Christmas Jack-o'-Lantern

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Christmas Jack-o'-Lantern Page 29

by Subhajit Waugh

  “And how many of such brave warriors adorn your badge?” Devil asked with a frown.

  “Ogres and trolls of Iceland combined; we count more than sixty thousand. We will dominate the battlefield”.

  “Good!” Devil sighed in relief and smiled.

  * * *

  After the military meeting was over, Beelzebub requested a meeting with Devil: in private.

  “Why don’t you throw Jack’s parchment in the burning embers?” Beelzebub asked.

  “That will douse my burning anger, no doubt” Devil said with a dry smile “I’ll have my revenge on Jack that way, but…it won’t serve my purpose”.

  Devil threw his burning cigar outside his tent.

  “It’s too late for that” Devil said “Jack had already gathered a massive army, in such an unbelievable short time”.

  “But I didn’t get the answer to my question” Beelzebub dared to say.

  “If Jack dies, they will immediately choose someone else to lead their armies against me” Devil replied “Don’t forget that the parchment can be used for inflicting revenge only once! And besides, I don’t want him to become a respected martyr”.

  Devil picked up the table-knife and pressed his forefinger and thumb of his left hand on the sharp blade. Then he slowly pulled the knife a few inches and was fascinated by the redness of his own blood on the knife-edge. He put his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and sucked it. He looked like a ferocious, hungry wolf with hatred and vengeance in his eyes. He seemed to savor the taste of his own blood.

  Devil’s smile broadened into a grin “Of course I’ll burn that parchment in the embers-keep no doubt in your mind about it. But, only after my purpose is fulfilled and Jack becomes absolutely worthless”.

  * * *

  Reconnaissance efforts were at its height on both sides.

  Mr. Santa Claus had lent about a thousand reindeers and around two hundred flying sledges from his reindeer stables and workshop in North Pole. Jack had issued orders to his trained personnel to dress like Santa and fly over Devil’s bases, collecting information.

  A short heighted elf entered Jack’s camp. They stopped their discussions and asked “what news do you bring Mr. Tenderleaf?’

  The elf bowed down and replied, “Our firepower is almost equally matched-about ninety canons on either side. About four thousand centaurs have assembled in Devil’s camp under the banner of Weihnachtsmann”.

  “Weihnachtsmann?” Jack exclaimed, “I thought he was out of the picture, ever since he was ousted by Santa Claus and Ded Moroz”.

  “So did I think too” the elf replied “But he was hiding in Argentina all along, and has now joined hand with Krampus of Black forest. Devil has promised to restore both of them to their former positions”.

  “Is that all?” Jack asked.

  “No, I have more to tell. Devil has gathered around three dozen Romanian and Norwegian dragons, far outnumbering our thirteen Chinese dragons”.

  “Oh my God!” Jack exclaimed.

  Barbarossa tapped Jack’s shoulder lightly and said, “Don’t lose hope. Let’s hope for the best”.

  The Elf messenger stepped forward and said in a reassuring tone “Hadn’t it been for the Dragons, their army would have been completely land based. We could have completely dominated the air with Chinese Dragons, witch armies on broomsticks and thousands and thousands of hovering ghosts”.

  Jack gave a faint smile and said, “This only means our airpower is not overwhelming at all”.

  One pale skinned Jack’s general stepped forward and said “Our position will greatly improve at night, when our Vampires can come out and transform to bats whenever they wish. Besides, dragons have poor eyesight at night, which shall nullify their advantage of numbers”.

  * * *

  Barely fifty miles away from the headquarters was the picture entirely different.

  Ravin Kidwood was a foot soldier in Jack’s infantry division. He had been posted in the front. Upon receiving order from his sergeant, he and his companions sprang out from their trenches and charged at the enemy. Waving the Jack-o’-Lantern flag in one hand and brandishing the sword in his other hand, he sprang upon the enemy.

  Swords glistened like lightning. The battle was raging at its peak, when an ear-blowing roar from the sky brought the battle to an abrupt standstill.

  Mr. Ravin looked up.

  Two fire-breathing dragons were clashing against each other overhead.

  The fluttering of their wings was raising dust storm on the ground. They breathed fire at each other, fought with razor sharp claws and lashed their tails like whips. They raised blood-chilling cries of anger as they clashed.

  Several arrows from Elf archers shot up and struck the soft armor in the underbelly of the Romanian Dragon. The dragon ignored them completely and continued its deathly fight with the Chinese Dragon.

  The Dragons cast enormous shadows on the ground. Even the shadows of the two battling monsters were frightening to look at.

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  Chapter 48

  Turning Point

  For three days the two forces fought bitterly on both sides of the Carpathian Mountains and on the Transylvanian plateau: from skirmish in the woods to downright epic battle and hand to hand combat. Death, bloodshed and destruction was visible everywhere.

  Jack’s forces had obtained a few victories and captured some strategic positions.

  Dying warriors on both sides, who weren’t cremated or buried, becomes ghosts and joined Jack’s army of ghosts. This raised concern in Devil’s camp.

  On the fourth day, Barbarossa made a request to Jack.

  “I am absolutely bored of sitting in the military council and drawing war plans” Barbarossa said “I want to lead one of your units and fight on the battlefield”.

  “No, Barbarossa” Jack said, “It’s much safer for you to sit and make plans. Besides it is more important too. You see, whatever we have gained was primarily due to our solid planning despite material disadvantage”.

  “Please, Jack, my friend!” Barbarossa pressed hard “This might be a once in a life opportunity to have a first-hand experience of battlefield”.

  “If something happens to you, I can never forgive myself,” Jack said passionately.

  “Oh don’t worry!” Barbarossa said, “I shall be extra careful and avoid any unnecessary risks”.

  * * *

  Barbarossa watched down through his binoculars.

  An excessively mutilated and ugly looking Devilish army of hell was passing along the narrow mountain pass.

  At the signal of Commander Barbarossa, Jack’s men pushed and rolled down boulders. Within seconds, thousands of boulders came bouncing and rumbling like avalanche down the slopes from both sides of the pass.

  Hundreds of Devil’s soldiers were smashed and crushed. Death and devastation rained among the enemy, creating instant panic and making them disorganized. They ran hither and thither for shelter.

  On Barbarossa’s signal, his ambushed army came down just like the previous avalanche of boulders on the enemy. They routed the enemy and achieved a complete victory.

  * * *

  When the news reached Devil’s camp that one of his Hellish army had fallen right into an enemy trap in the mountain pass, Devil tore his hairs in mad rage.

  “Our enemy got the information beforehand” Devil yelled “A spy among us!”

  Devil looked at his generals with suspicion.

  Devil’s generals looked at each other with suspicion.

  Some of them even eyed Devil with suspicion.

  “Stop staring at me!” Devil roared like a lion and punched the desk. “That’s ridiculous! You people are fighting under my banner, for my cause. Obviously it can’t be me! It’s one among you people”.

  Devil pulled out a dagger and said “A bad guy among us. A plant from the enemy!” He passed along slowly, inspecting the face of each of his generals minutely, piercingly.

  He pressed the blade of his da
gger at the throat of one of his generals. “Did you do that?” Devil whispered.

  “No my lord” the general stammered.

  “Tell me the truth. Or, should I slit your throat?”

  “I swear my Lord, I’m innocent”.

  Devil passed along. There was a stunning silence. The generals were sweating with fear and unbearable tension.

  “Did you do it Beelzebub?” Devil asked, suddenly turning around “Should I throw your parchment in the fires of ember?”

  “No my Lord, I swear I didn’t. I am your most trusted. Why should I do it?”

  “Haven’t you always dreamt of replacing me?” Devil said.

  “Never my Lord” Beelzebub stammered.

  “Leave us alone” Devil commanded.

  Beelzebub watched helplessly as they walked away, leaving him and Devil alone. Beelzebub sweated and trembled with fear.

  Devil laughed and said “Don’t worry Beelzebub, I am not going to slit you throat. Now calm down”.

  Beelzebub wiped the sweat from his forehead, eyeing Devil with deep suspicion. It appeared from Beelzebub’s face that he was sure his master was after something, which wasn’t going to be any good.

  “A plant!” Devil whispered, “Why didn’t it occur to me before?”

  “I couldn’t follow you my lord” Beelzebub said.

  “You must do me a favor. Can you buy one of Jack’s closest man’s loyalties?”

  * * *

  Next day the battle raged as usual, with each side desperate to make it the last day.

  After the usual round of reconnaissance, Mr. Tenderleaf, the short heighted elf, entered Jack’s camp, where some serious discussions were going on.

  They stopped their discussions and asked, “What news do you bring Mr. Tenderleaf? Anything interesting?”

  “Of course!” Mr. Tenderleaf said excitedly “One of Devil’s unit has camped barely twenty miles north of here. I wonder how they managed to reach stealthily up to that position! But we observed that their camps were lying mostly unguarded”.

  “I suspect they are aiming to attack our camps” one of Jack’s generals said warily “their target might be our headquarters”.

  “There is a bright side to it though” Barbarossa said “As Mr. Tenderleaf said; their camps are lying mostly unguarded”.

  Barbarossa turned to Jack and said “Please leave this to me. I want one of your elite units under my command. I’ll strike at them like sitting ducks!”

  “No!” Jack replied, “I am sorry”.

  “Why?” Barbarossa demanded in a persistent tone.

  “Do you have the least idea how I feel in your absence” Jack said, displaying his anger “Last time when you went on your campaigns, I was worried and anxious to death”.

  “Oh don’t worry about me” Barbarossa pressed on doggedly “I’ll be all right. Last time, didn’t I bring you absolute victory?”

  “Last time I allowed because you promised that you won’t ever go to the front again”.

  “Jack, my friend, please allow me this time. I don’t want to miss this opportunity. I promise, this will be the last time. I swear!”

  Jack found himself in a deep dilemma.

  Finally, Jack said, “Well then, be it so. But henceforth you respect your own promise!”

  * * *

  After Barbarossa’s unit had covered some twenty-five miles north, they found a clearing in the forest. And right in the middle of it, there was a large, circular wooden fence. Each fence-post was built with a single log, sharpened at the top.

  Barbarossa ordered four of his men to take a quick survey around.

  “There are three gates, and all of them are poorly guarded” they reported.

  “Well then, let’s split into three groups!” Barbarossa ordered.

  When they had organized themselves for attack, Barbarossa ordered “At the count of three! One…Two…Three-“

  Raising war cry, the three groups charged at the three main entrances. Only three or four soldiers were guarding each gate. They fled in panic.

  Without any resistance, they stormed in.

  Inside the wooden fortification, there were rows of tents. As per Barbarossa’s instructions they charged towards those tents at their unaware enemies.

  To their utter surprise, all the tents were empty!

  At that very instant, they were startled by war cry from outside. Swarms of Devil’s soldiers started pouring in through all three gates.

  Barbarossa’s men were completely outnumbered within moments. Still the enemies were pouring in droves.

  “It is a trap! They were hiding in the forests, awaiting us” Barbarossa shouted “Let’s fight bravely and die like heroes”.

  A fierce battle followed. Barbarossa fought like a wounded lion.

  Barbarossa fought bravely till he was completely surrounded.

  “That’s enough!” the commander of the Devil’s forces ordered “Throw down your arms!”

  “Never!” Barbarossa shouted, “I’ll fight till the last drop of my blood”.

  They pointed their spears at him from all sides. Two of them pressed the pointed tip of their spears on his neck and chest.

  “Hah!” the Devil’s commander said “all your men have surrendered. If you continue fighting, we’ll butcher each of them mercilessly. But if you surrender instantly, we’ll offer you and your men fair and sympathetic treatment”.

  Barbarosaa was in the greatest dilemma of his life.

  The commander pulled out his sword “Stop thinking” he ordered, “Just do it”.

  Barbarossa put down his sword on the ground. Then he removed his musket from the shoulder and laid it down.

  One of Devil’s soldiers collected them.

  The commander placed the tip of his sword beneath Barbarossa’s chin.

  “My policy is ‘take no prisoners’. But sadly I have strict orders to bring you alive!” the commander said with a deep sigh and put back the sword inside his sheath.

  Three of Devil’s soldiers grasped Barbarossa, and put handcuffs on his wrists. Then they draped him in chains.

  Barbarossa was taken prisoner.

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  Chapter 49

  Devil’s demands

  Even after two days Barbarossa didn’t return.

  Tension and anxiety prevailed in Jack’s camp.

  One member of the reconnaissance team entered Jack’s camp.

  “What news?” Jack asked with a troubled mind.

  “We had seen hundreds of dead bodies lying within the wooden fortification of Devil’s camp. But we couldn’t find a trace of Barbarossa-dead or alive”.

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes, our group leader Mr. Tenderleaf is also missing”.

  Jack signaled him to leave. Then Jack sat gloomily staring at the ticking clock.

  * * *

  It was midday when a horseman came galloping towards Jack’s cluster of camps, waving Devil’s flag.

  The guards at Jack’s headquarter campus aimed their muskets at him.

  “It appears to be one of Devil’s men…” one of the guards addressed his superior urgently “Shall we fire Sir?”

  The horseman threw down Devil’s flag and waved a white cloth.

  “Stop! Hold your fire” the superior replied, “he is signaling peace. Maybe a messenger!”

  The horseman came galloping within twenty yards. Then he threw something long, brightly colored and cylindrical towards the guards. “Take that to your master Jack” he shouted “and don’t break the seal. It’s confidential”.

  * * *

  Jack broke the seal, unrolled the leather parchment and read:

  Dear Jack,

  Your friend Barbarossa and several of his men are at our mercy.

  We can talk about his release, and end of this bloodshed.

  I offer a parley.

  The condition is that you shall have to come fully unarmed. You may bring only one bodyguard (unarmed of course!) or your servant with
you, whichever you prefer. And you must bring the Jack-o’-Lantern with you.

  Respond immediately if you wish to see your friend alive.


  Lord D

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  Chapter 50

  The Betrayal

  Jack and his faithful servant Moily, the house-elf, approached Devil’s camp.

  Moily was carrying his master’s ‘Jack-o’-Lantern’. Devil had mentioned to bring it with them as a prerequisite for a parley, without mentioning any reasons.

  “This way please” a dark and tall attendant said to them. Jack recognized him immediately-Jack had met him at the gate on his first visit to Pandemonium for joining service.

  Moily barely reached the attendants’ loins.

  The tall attendant bowed down to Moily in a mocking gesture. “Please come with me sir” he sneered at Moily.

  They crossed several barricades of Devilish forces and reached a freshly erected, massive wooden fence. Each post was made of single log, sharpened and pointed at the top.

  “Open the gates!” the attendant shouted.



  With a loud creaking sound, the door flung open

  The attendant entered, followed by Jack and Moily.

  A dozen Devil’s henchmen, hiding behind the door, sprang upon them, laid Jack flat on the ground and held the blade of the sword at his throat. They held Moily securely, and punched on his cheek.

  They almost dragged both of them to the innermost circle of camps-the Devil’s camp.

  “Shall we come in” the henchmen asked from outside the curtain.

  “Yes, come in”.

  They removed the curtain and ushered both of them inside.

  Devil was sitting on a mahogany sofa along with Beelzebub. Both of them had golden cups in their hand. There a table in front of them with heaps of grapes, strawberries, apples, cherries and other fruits placed on golden plates.

  Devil looked at Jack and struck his cup with Beelzebub’s cup in joy, spilling red wine.

  “Shame on you!” Jack shouted, “You have broken the convention”.

  “What else did you expect from me?” Devil asked in an icy cool tone.

  Jack’s eyes were dazzled with the brightness outside; it took some time to adjust to the dimness inside.

  He saw Mr. Tenderleaf, his reconnaissance-Elf, lying in a half reclining position on a sofa. He looked over drunk already, but was still drinking priceless vintage wine from an antique bottle.


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