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Memorial Page 2

by Alice Oswald

Pressed flat to the floor

  Of a leafy wood

  That loitering eye looks once

  And kills

  PANDARUS son of Lycaon had a wife at home

  In his high-roofed house in the foothills of Ida

  He was captain of Zelea and he and his men

  Used to drink the black raw water from the river

  He was a rich man a master bowman

  Eleven war cars in his stables brand new beautifully made

  With rugs and thoroughbred horses

  He couldn’t bear to risk them in the War

  He went on foot to Troy with nothing but his bow

  But that was no good to him

  The arrows kept flying off at angles

  If I ever get home he said

  And see my wife and my high-roofed house

  May a stranger cut off my head if I don’t

  Smash this bow and throw it with my own hands

  Into the fire it has proved such a nothingness

  But he climbed up nevertheless next to Aeneas

  He charged at Diomedes and a spear

  Thrown by Diomedes pushed hard in by Athene

  Hit him between the eyes it split-second

  Splintered his teeth cut through his tongue broke off his jaw

  And came out clean through the chin

  Like an oak tree struck by lightning

  Throws up its arms and burns

  Terrifying for a man out walking

  To smell that sulphur smell

  And see the fields flickering ahead of him

  Lit up blue by the strangeness of god

  Like an oak tree struck by lightning

  Throws up its arms and burns

  Terrifying for a man out walking

  To smell that sulphur smell

  And see the fields flickering ahead of him

  Lit up blue by the strangeness of god

  DEICOON the Trojan

  Was too eager too heroic

  He found praise yes

  But also death

  Like snow falls quickly from god to the ground

  When the north wind blows down the heavens

  Like snow falls quickly from god to the ground

  When the north wind blows down the heavens

  ORSILOCHUS and CRETHON grew restless

  They had shallow stony eyes

  Always staring at the pulling sea

  And they were the grandsons of a river

  Famous Alpheus whose muscular waters

  Wind round Pylos

  But those cold blue arms couldn’t keep them

  As soon as they were old enough

  They took a ship to Troy their story

  Finishes here in darkness

  What happened to PYLAEMENES

  He came from the Black Sea those dusty plains

  That bring forth mules and loud men

  His heart was made of coarse cloth

  And his manners were loose like old sacking

  He was a great captain but Menelaus killed him

  And his driver MYDON in the act of turning his horses

  Was killed by Antilochus

  Like two mules on a shaly path in the mountains

  Carrying a huge roof truss or the beam of a boat

  Go on mile after mile giving it their willingness

  Until the effort breaks their strength

  Like two mules on a shaly path in the mountains

  Carrying a huge roof truss or the beam of a boat

  Go on mile after mile giving it their willingness

  Until the effort breaks their strength





















  ACAMAS a massive man best fighter in Thrace

  Came over the choppy tides of the Hellespont

  And almost instantly took a blow on his helmet

  The spear pressed through to his skull

  Tipped with darkness

  It was Ajax who stopped him

  Like that slow-motion moment

  When a woman weighs the wool

  Her poor old spider hands

  Work all night spinning a living for her children

  And then she stops

  She soothes the scales to a standstill

  Like that slow-motion moment

  When a woman weighs the wool

  Her poor old spider hands

  Work all night spinning a living for her children

  And then she stops

  She soothes the scales to a standstill

  AXYLUS son of Teuthras

  Lived all his life in the lovely harbour of Arisbe

  Looking down at the Hellespont

  Everyone knew that plump man

  Sitting on the step with his door wide open

  He who so loved his friends

  Died side by side with CALESIUS

  In a daze of loneliness

  Their conversation unfinished

  Like the hawk of the hills the perfect killer

  Easily outflies the clattering dove

  She dips away but he follows he ripples

  He hangs his black hooks over her

  And snares her with a thin cry

  In praise of her softness

  Like the hawk of the hills the perfect killer

  Easily outflies the clattering dove

  She dips away but he follows he ripples

  He hangs his black hooks over her

  And snares her with a thin cry

  In praise of her softness

  There was a blue pool who loved her loneliness

  Lay on her stones clear-eyed staring at trees

  Her name was Abarbarea

  A young man found her in the hills

  He took one look at her shivering freshness

  And stripped off his clothes

  In the middle of his astonished sheep

  He jumped off a rock right into her arms

  And from that quick fling there were two children


  They died at Troy on the same day

  Like when a ditch-maker takes a mattock to water

  To cut it loose from its clods at first

  It’s just a secret trickle under nettles

  But then the pebbles shout out water

  And it runs downhill calling to his crops and orchards

  Leaving him staring

  Like when a ditch-maker takes a mattock to water

  To cut it loose from its clods at first

  It’s just a secret trickle under nettles

  But then the pebbles shout out water

  And it runs downhill calling to his crops and orchards

  Leaving him staring




  The flash of a spear

  Woke them with a jolt






  Like when god keeps the night awake with lightning

  And the sky jumps into readiness for a huge rainstorm

  And sometimes hail or snow when blizzards wander in the fields

  Like when god keeps the night awake with lightning

  And the sky jumps into readiness for a huge rainstorm

  And sometimes hail or snow when blizzards wander in the fields

  ADRESTUS almost survived it was horrible

  To hear the hoof-kicking struggle of his horses

  Tangled on a tamarisk branch

  The cart cracked the man tipped headfirst forwards

  And landed on his mouth in the dust

  And there instantly stood Menelaus

  A sundial moving over his last moments

  With a long shadowing spear

  Take me alive said Adrestus

  I’ll give you everything gold bronze iron

  My father is a rich man take me alive

  But Agamemnon heard him

  Weakness what is this weakness Menelaus

  Don’t tell me you love these men

  With their impeccable wife-thief manners

  A death-curse on all of them kill them all

  Even the unborn ones in their mothers’ bellies

  Be uncried for unburied

  And that was the earth’s moment

  That was the death of Adrestus

  Like a good axe in good hands

  Finds out the secret of wood and splits it open

  When a man for example cuts out timbers for a boat

  And his axe is an iron decision swinging his arm

  Like a good axe in good hands

  Finds out the secret of wood and splits it open

  When a man for example cuts out timbers for a boat

  And his axe is an iron decision swinging his arm

  MENESTHIUS the only son of big-eyed Phylomedusa

  Came overland to Troy not quite knowing why

  Until he met Paris running in a love-rage towards him

  With the smell of Helen still on his hands

  Like a rainbow shining a warning to the world

  A bright banner of disruption hung above the fields

  Meaning war perhaps or maybe just a summer storm

  So that everyone stops work and looks up and the flocks

  grow restless

  Like a rainbow shining a warning to the world

  A bright banner of disruption hung above the fields

  Meaning war perhaps or maybe just a summer storm

  So that everyone stops work and looks up and the flocks

  grow restless

  Another man springing into his chariot

  Felt a blow on his shoulder and dropped

  Like a leaf from a topmost twig

  His name was IPHINOUS

  And ENIOPEUS with high hopes

  Drove Hector into battle

  Into the terrifying anti-world of the wounded

  The wheels kept slewing over bodies

  But he held tight he was good with horses

  Until a spear shocked him in the nipple

  He vanished backwards and hit the ground under their hooves

  Clang his soul burst into the open

  And AGELAOS in the act of turning

  Noticed the death cloud Diomedes towering towards him

  He was heaving his horses round swearing

  When a spearshot pushed through his shout and out through his chest

  He fell made of metal banging on the ground

  Like a man put a wand of olive in the earth

  And watered it and that wand became a wave

  It became a whip a spine a crown

  It became a wind-dictionary

  It could speak in tongues

  It became a wobbling wagon-load of flowers

  And then a storm came spinning by

  And it became a broken tree uprooted

  It became a wood pile in a lonely field

  Like a man put a wand of olive in the earth

  And watered it and that wand became a wave

  It became a whip a spine a crown

  It became a wind-dictionary

  It could speak in tongues

  It became a wobbling wagon-load of flowers

  And then a storm came spinning by

  And it became a broken tree uprooted

  It became a wood pile in a lonely field

  Eight flint-leaved arrows seemingly out of nowhere

  Shot through ORSILOCHUS








  That was Teucer

  Ducking behind his brother’s shield

  And now the arrow flies through GORGYTHION

  Somebody’s darling son

  As if it was June

  A poppy being hammered by the rain

  Sinks its head down

  It’s exactly like that

  When a man’s neck gives in

  And the bronze calyx of his helmet

  Sinks his head down

  As if it was June

  A poppy being hammered by the rain

  Sinks its head down

  It’s exactly like that

  When a man’s neck gives in

  And the bronze calyx of his helmet

  Sinks his head down


  Someone was there

  And the next moment no one

  Like fire with its loose hair flying rushes through a city

  The look of unmasked light shocks everything to rubble

  And flames howl through the gaps

  Like fire with its loose hair flying rushes through a city

  The look of unmasked light shocks everything to rubble

  And flames howl through the gaps

  What was that shrill sound

  Five sisters at the grave

  Calling the ghost of DOLON

  They remember an ugly man but quick

  In a crack of light in the sweet smelling glimmer before dawn

  He was caught creeping to the ships

  He wore a weasel cap he was soft

  Dishonest scared stooped they remember

  How under a spear’s eye he offered everything

  All his father’s money all his own

  Every Trojan weakness every hope of their allies

  Even the exact position of the Thracians

  And the colour and size and price of the horses of Rhesus

  They keep asking him why why

  He gave away groaning every secret in his body

  And was still pleading for his head

  When his head rolled onto the mud

  Like the fly the daredevil fly

  Being brushed away

  But busying back

  The lunatic fly who loves licking

  And will follow a man all day

  For a nip of his blood

  Like the fly the daredevil fly

  Being brushed away

  But busying back

  The lunatic fly who loves licking

  And will follow a man all day

  For a nip of his blood

  Recently arrived and camping apart from everyone

  With weapons cleaned and layed down like cutlery

  This is horrible this is some kind of bloodfeast

  And beside each man his horses

  Twelve anonymous Thracians were killed in their sleep

  Before their ghosts had time to keep hold of their names

  It was so sudden

  The raw meat smell of their bodies woke up the dogs

  And these were rich men

  They had long smooth hair but Diomedes

  Red-faced quietly like a butcher keeping up with his order

  Got rid of them

  And the last one RHESUS was a king

  He should never have come here

  Bringing over the water those huge white horses

  With their chains and painted cheek guards

  Extraordinary creatures almost marble but moving

  Like wolves always wanting something

  Thin shapes always working the hills

  When a shepherd lets his flocks wander

  And the weaklings bleat their fear

  Within seconds wolves will appear

  Like wolves always wanting something

  Thin shapes always working the hills

  When a shepherd lets his flocks wander

  And the weaklings bleat their fear />
  Within seconds wolves will appear

  Two more metal ornaments

  Knocked down anonymous in their helmets

  And when those iron heads opened

  Everyone whispered listen

  That was ISOS and ANTIPHOS

  They used to be shepherds they were hill people

  Working out of reach of the world

  Those were the two boys Achilles kidnapped

  Among the wolves and buzzards of Mount Ida

  They said it was wonderful to be tied in creepers

  And taken to the other side by that gypsy

  They said he could talk to horses

  They said his mother was a seal or mermaid

  And he introduced them to Agamemnon

  The great king of Mycenae poor fools

  Who came home as proud as astronauts

  And didn’t want to farm any more

  And went riding out to be killed by Agamemnon

  Like a boat

  Going into the foaming mouth of a wave

  In the body of the wind

  Everything vanishes

  And the sailors stare at mid-air

  Like a boat

  Going into the foaming mouth of a wave

  In the body of the wind

  Everything vanishes

  And the sailors stare at mid-air

  Antimachus was bribed this is well known

  Antimachus was a friend of Paris

  Who put the case for war

  He opened a door in the earth

  And a whole generation entered

  Including his own young sons


  Two dazed teenagers trotting into battle

  On their father’s expensive horses

  And those horses those colossal death-muscles

  Ramped and flared and the reins

  Slipped from the boys’ hands

  Please take us alive they shouted

  Our father is Antimachus a gentleman

  He has the cost of us both in cash back at home

  We could fetch it

  But Agamemnon remembered

  Their father was that sly old man

  Who tried to murder Menelaus

  Antimachus assured them

  He had acted in good faith

  But their ghosts said nothing

  Like close to the grey sea the waiting rocks

  Outstare the winds and the big waves

  Running at them open-mouthed

  Like close to the grey sea the waiting rocks

  Outstare the winds and the big waves

  Running at them open-mouthed

  IPHIDAMAS a big ambitious boy

  At the age of eighteen at the age of restlessness

  His family crippled him with love

  They gave him a flute and told him to amuse himself

  In his grandfather’s sheep-nibbled fields

  That didn’t work they gave him a bride

  Poor woman lying in her new name alone

  She said even on his wedding night

  He seemed to be wearing armour

  He kept yawning and looking far away

  And by the next morning he’d vanished


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