Christmas Jack-o'-Lantern

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Christmas Jack-o'-Lantern Page 10

by Subhajit Waugh

  “We mean no harm” Jack said loudly “We have come here to meet Gryla”

  They stared at each other’s face and then broke into laughter.

  “Matuna!” the leader of the group shouted, hungrily licking his lips and looking at the others “Mussipi. Dora, doga Mussipi”.

  “What are they talking about?” Barbarossa asked with a trembling voice.

  “No idea” Jack shrugged his shoulder.

  “Mussipi!” “Mussipi!” the other trolls shouted loudly. Two trolls came forward and seized both of them.

  “What will they do with us?” Barbarossa asked in horror.

  “Sorry, can’t say” Jack answered in a resigned and apprehensive tone.

  The leader of the group ordered “Ol pasinto Gryla masupas” and started walking.

  The others started following him, dragging Jack and Barbarossa with them.

  “Where are they taking us?” Barbarossa said.

  Jack said nothing.

  * * *

  They were taken directly to ogress Gryla’s cave.

  “I can’t believe that we are about to meet Gryla at the dining table” Jack said to Barbarossa, heaving a sigh of relief. He adjusted his collars and pressed his ruffled hairs “I thought they would have dressed us in their proper manner, before we met any high ranking ogre at the dining table”.

  “You mean, dressing us like trolls & ogres?” Barbarossa asked.

  “Hah!” Jack snapped “I meant taking us to the kitchen room for dressing us like that!” Jack pointed at a chicken fry lying on the dining table.

  They had a brief audience with ogress Gryla, the mother of the thirteen Icelandic ‘Yule Lads”. Jack introduced himself and Barbarossa, and tried to explain his situation.

  Jack observed the greenish color of Gryla’s skin. He also noticed her excessively broad and flat nose, and her unusual funnel like ears. Her large head, abundant hairs, and plump, strong body also amazed Jack. She had traces of beard and moustache.

  She picked up the fried chicken and snapped it into half with just one bite with her excessively large teeth. Jack had heard about the voracious appetite of ogres, but never seen himself before. She munched so vigorously, that one might assume it was her last meal on earth.

  “Why do I believe you?” Gryla said, “Have you got any evidence?”

  “I had the letter from Krampus, which I lost during shipwreck” Jack replied.

  “Till I receive confirmation from Krampus, you shall be my special guest. You are not to leave without my permission”.

  Jack experienced a sudden pulse of fear. Gryla didn’t even spare her husbands. Now she is living with her third husband. Jack’s mind was ringing with what the fishermen had warned him about Gryla.

  As both of them were led away, Jack heard a distant whisper, which seemed to his ears like “…the fawns have entered the lion’s den”.

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  Chapter 15


  Barbarossa was allowed to roam within tracking range, while Jack was placed almost under house arrest, held as hostage.

  On the second night, Jack went to bed early, pretending to fall asleep. Soon the guard at the door started dozing off, snoring loudly.

  Jack got up and eyed the bunch of keys hanging from the guard’s waist, tied securely to his belt. This is the moment. Either now or never! Jack felt his heart pounding hard. If he was caught, there was no excuse for him. The punishment would be severe-almost certainly death for him and Barbarossa. Worst of all, they won’t grant a quick death. They will scoop out their eyes for making salted pickles, tear off their skins, and then chop them into pieces for frying.

  The risks were enormous. Too much was at stake.

  Jack approached the guard stealthily and started untying the bunch very carefully. Any slightest mistake and the guard will wake up.

  All of a sudden, the guard’s hand moved towards the key bunch. His snoring stopped abruptly.

  Jack recoiled in horror. His heart gave a kick. He felt his blood curdling in his veins.

  The guard scratched his hip. Jack was paralyzed with fear. His heart was beating like a hammer. Drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.

  Jack remained dead still for a few moments, and finding that the guard hasn't woken up yet, he slowly moved the guard’s hand away.

  Continuing his patient effort, Jack managed to untie the bunch of keys. Jack decided to take the risk and sneak outside to find out more. He moved to the door, and turned the doorknob, but it was locked. None of the keys even fitted the keyhole.

  “Hopeless! Just my luck!” Jack murmured. But then, his eyes fell on the ventilator high overhead.

  He needed a tall stool, but he knew there were none around. All he managed to get was his own chair. He stood on his toes, and just managed to reach the ventilator with the tip of his fingers. He tried to get a firmer grip, stretching himself as much as possible, but failed.

  He tried again, and almost toppled from the chair.

  On his third attempt, he put his thin pillow on the chair and managed to pull himself up, barely enough to peep momentarily and glance outside. He saw a ferocious bloodhound resting along the corridor, under the lamp and blocking all hopes of sneaking outside.

  Jack felt disgusted. But suddenly, a flash of hope brightened up his face. He came down, placed the chair in its former position and then fetched as many bar soaps form the toilet as he could. He pressed one key against the soap, forming its impression. He took impressions of as many keys as he could.

  Then he placed the remaining keys, one by one, on a piece of paper and traced the outlines quickly. He wiped the keys carefully, and tied the bunch to the guard’s belt, while the guard was still dozing.

  “These must be important keys. Maybe one of them is the key to the corridor door” Jack whispered to himself.

  He sat down on his bed and carefully hid the soaps inside his pillow, and tucked the piece of paper inside his pocket. Tomorrow I shall smuggle out these soaps to Barbarossa and have my own keys. I shall need one chunk of meat, dipped in sleeping potion, a rope with a hook, and some chloroform for that guard.

  Jack smiled. He remembered: when he worked part-time as a village blacksmith, he sometimes found soap impressions outside his forge, along with a silver coin, placed anonymously at night. It was the standard practice among the thieves and burglars.

  * * *

  This time, it was quite easy for Jack to sneak outside. He was confident that the dose was sufficient and the guard won't wake up within say next two hours.

  Jack walked cautiously. He took special care to remain concealed among the shadows of buildings, and remain unnoticed by clinging to walls and pillars. There were guards all around.

  A shrill whistle broke the silence of the night.

  Guards came rushing towards Jack.

  Jack froze on the spot. They started gathering right in front of him.

  Jack felt his limbs turning numb. Now his only hope was his dark camouflage and his surrounding darkness.

  Jack desperately prayed and hoped that they might think a false alarm has been raised. Instead, more guards appeared out of nowhere.

  They started forming two groups. Another shrill whistle made all the guards alert, as if waiting for an order to pounce on their prey. All the guards stood in attention position, waiting for a nod.

  One group bade goodbye to the other and started disappearing into the night. Jack heaved a sense of relief that it turned out to be a change in duty-shift. But these fresh guards will be doing their job more energetically and attentively and make my task difficult Jack thought.

  Jack roamed in the premise and came upon a stone building that looked impressive and important. It was hard not to notice that all the entrances were guarded heavily. Jack made a preliminary survey and found a tree with its branches reaching the roof. Jack climbed the tree and reached the roof.

  Jack peeped inside the hall through the skylight. He saw the thirteen Yule lad
s and ogress Gryla with her Yule cat on her lap. There was someone draped in black gown sitting near the dining table, whose face was almost covered. Jack placed his ear near the skylight opening and cupped his hand around it to listen.

  “…But I assure you Madam, that my Lord will keep his promise. You can trust him, as much as you trust yourself,” the unknown person said.

  “But why so much delay?” Gryla demanded in a harsh tone “has your Lord Devil changed his plan?” Gryla patted her cat.

  Gryla’s huge, black, Yule cat purred Mrreeooww!

  “No madam, no! He will replace Santa Claus with your thirteen Yule Lads. But you must keep patience. My Lord is waiting for the right moment. He is trying his best to create a good image of your sons. It is only because of Lord Devil’s propaganda that many people of Iceland have already started equating them with Santa Claus”.

  “Trying to create a good image? Huh!” Gryla grumbled.

  “Forgive my rudeness madam, but it's a fact that presently many people know that your sons have grown from pranksters to outright cannibals”.

  “Is it so?” Gryla fumed in anger “and why exactly should I trust your Lord Devil?”

  “Is he not supporting the rule of trolls, ogres and gnomes over the elves in Iceland? And besides…” he pulled out a fried human hand from the large plate “... is he not supplying you children and slaves regularly, from Krampus’ camp?”

  “Regularly?” screamed Gryla “Don’t use that word! You are downright irregular. Why hasn’t your consignment arrived yet?”

  “A mighty storm hit the North Atlantic” he passed himself a jar of pickled eyeballs and a bowl of preserved brains “we haven’t heard anything about that ship yet. But be assured, we’ll deliver at the earliest”.

  “And meanwhile how am I supposed to manage?” Gryla burst out “I have to feed thousands of ogres and trolls”.

  “Well, madam…” the stranger lowered his voice “…why not manage with your own prisoners for the time being?”

  A chill ran down Jack’s spines. His blood curdled, his hands trembled and he remained paralyzed with horror for a few moments. His heart was thumping.

  Should I risk returning back, or should I run away in the wild, lonely and harsh mountains and face whatever fate has in store for me? Jack thought rapidly as he wiped the fresh drops of sweat from his forehead. His head was almost spinning with dilemma.

  * * *

  Four days later.

  Gryla arrived with a flourish of trumpets. The two guards at the door bowed down to her. She entered Jack’s room haughtily.

  “There is a letter for you Jack. Krampus has sent it at this address” Gryla said.

  “I knew Krampus would send me the introductory letter again” Jack replied, heaving a sigh of relief. “I told you so. And you were so reluctant to believe that I have indeed been placed under your guardianship for practical training that you placed me under house arrest” Jack complained.

  “Hah! Read this first” Gryla snapped. She took out an envelope from her handbag and handed over to Jack.

  Jack took the envelope and exclaimed, “The seal is broken! It has been opened”

  “Well, I took the liberty of opening it” Gryla replied, without showing least emotion.

  Without another word, Jack took out the letter. It was premium bond paper, with a small parchment pinned to it. A note has been scribbled on it:


  Sign this immediately and hand over to Gryla for posting.


  Jack unfolded the bond paper, and read:


  By this edict, it is hereby decreed that all werewolves shall put an immediate end to all intermarriages with normal humans. They must strive to maintain blood purity.

  Further, Lord Devil must be intimated beforehand to conduct any secret meeting. Gathering of more than twenty werewolves on full moon night shall also be considered a meeting. It shall attract severe penalties, including death, to treat such gathering as casual events and failing to intimate Lord Devil.

  This decree has been issued by Jack-o-Halloween and has the approval and seal of Lord Devil.

  Signed (Jack-o-Halloween):

  Countersigned (Lord Devil):

  (Great Seal of Pandemonium)


  Jack stared at the letter in disbelief and uttered “Oh my God! Once again?” He looked up at Gryla’s face and said “Lord Devil is trying to interfere in Halloween world and-“

  “Don’t tell me anything” Gryla snapped “Whatever it is, it is between both of you-I know nothing about it. And, if you ask my opinion, I should advice you to sign it without wasting your words”.

  Jack remained silent. I am in a hostile land, surrounded by hostiles Jack thought. And what is the point in protesting? I have seen the result earlier.

  Without another word, Jack signed it and handed it over to Gryla.

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  Chapter 16

  Restricted Tours

  Almost one fortnight had passed since Jack had arrived. Jack was not sure whether Gryla had received any message of confirmation from Krampus yet. However Gryla had permitted Jack and Barbarossa a few sightseeing under heavy guard.

  Jack walked down the street, or was rather led forward by his ogre and troll guards. When they reached the market square, they found a huge gathering of elves, lamenting and wailing. They pierced through the crowd to meet a fence of gnome and troll guards surrounding the empty inner square.

  Right at the center of the square, a goal post shaped gallows had been erected, with five cotton-rope nooses. The ogre and troll guards had a difficult time warding off the massive crowd of angry and lamenting elves. The crowd was shouting at them, desperate to breach the fence and reach inside. The guards were holding back the crowd with spears and baton charges.

  All of a sudden, the gathering became more agitated and violent.

  Jack saw three elves being dragged and shoved by troll and gnome soldiers into the vacant center. The three elves were flogged severely before being led towards the gallows.

  There was a mass outcry of agony as the three elves were made to stand on the trapdoor and the hangman placed the nooses around their necks. The assembled Elves wailed and stretched out their hands.

  The three elves, with nooses around their necks, shouted together “Glory to our motherland! We, freedom fighters will happily die for our independence”.

  A booming echo resounded among the gathering “We’ll be free! “, “Freedom is our birthright”.

  “Nothing much to watch at!” Jack’s guard said. They pushed Jack and led him forcible away from the scene. “Must be some criminals……….it is our duty to keep Iceland safe and criminal-free”.

  Try to brainwash me as much as you like Jack thought but I can never forget those martyrs, sacrificing their lives for the cause of freedom.

  * * *

  Jack’s guards led Jack to the nearest ‘rest house’-their joking term for check post.

  Just above the entrance, they had hung a portrait of Devil, and had placed a garland of flowers around it. Devil was holding an Elf child in his arm. He was waving his other arm like a candidate running for the polls. Below it was inscribed:

  Lord Devil dreams of a happy and prosperous Elf land.

  A mean cheat! Jack thought Instead of hanging his portrait; I wish they had hung him in person.

  Inside the check post, several gnomes, ogre and troll soldiers were reclining on their old wooden chairs around several old desks. Most of them were gambling, drinking or playing ‘whistoon’ (a popular game of cards in Elf land, played with eighteen pairs of tarot like cards). Some of them were lazily smoking ‘chilim” and two of them were dozing off.

  Jack’s guards joined the group and started drinking and gambling.

  This is a good opportunity to escape the idea flashed in Jack’s mind bu
t I can’t. Barbarossa is held hostage today.

  Soon a cart loaded with wooden trunks and cardboard cartons arrived. The cart driver jumped down and approached the inspecting officer.

  “Towards Zurich or Munich?” the inspector asked.

  “Towards Zurich! Towards Zurich!”

  “Fine! Leave nothing behind,” the inspector said. He gave thumbs up signal and laughed aloud. He stamped the driver’s documents hastily without even caring to look at it. Then he stamped the paper seals of a few top layers of cartons and trunks carelessly.

  The driver took out a small sack and handed over to the inspector. The inspector tossed it in his palm as if trying to estimate its weight, and then without opening it, he put it inside his pocket.

  Jack guessed that it was metal coins, from the clinking noise. Maybe gold Jack thought how deeply corruption has infiltrated among the ruling class in Elf-Land. It is the ruled-upon elves that are suffering bitterly in their own land.

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  Chapter 17

  Jack’s Plans

  By now, Jack had sniffed around a bit, and had also won the confidence of the servant house-elf. That elf provided breakfast, lunch and dinner and also did the cleanings and changing bed sheets etc. His name was Moily.

  Jack sometimes played ‘whistoon’ and ‘Elf chequer’ with Moily. Jack and Moily sometimes shared some personal secrets.

  One day Jack was discussing about the sorry plight of Elves in Iceland, and expressing his sorrow at events he had witnessed.

  Moily gave a deep sigh and said, “You haven’t seen much yet. Things are much more serious than it seems at the surface. I have seen some of my companions subjected to such a degree of torture…enough to make a witness insane”. He shook his head remorsefully.

  Jack lowered his voice “You said ‘my companions’, isn’t it?” Jack moved closer and whispered “Are you one of them? I mean one of the rebel elves?”

  Moily hesitated and plucked his own nails. He opened his mouth and closed them without letting any air escape his lungs. He scratched his hair and looked down at the ground, but didn’t say anything.

  “I see” Jack said, “I have understood. Your body language has said it all”.

  Jack placed his hand slowly on Moily’s hand and firmly grasped his palm without uttering anything. Their eyes met silently.


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