Blaze: Devil's Nightmare MC: Book 11

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Blaze: Devil's Nightmare MC: Book 11 Page 21

by Lena Bourne

  A man clears his throat by the door, and I open one eye to see who it is.

  My father, with Gran right behind him.

  “I don’t want to interrupt,” he says, looking down at a spot just in front of his shoes.

  Misti shakes her head and looks at him, her cheeks turning a lovely soft peach color as she clumsily extricates herself from my arms and climbs out of bed.

  “It’s OK,” she stammers. “I’ll get some…I’ll go.”

  She leaves the room barefoot, carrying her sneakers.

  “Don’t go far,” I call after her and she turns back, her cheeks now the shade of a ripe peach. I know why she left in such a hurry. This is the first visit I’ve had from my father since he looked in on me, while I was still unconscious after the surgery. I didn’t miss him, but Misti is sure we needed to talk things out. She’s right about many things, but she’s wrong about that. Me and Pa, we’ve never been on the same level and I doubt anything has changed in that area now that I’ve taken away his entire reason for existing.

  “Your president is waiting outside to speak with you too, but he said I should go in first,” Pa says and walks to the bed. Gran left with Misti for some reason.

  “The Snakes are no more, son,” he says. “We fought well but your MC did most of the work.”

  I nod. “That’s how it usually is. Anyone hurt?”

  “None of ours, just a few scrapes and bruises,” he says. “As for the Devils, I don’t know.”

  I’m sure I’ll find out soon, and I’m not sure I want to. This whole affair has caused enough death and destruction.

  “And the sons?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Dead, as far as I know.”

  “The little ones too?” I ask, my heart making a weirdly shaped line on the monitor. I think it’s because it’s trying to beat fast, but can’t.

  “What do you care?” Pa snaps. “The little shit almost killed you.”

  “That makes two of you,” I reply. We’re back to this harsh bickering? Fine.

  He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “I didn’t come here to argue. I came here to say thank you. What you did, what your MC did…you saved all of us. Our days were numbered and I was too stubborn and set in my ways to admit it. Maybe you wouldn’t be in here, if I wasn’t.”

  If I didn’t see the man standing in front of me, I would’ve bet all I have that those words didn’t come from my father’s mouth.

  “What happened to me was a freak occurrence,” I say. “No one could’ve predicted it, not really.”

  “I could’ve,” Cross says from the open doorway. “And I should’ve.”

  He strides in, his eyes as black and piercing as always, but maybe not quite as sharp. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I can’t stay much longer.”

  My father nods and extends his hand to me. “Thank you, son. I’ll see you when you get out. And you’ll always be welcome at my table and in your home.”

  I was sure I couldn’t care less whether I was welcome back home or not, but it turns out I did. And he said just the very words I needed to hear. I shake his hand and nod, suddenly unable to speak.

  He nods too, releases my hand and leaves, grunting a goodbye at Cross and Colt who has now joined him as he goes. I haven’t seen Colt since the night the Snakes dragged him away, and no one who visited could tell me where he was. I ignored the fear that something bad happened to him and they were just not telling me as best I could. He looks haggard and like he’s slept in his clothes for a couple of nights. That pained look on his face isn’t very encouraging either.

  He closes the door behind him but stays by it as Cross walks to the bed.

  “As your father told you, we took care of them all,” Cross says. “Ace said you didn’t want the child who shot you killed. We left them both alive. That could turn into one hell of a mistake down the road, but at the time, it seemed right to honor a dying man’s wish.”

  “I’m not dying any time soon,” I say. “But thank you. They’ll be dealt with if that time ever comes.”

  Cross nods. “Doc spoke to your doctor, and he tells me your outlook is good.”

  I shrug. “Not perfect, though. But I never expected to come out of this visit home alive.”

  “You’re welcome back whenever you’re ready,” Cross says. “You’ve cleared your name with the MC and then some. But take all the time you need.”

  I’m afraid I’ll never be well enough to ride with them again, but this is neither the place nor the time for saying that, nor the person to say it to.

  “I will,” I say instead.

  “I’ll see you then,” Cross says and shakes my hand before leaving.

  As soon as the door closes behind him, Colt practically runs to my bedside.

  “Shit, Blaze, I didn’t know you’d been shot until this morning.” He’s moving like he wants to hug me, but can’t figure out a way to do it because of all the tubes and wires still attached to me. He settles for plopping down in the chair by my bed and patting my arm.

  “It worked out,” I say. “We’ll have to wait and see how well though.”

  I explain what the doctor told me, but I keep it short since I don’t want to dwell on it.

  “Where were you?” I ask.

  “With Hawk and a few of the others,” he says. “The Sinners took off once it became clear the Snakes wouldn’t win the fight. We followed and Cross is riding today to do what we should’ve done last year.”

  So much for Cross’s legacy of being more than just a ruthless killer. But what needs to be done, needs to be done. We all know that.

  “What about Buddy and Slate? Are they dead too?” I ask. The question has been on my mind a lot since I woke up, but again, there was no one to ask. After all that reminiscing about the old days we did while we were tied up together, I kinda hope they somehow made it.

  “Buddy’s dead. He fought like crazy for the Snakes. No idea why,” Colt says and I can hear the lump in his throat. “Slate took off before the fight was over. As far as I know, he packed up his wife and kid and split. I persuaded Hawk not to send anyone after him, since I very much doubt we have anything to worry about from him.”

  “I doubt it too,” I say.

  Colt lunges into the story of what happened after I was locked up. The Snakes rode to the compound we had just escaped from, but Cross had changed the plan last minute so that all the Devils and most of the fighting men from my family met them there. It was over quick and it was bloody. Growing up, I always imagined I’d feel joy and happiness when the Snakes were all wiped out, but it turns out I was wrong. All I feel is a hollow sort of emptiness.

  “You think that was the plan all along?” I ask. “Seeing as Cross probably didn’t trust me completely?”

  Colt shrugs. “Who knows? Cross often makes plans that only Cross knows about.”

  Misti opens the door a crack to peer in, but starts closing it again when she sees Colt.

  “Come in, please,” I call to her.

  She does, smiling widely. Colt grins when he sees her and vacates the chair, thinking that’s where she’s headed.

  “I’ll leave you two to it then,” he says. “But I expect to see you out of this hospital sooner rather than later Blaze.”

  He’s trying to sound flippant and brave, but I detect the worry and fear in his voice. I tell him he can count on it and he leaves.

  Even before the door is fully closed behind him, Misti kicks off her sneakers without even unlacing them and climbs back into bed with me.

  “I thought they’d never leave,” she says.

  I hold her tight and kiss the top of her head. She smells like spring, like new hope, like all I never had becoming mine. And the best part is, she wants to be with me.

  “Once I’m better we’ll go on a proper road trip. What do you say?” I ask.

  She sits up and the happiness in her eyes is all I need to forget my dark thoughts, from now until forever.

  “Can’t wait,” she says. “I
want to see it all.”

  I laugh. “All is a lot.”

  “I said all,” she asserts and kisses me.

  We already have all. It’s right here in this kiss. In her softness, in her delicate hands caressing my cheeks and propping me up, letting me know that whatever comes will be more than anyone could ever want. She’s the bird I saved come back to me. She’s the future I never believed I’d have. She’s everything. And more.


  One Year Later


  A year of riding the back roads and byways of this vast and gorgeous country has made me a new woman. I hardly remember my life before. It’s faded in my memory like a book you’ve read and re-read a long time ago. The years I spent just watching the world go by as I sat dying by my bedroom window are so far in those hazy corners of my mind, that I hardly believe that was me. It’s certainly not who I’ve become.

  I’m back where I was on the day my adventure with Blaze began. At the hospital on the outskirts of Las Vegas, in the office of the doctor who operated, which made the last year of my life and all the magic it brought possible. The sun is setting outside, and through the opaque but translucent blinds on the window, I can see Blaze waiting for me. My husband, Blaze, as of two weeks ago. He’s leaning on his bike, his strong arms crossed over his chest, and it’s like he’s looking directly at me, even though he has no idea which room I’m in.

  “So, you’re absolutely sure?” I ask the doctor for maybe the tenth time.

  He’s run extensive tests on my heart all day, and they’ve all come out clear. Or as clear as they’ll ever be. Definitely better than he hoped for. Three-quarters of what is considered normal. That’s how he put it.

  He grins as he shakes his head in exasperation.

  “For the last time, yes, I’m sure. But you’ll have to follow all the doctors’ orders. Which means no taking off and going on a country-wide adventure.”

  He was shocked when he found out that I just took off a few days after he gave me the all-clear. But he is also more than a little proud of himself over the excellent job he’d done on my heart, I think.

  “I promise,” I say and stand up, extending my hand to him. “Thank you for everything, doctor. You saved my life.”

  Blaze took it the last mile, but it was all made possible with the work of this man.

  He nods and clears his throat a couple of times. I’ve become quite intense now that my heart can keep up with my spirit. So everyone tells me.

  “It was my pleasure, Misti.”

  I say a hasty goodbye, promise to be back for my regular check-up, and stride out of the hospital.

  Blaze unfolds his arms and smiles as he sees me. The afternoon sun is coloring his bike a shimmering golden color and it’s reflected in his dark eyes as he greets me.

  “So?” he asks, holding his breath.

  “I’m in the best shape of my life,” I tell him triumphantly.

  He hugs me tight, lifting me off the ground and kissing me deeply before setting me back down. His happiness for me over the news I just received merges with my own, creates a bubbling volcano of joy and bliss in my chest. Which is about to erupt, I’m sure.

  His own heart has healed better than his doctor expected. Blaze’s grandma is sure it’s because I, the White Lady, was with him and made sure the bullet made no lasting damage. He believes her. I kind of do too.

  “Come, let’s go somewhere to celebrate,” he says. “Maybe to the ocean. And we can start our honeymoon at the same time too.”

  I take his hands in both of mine and smile as I gaze into his eyes. I swear I can see our future all the way to forever in those dark, fire-filled eyes of his. And it is better than anything I could ever have imagined.

  “That might have to wait,” I say and smile as his grin dissolves into confusion.”

  “But you said, you’re fine. “

  “You’re going to be a daddy, Blaze,” I say, just blurting it out because I can’t keep this news in a moment longer.

  His eyes go very wide, confusion warring with surprise and shock in them.

  “What? How?” he asks in a breathless voice.

  I’ve known he wanted children from the moment we spoke about how I probably won’t be able to have them. Not because he said so. He told me it’s fine and I knew that was the truth too. But deep down, I also knew it wasn’t, not really. I’ve never been fine with that prognosis either.

  “I’m pregnant, and the doctor just told me he sees absolutely no reason why my heart wouldn’t be up to it,” I say. Truth is, I would’ve had this baby even if the news hadn’t been so good.

  “Yeah?” he says, joy now completely erasing all else in his face. Except for a hint of fear and worry.

  “Yeah,” I say. “But the doc did say no more trips until after the baby’s born.”

  He hands me my helmet. “Here, let’s go.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Where?”

  “House hunting,” he says. “I’m thinking something with a big backyard—”

  “Slow down, cowboy,” I say and take his hand to pull him in for another kiss. “We still have nine months to take care of all that.”

  He grins and kisses me. And this time, I don’t just see our future, I feel it too. Every last joyful moment, every happy memory, every bubbling laugh, and every smile.

  Once we ride away I lean back into the wind and spread my arms wide, because my shimmering butterfly winds have finally unfurled and I’m flying. Flying towards that glorious future I’ve seen in his eyes and felt in his kiss, borne up by hope and love and all the joy this world still has in store for us.


  Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story! I have something very special planned for the continuation of this series—New Generation Books! Sign up to my newsletter to receive alerts about release dates, exclusive excerpts, and more!

  Also by Lena Bourne















  Outlaw’s Hope, Book 1 - A Standalone MC Romance

  Outlaw’s Salvation, Book 2 - A Standalone MC Romance

  Outlaw’s Redemption, Book 3 - A Standalone MC Romance

  Rider’s Fall: A Viper’s Bite MC Novella - A Standalone MC Romance

  HIS FOREVER - An Alpha Billionaire Romance Serial (Completed)

  His Forever: The Complete Series


  Adam (of the Archers, Book 1) — Full-length, standalone BBW Military Romance

  NOT LOOKING FOR LOVE - An NA Contemporary Romance Series (Completed)

  Episode 1: (FREE eBook)

  Episode 2:

  Episode 3:

  Episode 4:

  Episode 5:

  Episode 6:

  Episode 7: (FINAL EPISODE)


  E&M Investigations Series:

  The Fall (Prequel #1)

  The Fairytale Killer (Prequel #2)

  Pretty Places (E&M Investigations, Book 1)

  Bad Roads (E&M Investigations, Book 2)

  Lazy Days (E&M Investigations, Book 3)

  About the Author

  Lena Bourne is a USA Today Bestselling author of many romantic suspense and mystery novels. When she’s not coming up with a new love story or plotting the next perfect crime mystery, you can usually find her drinking coffee and catering to her elderly cat’s every whim.

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  Copyright © 2021 by Lena Bourne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Also by Lena Bourne

  About the Author


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