Secrets in Suburbia

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Secrets in Suburbia Page 7

by Melody Calder

  “Well, I hate to leave you without a proper welcome home, but I have a meeting with the boss this morning.” He gives me another squeeze and peck on the cheek before heading out the door.


  “Georgia law allows for all assets to be divided equally, including 401Ks.” Stuart informs me while looking through the first set of our financial statements. “It’s very possible that the judge will rule in your favor of granting you the house. Those pictures you took are going to be a big factor in your case. This is Georgia. Our judges tend to be politically conservative and don’t look kindly on different lifestyles.”

  “What you have here is great evidence, but I want to make sure we cover all of our bases. Evidence will be considered more solid if it comes from a professional, so with your permission, I’ll have my private investigator see what he can do. I have to warn you, it’s going to take some time and you are going to have to continue to act like your marriage is fine.”

  “Whatever you feel is best.” Teasingly I add, “You are the one with the law degree.”

  I feel very guilty that I know about his wife and Victoria. I have had several moments during our meeting when I’ve wanted to ask him if Jake has told him yet. I find it exhausting to be holding all these secrets, acting as if everything is fine. I’m barely holding onto my sanity. I’ve always done my best to hold myself to high moral standards, so this is a big switch for me. It’s funny how much I have had to change in such a short time.

  “Can I take a look at that check you mentioned?” Stuart questions, pulling me from my thoughts.

  Pulling it out of the pile, I hand it to him. “I have no idea what this La Petite Mort is.”

  “It’s an exclusive club for swingers and those who have sexual desires that are considered unusual in polite society,” Stuart informs me without blinking an eye.

  I’m unmoved by the information itself, considering what I had witnessed Rich doing with those other people, but I’m taken aback by Stuart knowing this information. He doesn’t seem the type, especially after overhearing the private conversation between the three friends the other day.

  I quirk my eyebrow in question, “And you know this how? You don’t seem the type to be a part of that scene.”

  Stuart chuckles, “I have wealthy clientele and handle divorces quite frequently. I’ve heard that name numerous times, and more details about the activities than I care to. The owners are clients of my practice, though I don’t handle their account. One of my associates deals with them because her area of law is corporate.”

  “Really? I don’t suppose you could tell me who the owners are?”

  “I’d love to, but I have to keep the information on all of our clients private,” he tells me with regret in his voice. “You wouldn’t want to be my client if I broke another client’s confidence.”

  “True.” I say with a sigh.

  “From what I see here, you have the access and skill to find that information yourself.” he says with a sly grin. “As you’re well aware, the information is only a few clicks away.”

  “I guess my first step would be to translate the name. I knew I should have taken foreign languages in high school.”

  “It means ‘the little death’ and it’s French,” he says evenly.

  “That’s a really screwed up name for a sex club!”

  He blushes, “My old girlfriend in high school was a French exchange student. It’s a reference to… orgasms.”

  “How does…” I sputter, shaking my head in confusion “I don’t - really don’t understand how that fits.”

  “To the French, it is an expression that means a brief loss of consciousness…” he trails off hoping I understand. He’s somehow more attractive with his face red in embarrassment. It’s very endearing.

  “Ooohhh. I get it! Good orgasms are like losing consciousness!” I can’t help myself. Pulling out my best southern belle drawl, I tease, “Why Stuart, your knowledge is absolutely scandalous.”

  He lets out a roar of laughter, his cheeks going back to normal color. I really should stop my thoughts, but I find myself wondering what it would feel like to lick those adorable dimples on his cheeks. I mentally slap myself and try to focus on work.

  While Stuart goes through more documents, I whip up lunch for the two of us. We’ve been at it for hours and a break is sorely needed. Stuart’s rumbling stomach was the perfect opportunity for me to take some time to unwind. I feel renewed when I head back with refreshments loaded in my arms.

  We chat about lighter subjects as we eat. I tell Stuart about my life growing up in Chicago and he is amazed at my description of the blizzards that would hit almost every winter. He has lived in Georgia for years, before that Florida, and then a short time in Utah, but during the summer months. Snow is a rarity, in all the places he’s lived, let alone a couple of feet of snow. Stuart tells me tales from his childhood and all the trouble him and his brothers got into.

  “Jake told me everything about Saturday,” he blurts out unexpectedly after our laughter dies out.

  “I-I… what did he tell you exactly?” I stutter.

  Scrubbing his hand over his face, he lets out a huff. “He told me about seeing our wives making out and the conversation you two overheard.”

  “Stuart, I’m so sorry…” I start to say, but he cuts me off.

  “Yes, I know about what you and Jake were doing when you overheard everything.” He looks at me pointedly, “I thought you were a better person than that. Jake’s telling certainly made you out to be a woman with a big heart. So, I’m really curious as to why you would choose to do that. I especially want to know now that I’m feeling how painful it is to be betrayed like that.”

  With a shaky voice, I explain to him all the events that led to the rendezvous with Jake. I unload everything, including the second thoughts I had, and how I was going to stop it when the two women showed up. I leave out no detail, except the blow job details, hoping it will help him understand. I’m not sure why I’m so afraid of disappointing this man that I haven’t known for very long.

  “I am sorry that I was harsh on you,” his voice quivers, “I’ve taken out my own feelings on you and that was wrong of me.”

  I put my hand over his on the table, trying to comfort a man that looks broken, unshed tears gathered in his eyes. “You don’t need to apologize. You, Jake, and I are all going through the same thing. It’s bound to affect you greatly. As you know from hearing my side of things, when you are betrayed by the person you trust completely, it causes a person to do things they normally wouldn’t do.”

  His shoulders shake as he tries to hold back his emotions that are threatening to spill over. I lightly rub his hand and quietly offer him words of comfort.

  He pulls himself together, “Jake was right about you being a good person. I should have never judged you like that. I just…” he trails off, his grey eyes going distant.

  “I really appreciate that sentiment, Stuart. If you want to talk about it, I’m here for you,” I tell him sincerely. Seeing him in pain physically hurts.

  Taking a deep breath, he starts to unload everything he’s feeling. “I know you overheard us guys talking when we met, so I don’t feel bad telling you this. I’m actually angrier that Rachel pretended to be sticking to her biblical teachings when she was really just trying to get through the motions of intimacy with me. She is disgusted by me, and that hurts more than anything else.”

  I shake my head, “No Stuart, you can’t think like that. It has nothing to do with you being good or not. She just was always in love with Victoria and is only attracted to women. You just happen to be the poor guy that was conned by her. And you’re not alone in being betrayed by her and Victoria’s actions. Jake and Elena have both been deceived, as well.”

  He looks me in the eyes, seeming to be searching for something, maybe understanding. “My brain knows that, but my ego has been knocked down a few pegs.”

  “You listen to me,” I say firmly, “
you are a very good looking man with a heart of gold. I know this because despite you acting like it wasn’t a big deal, you cancelled your day to help me. Any woman would be damn lucky to have you. You deserve much better than her.”

  He lays his other hand on top of mine, both hands enveloping mine and sending tingles down to my core, “Thank you, Samantha. I really do appreciate that.”

  Chapter 14

  The next few weeks go by in a blur. I work long days to get caught up on the new cases that came in when I took Monday off to meet with Stuart, plus the influx of new cases in general. I also take time to run a check on the missing debtor. I really need the bonus for finding this guy so I can pay Stuart.

  I’m so busy working, I don’t even have the time to research La Petite Mort. I hope to be caught up by the end of the day so that I can take Friday off to find the business information. I also want to do the background checks on my neighbors. The flexibility of my job really comes in handy in times like these.

  Rich is also working long hours. At least that’s what he says. I use the excuse of it being my time of the month to avoid any sex with him. I am on birth control that lets me control when I menstruate, but he doesn’t need to know that. He has always been good about leaving me alone during that time.

  I wonder if he is secretly relieved, also. I milk it as long as I can, but I do have to suck it up and just do it a few times. For the first time in all my years of being with Rich, I fake orgasms. My mind just can’t connect with him anymore to get satisfied, but appearances must be kept up.

  I’ve chatted with Jake quite often over text messages. We haven’t made any plans to get together again. We’ve actually kept it platonic since the party, like a new friendship. Neither one of us wanting to take anything further at this point. If it never goes further than friendship, I’m still happy to have him in my life. I have to admit that I do get a bit giggly and excited when he texts me. A simple “how is your day” gives me butterflies in my stomach.

  Stuart has also been keeping in close contact with me. I’ve spoken to him several times over the past few weeks. He usually calls me to ask a question for the case, or to update me that his PI has been following Rich and not found anything yet. We always end up chatting like old friends until he is called away to meetings with other clients. He’s still struggling with his feelings, but that’s to be expected. I try to help him work through things as best I can.

  Rich: I’ve got another last minute trip with the clients. I think they are going to sign this time. I need to head out this evening. Sorry.

  Samantha: It’s fine. I’ll miss you, but I know landing this client is important.

  Rich: Thank you for being an understanding wife. You are the best!

  I call Stuart right away to inform him that his PI might get the proof this weekend. He’s on it, he informs me. He seems to have taken this as his own personal mission to get Rich. Even though I know it comes from his own heartbreak, I do appreciate his support.

  Jake: What you up to?

  Samantha: Just finishing up work so I can take tomorrow off. Now I have to help pack for the cheater.

  Jake: Pack? Did you kick him out?

  Samantha: I wish! No, just another supposed business trip. We know what that’s code for.

  Jake: Really?? What a coincidence. Victoria left this morning for some volunteer camp her and Rachel do every year.

  Samantha: Think its code too?

  Jake: Probably. Drinks at your house tonight?

  Samantha: I’d love to. See ya later

  I can’t help the squee that escapes my lips. Aside from the texts, and brief interactions with Rich, Elena has been the only regular adult interaction I’ve had lately. She was quite thrilled when the dress and jewelry arrived. She ran over to my house, sporting the new items, and embraced me jumping up and down, thanking me profusely. The next day, she had come over and relayed how Robert’s jaw literally dropped when he came home from work. They had an amazing night full of romance. I was so happy for her.

  I’ve taken her under my wing, slowly getting her to let go of her ex-Mormon ways. We went on a shopping trip over the weekend. I helped her pick out some less conservative clothes, not that she needed much of my input. Elena has good taste and really loves bright colors and bold patterns. She surprised me on that trip by asking me for some advice on how to be more exciting in the bedroom. I bet Robert was thrilled with that.

  I do feel so much guilt when she brings up Victoria and Rachel. They insult her when they see her new clothing and tell her to stay away from my bad influence. Hypocrites. Every single time she relays the newest insult, I wish I could tell her what I know. I get very angry that they could be so selfish that they try to ruin Elena’s new lease on life, along with betraying their husbands. I try to build up her confidence and tell her she doesn’t need friends like that, no matter what kind of history they have. Elena is slowly pulling away from them, choosing to not spend as much time with them as she used to.

  Next week we have plans to have a girls day out. She wants to rid herself of her dowdy hair and get a more fashionable cut. She was quite thrilled to learn that she could donate her locks to make wigs for cancer patients. We decided to make a day of it and go for the full pampering of facials, waxing, massages, manicures, and pedicures. She has never had her nails painted. I plan on teaching her to apply makeup when she is ready. Elena really is becoming my best friend. If only there weren’t so many secrets hanging over us.


  The tap on the back patio door startles me and I nearly jump out of my skin. I’ve been jittery in nervous anticipation of Jake’s arrival since saying goodbye to Rich. I didn’t know when to expect him, nor did I know that he would be coming to the back door.

  His milk chocolate eyes are filled with amusement when I open the door. “I wanted to surprise you and judging from how high you jumped, my work here is done.”

  “Asshole,” I joke. “I was expecting you to come to the front door. What, did you scale the fence like Spiderman or something?”

  He chuckles, “You didn’t know there’s a gate between our yards? Victoria had it installed when she befriended the previous occupant of your house.” He adds, “Besides, it would be quite the scandal if any of the neighbors saw me coming to your door on a night where both of our spouses are gone.”

  “We wouldn’t want to be scandalous,” I wink, ushering him into the kitchen. “But I did not know about the fence. You will have to show me where it is.”

  I grab us a couple of beers and we decide to sit out on the deck. It’s a beautiful night, a slight breeze providing some relief from the hot Georgia air. I take a seat in the lounge chair and gesture for him to sit in the other one next to me.

  When I hand him the beer, his fingers brush against mine, lingering. The desire hits me instantly, leaving me cold when we part. Clearing my throat, I brush off the incident, “So, you never told me what you do for a living.”

  “I’m part owner of a construction company. We build custom homes in new developments. I’m also the architect, so I spend a lot of time on the job sites,” he replies. “I’m not really an office kind of a guy, so I prefer to be out on site. My partners take care of the client and financial aspect of the business.”

  Something tickles at the back of my mind, but I can’t quite reach it. I brush it off as we continue to chat like the friends we are becoming. I grab us a few more drinks and the night goes on, full of good company and easy flowing conversation.

  “Sure is a hot one tonight,” he states.

  “Sure is,” I agree, feeling a bit tipsy. “It would be a good night for a dip in the pool. The water looks very inviting.”

  “That I can agree on, but here I am with no swim trunks. Whatever shall I do?” he teases in a sultry voice.

  Standing up, looking him directly in the eyes, I slide my shorts down my long legs. “Well, you could go back home and get them. Or,” I offer as I remove the rest of my clothing, baring mys
elf naked in front of him, “you could strip down and join me right now.”

  There’s no hesitation on his part. In a matter of seconds, Jake is naked. He stands before me, his toned muscles on full display. We silently take each other in, feeling comfortable in our nakedness. I see the desire in his eyes and know that he will see the same reflected in mine.

  “Eeek!” I scream as my body is lifted and thrown into the cold water. When I pull myself up, I meet his eyes glinting with laughter. I try to glare at him, but I can’t seem to keep the smile off my face, “I can’t believe you did that! I will get you back.”

  He throws his head back and laughs, “You’re so cute when you try to be mad. That’s twice I’ve scared you tonight. I think it may become my favorite pastime.”

  Two can play dirty. I climb up onto the first stair, which lifts me just enough to display my dripping breasts and pebbled nipples. I give him a little show, rubbing my breasts and pinching my nipples. His cock is hardening as he watches me.

  “I think I can find a new favorite pastime for you,” I tempt him.

  Not taking his eyes off of my hands still teasing my breasts, he moves towards me, “Oh yeah, I think you can definitely show me a new…”

  Jake’s voice cuts off as he misses the first step and tumbles into the water with a big splash. He comes up sputtering, shock clear on his face, as I dissolve into a fit of laughter. “That’s what you get for scaring me, big guy. Karma and all that,” I continue to giggle.

  My laughter dies off as he pulls me close to his body. I climb him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He lightly touches my lips with his own, then feathers a trail down to my breasts. I arch my back to give him better access, my long blonde hair falling into the water. Jake rewards me by sucking my nipple into his mouth. I run my fingers through his dark hair, mewling as I move my hips to get the friction I need.


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