Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series)

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Rock n Roll Promises (YAE) (Rock n Roll Paraphantasy Series) Page 6

by Ambear Shellea

unspeakable. I won’t do it. I don’t want to do it.” “I don’t think that is going to be a problem.”

  She stopped and looked at Sebastian. “Why not? That is what vampires do. They drain people of their blood one way or another. They die or turn.”

  “No, that is fairy tale, too. There are people out there who are human donors, or Fang Frens, as we like to call them, who are willing and they don’t die or turn. I’m sorry Anna, but turning you was an accident. I lost control, but that is beside my point. You have been awake now for a while and you are freaking out, but not in the way you should.”

  She dropped to the sofa.

  I think I can handle this if I don’t have to kill people.

  “ How so?”

  “With most newly turned vampires, they awaken with bloodlust or whatever it is they crave. Some feed off lust, some off sex, and some off certain human foods. Each vampire is different. The elders believe it is based upon the kind of human you were before you were changed.”

  “What do you crave? Blood? It seems I have a lot of it plastered to my skin and the sheets.”

  “Actually, Anna, it’s sex. It’s tricky. I can’t feed off just anyone with sex. I guess you could say, lust is the appetizer and sex is the main course. If I were to have sex with just anyone, it wouldn’t feed my vampire craving, it would still be there, no matter how good the sex is. I could have bad sex with someone I lusted after and fill my craving.”

  “So what about me?”

  “You have been my downfall. I’m two hundred years old, and have never turned anyone by accident. I have only turned a handful of people, but never during sex. It was always for different reasons. Almost all was because they asked for it. Some felt alone in the human world, others were because they fell in love with a vampire, and a minor few were because they wanted well-deserved vengeance.”

  “What did I do wrong?” She jerked her head back when he tried to touch her.

  “You did nothing wrong. You did everything right, that was the problem. When I first saw you three months ago, my mouth watered over how much I lusted for you. When I saw you in the bar that night, I at least wanted to meet you. We hit it off great. We have so much in common. I’m so fascinated by you. You stimulated more in me than just lust. You’re beautiful, yes, but you’re more than that. You’re smart, crazy, and outspoken. You seem to be all that I have been looking for. I had planned to keep seeing you, but not like this. I was so excited by you, I was drunk with it.”

  “But we were not drunk.”

  “Not drunk in that way. Anyway, like I said, by the time we finished in the bedroom, I had already lost control.”

  Curled up in the corner of the sofa, she thought about all he had said. She understood about losing control, she hadn’t planned to sleep with him, either, but she did.

  It was pretty incredible.

  She turned back to him. “So what is it I crave?”

  “I don’t know. What is it you want most right now? Blood? Sex? I could supply you with both.”

  She rolled her eyes at the expression on his face.

  There is nothing I can do about this right now. I am just going to have to go with it until I know more.

  She sighed, “Right now at this moment, I would like to sit in a hot bath and get clean.”

  “Alright. Let me show you to the bathroom.”

  “Wait, what am I going to do about clothes? I can’t just run around in this shirt all the time.”

  “I wouldn’t mind, but I looked at the size of the dress I ruined when I ripped it off you.”

  She shot a glance toward Jack and the heat of a blush ran across her face as she remembered that night. Sebastian continued.

  “I ordered you some clothes. They are in the closest in the guest room. Keep in mind, I’m a man, so if you don’t like them, we can go shopping for better clothes tomorrow.”

  “One problem at a time. Bath first.”

  She took his extended hand and followed him through the house to the bathroom. Third door to the right from his living room, it would be easy to remember.

  I have no choice but to accept this. He’s right, I can’t go back. If I hurt someone, I could never forgive myself.

  She heard the click of the switch and small tiny lights along the wall illuminated the room. She refocused and took in the intimate space.

  Mimicking the kitchenette, it also fashioned all white and wood furnishings. Small and simple, the bathroom didn’t seem all that extraordinary with the exception of the enormous tub. A deep, porcelain claw foot tub sat in the center of the room.

  “If the light is too bright, I can bring in some candles instead.”

  “That’s OK. To be honest, I’m going to fill the tub with hot water, climb in and try to just relax. This is a lot to take in.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. Run your bath water, I will go and grab some towels and some clothes.”

  “OK, thank you.”

  She waited until the door shut and then walked to the tub. Her butt on cold porcelain, she reached over, plugged the tub and turned on the faucets. She felt the temperature change as the water splashed across her hand. When it reached her desired heat level, she dropped the shirt and climbed in. The water felt as comforting as a warm blanket wrapped around her as she sank into liquid heat. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back, and let out a long breath in an attempt to relax.

  Vampire. What am I going to do? I don’t know where else to go if I can’t go home.

  A flash of gooseflesh ran across her exposed skin when Sebastian re-entered the room. Her eyes popped open and rolled his direction. His hands were full of towels and clothes. She watched him move around the small space, setting the fabrics where she could reach them, but far enough away they didn’t get wet. She turned her gaze back to the wall in front of her as he perched himself on the toilet and made it apparent he intended to talk.

  “Jack and I were talking and we think this might not be so bad for you.”

  She glared at him. “Is that so? You have stolen my life and turned me into a monster. How is that not bad for me?”

  “Well, you’re not the stereotypical vampire, so to speak. Your skin is still a light rose color, you haven’t tried to rip my throat out, and you are acting like any other human. If I hadn’t watched you change, I would swear it didn’t happen.”

  “But I did want to rip your throat out when I attacked you. The scary part is I felt like I could have done it.”

  “But you did that because you were mad, not because you craved blood, and you could have succeeded. In fact, I wasn’t so sure you weren’t going to, that’s why I kissed you, to throw you off.

  She smiled inwardly at the thought of having scared him. Her tiny victory only lasted a moment before reality reached up and slapped her. “What happens now?”

  “Well, when you are done with your bath, we will work on finding out what you crave. You can’t leave this house until we know that. I don’t want you attacking people any more than you do.”

  “But obviously I don’t crave blood, so people should be safe from me.”

  “Maybe...maybe not. It’s best just to find out first.”

  “Since you owe me—how about you start your payback by fixing me something to eat? I’m starving.”

  “Whatever you want. If I don’t have it, I will order it.”

  “No, Sebastian. I want you to cook it yourself. If you don’t have it, go buy the stuff and make it.”

  “Fine, name it.”

  Let’s see what is the most unlikely thing he is going to have? Food, duh! He’s a vampire, so he won’t have any food. I’m not going to make this easy on him.

  “I want a T-bone steak and eggs. I want the Tbone cooked medium and the eggs over easy with a large glass of milk chased with a side of that French Vanilla coffee.”

  “Done! I have all of that in the kitchen.”

  Her mouth gaped open. “What? You have all of that in the kitchen?”

  She couldn’t hel
p but laugh when his laughter danced around the room.

  “Yes, I have all of that in my kitchen. I have to keep up appearances, don’t I? I do have friends who aren’t vampires and they don’t know I am one. You can get away with a lot in low light situations. Is that what you really want or is that just what you though I wouldn’t have?”

  “Now that I mentioned it, it does sound good.” “Great. You finish your bath, and I will cook breakfast.”

  She tried not to smile, but he made it very hard. Does he have to be so dang charming and look so dang cute?

  He jumped from the toilet and rubbed his hands together, smiling the entire time and chuckled on his way out the door. Shaking her head once, she washed herself and got out.

  Nice and clean. A relaxing hot bath always makes me feel better.

  Water pooled around her feet as she dried off. Steam drifted off her red, blotchy skin as she ran the soft, fluffy, and fresh from the dryer, cotton fabric along her body. She dropped the towel on the floor and dried her feet. After she wrapped her hair in a towel, she looked at the clothes he had brought her.

  Not bad. Hip hugger denim and an orange silk top. Oh, look, he even brought me a pair of white socks and underwear.

  She stared at the small, lace panties.

  These are cute and sexy, wonder where he bought these. Hope he doesn’t think he is ever going to see me in them.

  There was a loud knock at the door. She jumped and dropped the panties as if they burned her hands.

  “One minute.”

  “Breakfast is almost done, Sebastian sent me to check on you.”

  Jack is still here. What is his part in all this? I would have thought he had left by now.

  “I’m just finishing getting dressed. I will be out in a few minutes.”


  “Wait, Jack. Can you stay right there for a moment?”


  “Thank you. I won’t be long.” “Take your time.”

  She hurriedly slipped on her clothes, towel dried her hair and opened the door.

  He is mighty cute! Dark, scruffy hair, dark eyes, a charming smile, and the rest of him isn’t bad either in that solid white T-shirt, denim jeans, and boots.

  Clearing her mind of steamy thoughts, she shook her head and cleared her throat. “Jack, what part do you play in all this? I mean why are you here? Are you a vampire, too?”

  “No, I’m not a vampire. I’m completely different. I’m here because Sebastian called me. We have known each other a long time and we’re good friends.”

  “Oh, OK. The food smells good. Is he a good cook?”

  “An excellent one.”

  “Great.” Her sock covered feet made little noises on the wood floor as she walked to the kitchen. Sliding the bar stool out, she sat down and watched Sebastian. With his back to her, he piled food on three plates.

  Three plates? Jack must be staying. Wait a minute, why would Sebastian fix himself a plate?


  “Yes, I eat human food, too. I assume that is what you were going to ask?”

  “Close enough to it. I am confused, though. I thought you craved blood and sex…I thought vampires couldn’t eat human food.”

  “Most can and do.”

  The smell of the hot food wafted into her face as he turned and placed the platter in front of her. It indeed looked as good as it smelled. Set before her was a hot, juicy steak with blackened grill marks and two fried eggs. A tall glass of cold milk and a steaming hot cup of coffee, added a few seconds later. Her mouth watered, it looked and smelled so good. Something seemed to be missing.

  “Do vampires eat with their hands?”

  “I’m working on it.”

  She tried not to laugh as she tested his patience. He opened a small drawer and grabbed three forks and a couple of knives. As he moved back, he held a fork and knife out to her.

  “Is this what you are after?”

  She snatched the silverware out of his hands. “Yes, thank you. Can we listen to some music, too? Music keeps things from being boring.”

  “No problem. I will go turn it on for you.”

  “Oh Sebastian, I think you have your hands full. I do believe this one is going to challenge you at every turn. I also think it serves you right.”

  Smiling, she turned to Jack and gave him a wink.

  “Benny and the Jetts” by Elton John filled the air and helped to relieve some of the tension in the room. She dug in, her silverware scraped across the ceramic dish and she didn’t seem the least bit surprised at how fast she ate.

  Three days…I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.

  Her plate empty and her stomach full, she pushed the plate away.

  I have to admit, it was great. Jack was right, he is a good cook.

  Spinning in her seat, she turned and walked to the living room to sit on the couch. With her eyes closed, she listened to the sweet wailings of the guitar in “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. To add to her annoyance, Sebastian’s voice rang from behind her.

  What now? I just ate. Can’t he let my food settle first?

  “Is there anything else you want?”

  “Yes.” She popped her head over the couch. “For you to leave me alone. Isn’t it enough you stole my life and possibly my sanity? Must you steal my patience, too?”

  “I told you I’m sorry for that, but you have to deal with this, Anna. It isn’t going away.”

  She sprang from the couch and stalked him around the living room. Hands waving and voice high, she let him have it.

  “Fine! Is this what you want, for me to deal with it? How about this? I hope you rot in Hell for what you have done to me. I have no freaking idea what it is I am going to do now. I can’t ever go back to my home, my friends, my family, or my life. All thanks to you and your uncontrollable urges, as if that is an excuse!” Inches from his face, she poked her finger in his chest. The more she talked, the louder she got. Her body trembled with rage and her heart pounded with hate.

  “I may forgive you one day for this, but I will never forget, and I shall hate you forever. As long as you pull air through those dead lungs of yours, I will not make anything easy for you. You took it upon yourself to screw with my life, now I will screw with yours, and you will sit back and take all I dish out, because you owe me for a lifetime. A lifetime full of happiness, family, friends and memories I will never have. A life I dreamed of, not this nightmare you pulled me into.”

  Her chest heaved with raw emotion as it coursed through and caused her body to ache. She glared into his eyes and dared him to snap back. He had it coming and deserved every bit of venom she spit out. She would not apologize for her hateful tone. She eyed his face and his body language, waiting for a response. His face wore a look of agony and he reached out for her with his arms.

  “Don’t you dare touch me!” She grabbed his hands, spun him around and slammed his face into the door. She found herself engulfed in a bear hug as someone dragged her away. Her clawed hands tore at her captor and her legs kicked wildly as she tried to get loose.

  “Let go of me, Jack.”

  “Not until you calm down.”

  She stopped kicking and scratching. Her anger still boiling over, she took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself. She felt his breath against her back and heard his pulse thump in his neck. She focused on its steady rhythm. Her arms were pinned to her sides as he wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes and searched for the calm within. Slowly, her anger cooled and sank beneath the surface. When she opened her eyes, she was semisatisfied to see Sebastian stood against the doorframe looking miserable. Jack interrupted her dark thoughts.

  “Sebastian, why don’t you run that errand we discussed earlier and let me try and talk to her?”

  She kept silent but glared at him. He glanced at Jack, then to her, and he stormed out of the apartment. A cool breeze gently brushed across her skin, when he moved away.

  Good riddance! She stom
ped to the couch and dropped herself onto it. With her body curled into a tight ball and her anger gone, she had one emotion left: Sadness. She let it fall freely from her eyes. Lost in her fit, she vaguely noticed his hands on her shoulder pulling her into him. Her arms wound around his neck and she brought her knees to her chest as she cried into his. She felt him rock her gently and his soft words tickled her ear.

  “It will be OK.”

  “How is it ever going to be OK?”

  “You will see. We have a theory about you. Would you like to hear it?”

  She leaned away and looked at him. “What theory?”

  “As to why you are so different.”

  “Can’t be any worse than what I have heard so far,” she said, wiping the tears from her face. “I think it will help you to feel better.”

  “OK, so tell me.”

  “Keep in mind it is just a theory. We both have been monitoring you since he bit you and well, you don’t act anything like a vampire. At the same time, we watched you heal, and we witnessed your speed and accuracy…and of course, the fangs.”

  She couldn’t help but rub her front teeth when he mentioned the fangs.

  “I gathered all that, but why? I know I am a vampire. Sebastian proved that with his little tests.”

  “He was very serious when he said it was an accident—”

  “That doesn’t change the fact he did.” “No, it doesn’t, but I am trying to explain.”

  “Fine, sorry. Go on.”

  “In his heart, he didn’t want to change you. I believe him when he told me he fought very hard to retain control. He didn’t know how you would feel about this life. He is very selective about who he changes and always challenges their reasons. We think because of his inner struggle, you were able to keep almost all of your human traits. It is the best gift he could have given you. I know you hate him for what he has done, but not nearly as much as he hates himself.”

  “So you think I should cut him some slack?” She fidgeted with her shirt.

  “Yes, I do. As much as he deserves all your fury, this is the best of worst-case scenarios. Look at it this way, you can still mingle with humans, but have all the good aspects of a vampire. You will be fast. You will heal. You are very strong and you won’t age as quickly. That, too, is a guess.”


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