Isla and Buttercup

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Isla and Buttercup Page 2

by Julie Sykes

“I don’t need to,” Buttercup declared confidently. “I’m super good already!”

  “Let’s go and get you some sky berries,” said Isla, changing the subject. Doing magic sapped a unicorn’s strength and sky berries helped them to recover.

  “OK, I guess I am a bit tired,” admitted Buttercup.

  They headed back to the stables. As they passed the play park, they saw Rosa, Matilda, Freya, Ariana, Violet and their unicorns in a huddle by the swings.

  “Shall we say hello?” said Buttercup.

  Isla wasn’t sure. “It looks like they might be having a private talk.”

  “So? They’ll want to see us!” said Buttercup confidently. “They’re our friends!” She cantered over.

  “Hi, everyone! What are you talking about?” she whinnied.

  Isla cringed. “It’s OK,” she said quickly. “You don’t have to tell us if it’s a secret.”

  “Don’t be silly. We haven’t got secrets from you two,” said Violet. “We were just talking again about how we might find Ms Willow.”

  Rosa looked at them thoughtfully. “Buttercup, do you think you could use your magic to find her?”

  “I bet I could,” said Buttercup.

  “Brilliant!” said Rosa. “Will you try?”

  Buttercup nodded eagerly.

  “Are you sure, Buttercup?” Isla asked. “I think you should practise some more and wait until you’re not so tired before you try something so difficult.”

  Buttercup looked hurt. “Don’t you believe in me, Isla?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “I found the ball and scarf, didn’t I?” interrupted Buttercup.

  “Yes, but we did almost fall into the lake!” Isla reminded her.

  “That was just a silly mistake.” Buttercup looked cross now.

  “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea, after all,” said Ariana doubtfully. “Ms Willow is very clever. After all, she captured Prancer and they’re a spell weaver.” A spell weaver was the most powerful of unicorns. Ms Willow had plaited binding ribbons into Prancer’s mane to force her to do whatever she commanded. “It could be dangerous.”

  “It’ll be fine!” Buttercup tossed her mane. “I know I can do it. Just watch and see!”

  Buttercup struck the ground with her hoof. “Find Ms Willow!”

  A few sparks spun in the air. They fizzled away.

  “Find her!” Buttercup repeated, stamping both hooves so enthusiastically that she dislodged a clod of mud that shot up and splattered her in the face. Violet giggled. “Find her!” said Buttercup once more, but this time no sparks appeared at all.

  “Oh.”Buttercup looked disappointed.

  Isla felt awful for her.

  Violet gave her a kind look. “Don’t worry, Buttercup. Isla’s right, you’re probably too tired after finding all the other stuff.”

  “Maybe I do need sky berries to get my strength back,” Buttercup said grudgingly.

  “Let’s go back to school now and we can try again tomorrow,” said Rosa.

  “Sky berries for all the unicorns and hot chocolate for us!’ said Matilda happily.

  “I’ve got some marshmallows for the hot chocolate,” said Ariana.

  “You’ll come and have some hot chocolate with us, won’t you, Isla?” Violet said.

  Isla glowed with pleasure at being included. “Yes please!”

  They rode back to the stables in a noisy, chattering group. Isla was happy to be with everyone but she had an anxious feeling that Buttercup was cross with her.

  I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings, Isla thought. I just didn’t want her to look silly in front of everyone.

  “Isn’t that Valentina?” said Freya, interrupting Isla’s thoughts. “Where’s she going?”

  “Let’s give her scarf back,” said Isla. “I bet she’ll be really pleased we found it for her.” Buttercup cantered towards Golden Briar.

  “Valentina!” called Isla.

  “Go away!” Valentina shouted back.

  “But I’ve got something of yours.”

  “What is it?” demanded Valentina, halting Golden Briar.

  Isla took the scarf out of her pocket. “Buttercup used her magic to find it.”

  Valentina took the scarf from Isla and stuffed it in her pocket. She didn’t even say thank you.

  “Where are you going?” asked Isla curiously.

  “None of your business!” snapped Valentina, and she rode away without another word.

  “I was only trying to help,” Isla said to Buttercup as they headed back to the stables.

  “Well, not everyone wants your help,” said Buttercup irritably. “I felt really stupid earlier when you said my magic wouldn’t work.”

  “But I was right,” Isla pointed out. “You were too tired.”

  “So what? It’s better to try something and fail than not to try at all.”

  Isla wasn’t sure she agreed. Surely it was better not to try if you thought you might get it wrong?

  They lapsed into an awkward silence. Isla hadn’t meant to upset Buttercup. She’d only tried to stop her using her magic because she knew that if she’d tried something and got it wrong, she’d be really embarrassed. Buttercup was different, though. She didn’t mind making mistakes. It’s one of the things I love about her, Isla realised. She’s so confident, she doesn’t care what people think.

  As they reached the stables, Isla stroked Buttercup’s neck. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel silly. You’re right. It is better to have a go at things and not be too cowardly to try, like me.”

  Buttercup nuzzled her. “You’re not a coward, Isla. You just worry too much. I’m really glad we’re paired together.”

  “Me too.” Isla kissed her then fetched a bucket full of juicy sky berries.

  Buttercup gave her a friendly nudge.

  “Friends again?” Isla said hopefully.

  “Always friends,” said Buttercup.

  Isla hugged her, feeling much more cheerful.

  Isla had fun with the others in Diamond dorm over hot chocolate, and she was bursting with happiness as she ran back to Ruby dorm to get ready for dinner. The only person in there was Valentina. She was reading a letter and frowning.

  “News from home?” Isla asked.

  Valentina shook her head and shoved the letter into her chest of drawers, dropping the envelope in her haste. Isla picked it up for her. It had Valentina’s name on it in swirly handwriting, and no other address.

  Valentina snatched it from her and slammed the drawer shut. She sat on her bed as Isla changed into a clean hoodie and pulled a brush through her short hair.

  “Aren’t you going down to dinner?” Isla asked.

  “I’m waiting for you,” said Valentina.

  Isla blinked. Valentina never usually waited for anyone. A thought crossed her mind. Maybe Valentina was worried she would read her letter. Was it from a secret admirer or something?

  “I’m not ready,” said Isla, deciding to test her theory.

  “How long does it take to brush your hair?” Valentina retorted. “Hurry up. All of Ruby dorm looks bad if one of us is late.” She went to snatch the hairbrush away but Isla held on to it.

  “I said I’m not ready yet,” Isla insisted.

  Valentina glared at her. “You’re so annoying.”

  Isla continued to slowly brush her hair while Valentina waited, her foot tapping impatiently on the floor.

  Interesting, thought Isla. Valentina usually flounced off if she didn’t get her way. What exactly was she hiding?

  Isla and Buttercup had arranged to meet Diamond dorm in the barn next to the stables before breakfast to try Buttercup’s finding magic again. When Isla woke, Molly and Anna were still sleeping but Valentina’s bed was empty. Where was she?

  As Isla left the dorm, she spotted a white envelope on the floor that had been pushed under their door. It had Valentina’s name on it, in exactly the same handwriting as the one from the day before.

eyes widened. Did Valentina have a boyfriend? Was that who the letters were from? Biting back a giggle, she put the envelope on Valentina’s bedside table.

  As Isla headed for the Ruby dorm stables, Valentina poked her head out of Golden Briar’s stall. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Oh … I’m just doing something with Diamond dorm,” Isla said vaguely.

  “Is it time already?” Buttercup asked, looking over her stall door.

  “Is it time for what?” said Valentina.

  “Nothing,” said Isla firmly. “Nothing at all.”

  “Ready when you are, Isla!” called Rosa.

  Isla got Buttercup out of her stable.

  Valentina followed them up the aisle. “What are you all doing? Can I come too?” she asked.

  “No,” Rosa spoke bluntly. “You don’t like us and we don’t much like you either.”

  Isla wished Rosa hadn’t been quite so harsh, but Valentina had been unkind to Matilda in the past and Rosa was a loyal friend.

  “Fine!” Valentina barked. “I bet you’re all doing something stupid anyway!” She stomped back into Golden Briar’s stall.

  Isla joined the others as they cantered to the barn.

  “Are you ready to do your magic, Buttercup?” Matilda said.

  “Definitely!” said Buttercup. “It’s going to work this time, I just know it is!”

  “Go, Buttercup!” said Ariana.

  “Stand back, everyone,” said Buttercup, clearly loving being the centre of attention. “Here goes!” She struck the ground dramatically. “Find Ms Willow!” Sparks engulfed her hoof, twirling up in the air to form a quivering, coloured arrow.

  Matilda squealed in excitement.

  Buttercup shot Isla a smug look as the arrow floated towards the barn door.

  “Go!” cried Isla, leaping on Buttercup’s back, as the arrow began to gather speed.

  She heard the whoops and cries of the others as they thundered behind her. Isla leaned forward, enjoying the wind on her face as they galloped.

  “Where’s it going?” she cried to Buttercup as the arrow headed out towards the vegetable gardens.

  “I don’t know!” said Buttercup.

  The arrow reached a large compost heap that stood beside a dilapidated brick outbuilding at the bottom of the garden. It had a tree beside it, with branches that drooped down gracefully to the ground. The door was slightly ajar. The arrow hovered above the shed, pointing at it.

  Buttercup skidded to a halt.

  “Why’s the arrow pointing at the shed?” said Rosa.

  Freya caught her breath. “Maybe Ms Willow is inside!”

  They all looked at each other in alarm.

  “What should we do?” whispered Matilda.

  Just then, the door moved. They all froze. Something the size of an apple with eight legs and googly eyes came scuttling out. Ariana shrieked but the rest of them sighed with relief.

  “It’s just a cave spider!” exclaimed Violet as the spider ran past them and up the tree trunk.

  “The tree!” Freya pointed. “It’s a weeping willow. That must be why the arrow brought us here. Buttercup, you found a willow tree, not Ms Willow!”

  They all burst out laughing.

  “Whoops!” said Buttercup.

  “What’s going on here, girls?”

  Ms Nettles emerged from the shed, her glasses rattling on the end of her bony nose. The arrow exploded in a shower of sparkles that faded like a spent firework.

  The girls stopped laughing instantly as the head teacher looked at them sternly, one hand on her hip. “Ms Nettles!” Rosa gasped in shock.

  “Why are you all up so early?”Ms Nettles asked.

  “Erm… We were … out looking for sparkle moss,” Matilda invented.

  Violet nodded furiously. “To decorate the ballroom for graduation day.”

  Ms Nettles frowned. “Sparkle moss grows near water. I would try by the lake and stay away from here. This building isn’t safe.”

  “We’ll go to the lake right away,” said Freya.

  Isla remembered something. “Ms Nettles, Buttercup’s got finding magic!” she said excitedly.

  “Really?” said Ms Nettles, raising her eyebrows. “Well, if her magic brought her here to find sparkle moss, she clearly needs more practice.” She shooed at them with her hands. “Go on. Away with you all.”

  Isla’s face fell and she saw Buttercup’s ears droop.

  “She could at least have said well done,” said Violet indignantly, as they walked away.

  “We probably just caught her at a bad time,” said Isla, but she couldn’t help feeling upset that Ms Nettles hadn’t seemed more pleased for her and Buttercup. “I didn’t even realise she’d got back. Ms Rosemary said she’d been called away on urgent business. I wonder why she was in the shed?”

  “Studying the cave spider maybe,” said Freya. “She does love nature.”

  “Or collecting more beetles,” added Violet. Ms Nettles had a large collection of beetles.

  Ariana shuddered. “I don’t understand why anyone would want to collect beetles!”

  “I like beetles,” said Whisper, Ariana’s unicorn. Whisper had soothing magic and loved all animals.

  At Sparkle Lake they collected some sparkle moss, just in case Ms Nettles checked up on them, before returning to the stables. As Isla passed Golden Briar’s stall, she heard Valentina talking to him in a low voice.

  “I don’t know what to do. The person writing them says they need my help. This might be mad but I think the writer might be—” She broke off abruptly as she saw Isla and Buttercup.

  “Were you listening to our private conversation?” Valentina demanded.

  For a second Isla thought she saw a flash of fear in Valentina’s eyes. “No!” she said. “Of course I wasn’t!” She wondered why Valentina looked so worried about being overheard. Who did she think was sending her the letters? A horrible suspicion suddenly filled Isla’s mind. Could it be Ms Willow? Why else would Valentina look so guilty and anxious?

  Valentina pointed at the moss Isla was carrying. “You were up early just to collect sparkle moss?”

  “No, we didn’t set out to just get moss,” said Isla, without thinking. Too late, she realised she’d said too much.

  “Why were you out so early then?” Valentina asked. “What were you and Diamond dorm doing?”

  “Um…” Isla stammered. “It was um … nothing.”

  “Tell me!” demanded Valentina. She lowered her voice again. “Is it something to do with Ms Willow?”

  Isla’s heart hammered. What had made Valentina jump to that conclusion? Maybe her suspicions about the writer of Valentina’s mysterious letters were correct! “Ms Willow? No!” she burst out, hoping she sounded convincing.

  “If it is, I want to help,” said Valentina, her voice suddenly intense. “I really do. Tell me what’s going on. Please!”

  Isla opened and shut her mouth. She hated leaving Valentina out but she didn’t quite trust her, and anyway, the secret wasn’t hers to tell. “I … I can’t say,” she stammered.

  Valentina’s face hardened. “Fine! Be like that then! If you don’t want my help then you shan’t have it!” She left the stable and stomped away.

  After lunch, Isla met with Diamond dorm in the barn. She’d been thinking over and over about her conversation with Valentina and what she’d heard Valentina saying to Golden Briar. She had a very bad feeling. She wondered whether to say anything to the others but she had no proof that the letters Valentina was getting were from Ms Willow. It was just a suspicion. What if she told them and it wasn’t true? She’d look so stupid!

  “So, how are we going to find Ms Willow?” said Freya. “If she is at the Frozen Lagoon, she’s going to be practically impossible to find. No one knows its exact location and it’s not marked on the Magic Map.”

  The Magic Map was an exact replica of Unicorn Island that was kept in the Great Hall. If the map thought you wanted to help, it wou
ld magically transport you anywhere on the island that you asked it to.

  “We could use my magic again?” suggested Buttercup. “I could ask it to find the Frozen Lagoon.”

  “You could,” said Ariana carefully. “But if the Magic Map isn’t powerful enough to show us where the Frozen Lagoon is then I’m not sure your magic will be able to help, Buttercup.”

  Buttercup looked indignant. “Don’t you think I can find Ms Willow?”

  “Maybe you should practise a bit more first,” said Violet quickly. “Soon your magic will be stronger and then you can try again.”

  “If there’s time,” said Freya. “We’ve only got a couple of days left until graduation.”

  “We need another plan,” said Rosa.

  They threw around suggestions but by the end of lunchtime they still didn’t have any idea of how to get to the Frozen Lagoon. Isla went back to her dorm to get ready for her afternoon lessons and saw another envelope lying on Valentina’s bed.

  Isla picked the envelope up curiously and glanced across at Valentina’s drawer. It was half open and she could see other letters inside. She knew she shouldn’t look but no one was around. What if they were from Ms Willow? I’ll just look at a few lines, Isla thought. Feeling guilty for prying but too worried not to look, Isla picked up the top letter and scanned it.

  You’re so much smarter than all the other students, Valentina. You understand how things work. You know I want to make Unicorn Island great and you are the one student who I believe can help me. In return, I will help you and Golden Briar graduate. Think about it, Valentina. That is what you want most in the world, isn’t it?

  There was no name or signature on the bottom.

  Hearing footsteps on the stairs, Isla shoved the letter back in the drawer and ran to her bed. She picked up her hairbrush as Molly, Anna and Valentina walked in. Isla’s mind spun round and round. Who were the letters from and what did they mean?

  Valentina picked up the new envelope from her pillow. She quickly opened and read it, then shoved it into her drawer with the others. Then she sat down on her bed, facing away from Isla.


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