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mywolfprotector Page 25

by Unknown

  Carlos took off at a flat run, his gait unsteady. His body was out of shape, unused to any true physical activity. He ran as if the very hounds of hell were nipping at his hills. Alexander, Marrok, and the others stepped outside to watch him, his movements as clear to them in the darkness as it would have been in the purest light of day.

  Taylor held Marrok's hand, tears streaming down her face. He could feel her anxiety and knew

  the cause of it. She was a victim from the monstrous acts committed by Carlos, yet, she was having to standby as he walked away a free man. He growled at her pain.

  Ivan glanced at Alexander and asked the one question they were all wondering, “Are you really

  sure about letting him go?”

  In the distance, a black bear shot out of the darkness, his eyes set on the fleeing form of the human in question. He was large and fast, his broad body surefooted as it ran across the dark plains.

  Carlos spotted him over his shoulder and screamed, giving his run all that he had. It wasn't

  enough. The bear was gaining on him by the second.

  Alexander smiled, but it didn't thaw the coldness in his eyes. He'd been grievously wronged by Carlos as well, put through hell when he'd found out his mate and grandparents were abducted. “I just said I didn't want his blood on my hands. That doesn't mean there aren't others out here, waiting to bathe in it. That's between them and God. I won't stand in judgment.”

  The black bear lumbered up behind Carlos, overtaking him with one leap. The man screamed

  loudly, the sound dragging on until ending abruptly. They all watched in horrified fascination as the bear opened his jaws wide and ripped his throat out. He didn't stop there. He continued to bite until his head separated from his frame, before giving his lifeless body a hard toss away from him.”

  “It's done,” Taylor whispered in shock. “He's really dead.”

  The bear shifted, leaving behind a black-haired, powerfully built male in his place. His

  shoulders were broad enough for two men, his thighs as thick as small tree trunks, without an ounce of fat anywhere on his lean body. He reached down to the ground and lifted up the dead man's head, grasping it securely by the hair. Holding it up in the air in victory, he gave them a nod before turning to disappear back in the darkness.

  The bear shifter had avenged the wrongs committed against him, although, he would never be

  able to replace whatever losses he'd experienced. The wolves respected his bravery and understood his actions, silently relieved for the closure his act had brought them all. They turned away as the vultures moved closer to the body, able to scent their next meal easily in the darkness.

  Taylor looked up at him, her eyes wide. “My parents were brought here, unless he was lying.

  Has anyone found them?”

  Marrok and Alexander looked at each other with a puzzled expression. They hadn't scented

  anyone human when they'd arrived, and nobody had reported locating any. “I don't believe so,” he replied, gaining the attentions of a passing guardian.

  “Have someone to check Happy Trails Village and confirm that a Mr. and Mrs. Moore are at

  home and unhurt. Let us know something as soon as possible.”

  “Will do,” he replied, pulling out his cellphone as he walked away.

  “How do you know where they live?” she asked, her voice shaky. “I'm not even sure where they

  are at after all these years.”

  “I know because I'm the one that's paying for their apartment there, my love. After you came up missing, I learned everything about you. It didn't take too long for my sources to discover you were working yourself to death to support your parents, who had an addiction to alcohol.”

  Taylor hung her head, embarrassed that he knew. He gently tilted her face back up to his before adding, “We won't be having none of that. There's no judgment to be found here among us. It's not your fault. I admire you for what you were trying to do.”

  “What's happened to them since I was abducted?” she blinked rapidly, holding back the tears.

  “There was nobody there to take care of them.”

  “I was there, just not in person,” he stated gently, his eyes intent upon hers. “I knew you were my mate all those years ago. That means your parents are an extension of my family, and my

  responsibility, as well. Once I realized the load you'd been carrying, I took it over. They have never went without, I made sure of that. I arranged for someone to meet with them, a professional that was able to help them. As they aged, I set them up in apartment in Happy Trails Village. They've been recovered from alcoholism for almost thirty years now, Taylor. Losing you was the catalyst that prompted them to change.”

  “I can't believe it,” she replied, wiping the tears away from her eyes with the heel of her hand.

  “I can never tell you how grateful I am. Did you ever meet with them in person and tell them?”

  “Yes, and no. I did meet with them, but they weren't aware of my connection to them. I told

  them that a distant relative of theirs had died, and his last request had been for me to take care of his long-lost relatives. At first, the alcohol had dulled their senses to such an extent that they really didn't question it. Once they were recovered from that, the money was already a way of life to them. I've made sure to visit with them every few years, and they've shared many stories of you with me. They love you, Taylor, and they've never gotten over the pain of losing you. By visiting with them, I was able to feel a tiny connection to you through the long, lonely years. I think in some small way, it comforted all of us.”

  Taylor sobbed, pressing her hand over her mouth. The guardian walked back over. “One of our

  pack is part of the staff at Happy Trails. She went personally and confirmed that Mr. and Mrs. Moore are there. They are safe.”

  Marrok pulled Taylor into his arms, her body trembling violently in reaction. She rested her

  cheek above the area where his heart was, holding him tight. “Thank you, Marrok. Thank you for everything, for being my mate and honoring that union through the long, hopeless years. Most people wouldn't have. I don't know how I was ever blessed enough to be gifted by a mate like you, but I'm grateful.” Despite the horrors they'd been through, peace spread throughout his body at her words.

  This was where he belonged, as much as where she belonged, locked in each others arms. He

  regretted the years they'd already lost, but he was humbled by the many, many years they had left to look forward to. He had waited a long time for this woman, but she'd been worth every moment.


  Two months later....

  The El Lobo Apache Nation

  Marrok ran up the wooden steps of his log cabin, eager to return to his mate. They been married for a week now, and she had wanted to honeymoon in Jagged Rock. He shook his head ruefully, still bemused by his mate's choice. He could have given her anywhere she wanted, but for undisclosed reasons, she'd chosen New Mexico. He knew she'd tell him why, eventually.

  Throwing the door open, he spied her on the couch. Taylor was settled among some pillows, her

  long hair braided and fitted into a large bun at the back of her head. At his entrance, she laid her book down and greeted him with a smile, her blue eyes sparkling with anticipation.

  He dropped to his knees next to her, propping himself up on his elbows as he stared at her. He grinned widely before saying, “Well, well, mate. You're just fairly brimming over with mischief. What has you in such a fine mood today?”

  She chuckled, her laugh coming easy to her. Having closure and the love of her mate had freed

  her from the terrible oppression she'd been under. This was the real Taylor, and he was grateful she'd been able to rediscover herself after the horrible tragedies she'd experienced. He knew from some of the other captives that some of them still hadn't.... And likely never would.

  “I'm just extremely happy,” she replied, breathil
y, reaching out a hand to slide over his hair.

  “What woman wouldn't be? I've got a prime stud deeply in love with me, and I get to have him in my bed every night. How many are ever that lucky?”

  He growled, his body sparking to life from her lusty words. “Talk like that might find you back in the sack.” His body was rigid, just waiting for her approval before pouncing. The lust between them was strong, even more so as time passed them by.

  She chuckled before shaking her head. “As tempting as that sounds, and I do mean tempting, you promised me a ride on the bike. I've been looking forward to it all morning. Were you able to get it going again?”

  Marrok pouted, the expression unfamiliar to his masculine features. Real men didn't pout, but

  he couldn't help it. The fulfillment he found within her arms was addictive, but it would have to wait.

  He sighed dejectedly, much to Taylor's amusement. “If you insist.”

  Springing up, he held out his hand to assist her from the couch. “The motorcycle is actually still in great condition. It just needed a little tune-up to get her going again.” It was the one he'd used the night he'd met her. Although he'd gotten others over the years, he'd never parted with that one. It held way too many memories.

  Holding hands, he led her out of the door and down the steps. Although the sun was bright,

  underneath the warmth was the cool nip of late fall. He stopped, looking down at her with concern.

  “Maybe you should wear a jacket?”

  Taylor laughed in response, wrapping an arm around his waist. “I'm a werewolf, remember? It

  would take a lot more than this to cool me off.” She winked at him with a coy expression before turning to walk seductively to the garage.

  His mouth went dry at her suggestive words, unable to tear his eyes away from her plump ass.

  He was seriously considering extending his honeymoon. Maybe a year in her bed would make enough of a dent in his lust to allow him to think about something else.

  Taylor looked back at him over her shoulder, the tip of her long, blonde braid teasing her thighs.

  She nibbled on her rosy pink bottom lip, staring at him with an inquisitive expression on her heart-shaped face. No, not even a year would be enough.

  Jogging up to her, he took her hand again and led her in the garage. The silver parts of his bike gleamed underneath the fluorescent lights, the seat polished to a sheen. “That's amazing,” she said, her blue eyes wide. “It looks exactly like I remember it. Before you, I never really cared about

  motorcycles. Now I can't get enough of them, and do you know why?”

  He shook his head, a small smile curving his lips. He enjoyed their conversations and loved

  hearing her talk. Taylor was fascinating and fun, a woman intriguing enough to hold his interest for the rest of his life. “Why's that?”

  “Because of you, silly. Before that night at the lake, I'd never been on one before. Riding out from the bar with that biker was terrifying. It wasn't until I rode away on the back of this bike that I really understood why someone would enjoy it. It's all you, Marrok. With you, I feel like I can face anything and not be afraid anymore. I trust you, and I depend on you to make it all okay. Somehow, you always do. My faith in you has never been misguided, simply because of the person you are, deep inside.”

  He was humbled by her words, and the love to be found in them. He leaned over and kissed her

  lips softly, dark eyes meeting blue. “Do you have a destination in mind?”

  “Let's go back to the lake where it all began, if it's still there?”

  He nodded, sliding on the seat and patting the empty space behind him. “It sure is, although the water levels have been extremely low the last few years. Hop on, babe.”

  With her arms wrapped around him, he rolled his motorcycle out of the garage before starting it up. “Just out of curiosity, what makes you want to go back out there? I thought today was the day you wanted to go over to Happy Trails Village.”

  She waited until they were moving down the driveway before replying, “I do want to reunite

  with my parents, but I'm a little afraid. Thirty-one years is a long time. How are we going to explain the fact that I haven't aged?”

  Marrok shrugged. “Sometimes the best answer is none at all. They know you were abducted,

  but they don't know the whole story. I think they're going to be so happy to see you again, they aren't going to question anything else too much. If they do, you can be just as puzzled as they are about your youthful appearance. Then, we will change the subject.”

  “That makes sense,” she agreed. “Let's go tomorrow. I want today to be all ours. Returning to

  the place where it all started is meaningful to me, but it's hard to explain why. Our relationship has been broken several times by Carlos, but now we've come full circle. I never knew that night at the lake was going to change my life in so many ways. I guess I want to return and start a new beginning. Does that make sense?”

  “I can understand that,” he replied easily, controlling the powerful machine underneath them as if it were an extension of his own body. “I knew when I pulled into the lake that night I would be meeting my mate, but I never dreamed we'd go through all that we have to make the dream a reality.

  You were worth the wait, Taylor.”

  With her arms wrapped tightly around him, he drove off down the road. They were silent as the

  motorcycle burned up the miles. He'd missed the wide open spaces of New Mexico, but he hadn't

  realized how much until now. Spying the dirt road that led to the lake, he turned onto it, grimacing as he dodged a deep pothole. “There's one thing that will never change,” he muttered wryly, “and it's the condition of this road.”

  Taylor laughed mischievously, sliding one hand down his front until she cupped his manhood

  firmly through his jeans. “Oops, darn potholes,” she said throatily in his ear. “My hand must have slid.”

  At the first contact, his shaft hardened into pure, rigid steel. Her fingers traced the edge of his erection against his jeans, the tips of her delicate fingers driving him wild. “It's amazing you can keep all that contained in a pair of jeans. Your dick is so incredibly big.”

  His chest rumbled at her words as he gripped the handlebars at her play. He was proud of the

  size he'd been blessed with, glad that he had more than enough to keep his mate satisfied. Hearing her talk about it never failed to light his fire. “Keep that up, and you will definitely be getting a new memory of this area.”

  Her hand squeezed him gently, her fingertips massaging the sensitive area beneath the base of

  his sack. “I'm counting on it.”

  The bike broke free of the forested dirt road. He quickly pulled it into the clearing, underneath a shade tree. They were all alone, and it suited his purposes, perfectly. Turning off the bike, he looked over his shoulder at Taylor and said thickly, “I'm going to make love to you, right here, right now. Slide off and move in front of me, babe. I want to see that gorgeous body.”

  He waited until she was off before standing up with the bike between his thighs and freeing

  himself from his too tight jeans. She stood and watched him, her expression full of desire. Once his cock was free, he settled back down on the seat.

  Kissing her deeply, he pulled her over the bike. “Put your legs on each side of my hips,” he

  growled out, moving to her neck to nuzzle it.

  She quickly complied, the heat of her pussy only inches away from his shaft. He groaned in

  need. “You turn me on so much.”

  Taylor held onto his shoulders, pulling her hips forward until the center of her body was locked tightly against his. She rocked gently, crying out in desire at the contact. The scent of her need washed over him, his eyes flaring red.

  He held the bike securely between his muscled thighs as his hands cupped her ass. Locking his

  fingers i
nto the side of her panties, underneath the dress she was wearing, he muttered, “These are fixing to go.” With that he ripped them away, his finger immediately delving within her saturated depths.

  “Yes, Marrok,” she panted out, her head falling back in pleasure. Her tight passage clenched

  him, the flesh swollen and plump with need. “In. Me. Now.” she ground out, her hips seeking the hardness that would bring her complete satisfaction.

  “I'm going to lay you back across the front of the bike,” he growled out, struggling for control in the face of his mate's raw need. His body burned with the same red-hot lust she was lost in, and there was only one way to douse the raging inferno. “Hold onto the handlebars. I'll take care of the rest.”

  He pulled her close, groaning at the increased contact between their bodies. “I need to be in you in a bad way.” Spreading her in front of him, he raised back up and grabbed his cock firmly in his hand.

  Her rounded thighs trailed across his own, her dress shoved to her waist. He stared at the area between her legs as he fitted the head of his cock against her flushed opening. She was slick with need, eager to feel him within her hot depths. “You are so fucking wet. I can see how much you want me, and it's driving me wild.”

  Pressing forward with a deft movement of his hips, he locked the swollen tip of his cock inside of her as her eyes closed in pleasure. Moving his hands back to her hips, he lifted her, working her hips back and forth on his length as they both groaned in ecstasy.

  “It feels so good,” Taylor muttered, her luminous skin glowing. Her brow furrowed as her body

  tightened around him, “You're in so deep, I'm stuffed full of you. I'm so close.”

  Her hands gripped the handlebars as he brought them both to satisfaction. He released deep, her passage locked tight around him. His eyes slid down to the area where they were joined, still amazed that her tight opening accepted him like it did. It was hot between them, intense and erotic. He remained buried within her, in no rush to leave the heat of her body.

  Taylor held her arms up to him, her eyes filled with emotion. “Pull me up, Marrok. There's


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