Secrets in Suburbia

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Secrets in Suburbia Page 5

by Melody Calder

  As I sit there transfixed, my mind starts to come back to life. I remember Stuart’s words about getting proof. I’m in the perfect position to capture that proof. I take my cell phone out of my back pocket and turn my body away from the window to block the light from the screen. I make sure that the flash is off and then turn down the screen contrast so that it doesn’t give off too much light.

  I turn back around and position the camera to capture the scene in front of me and my jaw drops.

  Chapter 10

  I sleep in late and spend some time lounging on the deck, feet dangling in the pool. I’m avoiding all thoughts of the night before. Instead, I focus on the leaves of the trees swaying in the light breeze and the birds hopping from branch to branch. I’m relaxed and enjoying the tranquility when my alarm goes off telling me it’s time to get ready.

  In my closet, I go back and forth between the two dresses I had picked out the day before. The red maxi is more fitting to the style that the three ladies wear. I consider it for a moment, but ultimately toss it aside. I don’t feel like being a modest little wife today. I turn my attention to the blue sundress. It’s modest enough, albeit shorter, but it’s not fitting my mood today. Going back through my dresses, I find the perfect one. The white halter top dips low, giving just the right amount of cleavage. The skirt has navy blue and white mandalas, the bottom cut high and low all around, showing off my shapely legs.

  After straightening my blonde locks and applying just the right touch of makeup, I do a spin in the full-length mirror. “Damn I look hot,” I compliment myself with a laugh. I feel confident as I slip on my strappy sandals and head over to Rachel’s.

  “Good afternoon, Samantha.” Victoria and Rachel greet me in unison.

  A look of disdain crosses Victoria’s face so quickly that I think I may have been mistaken. With her signature plastered smile, she says. “It’s good to see you again. I’m glad you could make it.”

  “It’s nice to see you too Victoria.” I return the fake smile, nodding to Rachel, “Your backyard is lovely.”

  Rachel makes a show of looking around before asking, “Where is Rich?”

  Maintaining my smile, I respond, “He had a last-minute business trip. He’s off living it up at a corporate resort landing a new client. It’s common for him to have last minute business trips”

  Victoria nods knowingly, “It’s a tradeoff for us wives. Though they leave frequently, we certainly reap the benefits of our successful husbands.”

  “Samantha! There you are!” a familiar voice saves me from the rude retort that was on the tip of my tongue.

  “Elena! I’m so happy to see you!”

  “Come, come,” she gestures, “Let’s get that dish put in the right spot and make the introductions.”

  As we walk away, I whisper, “Thank you for saving me. Victoria still intimidates me so much. I feel like I’m back in college taking finals when I’m around her.”

  Elena lets out a soft giggle, “You did have a little bit of that deer in the headlights look about you. You look amazing, by the way. I wish I could wear clothes like that. I feel so frumpy all the time.”

  “You are beautiful, Elena, no matter what you wear. But you can come and raid my closet if you want to try on something a little less modest. Our secret.”

  The table of food is set out like a fancy reception. An open tent keeps the sun off of the food. Linen tablecloths in lovely summer hues top the long buffets. The multiple dishes of food set out at varying heights with Bunsen burners beneath for the hot dishes and ice for the cold dishes. I inwardly groan wondering how I will ever live up to this when it is my turn.

  We find a place for my dessert and move on to meet my neighbors. It’s quite a crowd of thirty or so adults. There are also about a dozen teens and preteens, hanging around. The former with their faces buried in their phones, the latter playing lawn darts and throwing around a football.

  As Elena is introducing me to another round of people, I joke, “I hope I won’t be tested on your names. I have a terrible memory for that kind of thing.” This seems to break the ice. The small group of women seem to take pleasure in filling me in on all the neighborhood gossip.

  A woman I recognize as Heidi comes over to join our laughing group. I turn to her and thank her for the lemonade she had brought over the day we moved in.

  “It was so delicious!” I sneak a conspiratorial look at Elena, “You should really bottle it and sell it. You would be a millionaire.”

  “Oh no, no,” she responds with a smile, “that’s way too much work. My secret ingredient is love. I just like to share with my friends and family.”

  After thanking her again, I make plans to return her pitcher next week. Elena and I excuse ourselves and move to fill our bellies. She gives me commentary on what foods I have to try and what foods to avoid at all costs. She really is becoming a great friend.

  I’m having such a great time that the darkening sky surprises me a little bit. I start wondering what the protocol for leaving is or when the party ends. I’m just about to ask Elena when a little boy runs into me. He happens to have a plate full of food that lands on my bare legs and feet. I stand horrified as a mixture of sauces and condiments drip down my legs.

  For the first time since we met, I hear a peel of laughter coming from Rachel. I look over at her only to see Victoria struggling to hold back her own laughter. “Of all the people to witness this,” I grumble quietly to myself.

  Rachel, still giggling as she comes to assist me, manages to get out, “I don’t think napkins are going to clean that up. If you go around the side of the house, there’s a door that leads to a bathroom on the right.” She points me in the right direction, “Towels and washcloths are in the closet. Just leave them in the bathtub and my maid will take care of them tomorrow.”

  Following her directions, I’m just about to turn the corner when the sound of male voices registers. Their voices don’t make me pause, but the words make me want to listen in. I wouldn’t want to interrupt their engaging conversation. At least that’s the excuse I’m trying to go with.

  “....and there’s my intern, pants around his ankles. My secretary is on her knees in front of him sucking his dick like she’s starving and it’s the first meal she’s had all day,” one voice says.

  Another chimes in, “So did you fire them?”

  “Hell no,” the first voice says with determination. “If the boy can get a blow job, good for him. God knows our wives won’t give them.” He guffaws, “I said sorry, carry on and closed the door.”

  The men break out in laughter and I try not to let my own laughter escape.

  “Don’t I know it.” a slightly familiar voice agrees, “I thought eventually I could change my wife’s sexual misgivings. If I had known that it would never happen, I probably wouldn’t have married her.”

  The first voice speaks up again, “For sure. I love my wife, but I didn’t know I’d be living the rest of my life in missionary position. What I wouldn’t do to get a blow job, or even a little kiss on the dick from my wife.” He continues in a mocking voice, “Oral is the devil’s playground.”

  “Maybe that new girl, what’s her name? The one that moved in next to you, Jake. Maybe she’ll get our wives to loosen up a bit. Elena’s already talking about wearing knee length skirts and maybe a tank top.” That must be Robert talking.

  “She sure is a hot little thing, that new girl,” Jake admits.

  A round of agreement goes around and I take my chance to break through the group of men. “Excuse me, I just need to go get cleaned up. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  All eyes focus on me. I recognize Stuart as he is the first to speak up. “Not at all Samantha. We just like to hide out from the wives during these get togethers. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” He holds a hand for me to shake as his grey eyes take me in. He’s very attractive, not all like I pictured him. His light brown hair streaked with blonde, is slicked back. A five o’clock shadow
dusts his masculine face giving him a bad boy vibe.

  I turn my head to take in Jake as he introduces himself and asks me what happened. Where Stuart has a boyish face, Jake’s is chiseled and all man. His eyes are the color of milk chocolate, lighter in color than his dark hair which is short and messy in a sexy way. I have to admit; my panties get a little wet taking in these two fine specimens.

  I’ve paused a beat too long, but I quickly recover, “Oh, just a little boy with a plate full of food who wasn’t looking where he was going. I’m lucky it didn’t get on my favorite dress.”

  “Very lucky indeed,” the third man states with a grin. “I’m Robert. I’ve heard so much about you from Elena that I feel like I know you already.”

  I take his outreached hand to shake it. Out of the three of these men, he comes closest to what I would picture as Elena’s husband. He too is very good looking, with brown hair parted to the side. Fashionable thick black glasses rest on his boyishly handsome face. His cupid's bow lips are surrounded by a thin, perfectly trimmed moustache and beard. Do not go there with your thoughts Sam.

  “Well, it was nice to finally meet you all. I better get in and clean this mess up.”

  I’m slightly shaking as I get to the bathroom. I wonder how these women landed such good husbands. Not only are they talking about being faithful despite their wives’ lacking bedroom skills, but they are also fucking hot. Like panty melting hot.

  I locate the wash rags and towels I need and start the process of cleaning myself up. As I methodically wash the food disaster off myself, my thoughts stray to the scene I witnessed last night.

  She is laying across the table, her fishnet covered legs spread open and stiletto heels on her feet. He turns away from me, bending over to put his head between her legs. I fiddle with my phone and turn back around, snapping pictures as I do. As I look up from my camera, I see two more people have entered the room, a man and a woman. The man is standing behind Rich, but still has his back to me. I can make out a bottle in his hands. The woman is up on the pool table, having positioned her core over Lydia’s mouth.

  The man turns, and I can see from his profile that it’s Lydia’s husband Todd. My jaw drops as I watch as Todd pushes his cock into Rich and starts pounding away. I can’t breathe. I need to get out of here. As I stand up, I realize that my finger has been pressing against the photo button. I drive home in a fog.

  Anger burns at me as the memories play on repeat. I take a few deep breaths to center myself. I need to think clearly. I won’t let this ruin the fabulous day I’ve had. I just need to do one thing while I’m here; check the pictures on the phone.

  I open up my photos and flip through them quickly. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that it wasn’t all wasted. I managed to capture pictures that clearly show what they were doing. I need to take this to Stuart. I’ll have to take him aside before I leave and let him know the cheating is confirmed and I have proof. I give myself one more pep talk in the mirror, anger still bubbling at the surface, and make my way back to the party.

  Chapter 11

  I don’t know what it is with me overhearing conversations today, but here I am again listening to something not intended for my ears. Clearly.

  “I’m sure her husband is with his mistress, not on a business trip,” I overhear Victoria’s pompous voice.

  I don’t recognize the female voice that asks, “How do you know he has a mistress?”

  Yes Victoria. Do tell how you know this. Fucking backstabbing Elena! Why did I ever trust her?

  “I was in my garden, minding my own business, when I overheard Samantha giving all the details to someone I’m assuming she was on the phone with.”

  Oh shit. Sorry Elena. I’m not able to make out the quiet murmurs in response, but I can only imagine what they are saying.

  Victoria continues with her sanctimonious telling, “Just look at her. She leaves nothing to the imagination with her clothing choices. It’s no wonder her husband can’t abide by the sacred vows of marriage. If you act like a slut, you end up with a slut.”

  Rachel pipes in, “And now she has Elena following her around like a little puppy. She’s even talking about buying a cocktail dress to go out on a date with Robert. She showed me a picture of what she wanted, I told her that she would look like a hussy in it.”

  “I think we have enough with one whore in our community. I do hope you reminded Elena of our ways?” Victoria asked.

  The anger that had been bubbling to the surface was now boiling. I backed away slowly, looking for an escape route, when I spotted Jake alone at the drink table. I’ll show them slutty!

  I don’t care what drink I grab, only that I make sure to brush up against Jake as I reach for it. “Oh, I totally misjudged that reach. I’m so sorry,” I lie smoothly.

  He smiles at me, which makes him even sexier than at our first introduction. “Not a problem. Let me help you with that.” He grabs my bottle of whatever I grabbed, opens it for me, and hands it back. I wrap my lips around the rim, taking a small sip, my eyes locked with his. Root beer. Not a horrible choice.

  Leaning against the table, he crosses his arms. “So, how has the party been? Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable? I know I’m not the host here, but our three families are so close that I might as well be the host.”

  “Oh, I can think of something you can do,” I lean into him, lowering my voice seductively.

  I see a flash of heat in his eyes as he asks, “And what can I do for you?”

  “Point me to a place in this yard that is… private,” I say cautiously. When his eyebrows raise in question, I continue, “And meet me there in five minutes. I’m lacking in entertainment at the moment. I’m sure a man like you can help me out with that.”

  The seconds tick by in silence. His face is set in stone and I can’t get a read on what his response will be. I start to get nervous that I’ve made an even bigger ass of myself. At least I’ll lose the house and never have to show my face here again.

  He finally speaks and it’s not what I was expecting. “If you go around the side where you met us guys and keep going a little further, there’s an alcove behind the bushes that’s pretty dark and private.” And with that he turns and saunters away.


  I twist my hair round and round my finger, a nervous habit I have. Butterflies swirl in my stomach as I wait, wondering if he’s going to show. I look at the clock on my phone for the umpteenth time. I’ve been standing in this dark alcove for seven long minutes. I estimate that it took me two minutes to sneak out unnoticed and grab a couple of towels from Rachel’s bathroom. There were so many in that closet that I doubt she’ll notice two missing. I can always shove them in the bathtub with the other towels that are surely ruined from my earlier mishap.

  I wonder how much time I should give him before I have to do the walk of shame. That kind of walk is only worth it if I get some action. I am hoping that he was just caught up by some of his friends. Or his wife.

  The memory of the smug look on Victoria’s face, telling my personal business to everyone, and insulting me, made me want to wait for hours if I had to. I want to knock her down a few notches. If Jake doesn’t show up, I will find another way eventually.

  A thought occurred to me. I hadn’t done a background check on any of them, which is completely out of character for me. Another thing to blame on Swetty Dick. His lying cheating ass took up too much of my time. Time that could be spent being productive doing things like spying on my new neighbors. What can I say, I deal in secrets and like to know who I surround myself with. I will have to remedy that next week.

  I’m pulled from my inner ramblings by the soft sound of footsteps. “Samantha?” I hear Jake’s soft whisper.

  My heart races and I respond in a shaky whisper, “I’m right here.”

  My eyes have long since adjusted to the dim light, and I can make out his body drawing near. I reach out a hand to guide him to me. “I didn’t think you were c

  “I almost didn’t, but you intrigue me, Samantha.” His breath brushing against my ear and the sound of my name on his lips makes me shiver. “Are you cold?”

  “A little body heat wouldn’t hurt,” I tease as I move closer to him.

  He wraps his arms around me, “I want you to know that I’m not the kind of guy that does this.”

  “I’m not either, but here we are. I overheard your conversation with the guys earlier,” I admit.

  I feel his chest rumble with unspoken laughter. “I was wondering how your proposition came about. You don’t seem like the type of woman that does that often.”

  “Like you said, you intrigue me.” I brush my lips against his neck, the feel of his sharp intake of breath makes my nipples harden against his chest.

  “What entertainment can I provide you with, madame?”

  Dropping a towel on the ground, I move my hands down his chiseled chest, stopping at the button of his jeans. “I’m the entertainment tonight. You can just relax and let me show you my magic trick.”

  I get down on my knees and unbutton his pants. He lets out a soft moan as I rub his shaft through the material of his jeans. I feel him harden at my touch. Continuing to rub, I slowly slide his zipper down. I kiss the exposed skin on the lower part of his magic V that leads to the promised land, as I slide his pants down, freeing his cock.

  Leaning back, I take in the sight of his huge erection. It’s a beautiful sight. I’m thrumming with excitement as I swirl my tongue around his bulbous tip. His heavy breathing lets me know he’s already enjoying this. I slide my mouth over his tip, my tongue focusing on the head as I lightly suck. I slowly slide him all the way into my mouth.

  “Oh my god, Samantha, that feels so good,“ Jake moans.

  I suck a little bit harder, pushing myself to take him in deeper. He begs, “Don’t stop. Please don’t ever stop,” which turns me on more. I pull my breasts up out of the top of my shirt and guide his hand to them. He gently kneads them with his strong hands. As he brushes against my nipple, I moan around his cock.


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