Amy Sumida - Eye of Re (The Godhunter Book 17)

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Amy Sumida - Eye of Re (The Godhunter Book 17) Page 28

by Unknown

  We hadn't practiced this so I had no idea what was going to happen next. The men had wanted it to be a surprise. So I stood there waiting for Luke to begin, hoping I wouldn't botch anything up in front of all those witnesses. The men looked amazing in their black tuxedos, with ties that matched the colors of their eyes, and they smiled at me in a way that had me wondering what they were up to.

  “We are gathered here today to celebrate the unique bond between these five people,” Luke began and I felt my heart slow down to normal.

  It didn't matter if I said something wrong or messed things up the way I always did. These men loved me anyway. They had done all of this for me. They had asked for this marriage and they weren't going to back out at the last second. They were mine, even before the vows were spoken, and that was the most peaceful thought I could have.

  “How lucky are they to have found each other?” Luke went on. “In this crazy existence we all share, with magic and war striving to tear us apart, they have triumphed. They have made the magic work for them instead of against them. They've taken a power intended to subjugate and formed it into an alliance. They've turned pain and blood into love and family. And now they stand before all of you, they're numerous,” he paused to smile and the crowd chuckled, “friends and family members. To declare that they will continue to triumph and continue to love each other for all of time.”

  I felt my lips tighten and start to tremble. No, don't you cry! Ugh, maybe getting married right after having babies wasn't such a good idea. Damn baby hormones! I was going to ruin this after all, blubbering so bad that they'd have to stop the ceremony. Then I looked over and saw their beautiful, smiling faces; each of them staring at me like I was the only woman in existence. The tears dried unshed as the weight of what I had filled me. This moment was beyond tears, beyond anything but bone-deep gratitude and sublime, awe-filled silence.

  “The men have prepared their vows and they will speak them now to Vervain,” Luke said to everyone.

  At least I'd been told to prepare my own vows, so I was ready for that. But nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

  They stood in a semi-circle before me and Trevor pulled a ring from his pocket. About a week ago, they'd asked for my gold band, the one bonded to the bands that each of them wore. The ring which had led them to me in Aaru. I'd given it to them without question. So I wasn't surprised to see Trevor with it now in his hands. What surprised me was that there was now a diamond set onto the band.

  “We wanted you to have a ring which represented all of us,” Trevor said as he held the ring up for me to see. “So we each donated some of our hair and Luke transformed it into this diamond. If you look closely, it's cut with a star pattern to represent you.”

  “It's beautiful,” I whispered as I stared into the brilliant cut diamond.

  “Ve have committed ourselves to you individually,” Kirill went on. “But today ve vill all bond ourselves together.”

  “One force united,” Azrael added. “To defend you and each other.”

  “Love for you has forged an alliance between us,” Odin held out a hand to me and placed their four gold rings into my palm. “But now it has become so much more than that. So our marriage vows must be not only to you but to each other.”

  The men put their hands on each other's shoulders, leaving Odin and Azrael on the ends, to finish the circle by touching my shoulders. I blinked and clutched the gold bands in my hand, not sure what to do next.

  “I bind my life to yours,” they all intoned, not just to me but to each other. “My magic will magnify your magic and my strength will reinforce your strength. I will be your shield and your sword. I will stand beside you against all enemies and if you fall, I will avenge you. I vow my fidelity to you above all others, for all of eternity. We are more than blood, we are one.”

  “Carus,” Azrael took my hand as the others took a step back. “You have been the greatest love of my life since the moment I touched your soul. That love hasn't been smooth and there have been days when I've tried to deny it but today, I vow that I'll never deny it again. That from here forward, I will do whatever it takes to keep us together. You are my life and nothing will ever separate us, not even Death himself,” he smiled as light laughter circled the tent.

  He stepped back and Kirill stepped forward.

  “Tima,” he smiled gently at me and then his jaw clenched and his eyes watered.

  “Kirill,” I clutched at his hands.

  “Vervain,” he took a deep breath and started again as a single tear trickled down his cheek. “You saved my life and zen you saved my heart. You showed me vhat love truly is and you continue to do so everyday. I have no one to pray to but you, my only goddess. So here is my prayer; zank you for loving me. You gave me a home and a family and I vould give you my heart in return but it has alvays been yours, from ze moment you cried over my chained paw and then tore zose chains avay. So instead, I give you my promise; to never take my heart back. To trust you vith it forever and to take care of yours in return.”

  “Kirill,” I whispered and I would have wiped the tear from his cheek but he stepped back so that Trevor could step forward.

  “Minn Elska,” Trevor took my hand. “I stumbled into loving you. I gave you blood and you gave me mercy. I gave you my life and you gave it back to me without a moment's thought. From that second on, I was yours. These vows today have already been settled between us. Under the moon and before my Valdyr, I have declared my bond to you. But today I swear upon more than moonlight. I swear upon my breath and blood, upon my bones and honor, that were the Froekn bond to fail and fade away, I would still be yours forever and I would still wither and die without you.”

  Trevor released my hand and stepped back. I was trying desperately to stay calm and not rush into their arms but it was getting difficult. Then Odin stepped forward.

  “Vervain,” Odin took my hand. “I've loved you through lifetimes. I've watched you bear my children and I've watched you die. I've fought against time and magic to bring you back to me and still, I almost lost you to my own folly. I vow that will never happen again. You will come first in my thoughts as you already do in my heart. I promise that every decision I make will not be made without first considering you. You are, and ever will be, the truest, most pure love I've ever known.”

  “Now, please bring the ring forward,” Luke held a hand out to rest of the men.

  The others stepped forward to join Odin. Trevor took the diamond ring and placed it on my finger. The other men placed their hands over his, to guide him. The ring slipped on and glinted up at me.

  “Please repeat after me,” Luke said solemnly. “With this ring, we thee wed.”

  “With this ring, we thee wed,” they intoned as one.

  “Now, Vervain,” Luke looked to me. “You may say your vows.”

  “It's hard to follow all that,” I grumbled and the gathering of gods laughed. “But I'll try my best,” I smiled to my men and held my hands out. Azrael and Kirill took my left hand while Trevor and Odin shared the right. “I hoped that someday I would be lucky enough to find one man to love; one man to bind my life to. But here I am with four. Four loves of such overwhelming power and beauty that I can't always comprehend how one woman could be so blessed to have them all.”

  I squeezed their hands and paused to smile at them, basking in our love and the moment that was all about us. Then I threw away the rest of the vows I had planned and went with my heart. It was how I've always handled things with them and it seemed appropriate to give my vows in the same manner.

  “You say that I've touched your soul,” I stared into Azrael's brilliant eyes, gone diamond bright, a moment before looking to Kirill. “That I've saved your life,” I transferred my gaze to Trevor. “That I gave you love in exchange for blood,” I finally settled my eyes on Odin's brilliant peacock colored irises. “And that I died for you.”

  I stepped back a little so that I could see them all easier.

�But you've all touched my soul. Each one of you has saved my life, given me your blood and love, as well as offering up your lives for mine,” I shook my head in awe. “So what can I vow to you? What can I possibly say that encompasses all I feel for you; all I want to give you and be for you? I could tell you that I'd slay dragons for you but I am the dragon. I could say that I would give you the stars but you already own my heart and the star that resides there,” I paused a moment as I remembered that my star was broken but then pushed the thought aside. This wasn't the time for fear.

  “Minn Elska?” Trevor frowned and started to come forward but I shook my head and he settled back into place.

  “I could tell you that I'd die for you again but I already live for you and that's a much harder thing to do. As cliché as it sounds, there are no words which could ever describe how much you've changed me and enriched my life. To even attempt to speak them feels like betrayal of what we have. So instead of trying to explain what you already know is between us, I'll speak simply. I love you. I love each of you more than dragons and stars and life itself. There is no life without you in it. I promise I will always love you. I will always put that love first and put you first in my heart, my life, and my arms.”

  “Well said,” Luke nodded. “Now if you will place the rings on their fingers?”

  I slid a ring on each of their fingers and then took their hands again.

  “Repeat after me, Vervain,” Luke said. “With these rings, I thee wed.”

  “With these rings, I thee wed,” I said.

  “Then in the power vested in me by all of humanity,” Luke paused to smile broadly. “I declared you to be husbands and wife.”

  The entire gathering cheered and the sound was loud enough to make me cringe but still I smiled as the men leaned toward me expectantly.

  “You may kiss your bride!” Luke declared over the cheering.

  And they did. Four sweet kisses that changed me forever.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Pride Palace had seen parties before. Being related to the werewolves insured that those events had been some ragers too. But this party was beyond anything my territory had ever witnessed. It lasted late into the night, lighting the landscape with torches and magic, filling it with laughter and love.

  I transformed some of the seats within the tent into a large dance floor and the rest into dining sets. Roar was first on stage, which was the raised portion of earth we'd given our vows on. They rocked the tent with their rumbling music and the gods celebrated my multiple nuptials with some wild dance moves. The Thunderbirds in particular were crowd favorites, twirling in tribal circles with their feathered capes outstretched.

  Inside the palace, fairy wine and Duat champagne flowed, and the gods did their best to overcome their rapid healing and get drunk. The powerful drinks helped and I saw several jolly gods and goddesses stumbling around the halls. One god in particular, Silenus, had no problem with getting inebriated. He was a friend of Dionysus, who was also a fun guy to have at parties, and he was the only god I knew who could get drunk with ease.

  “Whoa, Silenus, are you okay?” I grabbed him before he fell into a potted palm.

  I had just come out of the elevator, having gone up to my bedroom to change into the short, white, cocktail dress Provonias had so thoughtfully provided. It was a simpler version of my wedding gown; strapless and covered with the same pattern of radiating, multicolored crystals. A lot sleeker and a lot lighter.

  “I'm finnnsh...” Silenus slurred, his horse ears twitching and his hooves clacking on the floorboards as he tried to right himself. His tail swished out and slapped me across the shins.

  “You're a fish or you're Finnish?” I asked, giving the offending tail a harsh glare.

  “He says he's fine,” Dionysus chuckled as he came up to us with his wife, Ariadne. “You have to know how to speak drunkard.”

  “Ah,” I laughed and released Silenus into Dionysus' hands. “How's the party going?”

  “Fantastic,” Ariadne answered. “I haven't had so much fun since we last visited Greece.”

  “That was a good time,” Dionysus agreed. “Come on, Sil,” he corralled Silenus. “Let's leave the bride be.”

  “No, wait,” Silenus suddenly grabbed me and his voice went clear. “I have something to tell you, Godhunter.”

  “No, no, no,” I tried to pull out of his grasp but he was strong like a... well, like a horse. “No prophecies today, Silenus! Don't you dare ruin my wedding.”

  “Silenus!” Dionysus shook him but the horse god couldn't be stopped.

  “Beware of false futures,” Silenus intoned dramatically, and as he did, he gained the attention of all who were passing by, including two of my new husbands; Kirill and Trevor. They came rushing over to stand behind me as Silenus went on. “They will lure you into action which should not be taken. Let the threads of Fate lie untouched or they shall tangle.” Silenus blinked and then stumbled, releasing my wrist. “Whatch I say thish time?” He looked up at Dionysus.

  “I have no idea,” Dionysus looked from him to me in horror. “I'm so sorry, Vervain. I hope that wasn't as bad as it sounded.”

  “Actually,” I blinked in surprise. “I don't think it was.”

  “Vervain?” Trevor asked. “Do you know what he meant by that?”

  “In the memories Re showed me,” I explained. “The memories of a false future,” I used Silenus' words, “we had some trouble with a few gods and I was considering hunting them before they caused that trouble again.”

  “Sounds like that's not such a good idea,” Artemis said from the side and I looked over to see her and Torrent staring at me in concern.

  “And that's really good to know,” I nodded. “I was stressing out about it. Thanks, Silenus,” I rubbed his shoulder gently. “You've actually eased my mind and saved three lives.”

  “I dish?” He blinked at me.

  “You dish,” I nodded.

  “You did good,” Dionysus patted him. “This calls for a drink!”

  “A drink!” Silenus perked up and spoke as clearly as he had during the prophecy.

  “Have as much as you want,” I offered generously.

  “Thanksh, Goshdunter,” Silenus waved as Dionysus and Ariadne led him off.

  “Are you certain that's what it meant?” Torrent still looked concerned.

  “What else could it be?” I shrugged.

  “I don't know,” Torr sighed, “but prophecies are tricky things.”

  “It doesn't matter,” I shook my head. “I want to believe that's what it meant because I don't want to have to think about any other option. Not today at least.”

  “That's totally understandable,” Artemis said as she elbowed Torrent in the side.

  “Oh,” he shot a look at his girlfriend. “Okay, yeah, sure.”

  “But if you decide you want some help later,” Artemis went on. “You could always ask the Fates. I mean Silenus did mention threads.”

  “That's true,” I mused. “Thanks, Artemis. I'll think about it.”

  “Hey, did you guys see my grandpa?” Morph asked as he walked up. “I thought I heard him just now.”

  “Your grandpa?” I frowned.

  “He went that way,” Artemis pointed off in the direction that Silenus had stumbled.

  “Thanks,” Morpheus smiled and raced off.

  “Silenus is Morpheus' grandfather?” I was astounded.

  “No,” Artemis laughed. “Dionysus is,” she cocked her head at me. “You didn't know?”

  “No, I didn't,” I admitted and then had a horrible thought. “Was Hypnos Dionysus' son?”

  “No, Pasithea is his daughter,” Artemis explained. “She's from an affair he had with Hera.”

  “Hera!” I gaped at Artie. “You're kidding me.”

  “Nope,” she laughed. “I know, it's hard to believe that Hera would ever have sex with Di but that was before she met Zeus.”

  “Damn,” I huffed.

  “Where do you thin
k Pasithea got her talent for making potions from?” Artemis grinned.

  “Potions,” I frowned as Re walked up. “You!” I pointed at him in accusation.

  “What?” He blinked in shock and looked around at the others for some clue as to what he'd done. They just shrugged at him.

  “You drugged me with Net,” I narrowed my eyes on him. “And I've just remembered that you said something about Pasithea taking poppy seeds out of the Underworld.”

  “What?” Artemis gaped at Re.

  “So?” Re huffed.

  “So we've gone through great pains to try and destroy Net,” Trevor growled. “And all this time you've known that Pasithea is still making it?”

  “Well I didn't know you were a bunch of Narcs,” Re huffed. “What's your problem with Net?”

  “Um, it's been used to abduct me and almost kill me a few times,” I looked pointedly at him. “And it's just and all around bad thing to have out there.”

  “Oh, I see,” Re sighed. “Just go talk to Dionysus, she's staying with him.”

  “She's what?” I huffed.

  “What's the problem now?” Re held up his hands in frustration.

  “Ve have had trouble vith her recently,” Kirill said democratically. “She tried to kill Vervain.”

  “She what?” Re snarled.

  “Oh, now you're mad?” Trevor shook his head.

  “I'll take care of Pasithea,” Re promised.

  “Let's just stop,” I held up my hands and took a deep breath. “I don't want to get into this tonight. We can talk about Pasithea and Net and prophecies later.” But then I saw Azrael walking up to us with Ted. “What are you doing here?” I pointed at the Antichrist in accusation.

  “Um, I was invited,” Ted looked to Azrael in confusion.

  “Have you met?” Azrael glanced back and forth between us.

  “Yeah,” I cleared my throat. “It was in the future that never will be.”

  “The what?” Ted's eyes went wide.

  “The future Vervain changed,” Az huffed at Ted. “I just told you about it.”


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