch to the jerk of a guy a few days ago. He met her gaze, catching her with his intense eyes and gave her hand a squeeze. “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said, a passion so deep and so resounding that it stole Mia’s breath in his voice.

  “Why?” she whispered, unable to not ask that question.

  His lips tipped up at the corners. “That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Anyways,” he said, giving her hand one more squeeze before letting go, “we have a killer neighborhood watch. They’re real freaky, so if they see anyone suspicious around, they’ll make sure something’s done about it.”

  Mia couldn’t help but smile despite the confusion of trying to figure him out. Hearing him talk about something as mundane as a neighborhood watch was funny to her for some reason. It differed so drastically from the fierce protectiveness in his voice seconds ago.

  With silence falling over them once more, Mia glanced out the window and realized they had entered their neighborhood. Minutes later and Rhett pulled up between their two houses. Mia grabbed her purse and then paused with her hand on the door handle. Thank you seemed like the right thing to say but… she wasn’t sure what she was thanking him for. Giving her a ride, being nice to her or showing her a side of him she hadn’t thought he had or for believing her. Maybe all three.

  She met his gaze and found him already watching her. His forehead creased as if he was the one trying to figure her out instead of the other way around. “Thank you,” she said, giving him a small smile.

  Rhett smirked, one hand on the steering wheel as he lounged in his seat. “What for?” He asked it as if he had read her mind.

  Mia shrugged, cheeks warming at his constant attention. “I don’t know… tonight, I guess? For not bailing on me like Angie did.”

  A muscle in his jaw ticked. “Angie may come and go, but I will always be here.”

  Mia frowned. What was that supposed to mean? “Does Angie leave often?”

  “Abruptly and without explanation. Yeah, she does. All the time. Don’t expect to see her in school tomorrow or even the next few days.”

  “What does she do when she’s away?”

  Rhett shrugged. “How am I supposed to know? We aren’t friends.”

  “You used to be,” slipped out before Mia could stop it. She wasn’t sure Angie would want her to tell Rhett what she’d said about their friendship and how it ended.

  His eyes narrowed. “How do you know that?”

  “Um… Angie told me. Sorry, it’s none of my business,” Mia said, going to get out. He lunged forward and his hand shot out, grabbing the handle and stopping her from opening the door. Mia scowled and tried to yank it open. When that didn’t work, she tried to pry his hand off. “Let go. What is your problem? One minute your actually decent to talk to and the next I don’t even want to be within ten feet of you.”

  “That’s a little dramatic,” he said dryly, smirking like he found her attempt at escaping funny.

  Mia glowered at him. “Let me out of this car Rhett.”

  “First tell me what Angie told you. I’m curious to hear what she has to say about our friendship.” He said friendship like it was a dirty word.

  Mia tried one more time to get his hand off the door. She realized it was futile, and she would end up making an even bigger fool of herself than she already was. Mia sighed and slumped back in her seat. She flashed him a glare. “Fine. But don’t tell her I told you this.”

  Rhett grinned. He continued to lean across the car to keep the handle shut as if he thought she might make a run for it.

  “As if I talk to her anyways. So, what did Angie have to say?”

  Mia blew out a frustrated breath. “All she said was that you guys were friends and then you got into a fight and it ended. She insinuated that it was your fault that your friendship died, and I believe her. You seem like the kind of guy who could make a friendship go up in flames in a snap.”

  A bitter twist touched Rhett’s grin, and he let out a humorless laugh. “Oh yeah? Of course, she would blame it on me. Because Rhett always ruins everything, right? Well next time you see her you can ask her how the argument started. I promise you she’ll say it was me because she’s a giant liar. But she was the one who started it. She was being overly sentimental and stupid and didn’t agree with a decision I made. A logical, decent decision that was right for everyone. She didn’t even consider how hard it was for me to go through with it. I’m sure she thinks I’m a heartless snake when really, it killed me to do what I did. Angie is so full of it.”

  Mia’s mouth opened and shut several times. She didn’t know what to say to that. His words dripped with honesty. Mix that with the anger flashing in his eyes and how could Mia not believe him? Besides… Angie wasn’t exactly there to defend herself. If Rhett was right, Mia might not see her for several days while she was off doing who knew what.

  Rhett didn’t wait for her to find the right words to say back, though. He let go of the car door’s handle and leaned back into his seat, his hand brushing her thigh as he did. Mia’s breath caught at the surprise contact.

  “I told you to be careful with her, but you don’t seem interested in listening, so just do yourself a favor and don’t trust her. Be friends and whatever, but don’t for one second let her get too close. Angie’ll ruin you just like she does to everyone else she gets close to.”

  “I…” Mia started but Rhett gestured at the door before she could say anything. “Just go. Good night… It was… enlightening getting to talk to you tonight.”

  Alright then… Not exactly how she would have described their time together, but it was a good enough word. “Yeah, sure… Good night. Thanks for the ride again,” Mia mumbled as she popped the door open and got out.

  Rhett merely waved. “See ya tomorrow.”

  Mia shut the door and watched him turn around the cul-de-sac and park in his driveway. Before things got awkward, Mia went inside and shut the door behind her. She stood there for a moment, her back pressed against the door as she tried to catch her breath from the whirlwind that was tonight and calm the spinning thoughts in her mind. There was something up with Angie and Rhett and there was something off about this whole town and everyone in it. Mia just couldn’t put her finger on it. She knew deep down in her gut without a shadow of a doubt that people were keeping secrets from her. Like she was the one on the outside looking in. And Mia didn’t know how to get in.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning Rhett was right. When Mia got dressed and peeked out her window, she found Angie’s car still gone. Her mom was still asleep, so Mia got ready and ate breakfast by herself before heading to school.

  When she got there, she half expected to spot Angie’s hot pink car or to see her waiting by Mia’s locker. But she wasn’t there. At all. Rhett really had been right. Angie was skipping school. But why? Why would the captain of the cheer team and president of a million other things at the school skip classes? How could she even get away with it?

  Mia pursed her lip as she unlocked her locker and went about putting things away and grabbing her Algebra book and notebook. Tucking a pencil behind her ear, Mia shut her locker back up and headed to class, half dreading it knowing Rhett would be there. She sat down near the back this time, hoping that would deter him from sitting behind her.
Yet when the final bell rang, he swaggered in and sat down. Right. Behind. Her. This time Mia could hear the soft squeak of his desk being moved forward to press against the back of her chair and a minute later she heard an annoying “psst.”

  “What?” Mia shout-whispered. They were all still waiting for the teacher to get there. Since most of the students were in class and already looking for an excuse to stare at her, Mia didn’t want to give them another reason.

  Rhett waved his pencil around as if gesturing at the entire school. “Notice someone missing?”

  Mia shot him a glare. “That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe she’s sick.”

  “Has she called?”

  “No,” Mia said grudgingly.


  “She’s probably busy. Maybe it was a family emergency.”

  Rhett snorted, tapping his pencil against the side of his desk. “Yeah, that’s what it is.”

  “Well do you know where she went?”

  He shrugged carelessly but Mia saw the way his body tensed. He did know where she was, and he was holding out on her. “Why would I care? We aren’t friends anymore.”

  “You do. You’re just not telling me.”

  “So what? You don’t want to know.”

  Mia scowled. “Maybe I do. You don’t know what I want. Just tell me. Is it family?”

  “Sure Mia,” he drawled. “That’s what it is. Angelica doesn’t have a lot of family in town. You can think whatever you want to make yourself feel better instead of facing the reality that your only friend has already ditched you. Just like I said she would.”

  “I’m done talking to you. You’re being a royal jerk,” she hissed, spinning back around in her seat just as the teacher came in.

  “At least I’m not in denial,” she heard him whisper.

  Mia’s jaw clenched but she resisted the urge to get in the last word. The rest of algebra was insufferable. Not only because she sucked at math but also because she could feel the smugness coming from Rhett behind her. Just like yesterday, Mia couldn’t wait to get out of there. She was the first one out of her seat and out the door when the bell rang.

  Mia didn’t stop walking until she got to her locker. Even then she rushed to change out books and hurry to her next class to avoid bumping into him. The truth was… his words were starting to get to her. What if he was right? Had Angie really ditched her? Angie had acted as sweet as pie and Mia had really thought she’d found a friend in her but then she went and did this? Disappearing without even telling Mia where she was going? It was just so… rude. And inconsiderate. And hurtful. And Mia hated that Rhett had a point.

  She especially hated that she was starting to agree with him. Maybe Angie wasn’t to be trusted. Not that Mia stereotyped everyone she came across but… Angie was one of those ultra-pretty popular girls who often ended up being the one to stab you in the back. Mia had really thought Angie was different, though.

  By the time lunch rolled around Mia had dug herself into a giant mental hole of despair thinking about Angie and Rhett all day. She ended up grabbing her lunch from her locker and slinking off to sit behind the school where she could be lonely and miserable by herself. Mia munched on her sandwich, staring down at her velvety purple boots as she blew a strand of hair out of her face. Uph, she needed to get a grip. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the brick wall of the school. This was stupid. She’d only known Angie for a few days. Mia shouldn’t care this much about a girl she barely knew. So why did she feel so hurt that Angie had left without a word?

  Someone cleared their throat. Mia opened her eyes to find Kai staring down at her with his crooked grin and teasing green eyes. “Hey,” she said, forcing a smile.

  “Can I join you?”

  “Sure… You a reject too or just not feeling like being around people today?”

  Kai shrugged, taking a seat next to her, shoulder to shoulder. “Maybe I’d rather eat my lunch with the most interesting girl in school.”

  Mia shot him a smirk, taking a bite of her sandwich. “Yeah right. I’m not that interesting.”

  “I beg to differ. How are you liking school?”

  “It’s OK…”

  “Miss Angie, huh?”

  Mia frowned, freezing mid-chew. She was about to ask him how he knew but then realized her mouth was full. Quickly swallowing she gave him an odd look. “How did you know that?”

  Kai ducked his head, hiding his smile as his cheeks turned pink. “Cus I miss her too…”

  Angie hadn’t said anything about Kai having a crush on her. Maybe she didn’t know? When her and Kai had talked yesterday, he had played it pretty cool. Maybe a little too cool by the looks of it. “Ahhh,” Mia said, unable to stop from grinning and nudging her shoulder into his.

  Kai rolled his eyes and nudged her back. “Shut up.”

  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You didn’t need to. I know… I think Angie’s really pretty and amazing and yeah, OK, I have a tiny crush on her but as if she ever notices. But anyways, I do miss her when she’s gone…” Kai trailed off, sounding flustered.

  Mia laughed. “It’s OK. You’re secret’s safe with me. Maybe I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  He sat up straighter, his smile lighting up his face. “Really?”

  “Sure, why not? You seem like a nice guy.”

  “I really am.”

  Mia laughed again. “Of course. So… do you know where she goes?” she asked, sobering up. If Rhett wouldn’t tell her maybe Kai would.

  Her heart sank, though, when Kai shook his head, looking as defeated as she felt. “No idea. She leaves for a few days every once in a while. I don’t know where she goes or what she does… I’ve asked her a few times, but she’s always pretty evasive when it comes to those sorts of questions. She has a lot of friends, though… I always figured she’s doing something with them. But Angie can be pretty closed off when she wants to be.”

  “So I’ve noticed,” Mia mumbled, finishing off her sandwich. Though who was Mia to judge? She could be closed off too from time to time. Mia wasn’t exactly the most touchy-feely, sharing type of person. So why did she expect Angie to open up to her instantly? Just because Angie had a bubbly personality didn’t mean she liked to go around telling everyone she met her whole life story. It wasn’t like they were best friends and had known each other forever. Angie didn’t owe her an explanation. So why did it still feel so crappy?

  “Hey,” Kai nudged her again. “Turn that frown upside down. She’ll be back by the end of the week and until then, we can… eat lunch together and hang out? We have Lit together in the evening.”

  Mia nodded, forcing a smile to make him happy. “We do.”

  “Cool. Maybe we can see each other after school or something?”

  “Sure, that sounds good. I don’t have a lot going on anyways.”

  It was adorable the way Kai perked up like a happy puppy when she said that. She could almost imagine him being a little golden retriever and his tail wagging at the thought of getting to spend time with her. But it also made her wonder if he was so desperate for friends that he was willing to hang out with the new girl. He seemed all too happy and eager to jump at the chance to hang out with her. It was actually kind of sad… “So,” Mia said, trying to sound casual as she grabbed her bag of pretzels. “You don’t have any friends who are missing you for lunch?”

  Kai shrugged, not looking all too concerned. He opened his black lunchbox and pulled out a box of sushi. Mia resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose. She couldn’t stand sushi. Or any sort of fish, raw or cooked. Her mother was deathly allergic so even the thought of eating fish made Mia paranoid. “Yeah a few, but they don’t mind. It’s not a big deal.”

  “So, you would really rather hang out with me then with your friends?”

  He grinned at her, giving her an odd look. “Is it really so hard to believe that someone would want to spend time with you?”

  Mia blushed and glanced away. “I
don’t know… Maybe.”

  “Well that’s just dumb cus you’re a pretty fun person to be around.”

  “Says the guy who’s talked to me twice in two days.”

  “True, but you should take that as a compliment. You made such a great impression on your very first day.”

  Mia laughed and shook her head. “You really are good at buttering people up, aren’t you?”

  Kai grinned, eyes shining with mischief. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I seriously doubt that. I have a feeling you know more than you let on.”

  “Maybe a little…”

  Their little conversation lightened Mia’s mood and brought a smile to her face for the rest of the day. Along with the fact that she didn’t run into Rhett at all. The last thing she needed was to have him whispering doubts in her ear again. Kai had given her perspective and helped her feel a little less alone, gotten her out of her rut and she appreciated that. They made plans for the weekend. He was going to show her the best food place in town and made sure to tell her if Angie showed up, she should invite her. Mia promised she would. Her new goal in life was to get the two of them together. They would make a cute couple.

  When Mia pulled into the driveway after school her eyes instantly wandered first to Angie’s house, finding the front of the house devoid of a hot pink car. Then her gaze traveled to the right where she found Rhett’s car. No Rhett in sight. Good. Her heart sank a little, but she forced herself to feel happy that she didn’t see him. She didn’t have to worry anyways. Mia would see him tomorrow in algebra, so she should be glad to have some space from him.

  Her mom had texted after school saying she would be at the bookstore late. Mia ordered pizza and did her homework at the kitchen table but every so often she couldn’t help but glance out the back door. Even though it had only been a few days, she missed the energy Angie brought with her everywhere she went. Angie had been there since the day she moved in, providing constant chatter and background noise. The house felt too big and too quiet for her liking, so she moved outside to the patio table. Her eyes instantly glanced up at Rhett’s window to find the curtains firmly shut. She was so focused on trying to find a shadow behind them that she didn’t notice the shadow in the woods beyond the gate of her house until Mia turned back to her homework. A flicker of darkness caught the corner of her eyes and her head jerked up, a shiver running down her spine. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as if her body could sense she was being watched.


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