Hammered: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Hard n' Dirty Book 5)

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Hammered: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Hard n' Dirty Book 5) Page 6

by Alexis Alvarez

  I swallow. Likewise. “Thank you.” I grab my purse and keys. “I’m ready.”

  “Not going to invite me in?” He grins.

  “Well, you said dinner, and we already established the fact that I don’t have silverware in my house. So I assume you made other arrangements.” I’m thinking of what might happen if I invited him in. But I’m still angry at him.

  “The reservations are flexible.” He smiles but gestures toward his car. “Well, then.” He hovers his hand just above the small of my back and I feel the heat of it. But he doesn’t touch me. Trying to be a gentleman? Just trying to make me want him? I don’t know his game. But I can play, too.

  I hold my chin high and walk in front of him, making sure to sway my hips. Let him look. And want. When he opens the door for me, I slide in slowly and cross my legs, letting my dress ride high up on my thighs, then pull it down slowly, and glance at him. Smile.

  He laughs a little and shakes his head as he shuts the door, but I see the look in his eye. The flare of arousal. He’s as susceptible to it as I am, even if he wants to act like he’s the one in charge.

  “Truce for tonight?” His voice is low and sensuous.

  “Give me a good reason why.” But I’m already relaxing in his presence. Soaking up his essence, his scent. The truth is that I want him just as badly as I did that night in the club. I want to forget all of our issues and just enjoy an evening with him.

  “Give me a good reason why not.”

  “That’s not a valid argument.”

  He laughs. “How about just because you want to get to know me as a person, not a construction guy you hate?”

  “I never said I hated you.” I shoot him a sidelong glance.

  “Oh, really? I can read between the lines.” He raises a brow.

  “I hate what your company is doing. And I hate that you’re not telling me everything I want to know.”

  “Well, maybe I’m not so happy that you’re employed by two entities that are disparaging the company where I work,” he counters.

  “Yet here we are.” I bite my lower lip.

  His hands tighten on the wheel for a second. “And I think that we’d both like to enjoy this evening, yes?” He pulls up smoothly to a red light and turns to me, gives me his full on smile with those dimples.

  “I suppose so.” I smile at him. And before the light turns green, his grin makes me light up inside.

  “Do you like Italian?” He drives fast and accurately, every motion calculated. I feel safe with him, and relax into the bucket seat.

  “Depends. If it’s got a ton of cheese on top, no. If it’s salad and seafood, yes.”

  “This place has both.” He glances over at me and smiles. “And the best tiramisu in the entire city.”

  “Considering our city probably has only one Italian restaurant, I’m not sure that’s a legit brag.” I smirk at him.

  “Who said we were going to this city? Maybe I’m going to pull a Christian Grey and whisk you away in a helicopter.” He quirks his brow and accelerates.

  The car is smooth and powerful, and as the G-forces hold me in the seat, all kinds of images rush my mind. Does that mean he’s into…? “Ah…”

  “But I’m not.” His voice is low and firm. “Because that’s the kind of thing you check in advance. If I ever take you on a ride, I’ll get your explicit permission first.” He looks at me again, and this time his face is serious.

  I suck in a breath. “You will?”

  He smiles. “Not just permission. I’ll have you begging for it.”

  “Is that so.” I can’t stop a smile from spreading across my lips. “Begging. Wow. Bold words.”

  “I don’t take what’s not freely given,” he murmurs.

  “Except when it comes to birds,” I retort. Then hold up my hand. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

  He smirks. “I’ll get you back, don’t worry.”

  “You’ll get me back? How exactly will you do that?” I turn to him, desire and curiosity surging.

  “How do you want me to do it?” His voice rolls over me.

  “I…” I don’t know what to say. He’s quick and witty, and the truth is that even if we’re sort-of adversaries, I want him. Badly.

  The restaurant is small and intimate, with fairy lights and potted shrubs on the patio.

  He flips open the wine menu. “Good selection of pinot here, if that’s still your choice.”

  I flush. “You remembered.”

  He looks at me. “I didn’t forget a damn thing, Talia.” His voice is harsh. He softens it. “I told you, I didn’t call because… I didn’t think this was a good idea.”

  “Is that supposed to impress me?” I’m irritated again. “That’s your idea of a compliment?”

  “No.” He pauses. “It’s a warning.”

  We both break off as the waiter approaches, asking what we want to drink. When we’re alone again, I clear my throat. “Just so you know, you’re a bit of an expert at giving mixed messages. Which are not entirely flattering.”

  “The point is that I’m not... available. For anything long term.” His taps his long fingers on the tablecloth.

  “So you’re asking me for a one-night stand via Italian food?” I push my fork to align it with the knife, and both of them glint in the light from the votive candle on our table.

  “And wine.” He raises an eyebrow and grins, and I can’t resist a smile. “No, I’m not asking just for a one-night stand. I’m saying I enjoy your company and want to get to know you, but things are not… easy right now. That’s all.”

  “Not easy because I want to save some wild birds? And the place you work wants to kill them?”

  He grimaces. “Talia, nobody wants to kill birds. But the project needs to go ahead. I—Danton Carter, that is—can’t stop construction at this point.”

  “But he could change things. Adjust his plans. It’s possible,” I persist. “Work around it. Right?”

  “Not without a huge expense and a delay, neither of which are possible.” His voice is taut.

  “But it might be worth it, if it results in good publicity,” I point out. “Look, I know people in the area. I promise, I can guarantee good press from the individuals who will be affected if you save the birds. It could be a feel-good story.”

  “So now you’re bribing the company.” He raises a brow. “First you threaten me with more bad-mouthing articles if I don’t cough up Danton. Now you’re offering prizes if I do what you want.”

  “Carrot and stick, Dane. Psych 101. I’m not a total newb.” I roll my eyes. “Please. And it’s not bribery. It’s more of a compromise. Win-win. Right?”

  “Not convinced yet. But I give you permission to keep trying.” He smiles at me. “I'm sure you’ll come up with something eventually.”

  The curve of his mouth is so appealing that I want to lean over and lick it right the fuck now. “Why does that sound dirty?”

  He acts surprised. “Does it? Maybe because I’m in construction, Talia.” He holds up his hands, those strong hands. Big. “My hands are always in the rough of it.”

  “Hmmm.” I give him a look.

  He smiles. “So you’re a journalist. Where’d you go to college?”

  “Change topic much?” I sip my wine, which has appeared by my side. But I add, “Undergrad from Emerson, and grad school at Northwestern. Ah—you? I heard something about Harvard?”

  “Would that surprise you?”

  “At this point, not much about you would surprise me.” I take another mouthful of the wine. “But you can feel free to try.” I smile.

  “Touché. Yes, I did go to Harvard for a while. But it didn’t interest me, so I left to pursue other things. And here I am.”

  “Why did you leave? What were you studying?” I lean forward. Trying to figure him out.

  “Ah, well at first I was interested in pre-med. But I couldn’t hack the science side of things.” He grins at me. “Not everyone’s cut out for it, you know? So I worke
d my way up in construction.”

  “Just at Danton?” I want to understand how he can afford a Porsche.

  He sips his drink. “No. I also do some projects on the side. On my own. Private contracting. Pretty lucrative if you know what you’re doing.”

  “I assume it can be.” I raise my eyebrows. “Good for you.”

  “You’re living well, yourself. Career you love and an activist.”

  I frown. “I hope you’re not mocking it.”

  His smile fades. “No, I'm not. I respect the fact that you’re doing something you believe in.”

  “Well, even if you work for the enemy, I guess we can have that truce for one evening.” I raise my glass and grin. “Yes?”

  He examines me with those brilliant eyes. “Glad you agree.” He raises his glass, too, but then reaches over and takes my free hand with his. Covers it, squeezes. His hand is warm, strong. Our fingers wind together before I even know what’s happening, but I don’t want to let go. I want more.

  “Tell me more about what you do at the volunteer place.”

  So I do. I tell him about my boss, annoying Mark. And how I take pictures for free. Make things in Photoshop. Donate my time and energy. How Mark is wooing celebs. Trying to get Manda Shine to back him. How he claims we’re ‘thiiiis close’ to bagging Manda (with the same hand gestures Mark used, like he was pinching a snail).

  He laughs with me. Tells me things about his childhood. Nights out with friends.

  By the end of the evening, I’m hooked. Hard. I don’t even care that there are things about him that don’t add up. It’s been too long since I’ve been with someone, and I want him.

  When we get back into his Porsche, he looks over at me, his eyes shining in the dim light from the streetlamps. “Care to come back to my place? I have a great pinot I’d love to share with you.” But his smile is all about sex. Delicious, dark things. Promises.

  Chapter Nine


  “Yes.” I smile at him. “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” He reaches over and puts a hand on my thigh as he drives. Fast like before. And he doesn’t move his hand upward, or tease me—it’s just a warm pressure. A promise. And I get wet just from the pressure of his five fingers, gentle but firm, on my naked flesh. Because I’m thinking of what will happen next.

  “Come in.”

  We’re at a condo downtown, looking out over the sparkling city lights. He’s got modern leather couches. Minimalist decorating—a few colorful art pieces on the walls, a woven rug that looks expensive. Glass, steel, but soft lights.

  “Make yourself comfortable.” He takes off his jacket and tosses it onto the couch, loosens his tie. Meanwhile he’s fetching a bottle from his wine case. Gathering glasses, a corkscrew. “Restroom is down that way if you need it.”

  “Okay.” But I walk to the huge plate glass window. “This view is phenomenal. The apartment could be the size of a shoebox and I’d love it because of this.”

  “Exactly.” He comes to my side and hands me a glass. Our fingers brush, and then he stands so close that his shoulder touches mine. I lean into him. “How do you not get mesmerized by this every night?”

  “Who says I don’t?” He turns to look at me and smiles. “Although right now I’d say the view in front of me is far superior.” He touches my face with his index finger, pushes aside a lock of hair.


  “Yes, and it’s true, so that makes it even better.” He slides his hand down my cheek to my neck, squeezes ever so slightly before letting go. “Cheers.” He steps back a bit and raises his glass. “To new friends.”

  I feel lost as his body moves away. “Prosit.”

  “Ah, a multi-linguist. Nasdrovia.”


  “Is this a contest?” He takes as sip of his wine.

  “You tell me. Because if it is, I plan to win.” I swallow the wine, too, but I’m so excited by the moment that I barely taste the grapes.

  “Oh, baby,” he murmurs, stepping back in and putting his hand to my cheek. Talking into my ear, like in the club. “If we do it right, we both win.” And then he kisses my neck softly, just below my ear, and holy hell. My fingers tremble on my glass and I make a little sound.

  “Yes?” He looks into my eyes.

  When I smile, nod, he takes the glass from my hand, and puts it on the low glass table to the left, with his.

  Then he comes back. “This is how I like to play the game,” he whispers, and then his lips are on mine. His tongue presses into my mouth, touching, searching. He thrusts it into my mouth, deeply, again and again, and the rhythm makes me want his cock. I moan into his lips. He bites my upper lip, lightly, then harder.

  When I lean into him and make a breathy sound, he murmurs into my ear. “So fucking sexy.”

  “Mmm.” I come back in for more and bite his lip this time.

  He pulls away and chuckles. “You like that?”

  I nod, closing my eyes. “Yeah.” My voice is low and dreamy, husky with need. This is a terrible idea. I wasn’t going to do this. And right now, I don’t fucking care.

  “LIke it when I bite you?” He nips my lip.

  “Love it. Do it again.” I offer him my mouth.

  “Baby, I'll bite you anywhere you want,” he promises, and takes my mouth again. His kiss is expert, his tongue teasing mine, and when he slides his hands up to my breasts, I push my body forward in encouragement.

  “Anywhere?” I talk into his lips, run my hands over his abs, through his shirt.

  “That’s right.” His mouth moves against mine. He pulls away just a bit and reaches up to loosen his tie further, and pulls it over his head. But instead of tossing it aside, he dangles it from one finger. “And anywhere I like.” He raises a brow.

  I suck in a breath. “Are you asking to tie me up?” My body swirls with anticipation. I imagine myself naked on his bed, arms up. Tied. Him leaning over me, eyes burning. Leaning down to suck my nipples. Then lower...

  A smile grows on his face. “Why do I think you might like that idea?” He tosses the tie up and catches it in one hand, balls part of it up in his fist.

  “I don’t know. Why do you?” I lean in for a kiss but he puts a finger on my lips.

  “Not yet. Let’s get a few things straight first.”

  “There’s only one thing that needs to be straight. And hard.”

  “Oh, it is,” he assures me, and tugs me against him, hips to hips, so I can feel his body against mine. “From the second I met you, Talia…”

  I grind my hips against his and he obliges, pushing back, grabbing my buttocks. “Feels so good,” he growls, and bites my neck. When I whimper in pleasure, he does it again.

  “You want me to tie you up?” He flicks his tongue along my collarbone. “Tease you until you can’t stand it?”

  “Mmm…” I nod, my lips seeking his.

  “What else do you want?”

  “You. This.” I grab his ass and tug him closer. “Dane.”

  “Oh, you’re getting that,” he laughs. “But not for a while, Talia. I’m going to make you work for it.”

  “Work for it?” My eyes fly open.

  “That’s right, baby.” He has a smug smirk on his face. “Make you sweat. Whimper. I wanna hear you beg me. Apologize to me for breaking into the construction site.”

  “I thought we were past that.” I nip the skin at the base of his neck.

  “Almost,” he whispers. “You can atone for it tonight.”

  “How do you want me to do that?” Please. Please say what I’m dying to hear.

  “You really want to know?”

  There’s a dark note in his voice, something that makes me take notice. My nipples peak with desire. “Yeah, tell me.” I challenge him, a small smile on my lips.

  “Take off your panties, then,” he suggests. “And bend over the couch.”

  “Why, Dane. Are you planning to spank me?” But it’s not entirely a shock. He’s been dominant
from the start. And part of me dreamed of this very moment. I’m filled with the euphoria of knowing: Yes. I was right. He’s into it.

  “If you like that.” His eyes are feral.

  “What if I said that I might?” I slide my dress down my shoulders, shimmy it down my body. His eyes follow the movement of the fabric. Hungry. When I step out of it, stand in just in my panties and heels, he practically growls.


  “I hope so.” I smile and stick out my hip.

  “You wanna stop, you tell me to stop,” he says. “At any time.” He unbuttons the top button of his shirt.

  “Stop undressing? In fact, I want you naked.” I smile.

  “I might have to spank you for that insolent reply.” He smirks at me and undoes another button. “You know what I mean.”

  “I know. I trust you.”

  A shuttered look comes over his face. “Good.” He blinks, then smiles. “You’re in good hands.”

  “Why don’t you show me these hands of which you speak.” I pull at the waistband, the little strap of lace, of my panties. His eyes are glued to my hips as it snaps back. “You’re doing a lot of talking. I hope you have some action to back it up.”

  “You’re asking for it,” he murmurs, and gives me a smile. Dangerous. Seductive. “I hope you can handle it when you get it.” He tugs the shirt off and I gasp at his perfect abs, chest, shoulders. Just as sexy as the day I saw him at the work site. “Come here and take off my belt.” He gestures to his waist.

  “Oh, I have to do it for you?”

  “Exactly. You’ll do what I say, when I say it.” He checks my face and gestures with one finger. “Now.”

  I can’t even describe the feeling that comes over me at his command. It’s like a rush, a fucking headrush, an adrenaline spike to the brain.

  I sashay over and put both hands on his belt, but slide my fingers underneath the waist of his pants, feeling his skin. Reaching down just a bit. “Yes, Sir.” I look up and bite my lip. “Anything you want. Any way you want it.”

  “Fuck, Talia.” His voice is taut. “You really want to play that way?”

  I nod. “That’s right.”

  “Then we need more than just a stop. Are you familiar with safe words?”


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