Oz, The Complete Collection

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Oz, The Complete Collection Page 12

by L. Frank Baum

  The Monkeys had set them down near a farm-house, and the four travelers walked up to it and knocked at the door. It was opened by the farmer’s wife, and when Dorothy asked for something to eat the woman gave them all a good dinner, with three kinds of cake and four kinds of cookies, and a bowl of milk for Toto.

  “How far is it to the Castle of Glinda?” asked the child.

  “It is not a great way,” answered the farmer’s wife. “Take the road to the South and you will soon reach it.

  Thanking the good woman, they started afresh and walked by the fields and across the pretty bridges until they saw before them a very beautiful Castle. Before the gates were three young girls, dressed in handsome red uniforms trimmed with gold braid; and as Dorothy approached, one of them said to her:

  “Why have you come to the South Country?”

  “To see the Good Witch who rules here,” she answered. “Will you take me to her?”

  “Let me have your name and I will ask Glinda if she will receive you.” They told her who they were, and the girl soldier went into the Castle. After a few moments she came back to say that Dorothy and the others were to be admitted at once.

  Chapter 23


  efore they went to see Glinda, however, they were taken to a room of the Castle, where Dorothy washed her face and combed her hair, and the Lion shook the dust out of his mane, and the Scarecrow patted himself into his best shape, and the Woodman polished his tin and oiled his joints.

  When they were all quite presentable they followed the soldier girl into a big room where the Witch Glinda sat upon a throne of rubies.

  She was both beautiful and young to their eyes. Her hair was a rich red in color and fell in flowing ringlets over her shoulders. Her dress was pure white but her eyes were blue, and they looked kindly upon the little girl.

  “What can I do for you, my child?” she asked.

  Dorothy told the Witch all her story: how the cyclone had brought her to the Land of Oz, how she had found her companions, and of the wonderful adventures they had met with.

  “My greatest wish now,” she added, “is to get back to Kansas, for Aunt Em will surely think something dreadful has happened to me, and that will make her put on mourning; and unless the crops are better this year than they were last I am sure Uncle Henry cannot afford it.”

  Glinda leaned forward and kissed the sweet, upturned face of the loving little girl.

  “Bless your dear heart,” she said, “I am sure I can tell you of a way to get back to Kansas.” Then she added:

  “But, if I do, you must give me the Golden Cap.”

  “Willingly!” exclaimed Dorothy; “indeed, it is of no use to me now, and when you have it you can command the Winged Monkeys three times.”

  “And I think I shall need their service just those three times,” answered Glinda, smiling.

  Dorothy then gave her the Golden Cap, and the Witch said to the Scarecrow, “What will you do when Dorothy has left us?”

  “I will return to the Emerald City,” he replied, “for Oz has made me its Ruler and the people like me. The only thing that worries me is how to cross the hill of the Hammer-Heads.”

  “By means of the Golden Cap I shall command the Winged Monkeys to carry you to the gates of the Emerald City,” said Glinda, “for it would be a shame to deprive the people of so wonderful a Ruler.”

  “Am I really wonderful?” asked the Scarecrow.

  “You are unusual,” replied Glinda.

  Turning to the Tin Woodman, she asked: “What will become of you when Dorothy leaves this country?”

  He leaned on his axe and thought a moment. Then he said:

  “The Winkies were very kind to me, and wanted me to rule over them after the Wicked Witch died. I am fond of the Winkies, and if I could get back again to the Country of the West I should like nothing better than to rule over them forever.”

  “My second command to the Winged Monkeys,” said Glinda, “will be that they carry you safely to the land of the Winkies. Your brain may not be so large to look at as those of the Scarecrow, but you are really brighter than he is—when you are well polished—and I am sure you will rule the Winkies wisely and well.”

  Then the Witch looked at the big, shaggy Lion and asked:

  “When Dorothy has returned to her own home what will become of you?”

  “Over the hill of the Hammer-Heads,” he answered, “lies a grand old forest, and all the beasts that live there have made me their King. If I could only get back to this forest I would pass my life very happily there.”

  “My third command to the Winged Monkeys,” said Glinda, “shall be to carry you to your forest. Then having used up the powers of the Golden Cap, I shall give it to the King of the Monkeys, that he and his band may thereafter be free for evermore.”

  The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman and the Lion now thanked the Good Witch earnestly for her kindness, and Dorothy exclaimed:

  “You are certainly as good as you are beautiful! But you have not yet told me how to get back to Kansas.”

  “Your silver shoes will carry you over the desert,” replied Glinda. “If you had known their power you could have gone back to your Aunt Em the very first day you came to this country.”

  “But then I should not have had my wonderful brains!” cried the Scarecrow. “I might have passed my whole life in the farmer’s cornfield.”

  “And I should not have had my lovely heart,” said the Tin Woodman. “I might have stood and rusted in the forest till the end of the world.”

  “And I should have lived a coward forever,” declared the Lion, “and no beast in all the forest would have had a good word to say to me.”

  “This is all true,” said Dorothy, “and I am glad I was of use to these good friends. But now that each of them has had what he most desired, and each is happy in having a kingdom to rule besides, I think I should like to go back to Kansas.”

  “The silver shoes,” said the Good Witch, “have wonderful powers. And one of the most curious things about them is that they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps, and each step will be made in the wink of an eye. All you have to do is to knock the heels together three times and command the shoes to carry you wherever you wish to go.”

  “If that is so,” said the child joyfully, “I will ask them to carry me back to Kansas at once.”

  She threw her arms around the Lion’s neck and kissed him, patting his big head tenderly. Then she kissed the Tin Woodman, who was weeping in a way most dangerous to his joints. But she hugged the soft, stuffed body of the Scarecrow instead of kissing his painted face, and found she was crying herself at this sorrowful parting from her loving comrades.

  Glinda the Good stepped down from her ruby throne to give the little girl a good-bye kiss, and Dorothy thanked her for all the kindness she had shown to her friends and herself.

  Dorothy now took Toto up solemnly in her arms, and having said one last good-bye she clapped the heels of her shoes together three times, saying:

  “Take me home to Aunt Em!”

  Instantly she was whirling through the air, so swiftly that all she could see or feel was the wind whistling past her ears.

  The silver shoes took but three steps, and then she stopped so suddenly that she rolled over upon the grass several times before she knew where she was.

  At length, however, she sat up and looked about her.

  “Good gracious!” she cried.

  For she was sitting on the broad Kansas prairie, and just before her was the new farm-house Uncle Henry built after the cyclone had carried away the old one. Uncle Henry was milking the cows in the barnyard, and Toto had jumped out of her arms and was running toward the barn, barking furiously.

  Dorothy stood up and found she was in her stocking-feet. For the silver shoes had fallen off in her flight through the air, and were lost forever in the desert.

  Chapter 24


Em had just come out of the house to water the cabbages when she looked up and saw Dorothy running toward her.

  “My darling child!” she cried, folding the little girl in her arms and covering her face with kisses. “Where in the world did you come from?”

  “From the Land of Oz,” said Dorothy gravely. “And here is Toto, too. And oh, Aunt Em! I’m so glad to be at home again!”



  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1: Tip Manufactures a Pumpkinhead

  Chapter 2: The Marvelous Powder of Life

  Chapter 3: The Flight of the Fugitives

  Chapter 4: Tip Makes an Experiment in Magic

  Chapter 5: The Awakening of the Sawhorse

  Chapter 6: Jack Pumpkinhead’s Ride to the Emerald City

  Chapter 7: H is Majesty, the Scarecrow

  Chapter 8: Gen. Jinjur’s Army of Revolt

  Chapter 9: The Scarecrow Plans an Escape

  Chapter 10: The Journey to the Tin Woodman

  Chapter 11: A Nickel-Plated Emperor

  Chapter 12: Mr. H. M. Wogglebug, T.E.

  Chapter 13: A Highly Magnified History

  Chapter 14: Old Mombi Indulges in Witchcraft

  Chapter 15: The Prisoners of the Queen

  Chapter 16: The Scarecrow Takes Time to Think

  Chapter 17: The Astonishing Flight of the Gump

  Chapter 18: In the Jackdaws’ Nest

  Chapter 19: Dr. Nikidik’s Famous Wishing Pills

  Chapter 20: The Scarecrow Appeals to Glinda the Good

  Chapter 21: The Tin Woodman Plucks a Rose

  Chapter 22: The Transformation of Old Mombi

  Chapter 23: Princess Ozma of Oz

  Chapter 24: The Riches of Content

  To those excellent good fellows and eminent comedians David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone, whose clever personations of Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands of children throughout the land, this book is gratefully dedicated by the author

  Author’s Note

  fter the publication of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz I began to receive letters from children, telling me of their pleasure in reading the story and asking me to “write something more” about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. At first I considered these little letters, frank and earnest though they were, in the light of pretty compliments; but the letters continued to come during succeeding months, and even years.

  Finally I promised one little girl, who made a long journey to see me and prefer her request—and she is a “Dorothy,” by the way—that when a thousand little girls had written me a thousand little letters asking for another story of the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, I would write the book. Either little Dorothy was a fairy in disguise, and waved her magic wand, or the success of the stage production of The Wizard of Oz made new friends for the story. For the thousand letters reached their destination long since—and many more followed them.

  And now, although pleading guilty to a long delay, I have kept my promise in this book.

  L. Frank Baum

  Chicago, June, 1904

  Chapter 1


  n the Country of the Gillikins, which is at the north of the Land of Oz, lived a youth called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombi often declared that his whole name was Tippetarius; but no one was expected to say such a long word when “Tip” would do just as well.

  This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be reared by the old woman known as Mombi, whose reputation, I am sorry to say, was none of the best. For the Gillikin people had reason to suspect her of indulging in magical arts, and therefore hesitated to associate with her.

  Mombi was not exactly a witch, because the Good Witch who ruled that part of the Land of Oz had forbidden any other witch to exist in her dominions. So Tip’s guardian, however much she might aspire to working magic, realized it was unlawful to be more than a sorceress, or at most a wizardess.

  Tip was made to carry wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil her pot. He also worked in the cornfields, hoeing and husking; and he fed the pigs and milked the four-horned cow that was Mombi’s especial pride.

  But you must not suppose he worked all the time, for he felt that would be bad for him. When sent to the forest Tip often climbed trees for birds’ eggs or amused himself chasing the fleet white rabbits or fishing in the brooks with bent pins. Then he would hastily gather his armful of wood and carry it home. And when he was supposed to be working in the cornfields, and the tall stalks hid him from Mombi’s view, Tip would often dig in the gopher holes, or—if the mood seized him—lie upon his back between the rows of corn and take a nap. So, by taking care not to exhaust his strength, he grew as strong and rugged as a boy may be.

  Mombi’s curious magic often frightened her neighbors, and they treated her shyly, yet respectfully, because of her weird powers. But Tip frankly hated her, and took no pains to hide his feelings. Indeed, he sometimes showed less respect for the old woman than he should have done, considering she was his guardian.

  There were pumpkins in Mombi’s cornfields, lying golden red among the rows of green stalks; and these had been planted and carefully tended that the four-horned cow might eat of them in the winter time. But one day, after the corn had all been cut and stacked, and Tip was carrying the pumpkins to the stable, he took a notion to make a “Jack Lantern” and try to give the old woman a fright with it.

  So he selected a fine, big pumpkin—one with a lustrous, orange-red color—and began carving it. With the point of his knife he made two round eyes, a three-cornered nose, and a mouth shaped like a new moon. The face, when completed, could not have been considered strictly beautiful; but it wore a smile so big and broad, and was so jolly in expression, that even Tip laughed as he looked admiringly at his work.

  The child had no playmates, so he did not know that boys often dig out the inside of a “pumpkin-jack,” and in the space thus made put a lighted candle to render the face more startling; but he conceived an idea of his own that promised to be quite as effective. He decided to manufacture the form of a man, who would wear this pumpkin head, and to stand it in a place where old Mombi would meet it face to face.

  “And then,” said Tip to himself, with a laugh, “she’ll squeal louder than the brown pig does when I pull her tail, and shiver with fright worse than I did last year when I had the ague!”

  He had plenty of time to accomplish this task, for Mombi had gone to a village—to buy groceries, she said—and it was a journey of at least two days.

  So he took his axe to the forest, and selected some stout, straight saplings, which he cut down and trimmed of all their twigs and leaves. From these he would make the arms, and legs, and feet of his man. For the body he stripped a sheet of thick bark from around a big tree, and with much labor fashioned it into a cylinder of about the right size, pinning the edges together with wooden pegs. Then, whistling happily as he worked, he carefully jointed the limbs and fastened them to the body with pegs whittled into shape with his knife.

  By the time this feat had been accomplished it began to grow dark, and Tip remembered he must milk the cow and feed the pigs. So he picked up his wooden man and carried it back to the house with him.

  During the evening, by the light of the fire in the kitchen, Tip carefully rounded all the edges of the joints and smoothed the rough places in a neat and workmanlike manner. Then he stood the figure up against the wall and admired it. It seemed remarkably tall, even for a full-grown man; but that was a good point in a small boy’s eyes, and Tip did not object at all to the size of his creation.

  Next morning, when he looked at his work again, Tip saw he had forgotten to give the dummy a neck, by means of which he might fasten the pumpkin head to the body. So he went again to the forest, which was not far away, and chopped from a tree several pieces of wood with which to complete his work. When he returned he fastened a c
ross-piece to the upper end of the body, making a hole through the center to hold upright the neck. The bit of wood which formed this neck was also sharpened at the upper end, and when all was ready Tip put on the pumpkin head, pressing it well down onto the neck, and found that it fitted very well. The head could be turned to one side or the other, as he pleased, and the hinges of the arms and legs allowed him to place the dummy in any position he desired.

  “Now, that,” declared Tip, proudly, “is really a very fine man, and it ought to frighten several screeches out of old Mombi! But it would be much more lifelike if it were properly dressed.”

  To find clothing seemed no easy task; but Tip boldly ransacked the great chest in which Mombi kept all her keepsakes and treasures, and at the very bottom he discovered some purple trousers, a red shirt and a pink vest which was dotted with white spots. These he carried away to his man and succeeded, although the garments did not fit very well, in dressing the creature in a jaunty fashion. Some knit stockings belonging to Mombi and a much worn pair of his own shoes completed the man’s apparel, and Tip was so delighted that he danced up and down and laughed aloud in boyish ecstacy.

  “I must give him a name!” he cried. “So good a man as this must surely have a name. I believe,” he added, after a moment’s thought, “I will name the fellow ‘Jack Pumpkinhead’!”

  Chapter 2


  fter considering the matter carefully, Tip decided that the best place to locate Jack would be at the bend in the road, a little way from the house. So he started to carry his man there, but found him heavy and rather awkward to handle. After dragging the creature a short distance Tip stood him on his feet, and by first bending the joints of one leg, and then those of the other—at the same time pushing from behind—the boy managed to induce Jack to walk to the bend in the road. It was not accomplished without a few tumbles, and Tip really worked harder than he ever had in the fields or forest; but a love of mischief urged him on, and it pleased him to test the cleverness of his workmanship.


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