Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series)

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Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series) Page 4

by Ambear Shellea

  She could stand no more. “Out! Get me out!”

  “OK. Stay still.”

  Breathing heavily, she watched as he lifted his foot and shut off the shower. She clung to him and cried. “I am so sorry, Ozzie. I wanted to tell you, I was just scared.”

  “It is alright, Paige. I knew you were different the moment I met you. When I found out about Anna…well, until now I assumed you were the same. You know, a different breed of vampire. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I am still head over hills, can’t live without you, in love with you. I swear I will call a doctor and get you the best medicine they offer and help you.”

  She lifted her face to his. “I don’t need medicine. I will be fine now, Ozzie. I can heal. It just hurts like wildfire. You have cleaned it, so no infection should set in, and in a couple of days, maybe sooner, it will be as if it never happened. I have been hurt worse than this before.”

  “Then why are you crying? I know it hurts, but when I glanced at you just a moment ago, you looked as if your world would end.”

  “Because I thought…I kept this form you…I just love you so much, I was afraid I had lost you.”

  “I know about Anna, and I’m still around. I’m not new to this rodeo.”

  She laughed at the cowboy reference. “Yes, but befriending something from the supernatural is different than sleeping with it.”

  “You’re right, but this does explain a few things.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, I don’t want to really talk about past loves, but in my experience, most tiny girls don’t like it rough in the bedroom. They want the sweet romantic movie stuff. You, on the other hand, seem to crave it.”

  “Is that a bad thing? Do I put you out of your comfort zone?”

  “No! As a matter of fact, I love it. Oh my God, Paige, you have no idea how much that turns me on.”

  “Speaking of...” She turned her face to his and kissed him. She felt him respond for a second then he stopped her.

  “You don’t want me to do that? It feels like you do.”

  “What about your arm?”

  “The pain is ebbing away and the wound will heal. Actually, the cleaning hurt worse than the cuts themselves. My lord, alcohol is brutal!”

  “It’s the only thing I saw under her counter, besides bleach and I was fairly certain we didn’t need to go that route.”

  “No! No we don't and to let you in on another one of my secrets, I heal much faster when I fool around.”

  “Well, you are hurt pretty bad; you might need a lot of that over the next few days. ”

  She kissed him between each word. “Good… thing…we…are…off…work.” She pulled away and winked at him before she spoke.

  “Let’s get where we have more room. Anna said my room is at the end of the hall." She stood and followed him out of the shower to her room.

  The bed, soft and silky, added to her euphoric intoxication as she moved across it. She pulled him close and begged for more. Her body felt no pain, only cravings for pleasure and he had promised she would have it. She whispered her commands in his ear and he followed each and every one.

  Chapter 5

  Let’s check this in the mirror.

  Crossing the room, Anna walked and stood in front of the vanity, staring at her reflection. Tall, white Go-Go boots ran from her toes to her knees. A white silk dress fashioning red and gold paisleys draped over her shapely figure and stopped just past her butt. Long, straight brown hair, pressed and flattened, played around her shoulders, and a thick, silk fabric headband sat on top of her head.

  Groovy! Just got to grab my keys and I am out of here.

  She turned from her reflection and left the room. On her way through the hall, she snatched her keys off the hook on the wall and danced out the door. She climbed into her 1973 cherry red Mustang 351 and pulled the door closed. The engine roared to life and purred like a proud lion before she put the car in gear and drove away. Lights on, foot on the gas and Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” blaring through the speakers, she sped away, ready for her night to begin. She sang along as loud as she could, and her body filled with excitement as adrenaline swam through her veins.

  Almost there…oh, here’s the turn off.

  Passing the bar, she slowly pulled her car next to the curb to park it. Door open, engine off, she reached over, pushed down the door locks, and got out of the car. Slamming the door shut, she moved around the car and in the direction of the bar.

  Good ole rock n roll

  Guitars wailed and drumbeats rattled the small windows and mixed with the sounds of people screaming the band on as she walked in. She made her way to the bartender and stopped when she heard a male voice in her ear.

  “The band’s good, yes?”

  “I just got here, but so far they rock.”

  “I have a table just over there. Would you like to join me?”

  “Sure, let me get a drink first.”

  She felt his arm encircle her waist and pull her close. What felt like a soft breeze from his whispered words, tickled her ear.

  “Join me at the table. I have a waitress on my dime. I will order you any drink of your choice.”

  Her heart took off like a scared rabbit as did her pulse, and she found her good sense fading away. Her eyes locked onto his, and her mind went blank.

  Blue, no green….

  “So will you join me?”

  Her tone flattened. “Yes.”

  Light as a ballet dancer, she gracefully followed the man to the table. She dropped into the chair next to his. His wet kiss was planted across her cheek and her mind suddenly jumped back into hyper drive.


  Closing her eyes and mentally shaking herself back into the now, she tried to figure out what happened.

  What the….

  Slowly turning her head, she glanced at the other women gathered at the table with her.

  They are completely still. What is wrong with them? By the looks of them, there is nothing going on at all. No people, no loud music, nothing. Weird!

  Fear and confusion crept along her skin, mimicking fog rolling across the grass, slowly but completely engulfing it.

  Time to go!

  Trying not to make a scene, she nonchalantly got out of her chair and walked away to the bar. Halfway across the room, she turned her head and looked behind her.

  No one noticed. Great!

  Turning back, she took a deep breath and strode up to the bartender.

  Ohh, he is cute. Dark hair, broad shoulders, and decadent dark brown eyes. Those black jeans fit almost as snugly as the shirt.

  “What will you have?”


  “I’m paying for whatever she is ordering, Jack.”

  “Sure thing, Sebastian.”

  Just as with a tennis match, she looked from one to the other as they spoke.

  Oh please, like I need someone to buy me drinks.

  Twisting her frame slightly, she looked at the one called Sebastian.

  “Thank you, but…” Her breath caught in her chest, and her heart skipped a beat as she drowned into deep ocean blue that were his eyes. Wow, those eyes. He has it all. Dark black feathered hair, tan skin, and lean muscles.

  She blinked and her senses returned.

  Whew, what a rush. I don’t know what he did, but I liked it.

  She watched his body move as he let go of his glass to wipe his hands on his dark denim pants. Her hand looked dainty in his as he moved it to his lips. His quick kiss sent chills down her spine and an electric current through her veins. Thumping against her skin, her pulse pounded and matched the rhythm of her heartbeat in her throat.

  “Virgin Margarita! I mean I would like a virgin margarita, thank you.” Her free hand was on her forehead and her eyes closed.

  Oh yea, he thinks I am perfectly normal. The normal response is always to wait until it gets quiet and then start yelling out drink orders. Crap, now I am blushing, I can feel the heat in
my face.

  Her hand still in his, she dropped her free hand and turned her eyes to him. His mouth moved slightly and words eloquently flew out.

  “Jack, the lady would like a virgin margarita.”

  “Coming right up, Sebastian.”

  “Where are my manners? My name is Sebastian, it is nice to me you…?”

  “Annabelle. My name is Annabelle.”

  “What a lovely name, Annabelle. Here is your margarita. Would you like to join me at my table?”

  “I would love to, lead the way.”

  Frosted beverage in hand, his arm around her waist, she followed him to the table. Stepping aside, she folded her hand under her dress and took the seat he offered. Lips to her glass, she took a sip of her drink. Small chunks of ice fused with flavored mix filled her mouth and chilled her tongue as she swallowed.

  Oh crap!

  “Here, let me help you.”

  His warm sweet breath brushed across her lips stuck to the glass and helped to thaw them. Pulling the glass away, she closed her eyes and tried to hide her embarrassment.

  This guy is going to think I’m a bag of nuts!

  Opening her eyes, she looked at him. “Thank you. How embarrassing. That has never happened before. Please don’t laugh.”

  “I’m not laughing. OK, well, I am laughing a little, but I think it’s cute.”

  “My lip sticking to the glass and embarrassing myself is cute?”

  “No, but your reaction is.”

  “Well, thank you.”

  “Subject change?” “Yes, please.”

  “OK, Annabelle—“ She gently placed her hand over his. “Anna. Call me Anna.”

  “OK, Anna. The band, what do you think of them?”

  “I think they’re really good. That one on the guitar, the one kicking his leg and rocking across the stage, sure knows what he is doing.” She took another large drink from her glass.

  “They say he’s a musical genius.”

  She watched the musical prodigy. “I must say, I love the school boy outfit.”

  “I bet they will be around for a very long time.

  She turned back to Sebastian. “I bet you’re right. They really rock. Do you know what the name means?”

  “Not really. I know it has something to do with currents of electricity or something.”

  “Right on. Looks like my glass is almost empty, better flag down the waitress. These glasses are so small. ”

  “Allow me.”

  Sebastian’s movements were smooth. He raised his hand slightly and snapped his fingers. Her eyes blinked once, and she couldn’t believe what she saw.

  That was quick, where was she?

  She opened her mouth to ask for another drink, but Sebastian’s hurried voice beat her to it.

  “I’m capable of ordering my own drinks.”

  “Sorry, did you want something else?’

  “No, that’s what I would have ordered, but still…”

  “This is a really good song, would you like to dance?”

  “Sure, love to.”

  She grasped the seat and pushed it backward. Once out of the chair, she took his hand and followed him onto the dance floor.

  Not much for slow songs, but hey, he’s cute. Oh he feels good. His muscles are toned and his skin is so warm. I feel so safe in his arms.

  Her body pressed into his and with her head on his chest, she moved to the beat of the music.

  The next song played and more people joined them on the floor as the band took a break and the jukebox kicked on. They lined up shoulder to shoulder and she joined them for The Hustle. Arms swinging at her sides and feet doing the steps, she moved happily to the song with Sebastian at her side. Her dance moves switched from the Hustle to the Funky Chicken and The Swim, with the changing of each song. Laughter on her lips, she sauntered her sweaty self back to her seat.


  Wet and sticky, she brushed her hand across her mouth, wiping away salt and drops of margarita mix. Shaking away the bitter taste, she looked at the table and mentally took note of the empty shot glasses lined in front of her.

  Ten, dang I’m on a roll tonight. These are so good.

  Loud wailings of the guitar in her ears, and with margarita mix on her breath, her mouth pressed against his as she kissed him again. Getting out of her chair, she moved toward him. She grabbed the back of his neck and kept her eyes locked onto his as she slid across him and straddled his lap. With a handful of hair, she closed her eyes and kissed him forcefully. The fabric of her dress bunched as he moved his hand up her thigh. Her ear lobes, laced with his hot breath, sent tingles down her back when he asked her a question.

  “How about we continue this party at my house?”

  Oh, my…hmm. Her neck was slick with wet kisses. She grabbed the back of the chair with both hands and pushed her hips inward as she answered his question in a breathy tone. “Yes, that does sound fun.”

  She pulled back from his ear and looked into his glossy eyes. His lust matched hers. Seductively she moved from his lap to wait. Heat and desire flooded through her as he ran his hand up her leg and cupped her butt. He pulled her into his embrace and whispered in her ear.

  “I have car right outside, you can ride with me.” She pressed herself into him, running a ruby red nail down his chest, “I’m ready, lead the way.”

  Her hand in his, he led the way out of the bar and to his waiting limo. She stepped to the side as he opened the door and motioned her forward. On her hands and knees, she slowly climbed in.

  Oh, these seats are warm. Driver must have left the car on.

  She slid across the seat and he followed her in, closing the door.

  When the car was set in motion, she draped her right leg over his as she turned her head and kissed him. She moaned around his kiss. Every nerve came alive as heat flashed across her skin. Her desire and need reached the top. She slid down the seat as he pushed her onto her back. Before it could get any hotter the car stopped and the limo driver

  announced their arrival.

  She looked at him and saw fire flash in his eyes. She smiled and let go of him so they could fix their rumpled clothes.

  Cool air brushed across her skin when the door swung open. She scooted across the seat, grabbed his offered hand and got out of the car.

  Anna felt small standing in front of his white two-story apartment. Palm trees and bushes littered the landscape, casting shadows on the outside walls from the garden lights. Soft light caressed the curtained windows, welcoming but private. A small sidewalk big enough for a pair of entwined lovers snaked its way up the entrance. Her body snuggled close to his as they walked to the door. The coolness of the breeze sent chills down her spine and gooseflesh across her skin. Her feet quickened their pace as she rushed to the door, away from the harsh bite of the cold. She let him quickly usher her into the apartment. Once inside, her eyes took in the scene and she wondered if he had a woman help with his decorating.

  Black damask designs covered the wall of the large living room and were laced with white crown molding. The relaxing sound of a brick fountain came from the middle section of the far wall. It was barely lit by small lights in the floor. A suede couch and love seat sat neatly in the center of the room and were accented by small, white wooden tables. A slight glow illuminated the room from the two table lamps. The small divider split the kitchen from the living room, also done in the matching white and wood.

  “Which do you prefer, virgin margarita or a sunrise?”

  She looked his way when he spoke and watched him walk around the kitchenette, gathering ingredients for their drinks.

  He has quite the arsenal of bottles back there.

  She leaned on her toes to catch a glance at his backside as he bent over to retrieve a blender.

  Ooh, that’s nice, too. My, he’s a handsome catch. He's the whole package. Good looking in the face, charming personality, and a nice ass.

  “Virgin margarita with a sunrise chaser .” She rolle
d her eyes to his face when he turned around.

  Ha ha, didn’t notice I was checking him out. It is embarrassing when I get caught.

  “Virgin margarita with a sunrise chaser coming right up. You know, you don’t have to stand all night, You can sit on the couch or here at the bar.”

  To tease him more, she walked to the set of small puff chairs that sat in a section between the fountain part of the room and living area. She lay on her stomach across the small sofa, legs crossed in the air and aware her dress barely covered her cheeks. His voiced sounded from the kitchen.

  “See the table desk behind you? It’s really a stereo. If you will lift the lid and turn on some music that would be nice.”

  Turning her frame, she spied the radio. “Oh, sure.”

  Her boots clinked against the hard wood as she crossed the room. She pushed the lid up, her finger pressed the on button and “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder vibrated the speakers.

  I like this one.

  She turned the dial to the right and raised the volume. Her fingers snapped and she moved her feet and her body, swaying to the tempo of the music. High stepping, tapping the tip of her toes, and hands clapping in the air, she danced her way to him.

  “Dance with me.” She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him close, so they could dance.

  Her hands at her side, feet in place, she bumped his hips with hers as they moved to the music. Three songs later, she felt as if she had been in sauna. The dancing left her winded. Laughing aloud, she waved her hand in front of her face as if it were a fan and then walked to the couch to sit down.

  “Whew, it’s hot in here now.”

  “You ready for your beverage? I have it in a chilled glass.”

  “Oh yes.”

  With her hand on the top of the couch, she watched him walk around the bar to grab their drinks. One hand held her glass and the other held a bottle of mix. The glass clinked on the table when he set them down in front of her. She grabbed the cold mug and chills swam up her arm, instantly cooling her. The slushy liquid slid down her throat and chilled the inside of her skull. Her eyes squeezed shut and her hand covered her face.

  “Ow, brain freeze.” She set the glass on the table.


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