Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series)

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Christmas with Nicholas: - an Untwisted seasonal story (Untwisted series) Page 3

by Raine, Alice

  Closing the double doors Nicholas bent and tapped my ankle, indicating that he wanted me to lift my leg. Following his instruction he removed my slightly soggy slipper and dried my foot with a towel, before repeating the motion with my other foot. Standing up he moved around behind me and lowered his lips to my neck, kissing me with hot lashes of his tongue whilst also undoing the sash that held my wrists captive. Once my arms were free Nicholas draped the sash around my shoulders, pushed the robe so it slid from my quivering body into a silky pool by my feet, and then wrapped me in the towel, giving me a vigorous rub all over that only seemed to heighten my already raging arousal.

  ‘On the bed, Becky, face up, arms above your head. Keep the hat on.’ His instruction might have been murmured, but there was no hiding the dominance that was laced in both his words and lowered, dark gaze, so I immediately complied, making my way to the bed on wobbly legs with my head fuzzy with swirling desire.

  Once I was positioned how he had asked me I watched as Nicholas stalked towards me unbuttoning his shirt and staring at me with narrow, lust filled eyes the entire time. Removing his shirt he tossed it casually onto a nearby chair and then added his trousers to the pile leaving him stood in just a pair of black boxer shorts. Crawling onto the bed Nicholas gave my hat an affectionate pat and a smirk. Tugging the sash from my shoulders with glittering eyes he then leant and began to tie my compliant wrists to the headboard. ‘Okay? Not too tight?’ he murmured a few seconds later as he came back into my line of sight. Wiggling my wrists I shook my head, ‘It’s fine.’

  ‘I’d like to worship your body all night,’ he murmured against my lips as he bent in for a deep kiss. ‘But it’s late and we have a busy day tomorrow so I won’t spend quite as long as I’d like.’ Over the next few minutes Nicholas took me to such highs of arousal that I felt almost delirious, my body was thrashing around below him as he licked his way across my skin with his hot tongue, following the wet trail with his fingertips and caressing, kneading, and pinching my over sensitised flesh along the way.

  Finally he got rid of his boxer shorts and then dipped his head to my needy core where he licked and tugged softly on my clitoris with his teeth, causing me to arch my back wildly, murmuring incoherent words until he softly chastised me and stilled my movements by firmly pinning my hips to the mattress with his palms.

  My body began to tighten, my core rippling in preparation for release, and then, just as I was on the brink of orgasm Nicholas shifted himself up the bed and with a growl thrust his entire length into me in one long push. I was sent shooting into an almighty climax as I screamed his name over and over again and clamped my legs around his thrusting hips.

  With his relentless rhythm Nicholas pushed me straight through my first climax, pounding into me and grinding against my clitoris with delicious circles of his hips. Minutes later I was in an almost dreamlike state as he continued his relentless rhythm, but I felt my body preparing for yet another exhausting release, this time, as stars flew before my eyes and I threw my head back in pleasure, Nicholas did too, joining me in climax as he thrust into me deep and hard and moaned my name as he came.

  Swiftly pulling the knot from my wrists he collapsed on top of me and we lay there recovering in silence for several minutes. Finally feeling like I might be capable of speech again I rolled over and gave Nicholas a wide-eyed, impressed look. ‘Holy moly, Nicholas …’

  Rather uncharacteristically Nicholas threw his head back and laughed long and hard, before recovering himself and looking back at me with amused eyes. ‘Holy moly?’ he repeated, still chuckling as he shook his head. ‘I try my best to shag you senseless and all I get is “holy moly”? I guess I’ll have to up the ante next time.’

  Joining in with his relaxed banter I rolled my eyes. ‘Would you rather I rated you out of ten? Because that performance would definitely have earned you, oh I don’t know … a solid 100.’ Grinning like a kid Nicholas nodded enthusiastically. ‘Much better,’ he agreed dropping a kiss on my forehead and flopping back onto the bed.

  Rolling over onto my side I suddenly had a thought, ‘Can I see the picture you took of me earlier?’

  Grinning wickedly Nicholas leant over to the nightstand and picked up his phone, then after sliding his finger over the screen several times he unlocked it and passed it to me.

  My cheeks heated with embarrassment as I looked at the image, but as I glanced nervously at Nicholas and saw the look of unadulterated appreciation on his face I pushed my discomfort aside and instead tried to look at the photograph from his perspective. The setting and composition was perfect, almost of professional standard; behind me the night sky was like black velvet, scattered only with falling snow and glittering stars. Even the railing added to it, the elegant, twirled iron giving a classic feel to the picture. Although I was the focus of the photograph it wasn’t immediately obvious it was me. My head was tilted back, the angle hiding most of my features except my lips, which were curled in apparent delight, showing my smile and the dimples in my cheeks. My hair flowed out from under the woolly hat cascading around my shoulders and touching the top of my breasts but not hiding my aroused, reddened nipples. The robe was almost hidden, fallen to curve behind me around my bound arms and trailing around my legs in luscious silky waves, and my body was arched in pleasure, highlighted by the pale moonlight, hips thrust forward and breasts pointing directly at the camera.

  Swallowing loudly I blew out a deep breath. Crikey. I was completely turned on from looking at a photograph of myself. That felt wrong on so many levels that I hastily handed the photograph back to Nicholas and bit my lip.

  ‘Do you see now just how sexy you are, Rebecca?’ he asked me in that dark, seductive tone of his as he took the phone and placed it back on the nightstand.

  ‘I should have made you pose for a photograph out there, now that would have been really sexy,’ I said, deliberately avoiding his question but fairly sure that Nicholas could see how much I had appreciated the photograph from the flush of my cheeks.

  ‘Still a little self-conscious, Becky?’ he murmured, pulling me in close to his hot, hard body – and when I say hard, I mean he was hard everywhere, and apparently very ready to initiate round two.

  ‘Let me remind you just how sexy I find you …’ he suggested heatedly as his fingers dragged roughly across my nipples and his mouth found mine again.

  Chapter Two


  On our first official morning in Iceland we breakfasted at the hotel’s ornate dining room and then packed up our things for the next stage of our holiday. To my surprise, and marginal horror, we were directed to some huge Jeeps in the hotel car park for transport to our next stop. I literally stood in the middle of the car park and gaped at them. We’re talking mammoth vehicles – it was basically a 4x4, but the wheels were so massive that it made the entire vehicle seem hugely imposing. My boyish love of gadgets, cars, and speed was instantly ignited because they looked like they’d be amazingly fun to ride in, but they also looked a pretty risky way to travel and might not appeal to Rebecca’s more sensible nature. Chewing on my lip I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the monster Jeeps. There was no way I was forcing her to go in one if she was concerned or didn’t want to, but as I turned to reassure her I found Rebecca grinning at me like a kid with a look of huge excitement on her face, her eyes shining with glee.

  ‘I can’t believe we get to go in that! It’s going to be so much fun!’ she shrieked, chucking her rucksack up into the cab and hauling herself in without hesitation. Blinking several times at her disappearing form I eventually cracked a smile and shook my head at my amazing woman. She never failed to surprise me and quite apparently I needn’t have worried about her disliking our travel arrangements because she was clearly just as excited as me. Following Rebecca somewhat gingerly I clambered up beside her and after securing my harness – not a seatbelt, an actual harness – I looked around the ‘car’. When I’d bought this holiday I’d been told all transfers were included, a
nd I’d naturally assumed it would be a nice normal car … a BMW 5 Series perhaps, but no, the brochure in front of me informed me that this was a ‘super Jeep’, a huge off–road vehicle perfect for navigating the hard to reach areas of Iceland’s rugged landscape.

  Once we were settled our driver joined us and introduced himself as Bragi; he was young, blond, lively, and presumably what women would describe as attractive, and after he made a huge show of kissing the back of Rebecca’s hand in greeting, I instantly hated him.

  Even though I was sure of Rebecca’s commitment to me I felt my shoulders tense and my heart rate rise in anger at his overtly familiar behaviour. How dare he? I wanted to hit him for touching her like that. She was mine. Gritting my teeth until I heard them squeak I stared across at the profile of the younger man as he chatted amiably with the two other passengers sharing our Jeep. Just as my rage was reaching boiling point and I felt like I might snap, Rebecca’s face came into my line of sight, causing me to blink several times and refocus on her beautiful green eyes.

  ‘Nicholas, look at me, baby,’ she murmured softly, one of her small warm hands coming up to cup my cheek and rub a soothing pattern on my day old stubble. ‘I’m right here, Nicholas, and I’m with you, OK?’ Letting out a breath through my nose I focused on long, calming breaths. My girl knew me so well. She must have read the signs of my imminent meltdown and was now doing the most amazing job of distracting me with her gentle words and touches.

  All through my life I’d struggled with my temper. When I’d first gotten together with Rebecca it had caused issues in our relationship, but this woman was just incredible, she was like a balm to my soul, soothing me like no-one else ever had, or ever could. Swallowing, I used one of my anger management strategies to calm myself; deliberately drawing in long breaths and then releasing them slowly through my nose. Rebecca nodded her approval and smiled at me supportively as I kept my eyes focused on her, and only her.

  Several seconds later I felt my shoulders relaxing off and normality come back into focus. ‘I’m OK. Thank you for … well …’ I hesitated awkwardly, how did I explain that not only had she saved me from punching Bragi’s lights out, but that just by agreeing to be in a relationship with me she’d probably saved my entire life? Christ, it was monumental how much this woman meant to me. Unsure how to word these thoughts I was saved from the task as she nodded and squeezed my hand. ‘It’s OK, I know what you mean, Nicholas.’

  As calm as I was now feeling I still couldn’t help how possessive I felt over Rebecca and the second I saw Bragi turn back in our direction I hauled her against me and laid a sizzling kiss on her lips. In just seconds Rebecca was moaning against my mouth and clutching at the collar of my coat with bunched fists. Breaking the contact before I got too carried away I heard an embarrassed cough from the passengers behind us and saw Bragi blush and turn to start the Jeep. Mission accomplished.

  Taking hold of Rebecca’s hand I interwove my fingers with hers and felt her squeeze gently. Looking down I found her flushed face giving me a look that told me she knew exactly why I’d kissed her and I chuckled. Shrugging, I smirked at her and winked before placing a chaste kiss on her temple, ‘Mine,’ I murmured into the wool of her hat, and in response she nodded. ‘Yours, just as you are mine,’ she replied, reeling off the familiar reminder that she often used when I had my little possessive moments.

  As we set off we got our first proper look at Reykjavik. Even with the snow all around it was obviously a pretty city, with a mixture of stone and wooden buildings lining the streets. Christmas lights and decorations were everywhere, but for some reason seeing all the decorations here didn’t turn my stomach quite as much as it did usually – maybe it was the snow making it all feel more real as opposed to the fake spray-on snow back in the UK.

  I saw Becky also looking curiously out at the town around us. ‘We’ll get to explore Reykjavik more before we leave,’ I reassured her, ‘We’re staying away for the next few nights, but we’ll be back here on Boxing Day and we don’t fly until the evening of the twenty-seventh so that will give us plenty of time.’

  Bragi then informed us that we would be driving for just over an hour to reach the thermal park at Geysir, famous for the erupting hot water springs. He might be a bit of an annoying arse, but Bragi was an informative guide; telling us that the thermal park was so significant in its geology that all other similar springs in the world had been named after it with the similar title of ‘geysers’. Of course I knew a little of the history because I’d read about it in the trip itinerary when I’d booked, but the excitement on Rebecca’s face was contagious and before long I’d forgotten all about my near meltdown and was grinning along with her, listening to her chat about the beauty of the rugged landscape and pointing out sights to her.

  As we began to slow on our approach to Geysir the landscape became noticeably greener. It had stopped snowing, which helped, but I also realised that the geothermal springs below the surface heated the land too, meaning that any snow that did fall had already melted.

  To my slight annoyance Bragi smugly informed us that as well as being our driver, he would also be our guide to the thermal park, and with a grin that I’m sure was aimed at me he leapt from the cab and began to help the couple in the back down from the Jeep. As I was seated next to the door I swung myself down first, but when Bragi eagerly stepped forwards to help Rebecca out I couldn’t help but sidestep him and do the job myself, gripping Rebecca by the hips and pulling her tight against my body as she slid to a standing position. At my interception Bragi gave me a thoughtful look which I met with a full on glare, causing him to widen his eyes and step back. Perhaps he’d finally got the fucking message. The guy was lucky I hadn’t yelled at him – or worse – for overstepping the mark with my girl; to be honest I only managed to contain myself because I drew on my calming strategies and pulled Rebecca firmly to my side, but if he made one more attempt at touching her I might not be so restrained next time.

  Walking around the thermal park was incredible – OK, so it reeked of rotten eggs, a product of the high volumes of sulphur being released – but the scenery was just stunning. All around us were snow-capped mountains and then right before our eyes were boiling hot fountains shooting up meters of water into the sky every few minutes. Rebecca’s little hand had intertwined with mine right at the start of our walk and from the way her grip fluctuated I began to notice when she was more excited by what she was seeing, it was quite fascinating to be able to connect with her on such a fundamental level.

  As much as I enjoyed the walk I think spent more time staring at Rebecca than I did looking at the surroundings, which is a statement that just makes me sound like some under the thumb love sick fool, but there was no denying it, her obvious enjoyment was just as captivating as the scenery, if not more so. The expressions of wonderment on her face and the widening of her beautiful eyes had me transfixed, not to mention the little gasps of joy she made whenever a geyser went off … Christ, those sexy little sounds nearly un-did me on several occasions and I found myself adjusting my groin as it tightened uncomfortably below my snow trousers.

  I used photography as a distraction from my raging hard-on and spent several minutes crouched ten feet away from a geyser waiting for it to erupt. The pictures I caught were fantastic and the focus thankfully helped to lower my arousal. Once we had all snapped plenty of photographs Bragi gradually moved us back in the direction of the Jeep so we could depart. Winter days in Iceland only have limited daylight, so if we wanted to make our final destination with enough light to see it properly we needed to set off promptly.

  The hotel we were heading to was about an hour and a half from the hot springs, but we had one more stop to make along the way, and what an epic stop it was. Gulfoss waterfall, where the Hvita River plummets over a mountainside into a crevice thirty-two metres high. This time I suspect it was my hand gripping Rebecca’s more forcefully with excitement, because the view we were now experiencing was just out of thi
s world.

  Snuggling herself in front of me so her back pressed against me, we stood perched upon a huge cliff edge and watched as the water plunged over into an awe inspiringly large canyon. The noise was incredible too, the roar of the water almost making it impossible to speak, so instead we communicated with wonder filled glances and affectionate squeezes. As it was winter there were huge sheets of ice formed on the rivers surface, and we were even lucky enough to see sections of the waterfall itself frozen in place, quite a mind bending prospect and a hugely dramatic to witness.

  Seeing Gulcross waterfall was one of the most incredible experiences in my entire life. I suspect Rebecca felt a similar wonder, because for a while when we were back in the Jeep we simply sat and pored over the photographs on the digital camera, both too stunned for much conversation.

  Chapter Three


  After driving through rugged wilderness for quite some time the Hotel Ranga suddenly appeared before us in the middle of nowhere, a beautiful wooden lodge just two storeys high and spread across the flat, snow covered land and overlooking a huge lake.

  This place was a much sought-after destination, because not only could you see the active volcano Mount Hekla from most of the rooms, but the travel agent I booked it with had also described it as one of the best places in the world to view the Northern Lights. Our holiday together had been amazing so far; sights, culture, and incredible sex, but to actually see the Aurora Borealis whilst we were here would be the icing on the cake.

  This time as we exited the Jeep I noticed Bragi kept a safe distance from Rebecca and I smirked at him over her shoulder as I helped her down and held her against me for far longer than necessary. It was childish, I know, but what can I say? I’m possessive of my woman and I don’t mind showing it.


  The hotel looked amazing. As we made our way inside the décor was just as stunning as its surroundings; with log walls, a chandelier made from antlers, and a full-size stuffed polar bear standing guard on its hind legs looking decidedly vicious. Even with the quirky touches, it was obvious to see that the hotel was also fitted with all the modern conveniences you could need and it had a rather nice homely feel to it, a cosy and perfect base to return to after a day spent in the cold.


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