Hammer's Commandos (Hammer's War Book 4)

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Hammer's Commandos (Hammer's War Book 4) Page 24

by James McEwan

  At first nothing happened, so he did it again and the second time the symbols on the armor started to flicker and glow a soft blue then he heard a hiss as the seals were released. The helmet folded away and so did the rest of the armor until she was left lying on the bed naked except for the belt around her waist that was her armor in its compact form. What he saw both horrified him and confirmed what he already knew.

  Kára was dead. Her body burned beyond recognition. St. Claire’s heart broke. He carefully removed the armored belt and, with a sadness in his step, quietly and calmly walked over to a cabinet and removed a white sheet. He returned to her side and lovingly covered her with the sheet. He bent forward and kissed her forehead through the sheet as a single tear fell from his eyes. He left the infirmary.

  The anger he felt burned inside of him like nothing he had ever felt before. He had lost people before and many of them friends killed in combat. Even his best friend had died saving his life. He was tired of losing people and he was tired of those he loved dying to save him. He was nothing special. He was just a man, he thought to himself. He walked into the hall way and the urge to punch something almost over whelmed him. Yet when he saw the remaining members of his team lining the hallway, all looking to him for leadership and what to do next, St. Claire looked at his team and kept his anger in check. This was not the place nor time.

  It was Lenox who spoke first. Sofia Lenox the redheaded freckled lieutenant from Edinburgh Scotland that spoke in her heavy Scottish accent, “Sir, we are with you, what are your orders?”

  He wanted to kill every last Ralnai he could find, but he had a mission to complete. “We stay on mission. Period. “

  “Eve what is our operational status?” St Clair asked.

  Eve’s voice crackled over the speakers, “A lot of my systems are still down, but I will have flight control soon, and weapons within the next few hours. However stealth and space fold engines are not going be on line anytime soon. There some parts we need but the fabrication shop was damaged and without parts to fix that, I don’t have the parts to fix the engine.”

  “How long until we are operational enough to land on target?” He asked.

  “I can have you on target just after dawn planet side time. About six hour, but without stealth systems I can’t guarantee we will get in clean,” Eve answered.

  “Good, make it happened,” he said to Eve, then he turned back to Lenox, “Lieutenant, ready the team. We hit the objective in six hours and I want to be ready. I have a feeling they know we are coming and they are going to put up a fight.”

  “Yes Sir!” She snapped a salute that he returned.

  Lenox then said with a softer tone “I am so sorry.”

  St. Claire, clenching his jaw to hold in his emotions, turned, looked at her and simply said “Thank you.”

  St. Claire turned and began addressing the team, “Today we lost brothers and sisters. Today we got a black eye. But we gave far better than we got and I couldn’t be more proud of your actions today. However, we are about to go kick a hornet’s nest and it’s not going to be pretty. There is only one man who needs to be taken alive so you can shoot the rest of these assholes in the face. Twice if needed. Normally we get in, get the target, and get out quick and quiet. But not this time. This time we roll in heavy and go loud and proud. We kill anything that gets in our way. And God help any Ralnai that try to interfere!”

  His team nodded in agreement and understanding. They knew St. Claire was not in a playing mood. “That’s it. Now, quit standing around. We have work to do so let’s get our asses moving!” St. Claire said. His team saluted and held the salute for a moment longer than normal showing the love, respect and admiration they had for him. Then, as one, they slowly dropped the salute before running to their stations to prepare for the raid.

  Talking to his team helped for a few minutes, but the grief and pain came back and he found himself back in the infirmary sitting next to Ruby’s bed. She had been cleaned up and now she lay peacefully, her eyes closed and her breathing strong. She was resting and he wanted to be there when she woke up. He wanted to look in the direction of Kára’s body but it was just too painful.

  As he sat with his back to Kara’s body and waited for the hours to pass, the pain of all the years of abuse to his body were starting to bother him. With everything now calm and the adrenalin worn off, he felt every wound, every scar and every sore muscle. He finally had to stand and stretch. He had taken off his armor and was now dressed in his uniform. He stretched and tried in vain to rub the soreness away when he thought he heard a small gasp of air from behind him. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him so he froze and waited to see if he would hear it again and hear something he did.

  Turning, he walked slowly over to Kára and carefully lifted the sheet. He folded it down so her head and shoulders were exposed. He looked down on her burnt face and wondered if the sounds he was hearing were nothing more than gas escaping from her lungs. He had seen dead bodies do some strange things including sitting up.

  He looked down at her and with a pained voice said, “Oh Kára.” She opened her eyes and gasped for air. So shocked at this, St. Claire let out a startled scream, “What the Fuck!” He tried to jump back, but she grabbed his collar and sat up. The sheet slipping down to her waist.

  “But you’re dead. I thought you were dead. How the fuck…….” was all he could mutter when she interrupted him.

  “Oh, Domenic calm down and give me a few minutes,” Kára said. “Besides, your voice is jumping up a few octaves and it makes you sound like a little girl.”

  He stood there, his mouth moving, no sounds or words coming out. He was dumb founded as he watched the burns disappear and her hair regrow. He watched as her beautiful face was restored to its former glory. Watching her return to him he felt like his heart would explode from joy.

  He couldn’t help himself and had to look down at her breasts. “Yep” he thought, “They have been restored to their great perfect perkiness.”

  She caught him looking down, “Hey I’m up here right now.”

  He looked up at her eyes, “Sorry just checking.”

  “Where is my armor?” She asked as she let go of him to pull up the sheet. Not that she was shy about her nakedness she just wasn't in the mood at the moment.

  He handed it to her. She took it and looked it over for a minute, “Damn, it took more damage than I hoped it would. It will be a few hours before the self-restore repairs everything. In the meantime, would you be a dear and fetch me some clothing.”

  “In a minute. First you have to explain,” St. Claire said making a gesture with his hands.

  “Well ever since the incident I can’t die, well I mean I die, but I just come right back sometimes right away, but sometimes it takes a while. How long was I dead this time?”

  “A few hours,” He replied still in disbelief. “Just how many times have you died?”

  “A few thousand, I lost count after the first thousand or so,” she said as if was nothing.

  “A few thousand? Is that all?” St. Claire stammered.

  “How do you think I got to be over three thousand years old?” She fired back at him. “I guess I never thought about that.”

  “Does it hurt?” He couldn’t help himself. Fascinated now he wanted to know everything about it.

  “Every time, now are you going to stand here all day and ask questions or am I going to have to walk naked to our quarters and get some clothing myself?” She said as she stood up letting the sheet drop to the floor showing off every perfect curve.

  “Alright, alright, stay here with Ruby I will be right back,” he said.

  “Ruby, what happened to Ruby?” She said as she picked up the sheet and wrapped it around her.

  “We are not sure, but we think she over did it with her powers when she saved us,” St. Claire explained.

  “Saved us?” Kára repeated but as a question.

  He related the story of what had happened after
she died on the bow of the ship and when he told her that he jumped off the ship to save her. she teared up a little. He had never seen her tear up over anything.

  “You did that for me?” She asked.

  “Yes I did,” he replied looking at the floor.

  “Well in that case you can forget the clothing,” she grabbed him and kissed him. The sheet dropped to the floor again followed by his uniform top.

  A few hours later, a dreadfully tired, but relieved, St. Claire was standing in front of his team in full battle armor ready to go. Next to him was Kára, in her armor which was almost fully repaired. She was armed with her Eli weapons as her armor’s directed energy weapon was still not repaired. Ruby was still not awake and Carl had agreed to watch over her. Everything and everyone was ready. All that was left was for St. Claire to give the order.

  “Eve take us in!" St. Claire commanded.

  Chapter 31

  The situation on New Hope was a mess, to say the least. The Alliance fleet had beaten back the NGE’s fleet, but had been bloodied in the process. The Daniel Wesson was damaged but she was still in the fight. The Alliance owned the space, but the NGE owned the ground.

  Ark was doing his best to hold the capital city and had turned the battle into a siege. The NGE had the city surrounded, but the Ameron artillery was holding them back. Every time they tried to engage in an attack the Ameron’s rained death down on them with pin point accuracy. Ark and Hayes were in communication and were doing their bests to coordinate their efforts.

  The NGE had brought with them way more heavy weapons and equipment than they needed to take New Hope. The problem was NGE had set up a heavy anti-air defense around its main bases of operations. Any ship that got close enough to the lower atmosphere was fired on with anti-ship missiles.

  The Alliance ships could shoot down some of the missiles but the NGE would shoot more that than the Alliance ships systems could handle. After losing a few ships and lots of good people, Hayes was not ready to risk any more lives until they could knock out those defenses. It was basically a three-way stale mate. No one could engage without taking unacceptable losses.

  “Amanda, I don’t know how long we can hold out. Right now, things are quiet, but that could change at any moment. For now, we have what we need to hold out, but if they keep pushing we will run out of ammo and then it is over for us,” Ark explained.

  “Understood, but I can’t get any boots on the ground with their damn missile systems operational, and with your forces stuck holding the city there is nothing I can do. I do have to wonder why they came so heavy and why they are holding back. Our scans show that they have more than enough troops and equipment to take New Hope so why are they holding?” Amanda said more as a question to herself then to him.

  “I don’t know, but for now I will take it. If they want to sit out there and wait it is fine with me. It gives us more time,” he replied.

  Amanda was still mulling it over in her mind when she was handed a dispatch. She read from the tablet the she handed it back to the aid. “I know why, this was a trap for me.”

  Ark was not sure what that meant, “A trap for you?”

  “Yes, they are trying to hold the fleet here. I’m getting reports of other attacks on Alliance worlds. Lincoln, I have to order the majority of the fleet to leave. I have to protect those worlds. Nonetheless, I will not leave you. I am staying with the Daniel Wesson and enough ships to keep the space clear, but I can’t send you any troops. I’m sorry but you are on your own until I can deal with the other threats,” Amanda said with pain in her voice.

  “I understand and we will hold these unholy abominations off for as long as we have to, and Amanda, thank you. If it wasn’t for you we would be dead already,” Ark said before signing off.

  Amanda gave the order and most of the Alliance ships left the system. “Get a burst transmission ready. I am re-tasking St. Claire’s team.”

  Chapter 32

  In the courtyard Yiska’s stood next to the stone block where Rod Masters was on his knees. Rod’s hands had been placed inside shackles located on either side of the block. His head was hanging over the block with his neck exposed. Rod had no doubts about what his fate was or what was about to happen next. He had accepted it and was ready. Lex had been forced to her knees in front of Yiska.

  Yiska looked at Lex and then raised his hand to the crowd, who fell into a hushed silence. Yiska began speaking to Lex. “The ways of the Divine can seem to be harsh at times, but if you embrace them and love them you will be blessed. If you disobey, as you have my dear, and reject those ways the punishment is harsh and swift. Be that as it may, I am a merciful man and I wish not to hurt you. For you are too fine and too beautiful. Truly a work of the Devine. A gift, a gift for my obedience. Yet the price for your disobedience must be paid.”

  Yiska paused and pointed to Rod. “This unbeliever will pay your blood debt instead. But you must know that this can only happen once.”

  Up above Thad and Eve watched as the events unfolded before them. Thad had enhanced sight, but not hearing. He wanted to know what was going on down below. He was going to ask Eve if there was anything she could do, but he didn’t have to. It was if she had read his mind.

  Eve turned her head so one ear was facing the courtyard. She cupped her hand to make a makeshift parabolic dish. She then turned up her audio sensor to the max and opened her mouth to broadcast what she was hearing. The audio wasn’t broadcast quality, but it was good enough that they could hear what Yiska was saying.

  Lex put her head down and stared at the ground not wanting to witness what was to come. Yiska grabbed her hair and yanked her head back up, “Oh no girl you will watch the price of your disobedience!”

  Yiska nodded to the big son of a bitch who was standing nearby with a large heavy curved saber. He nodded back in acknowledgement. The big man stepped up next to Rod, took up his position and raised the sword high above his head.

  Rod turned his head and looked Lex in the eyes. Tears were streaming down her face. He smiled at her and simply told her “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

  Those were his last words as the big son of a bitch brought the sword down and, with one massive swipe, Rod’s head was severed from his body and landed on the stone ground. Because this was a regular blade there was not the cauterizing effect that a force blade had and Rod’s blood sprayed out wards towards the crowd who cheered. The front of the stone was awash in Rod’s blood. Yiska let go of Lex’s head and she crumbled to the ground her tears blinding her.

  Up in the cells Fiona and Freya could hear, but not see what was going on as the little slit windows were too high for them to see out. “Hey Fie, what do you think that was?”

  “I don’t know but I don’t think it was anything good. God I hope Thad gets here soon, because there are lot of assholes here in need of killing,” Fiona answered.

  “I hope Lex is okay. She hasn’t come back yet,” Freya said worried about her new friend.

  “Me too, me too,” Fiona said as her voice drifted off.

  “I don’t think I am going to wait for Lex to come back. I think we need to get out of these cells now,” Freya said looking around for anything to escape with.

  “Okay how did Lex get out?” Fiona asked.

  “I think I know,” Freya said as she looked at the metal handle of the bucket.

  Up on the hill overlooking the courtyard Thad and Eve watched as this man butchered their friend. That was it for Thad. He was done waiting. Plan or no plan, he was going to make them pay for this. He stood up and started back down to where Sabella was waiting with Furhan.

  Eve followed him and she could tell he was upset as she was herself, “Thaddeus, do you have a plan?”

  He stopped to face her, “Yeah, I got a plan. I am gonna go down there and kill every last one of them,” he said then turned away and walked off.

  “Works for me,” Eve said as she followed.

  Down below Yiska picked up Rod Masters’ sever
ed head and lifted it high for all to see. “Let your eyes take in the price for disbelieve, the price of disobedience,” he yelled and then he tossed the head on the ground as it was nothing but mere trash.

  “Now we pray.” Yiska turned his back to the crowd and knelt down. The rest of them followed suit. When he started to pray, so did they. Thad moved fast and in no time, he was back down to Sabella and Furhan. He grabbed Furhan by the arm and asked Sabella, “Is there away on to that rim that is around the courtyard?”

  “Yes, I will show you,” She replied and then led the way. She showed them how to get up on the rim. Thad pulled Furhan with him as he made his way around the head of the courtyard right in front of Yiska.

  Furhan was scared and asked Thad, “What are you going to do with me?”

  Thad looked the man in face, “I intend to make a point. Time to meet your fate Furhan.”

  Thad grabbed him by the back of his neck and tossed him off. Furhan screamed as he fell. The distance from the rim to the ground of the courtyard was more than enough. Furhan hit the ground inches from where Yiska was praying. He made a satisfying splat when he hit. His blood sprayed over Yiska as he was prostrated in prayer.

  This bought the prayers to an abrupt halt. Everyone looked up to see where the body had come from. They could see a figure dressed all in black standing with the sun to his back. Thad had left the desert robes behind and he wanted them to see him in his black armor.

  Yiska was surprisingly calm. He looked up and had to place his hand to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun. When Thad saw that he had everyone’s attention so he spoke loudly, “Yiska Yasin! You have something belongs to me! And you have murdered my friend. You will pay for that deed with your life!”

  Yiska calmly stood up and addressed Thad, “You must be the infamous Mr. Hammer I have heard so much about.”

  “You are about to wish that you have never heard of me,” Thad shouted back.


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